and almost always procures satisfaction to be granted. But the usual way, and especially with persons of other casts, is to sit down and declare their resolution neither to quit the spot, nor to eat or drink, until the demand be complied with. * The Roman numerals refer to the volumes; the Arabic figures, A ACALIS, or Immortals, a class of the Sikhs, account of, Adi Granth, a sacred book of the Sikhs, notice of, i. 282 Adjyghur fortress, notice of, ii. 126 note. Agny, the god of fire, and the Grecian Vulcan, identity of, i. Ahmed, founder of the Afghan monarchy, account of, i. 296-- Akber (Emperor), biographical notice of, i. 203, 204 note. ii. 268-272. His reasons for founding Alexandria, 273, Alexandria, port of, when founded, ii. 274. Its subsequent Alphabets of the Hindūs, ii. 178. Amera Cosha, a Sanscrit grammatical work, account of, ii. Amritsar, town of, by whom founded, i. 282. Destroyed by Amusements of the Hindus, ii. 141, 147, 148. Arithmetic of the Hindūs, account of, ii. 24. Its similarity with that of the Greeks and Romans, 24 note, Army (Hindū), constituents of, ii. 153. Arrian (the historian of Alexander) 's account of India, ob- ject and sources of, ii. 255-257. General character of Arrian, the navigator, notice of, ii. 289 note. Astronomy of the Hindus, ii. 1. Four sets of ancient astrono- mical tables brought to Europe, 2-7. Divisions of the Atheistical Philosophy, systems of, among the Hindūs, i. 239. Audh, or Ayodhya, ancient city of, notice of, i. 13, 14. B. Bacchus of the ancients, the same deity as the Ayodhya of the Bailly (M.), observations of, on the astronomy of the Hindus, Bali language, notice of, ii. 212. Account of its alphabet cesses against the Mohammedans, 290. Cruelly put to Beauty of the Hindū women, ii. 148. racteristics, 96. Brahmins, character of, inviolable, i. 34. Account of their different classes and avocations, ii. 337-338. Burning of widows, not general among the Sikhs, i. 333, 334. Burying of widows alive, sometimes practised, ii. 137. C. Calculations of the Hindus, ii. 22, 23. Calcutta college, notice of, ii. 177 note, Various appellations given to her, 130-134. Calidas, a Hindu Poet, beautiful epigram of, ii. 184. Callisthenes, notice of, i. 220, 221 note. Camadeva, or the Indian Cupid, proof of his identity with the Cupid of the Greeks, i. 109, 112. Account of him, 110, Candahar, ancient excavations of, described, ii. 101-110. Capila, founder of a Hindu school of philosophy, notice of, Carnatic, ancient inundation of; proof of, ii, 100, 101. Casica Vritti, a Sanscrit grammatical work, account of, ii. Cast, distinctions of, rigorously observed in India, ii. 138. Ceres and Lacshmi, the same deities, i. 137, 138. Character of the Hindus, ii. 139, 140. Commerce of India with European nations, ii. 280 et seq. 317. Courage, extraordinary instances of, among the Hindūs, ii. 113-126. |