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and almost always procures satisfaction to be granted. But the usual way, and especially with persons of other casts, is to sit down and declare their resolution neither to quit the spot, nor to eat or drink, until the demand be complied with.

* The Roman numerals refer to the volumes; the Arabic figures,
to the pages of each volume.


ACALIS, or Immortals, a class of the Sikhs, account of,
i. 320. Their power and influence, 321.

Adi Granth, a sacred book of the Sikhs, notice of, i. 282
note. Extract from it, 349.

Adjyghur fortress, notice of, ii. 126 note.

Agny, the god of fire, and the Grecian Vulcan, identity of, i.
116, 117.

Ahmed, founder of the Afghan monarchy, account of, i. 296--
299. Defeats the Mahrattas at the battle of Panniputh,
302-304. His successes against the Sikhs, 305, 306.
His death and character, 307.

Akber (Emperor), biographical notice of, i. 203, 204 note.
Alexander the Great, coins of, i. 66, 67. Progress of in India,

ii. 268-272. His reasons for founding Alexandria, 273,
274. His interview with Nearchus, 276, 277.

Alexandria, port of, when founded, ii. 274. Its subsequent
improvements and trade, 277-280.

Alphabets of the Hindūs, ii. 178.

Amera Cosha, a Sanscrit grammatical work, account of, ii.
172-176. The writings of its author, Amera Sinha,
why proscribed, 177, 178.

Amritsar, town of, by whom founded, i. 282. Destroyed by
Taimur, 299, 300. Present state of the town, 317-ー
320 notes.

Amusements of the Hindus, ii. 141, 147, 148.
Apollo Nomius, the same with Krishen, i. 113-116.
Architecture of the Hindus, ancient remains of, ii. 84-86.
Subterraneous excavations and temples at Ellora, de-
scribed, 86-90. Account of the architectural antiqui-
ties of Mavalipuram, 90-100. Excavations in dif-
ferent parts of Candahar, 101-110.

Arithmetic of the Hindūs, account of, ii. 24. Its similarity

with that of the Greeks and Romans, 24 note,

Army (Hindū), constituents of, ii. 153.
Arracan, language of, ii. 213, 214-216.

Arrian (the historian of Alexander) 's account of India, ob-

ject and sources of, ii. 255-257. General character of
his work, 258-262.

Arrian, the navigator, notice of, ii. 289 note.
Asiatic Society, institution and design of, i. 22, 23.
Astrologers, influence of, in India, i. 175, 176.

Astronomy of the Hindus, ii. 1. Four sets of ancient astrono-

mical tables brought to Europe, 2-7. Divisions of the
zodiac, 8-13. The bases of these sets proved to be
the same, 49, 50. Their rules for calculating eclipses,
18-21. Differences between Hindu and European
astronomy, 33-40. The antiquity of the Hindū as-
tronomy proved, 25-32, 43, 44. Though it contain
rules of later construction, 45-48. The construction
of the Hindū tables, a proof of their knowledge of geome-
try, arithmetic, and theoretical astronomy, 51. Obser-
vations on Hindū astronomy, by M. Delambre, 347-356.
Hindū works on astronomy, i. 243.

Atheistical Philosophy, systems of, among the Hindūs, i. 239.
Athenians, money of, i. 62, 63.

Audh, or Ayodhya, ancient city of, notice of, i. 13, 14.
Avenues of trees, remains of, in India, i. 313 note.
Ayodhya and Bacchus, identity of, i. 117-122.


Bacchus of the ancients, the same deity as the Ayodhya of the
Hindūs, i. 117-122.

Bailly (M.), observations of, on the astronomy of the Hindus,
ii. 2, 5, 13, 16, 18.

Bali language, notice of, ii. 212. Account of its alphabet
and structure, 223-227.
Bamyan, district of, notice of, ii. 107-108.
Banda, a leader of the Sikhs, account of, i. 289. His suc-

cesses against the Mohammedans, 290. Cruelly put to
death, 291 note. Innovations introduced by him, 292.
Barma empire, notice of, ii. 213 note. Account of its lan-
guage, 216, 217.

Beauty of the Hindū women, ii. 148.
Bengalah or Bengali languages, notice of, ii. 191-193.
Bigotry of the Mohammedan sovereigns of India, i. 19, 20.
Brahma, a Hindū deity, the same as Jupiter, i. 95. His cha-

racteristics, 96.

Brahmins, character of, inviolable, i. 34. Account of their

different classes and avocations, ii. 337-338.
Buddha, tenets of the pupils of, i. 225, 226, 267-269.
Bundelcund (province of), notice of, ii. 123 note.

Burning of widows, not general among the Sikhs, i. 333, 334.
But general in other parts of India, ii. 132. Sanctioned
by the Hindū law, 132-134. Ceremonial of burning a
widow described, 134-136.

Burying of widows alive, sometimes practised, ii. 137.


Calculations of the Hindus, ii. 22, 23.

Calcutta college, notice of, ii. 177 note,
Cali, the wife of Siva, the same as Proserpine, i. 127-129.

Various appellations given to her, 130-134.

Calidas, a Hindu Poet, beautiful epigram of, ii. 184.
Notice of his works, ibid, 185. Account of his tragedy
of Sacontala, 186-188.

Callisthenes, notice of, i. 220, 221 note.

Camadeva, or the Indian Cupid, proof of his identity with the

Cupid of the Greeks, i. 109, 112. Account of him, 110,

Candahar, ancient excavations of, described, ii. 101-110.
Canoge, ancient city of, its site and splendour, i. 9, 10.

Capila, founder of a Hindu school of philosophy, notice of,
i. 218.

Carnatic, ancient inundation of; proof of, ii, 100, 101.
Cashmirian women, dress of, ii. 146. Beauty of, 149.

Casica Vritti, a Sanscrit grammatical work, account of, ii.

Cast, distinctions of, rigorously observed in India, ii. 138.
Origin of them in India, 336.

Ceres and Lacshmi, the same deities, i. 137, 138.
Chandra-gupta, the Sandrocotus of the Greeks, Hindū Ac-
counts of, ii. 328-332.

Character of the Hindus, ii. 139, 140.
Children, exposed to sale, i. 35 note.
Colebrooke (Mr.), observations of, on the astronomy of the
Hindūs, ii. 8-11.

Commerce of India with European nations, ii. 280 et seq.
Of the Greeks, ibid. Of the Romans, 289-297. Of the
Persians, 298-302. Of the Venetians and Genoese,
313-315. Of the Portuguese, 316. Of the English,


Courage, extraordinary instances of, among the Hindūs, ii.


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