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The last General Association requested the undersigned to act as General Agent in collecting and embodying the Statistics of the Churches in our connexion.

Complete returns have been received from the churches connected with the following Associations, viz: New Haven West, New Haven East, New London, Fairfield West, Fairfield East, and Middlesex, The returns from the four following Associations are nearly complete, viz: Hartford North, Hartford South, Litchfield South, and Tolland. From Windham Association, 15 churches out of 24 have made report. In Litchfield North, only 7 churches out of 20 have made report. The whole number of churches reported is 212; the number of churches not reported 31; whole number of churches connected with the General Association, 243.

The reports from the District Associations have all been copied and reduced to the same form. A few alterations and additions have been made to the Statistical Tables, and a general Summary appended to the whole. Some of the results of these tables will here be stated. It appears that 228 churches are consociated; and 15 not consociated.

Number of Members.-212 churches report 34,644 members, which is an average of 163 members to each church. If we allow the same average to the 31 churches not reported, the total number will be 39,714; which is probably not far from the true number. 194 churches distinguish male and female members. The numbers are 9,888 males, and 20,445 females; which is somewhat more than two fe. males to one male.

Additions and Removals.-The 212 churches reported have received by profession 971 members; which is an average of about 4 to each church. The removals by death have been 522; which is about 1 per cent. of the whole number of members. The number of excommunications is 59; being to the whole number of members, as 1 to 587. The additions by profession exceed the removals by death and excommunication, by 390. The additions by letter are 813; removals by letter 997; decrease on this score, 184. Total additions, 1,784; total removals, 1,578; nett increase, 206.

The churches in the 6 following Associations have received more members than have been removed, viz: Hartford North, Hartford South, New London, Fairfield West, Windham, and Tolland.

The churches in the following 5 Associations have received fewer members than have been removed, viz: New Haven West, New Haven East, Fairfield East, Litchfield South, and Middlesex.

Baptisms.-The number of adults baptized is 392; which is about of the whole number that have united with the churches by profession.

The number of infants baptized, is 1,093; which is about 3 to every 100 church members. It is worthy of notice, that in 32 of our churches, no infants were baptized in the year 1839.

Non-residents. The whole number reported is 2,572; which is about 7 per cent. of the whole number of members. But in this item, nearly half the reports are defective.

Pastors.-The list of Pastors is believed to be complete. 5 church. es have 2 pastors each; and 183 churches have 1 pastor each. Whole number supplied with pastors 187; which is somewhat more than 77 per cent. of the whole number of churches. Of the remaining 55 churches, 28 have stated supplies, and only 27 are vacant; i. e. the vacant churches are but 11 per cent. of the whole number.

Ministerial Age of Pastors.-The date of ordination is ascertained in every case except one. The whole number of pastors is 193. The aggregate ministerial age of 192 pastors is 3,029 years; which is an average of 15 years to each pastor. 97 pastors received ordination at the time they entered upon their present pastoral relations; and 96 had been previously ordained.

Age of present Pastoral relations.-The date of the last installation is ascertained in every case except four. The aggregate age of 189 existing pastoral relations, is 1,925 years; which is an average of 10,35 years to each existing pastoral relation. Of the 189 pastoral relations, 135 are under 10 years of age; 18 are between the ages of 10 and 20 years; 16 are between the ages of 20 and 30 years; 11 are between the ages of 30 and 40 years; 6 are between the ages of 40 and 50 years; and 3 are between the ages of 50 and 60 years. The three oldest pastors are, Nathaniel Gaylord, of West Hartland; Samuel Nott, D. D., of Franklin; and Frederick W. Hotchkiss, of Saybrook.

The District Associations vary considerably in respect to the permanence of the pastoral relation.

In Hartford South, the average age is 14

Hartford North,

New Haven East,


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New Haven West,

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New London,

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91 years.


814 years.

718 years.

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7 years.

Fairfield East,


44 years.

An attempt has been made to exhibit a complete list of the members of each District Association, arranged in the order of ministeral age, with the place of residence, the date of ordination, the ministerial age, and the occupation whether as Pastor, stated supply, or without

charge, annexed to each name.

Those of Litchfield North, Hartford

South, and Tolland, may be found to be defective.

The whole number of members given is 174. Of this number, 188 are pastors; 20 are stated supplies; 1 is a missionary to the Indians; 1 is a President of a College; 5 are Professors of Theology; 6 are teachers; 3 are editors; 2 are agents; and 48 are without charge.

The date of ordination is ascertained in 259 cases. Aggregate ministerial age of these 259 members, 4,549 years; average to each member, 17 years.

The Ministerial age of 97 members, is under 10 years.

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between 10 and 20 years. between 20 and 30 years. between 30 and 40 years. between 40 and 50 years. between 50 and 60 years. between 70 and 80 years.


The oldest member is Isaac Lewis, D. D., of Greenwich, who was ordained Oct. 25, 1768, and is now in the 72d year of his ministry, in the full possession of all his mental powers.

A list of licensed preachers is given in connexion with each District Association. The whole number is 95.

A table exhibiting a summary of the principal results, is annexed to the list of members.

All which is respectfully submitted,

New Haven, June 18, 1840.


. No. in Jan. 1840. Additions in 1839. Removals in 1839. | Bap. 1839. Non- Min. Past'rl Mar. 4, 1818 Mar. 4, 1818 Mal. Fem. Tot. Prof. Let. Tot. Dec Dis. Ex. Tot. Ad. Inf. res. age. age. 646 22 22 Apr. 12, 1837 Apr. 12, 1837 128 272 400 4 17 21 1 17 May 22, 1833 May 22, 1833 149 262 411 Aug., 1824 Oct. May 13, 1838 Nov. 15, 1837 Nov. 15, 1837 Sept.

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