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in Blank Verse the Jests and Repartees of all the Attendants in a funeral Procession.

But there is one Argument in Favour of Sentimental Comedy which will keep it on the Stage in spite of all that can be said against it. It is, of all others, the most easily written. Those abilities that can hammer out a Novel, are fully sufficient for the production of a sentimental Comedy. It is only sufficient to raise the Characters a little, to deck out the Hero with a Ribbon, or give the Heroine a Title; then to put an Insipid Dialogue, without Character or Humour, into their mouths, give them mighty good hearts, very fine clothes, furnish a new set of Scenes, make a Pathetic Scene or two, with a sprinkling of tender Melancholy Conversation through the whole, and there is no doubt but all the Ladies will cry, and all the Gentlemen applaud.

Humour at present seems to be departing from the Stage, and it will soon happen, that our Comic Players will have nothing left for it but a fine Coat and a Song. It depends upon the Audience whether they will actually drive those poor Merry Creatures from the Stage or sit at a Play as gloomy as at the Tabernacle. It is not easy to recover an - art when once lost; and it would be but a just punishment - that when, by our being too fastidious, we have banished Humour from the Stage, we should ourselves be deprived of the art of Laughing.


Anonymous works are given under titles.

Inthologies, Dictionaries, etc., are arranged at the end of the list.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 624

Inson's Voyages, 510

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Mexico, 664

Aristophanes' Acharnians, etc., 344 Bates's Naturalist on the Amazon,

Frogs, etc., 516

Aristotle's Ethics, 547


Politics, 605

Poetics, and Demetrius
on Style, etc., 901

Armour's Fall of the Nibelungs, 312

Gudrun, 880

Arnold's (Matthew) Essays, 115

[ocr errors][ocr errors]

Poems, 334

Study of Celtic Literature,

etc., 458 Aucassin and Nicolette, 497

Augustine's (St.) Confessions, 200
(St.) City of God, 982-3

Aurelius' (Marcus) Meditations, 9
Austen's (Jane) Sense and Sensi-

bility, 21

Pride and Prejudice, 22


Baxter's (Richard) Autobiography,

Beaumont and Fletcher's Selected
Plays, 506

Beaumont's (Mary) Joan Seaton, 597
Bede's Ecclesiastical History, 479
Belloc's Stories, Essays, and Poems,

Belt's Naturalist in Nicaragua, 561
Bennett's The Old Wives' Tale, 919
Berkeley's (Bishop) Principles of
Human Knowledge, New Theory
of Vision, etc., 483
Berlioz (Hector), Life of, 602
Binns's Life of Abraham Lincoln,


Björnson's Plays, 625, 696
Blackmore's Lorna Doone, 304
Springhaven, 350

Northanger Abbey, and Blackwell's Pioneer Work for

Bacon's Essays, 10

Women, 667

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Mansfield Park, 23

[ocr errors]

Emma, 24

[ocr errors]

Persuasion, 25

Advancement of Learning,


Bagehot's Literary Studies, 520, 521
Baker's (Sir S. W.) Cast up by the
Sea, 539

Ballantyne's Coral Island, 245

Borrow's Wild Wales, 49

[ocr errors][merged small]

Martin Rattler, 246
Ungava, 276


Lavengro, 119
Romany Rye, 120


Blake's Poems and Prophecies, 792
Bligh's A Book of the 'Bounty, 950
Boccaccio's Decameron, 845, 846
Boehme's The Signature of All
Things, etc., 569
Bonaventura's The Little Flowers,
The Life of St. Francis, etc., 485

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Reflections on the French
Revolution, etc., 460

Burnet's History of His Own Times,

Burney's (Fanny) Evelina, 352

Diary, A Selec-
tion, edited by Lewis Gibbs, 960

Burns's Poems and Songs, 94
Burton's East Africa, 500

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Burton's (Robert) Anatomy of Dana's Two Years before the Mast,

Melancholy, 886-8

Butler's Analogy of Religion, 90
Butler's (Samuel) Erewhon and

Erewhon Revisited, 881

Butler's The Way of All Flesh, 895
Buxton's Memoirs, 773
Byron's Complete Poetical and
Dramatic Works, 486-8


Letters, 931

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Sartor Resartus, 278
Past and Present, 608

Essays, 703, 704

Reminiscences, 875

Carroll's (Lewis) Alice in Wonder-

land, etc., 836

Castiglione's The Courtier, 807
Cellini's Autobiography, 51

Cervante's Don Quixote, 385, 386

Dante's Divine Comedy, 308
Darwin's Origin of Species, 811

Voyage of the Beagle, 10.
Dasent's Story of Burnt Njal, 558
Daudet's Tartarin of Tarascon, 423
Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, 59

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Captain Singleton, 74
Memoirs of a Cavalier, 283
Journal of Plague, 289
Tour through England and
Wales, 820, 821
Moll Flanders, 837

De Joinville's Memoirs of the
Crusades, 333

de la Mare's Stories and Poems, 940
Demosthenes' Select Orations, 546
Dennis's Cities and Cemeteries of
Etruria, 183, 184

De Quincey's Lake Poets, 163


Opium-Eater, 223
English Mail Coach,

etc., 609

De Retz (Cardinal), Memoirs of, 735,


Descartes' Discourse on Method, 570"

ckens's Barnaby Rudge, 76

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Tale of Two Cities, 102
Old Curiosity Shop, 173
Oliver Twist, 233

Great Expectations, 234
Pickwick Papers, 235
Bleak House, 236

Sketches by Boz, 237
Nicholas Nickleby, 238
Christmas Books, 239
Dombey and Son, 240
Martin Chuzzlewit, 241
David Copperfield, 242
American Notes, 290
Child's History of Eng-

land. 291
Hard Times, 292
Little Dorrit, 293
Our Mutual Friend, 294
Christmas Stories, 414
Uncommercial Traveller,

Edwin Drood, 725

Reprinted Pieces, 744

sraeli's Coningsby, 535

odge's Hans Brinker, 620

onne's Poems, 867

ostoevsky's Crime
ment, 501

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and Punish-

The House of the Dead, 533

,, Letters from the Underworld,

etc., 654

,, The Idiot, 682

,, Poor Folk, and The Gambler,


,, The Brothers Karamazov, 802,


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
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Jonathon Wild, and the

Journal of a Voyage to
Lisbon, 877

Finlay's Byzantine Empire, 33 [185

Greece under the Romans,

Flaubert's Madame Bovary, 808

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Salammbo, 869
Sentimental Education,
Fletcher's (Beaumont and) Selected
Plays, 506

Ford's Gatherings from Spain, 152
Forster's Life of Dickens, 781, 782
Forster's (E. M.) A Passage to India,


Fox's (Charles James) Selected
Speeches, 759
Fox's (George) Journal, 754
France's (Anatole) Sign of the Reino
Pédauque & Revolt of the Angels,


Francis' (Saint) The Little Flowers,
etc., 485

Franklin's Journey to the Polar Sea,
Freeman's Old English History for
Children, 540

French Mediaeval Romances 557
Froissart's Chronicles, 57
Froude's Short Studies, 13, 705

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Henry VIII, 372-4

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Fair, 320

Igeworth's Castle Rackrent, etc.,

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Edward VI, 375
Mary Tudor, 477

History of Queen Eliza-

beth's Reign, 583-7
Life of Benjamin Disraeli,
Lord Beaconsfield, 666

Galsworthy's Country House, 917
Galt's Annals of the Parish, 427
Galton's Inquiries into Human

Faculty, 263

Gaskell's Cranford, 83

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