Through the obliging attentions of the Gentlemen who have the charge of the different departments of the Royal Library at Paris,* he was readily furnished with whatever books he had occasion to consult, and which were to be found in that vast and invaluable collection of works in every branch of science and literature. And the Author takes this public opportunity of testifying to those Gentlemen his gratitude for their invariable kindness towards him. On the same account likewise, he tenders his best thanks to the Chevalier Visconti, so well known for his extensive knowledge of ancient history and antiquities; and to Monsieur Delambre, Member of the Royal Academy at Paris, and Perpetual Secretary * M. M. les Chevaliers Millin, Van Praët, and Langlès. to the Class:: oblized the A in mata pe some impr scientific subjec design to notice frequent and com Cop made; the Aut!. state them in the writers than to C to the Class of Mathematical Sciences: nor is he less grateful to that distinguished orientalist, Professor Hamilton, of the East India College, at Hertford; who, notwithstanding his own important avocations, obliged the Author by examining his work in manuscript, and furnishing him with some important remarks, of which he has gladly availed himself. Independently of the information acquired by the Author, during a long residence in India, he has consulted every work possessing any claims to attention, that treated on the various literary and scientific subjects which it came within his design to notice. From these works both frequent and copious quotations have been made; the Author deeming it preferable to state them in the words of their respective writers than to offer them in his own lan LIBRARY ULC DAVERČIDE |