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Satrunjaya, Holy Mountain,ii.101 | Siege of Lucknow, i. 91, 95; i1. 221. Schwartz, Christian Friedrich;

German Protestant missionary, i. 213; ii. 275.

Scythians, invasion of India by,

i. 29.

origin of, i. 122. Secunderabád, i. 187. Seleukos, Greek King of Persia, i. 36.

Semiramis, Queen of Assyria, ii. 5. Senchal, i. 269.

Sepoy, effectiveness as soldiers, i.


Serampur, i. 232.
Seringham, i. 204.
Shah Alam ("Brave King "),
Emperor, i. 72.

Jahan ("King of the World"), fifth Mughal Emperor, accession of, i. 52. orders slaughter of all the princes of the royal house,

i. 52. founds city of Delhi, i. 53. builds Taj Mahál, i. 53. imprisoned by his son Aurangzeb, i. 53. constructs the Peacock Throne, i. 53. general references, ii. 41, 45, 69,75, 188, 189, 190, 191, 198. Shah Najif, Lucknow, ii. 229. Sháh-ud-din of Ghor, ii. 2, 45. Shah dra, ii. 41.

Shaisteh Khán, Mughal general, i. 145.

Shalimar Gardens, Lahore, ii. 41. Shanwar, section of Poona, i. 156. Shawls, Kashmir, manufacture of, ii. 26.

Shepherd, W. J., his description

of the siege of Cawnpur, ii. 211. Shir Afghán, ii. 81.

Shish Mahal ("Palace of Mir

rors"), Lahore, ii. 39.

Shuja-n-Daulá, i. 03.

Somnath, i. 42.

Sikandar Shah Lodi, i. 166; ii.
57, 199.
Sikandra, ii. 198.
Sikkim, i. 277.

Sikh, characteristics of the, ii. 21. Sikhs, defeated at Sabraon, i. 80. defeated at Gujarát, i. 82. driven from Amritsar, ii. 19. faith of, i. 12, 56.

first war with, i. 80.
invade British territory, i. 80.
number of, in British India,
i. 9.

second war with, i. 81.
Síligúri, i. 257.
Simla, i. 304.

Sindhia (Daulat Rao), Maráthá chieftain, makes treaty with the English, i. 67. usurps power, i. 68.

is defeated at Assaye by Wellesley, i. 72.

defeated by Holkar, i. 147. general references, ii. 164, 171, 172.

Sindhia, Jai Appa, ii. 129. "Singing fish," ii. 299. Singurh, i. 159. Siraj-ud-Daulá, Nawáb, i. 61. Sirhind Canal, i. 13. Sitabuldi, battle of, i. 75. Siva (Creator and Reproducer), third person of the modern Hindu triad, i. 124. bas-reliefs of, on island of Elephantá, i 137.

image of, i. 158.

Temple of, Ellora, i. 190.

Temple of, Mahábálípur,i.201 statues of, Madura, i. 209.

Temple of, Chidambaram, i.


Sivají, founder of the Maráthá Empire, i. 54, 140, 144.

murders Afzúl Khán, i. 162.

Siddhartha, another name for Sivala Ghát, Benares, ii. 253.

Gautama Buddha, i. 30.

[blocks in formation]

"Slave kings," i. 45.

Slavery, suppression of, 1. 82.

Sleeman, Sir William Henry, English officer and writer,

suppresses the Thags, i.255. general references, ii. 58, 243.

[blocks in formation]

Srinagar, i. 317.

Sripada (holy footprint), Adam's
Peak, Ceylon, ii. 293.
Stone chains, i. 169.

Stylites, practices of, i. 35.
Subuktigin, Turkish soldier of
fortune, i. 42; ii. 30.
Suddhodana, King, ii. 235.
Súdras, trader class, i. 11.
Suraj Sen, native chief, ii. 170.
Surma, species of fish, i. 131.
Suryají, Mawalí chieftain, i. 160.
Suswa River, i. 299.
Sutlej River, i. 5, 34.
Swát River, ii. 7.
Swayamvara, betrothal festival,
i. 21.

Syrian Christians, ii. 268.
Taj Mahál, i. 53; ii. 192.
Takshá-sila, ancient city, ii. 1.
Talikot, battle of, i. 46.
Tamerlane. See Timúr.
Tamils,native raceof Ceylon,ii.283
Tanají Malusre, Mawalí chief-
tain, i. 159.

Tanjore, i. 212.

[blocks in formation]

The Indian Empire, ii. 260, 279.
Thomas Cana, missionary, ii. 262.
Thomas the Manichæan, mission-
ary, ii. 262.

"Throne of Soloman," mountain
peak, i. 318.
Tibetans, the, i. 287.

Tank of the Golden Lilies, Ma- Tigers, ravages of, i. 259.

dura, i. 209.

Tantia Topí, ii. 172.

Tarn Tarán, ii. 28.

Tapti River, i. 7.

Táragarh, hill, ii. 123.

Tartars, invasion of India by, i.
47, 48.

Tavernier, Jean Baptiste, French
traveler, i. 173, 299; ii. 70, 198.
Taxila, ancient city, ii. 1.
Taxilus, King, ii. 1.
Tea, cultivation of, i. 264.
Tea-habit, the, prevalence among
the Kashmiris, i. 311.
Teak wood, indestructible quali-
ties of, i. 136.

VOL. II.-22

Timúr (Tamerlane, Taimoor the
Lame), i. 48, 297; ii. 58.
Tín Darwazah (Three Gateways),
Ahmedábád, ii. 92.

Tipú Sultán, son of Haidar Alí,
i. 66.

Tipu Sultán wages war against the English, i. 66.

slain at Seringapatam, i. 70. general reference, i. 149. Tirumala Naják, native prince, i. 207.

Tissa, King, ii. 301.

Tissamahárámá, Ceylon, ii. 298. Tod, Colonel James, British officer, ii. 116, 155.

Tower of Fame, Udaipur, ii. 153.
Tower of Victory, Udaipur, ii. 153.
Towers of Silence, Bombay, i. 134.
Treaty of Bassein, i. 149.
Trichonopoli, i. 204.
Trimbukji Dainglia, Maráthá
chieftain, i. 138, 149, 152.
Trivalúr, i. 198.
Tsanpu River, i. 293.

Túdas, aboriginal tribe, i. 205.
Tughlak dynasty of Sultáns, i. 47.
Tughlakabad, ancient city, ii.
46, 62.

Udai Singh, ii. 150.
Udaipur, ii. 151.

Ujenia, son of Asoka, ii. 165.
Ujjain, ii. 163.

Uleg Beg, astronomer, ii. 139.
Umballa, i. 303.

University Library, Bombay,i.130
Umra Singh, ii. 128.
"Urbes prima in Indis," motto of
Bombay, i. 127.
Utakamand, sanatorium, i. 205.

Vaisyas, agricultural class, i. 11.
Valabhipur, ancient city, ii. 104.
"Valley of Jewels," Haidarábád,

i. 172.

Veda, the, mention of aboriginal
races in, i. 109.
Verawal, ii. 108.

Verma, god of dancing, i. 214.
Viceroy of India, term of ap-
pointment, i. 15.

powers and duties of, i. 97. Victoria, Queen, statue of, Bom. bay, i. 130.

Victoria Station, Bombay, i. 130.
Vikramaditya, King, ii. 163.
Vindhya Mountains, i. 7.
Visapur, hill fortress, i. 143.
Visarwa, native chief, ii. 44.
Vishnu, second person of the
modern Hindu triad, i. 124.
Temple of, Conjeveram, i. 203.
Mahábálípur, i. 201.
Seringham, i. 204.
Visweswara, Temple of, Benares,
ii. 256.
Vultures, their part in disposal
of the dead, i. 134.

Waddell, Major, i. 269, 273, 279,

[ocr errors]

Wajid Alí, ii. 220.
Walat, ii. 105.

Ward, William, English mission-
ary, i. 233.

Watson, Charles, English admiral, i. 235.

Weapons, universal practice of carrying, i. 172.

Wellesley, Arthur (Duke of Wellington), in Mysore campaign, i. 70.

wins battle of Assaye, i. 72. Wellesley, Richard (Lord Mornington), Governor-General, i. 68.

declares war against Tipú Sultán, i. 70.

institutes political reforms, i. 70.

statesmanship, i. 73. Wellington, sanatorium, i. 205. Western Ghats, i. 7.

Wheeler, Sir Hugh, British officer, i. 91; ii. 209.

Widows allowed to remarry, i. 51. Wilford, Francis, British officer and Oriental scholar, i. 30. Willoughby, Lieutenant, British officer, i. 89.

Wilson, Professor, his description of the practices of the Yogis, ii. 250.

Wimala Dharma, ii. 299.

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