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palace of the Prince. The troops appointed to take part in the attack are: The 2nd battalion of infantry.

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one company of Madurese;

60 men of the Naval Brigade;

one detachment of cavalry (orderlies);
two sections of field artillery;
two sections of mountain artillery;
two sections of Cohorn mortars;

three sections of engineers.

The 1st column under Major-General Segov, attached to whom as Staff Officer is 1st Lieutenant de Greve, will consist of the 6th battalion, two companies of the 11th, one section of mountain guns, one section of engineers, three gunners with hand grenades, six cavalry orderlies and 125 convicts with entrenching tools.

The 2nd column, under Colonel Swart, with Major van Koten as Staff-Officer, of the 2nd battalion of infantry, two Cohorn mortars, one section of engineers, three gunners with hand grenades, four cavalry orderlies and 125 convicts with tools.

The 3rd column, under Lieutenant-Colonel Scheurer, with Captain Willemstijn as staff-officer, of the 2nd battalion, two companies of the 11th battalion, two Cohorn mortars, one section of engineers, three gunners with hand grenades, four cavalry orderlies and 125 convicts with


The 4th (reserve) column under Major Willems of the 7th battalion of infantry, one company of the Madurese troops, 60 men of the Naval Brigade two sections of field artillery, one section of mountain artillery and 75 convicts.

The 2nd battalion of infantry and two companies of the 9th, now occupying the posts, are to be relieved in time by the 5th battalion.

The attack on Tjakra Nagara is to take place from the west. The different columns must march so that the three first reach the West front of Tjakra by 5.30 a. m.; Scheuer's column is to be on the right, Swart's in the middle and Segov's on the left.

Scheuer's column is to rest its left flank on the high road from Mataram to Tjakra, and extend as far the nearest road Southwards, which runs East and West: in order to secure its right flank, this column is stronger, than the centre one. Swart's column is to advance between the main road and the Antjar stream, while the right flank of Segov's column also rests on the Antjar.

In order that the various columns may reach the points of attack in good time they are to start in the following order:

Two companies of the 9th batalion, two companies of the 11th, three gunners with hand grenades, two Cohorn mortars, one section of engi

neers, four cavalry orderlies, 125 convicts and the relieving divisions. for Kaleh and Pagasangan East are to start from Ampenan at 3.30 a. m. for Pagasangan East via Kaleh. The troops appointed to relieve these posts will march on ahead, so that no time may be lost in effecting the exchange and the troops stationed at the posts must be in marching order when the fighting column comes up. Two cavalry orderlies are to remain stationed at Kaleh and two at Pagasangan East to carry information backwards and forwards, whilst the four available cavalry soldiers now at Pagasangan East are to be attached to Scheuer's column, but will temporarily stay at Mataram with the reserve column.

At 3.45 a.m. six cavalry troopers, one section of engineers, three gunners with hand grenades, two Cohorn mortars, 125 convicts, besides two sections of field- and the section of mountain artillery of the reserve column and the troops appointed for the relief of the garrisons at Arong-Arong, Mataram-Poeri, and the posts on the Antjar, Karang-Bedil and Padjang, are to march from Ampenan to Padjang via Arong-Arong and Mataram-poeri. The troops that are to garrison Karang-Bedil march by Mataram-Poeri; the relieved garrison also goes via Mataram-Poeri to Padjang to join the second column. Two cavalry troopers remain at Mataram-Poeri and two at Padjang to carry orders and instructions, whilst the remaining two with the two already at his disposal are to act as orderlies to Colonel Swart. At 4 a. m. the first or left column (at the head) and the fourth or reserve column besides the field and mountain artillery are to march from Kapitan to Mataram.

During all these marches the utmost stillness and silence are to be observed.

At 4.30 a.m. 20 cavalry troopers with one officer must hold themselves in readiness, to be disposed of as desired by the Commander-in-chief. The men are to be in marching order without knapsacks, but must carry their quilts and over-coats. In addition to his 60 cartridges, every man must take 20 more in his trousers-pockets, and in his haversack ketoepat (cooked rice in little bags of plaited cocoanut leaves) and a two day's supply of "dendeng" (smoked meat) or sardines; the coolies will carry "hollands" enough for two days. The cooking utensils are to be taken, with cooks, cooks-mates and four kitchen coolies to each company-these are to be stationed at Mataram-Poeri.

At least four scaling-ladders ought to be carried by each company. Each battalion can have at its disposal 64 convicts to carry reserve ammunition, 76 for the ambulance, 16 for the kitchen utensils, 12 to carry the gin and 32 for the scaling-ladders, in all 200.

Every section of mortars is to have 48 convicts.

Any corps unprovided with a sufficient number of convicts may obtain the number wanted by applying through the Chief of the Staff to the Commander of the general transport.

The meal hours are to be as follows:

The men are to breakfast before starting, while the cooked rice and

vegetables carried by each man, and the provision of smoked meat or sardines for the day is to be used for supper. At Mataram-Poeri cooked rice and vegetables will only be prepared for the following day; after that, dinner will be cooked for the whole column which will be carried from there to Tjakra Nagara, as also the breakfast (including ground coffee) for the next day. The necessary victuals will be stored at Mataram-Poeri. The coffee for the next morning is to be made by the men at Tjakra Nagara; after having used the kettles to make it with, they must be taken back to Mataram-Poeri. The transport will then return to Tjakra with the day's provision of "ketoepat" which is to be distributed to the men and carried in their haversacks.

The artillery attached to the various columns are to feed with the infantry. The Reserve Column, including the Commander-in-chief and the Chief of the Staff, as also Lieutenant-Colonel Hamerster-attached to the Commander-in-chief-will at the commencement of the operations be stationed east of Padjang, about where the 7th battalion was formerly located.

If the troops require more ammunition it can be fetched by the infantry from Padjang and Mataram-Poeri or by the mounted artillery from the various posts according to the orders of their commanding officers; reserve hand grenades may be procured from the artillery sections of the first, second and third column and at Mataram-Poeri.

Both at Padjang and at Mataram-Poeri there are depôts of engineering material, in the event of forts having to be constructed at Tjakra Nagara; at Mataram-Poeri 150 lanterns are stored.

All Commanders of regiments and companies and all other officers are particularly warned that no place is to be burned without leave of the Commander-in-Chief or the Chief of the Staff.

During the operations Major Lacculle will be in command at the bivouac at Ampenan and Captain Otken at that of Kapitan.

[blocks in formation]

Once again it is a Saturday night and again too we are dealing with Tjakra Nagara! but this time the parts in the drama are reversed and it is we who are going to attack the enemy in their stronghold. The day of retribution is about to dawn!

At the appointed hour the columns were on the march, but not a sound was heard; they intended to surprise the enemy! The moon lighted up the path; they can hear in the distance that the posts are keeping up a vigorous fire, the heavy cannon never ceases for one single instant; as many as ten projectiles being hurled into Tjakra at one time; the sound of the explosions is terrific and every now and then a red streak in the sky shows the beginning of a fire* The troops are filled with

* As was discovered later, the enemy had unroofed many of the houses, so that there were not many large fires, which was fortunate, as they would have caused great obstruction to our troops.

enthusiasm; they see that the long desired result is close at hand, Tjakra Nagara is bound to fall!

The right column, (Scheuer's) which had started at 3 a.m. and relieved the garrisons of the 9th battalion at Kaleh and Pagasangan East, reached Doesoen Gebang, a small kampong East of Pagasangan at about 4.30 a.m., following in a North Easterly direction the road from there to Tjakra Nagara; since the last reconnaissance had been made, a couple of days before, the roads had got into a bad state, so that it was nearly daybreak when the column arrived at the west front of Tjakra. Without seeing anything of the enemy they succeeded in taking up their allotted place covered by a company and a half of the 11th battalion. Sud

"Balinese Lady.'

denly at about 5.30 a.m. heavy firing was heard from the North, indicating that the left column was already engaged with the Balinese and that further surprise was out of the question. The enemy had been driven from the West front by our artillery and was now defending the interior of the capital with the greatest pertinacity and it would be necessary to fight for it inch by inch. Each homestead must be captured one by one and every few steps there were fresh walls to be thrown down or pierced. Time after time small bodies of troops advanced


lance or spear in hand and flung themselves on our soldiers; true they met their own death in this desperate struggle, but at a terrible cost of men to our side. In this fashion fifteen cross roads or alleys had to be traversed before reaching the main road running from North to South from Teliwang to Abean Tocboek; notwithstanding that the distance was passed as quickly as possible, we sustained considerable loss from the

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