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again, we learn from the author of The Book of Mankind,' in the history of the Traditions of the Tower, on the authority of Walíd-Ibn-Muslemin, as follows:-One of our Shaikhs informed me that the Apostle of God (upon whom be the peace and blessing of God!), when the Baitu-l-Mukaddas was manifested to him on the night he was carried thither, lo! on the right-hand side of the Mosque, and on the left, there were two burning lights. Therefore he said, O Gabriel! what are these two lights? And he said, That on the right hand is the Tower of thy brother David; and that on the left is above the Tomb of thy sister Maria (peace be upon her!).

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Moreover, the author of the Book of Mankind' reports, whilst relating the capture of the Holy House, in his traditionary history in another chapter, to Obíd-Ibn-Adam and Abú-Soab, that Omar was in the village Jábít. Then Khalid-Ibn-AlWalid came to the Holy City: and it was said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Khalid-Ibn-Al-Walid. And they said, What is thy master's name? And he replied, Omar-IbnAl-Khattáb. And they said, Send him to us. So he sent him to them. It was also reported that they had said to him (i. e. to Khalíd), Thou art not he who shall enter into the possession of the Holy City; but Omar is he who shall enter,

provided that Mount Cesarea be entered before the Holy City. Therefore go and enter it; then tell your master. Then Khalid (it is said) wrote word of this to Omar; and Omar summoned men to advise upon it; and he said, They are the possessors of the Scripture; and with them is knowledge of the matter beyond you. Therefore they went to Cesarea and took possession of it, and came to the Holy House; and Omar capitulated with them, and entered among them. had upon him two perfumed outer robes. Thus, therefore, he prayed in the Church of Maria. Then he spat in one robe. And it was said unto him, Dost thou spit here, seeing this is the place wherein she communed with God? But this assertion Omar absolutely denied, as an invention of the Christians.

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Again, it is said by the Háfez, Abú-Muhammad-Al-Kasim, in his narrative to Othmán, and also by Abú-Hareth, Palestine and its territory fell into the hands of Omar in Rabia the First, the year sixteen. Moreover we learn from Ishák-IbnBashr, Omar marched against Syria this year, which was the sixteenth, and left Al-Jabít, and Elia capitulated to him, which was the city of the Baitu-l-Mukaddas. Again, Abdul-Ali-Ibn-Muhmar relates, that he read in a book of Abú-Ubaidah, who says, The Holy City capitulated in the

year seventeen; in which perished Moaz-IbnJabíl, (with whom be God satisfied!) Moreover,

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it is said by Al Thirkashí, in his Directions of the Mosques' and in the 'Perfect Source,' that the fortunate moment caused the surrender of the city; and this fortunate moment fell out, whereby Omar entered it five days before the end of Dhí-l-Kaad, in the year sixteen of the Hijra, and from the decease of the Prophet (upon whom may the blessing and peace of God remain!) five years and (five) months.

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We find, moreover, in The Marvels of the Baitu-l-Mukaddas,' by Ibn-Al-Juzí, Omar capitulated with the Holy City in the year fifteen. And we learn from Rija-Ibn-Haywah, who heard it from one who was a witness of the surrender, as follows:-When Omar rose up from Al Jabít to Elia, he went to the Tower of David (on whom be peace!) by night, and prayed therein, and did not delay until the morn arose, but commanded the Muezzin to summon the people. And he came and prayed with the men, and read among them a part of the Korán, and worshipped. Then he read in the second place, 'A Chief' and 'A people of the sons of Israël' (parts of the Korán). Then he bowed the head (performed the Rak'at); then he went his way. Then he asked for Kaab, and he came; and he said,

Where, thinkest thou, should we place the point of prayer? who replied, On the Sakhrá. And he said, By God! Kaab, thou wouldst make it like a Jew's. Nay, we will place the Kiblah in front, as the Apostle of God (on whom be the mercy and peace of God!) placed the Kiblahs of our Mosques, in front of them. Go away! And he said moreover to him, Thou art weak (thy advice), for we do not chiefly glory in the Sakhrá, but in the Kaaba.

Lastly, it is said in the Muthír Alfárám, "These are the historical features respecting Capitulations and Treaties, among varying paths and discordant bursts of eloquence. Whatsoever there is said therein, be it taken in good part." The capitulation of Syria, and of the sacred and glorious land, was in the time of the Companions, (of Muhammad) (may God be content with them!); nor did the holy and glorious places cease to be in the hands of the Moslems, from the period of the Capitulation of Omar, until the days of the Orthodox Kalífs, and after them until the year ninety from the prophetical Hijra. And AbdulMálik-Ibn-Marwán (upon whom be God's mercy!) built therein Al Sakhrá and the Temple of the Baitu-l-Mukaddas. It is said that he spent upon this building the produce of a seven years' tax upon Egypt. Again, it is said by Sabat-Ibn

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Juzí, in his book on the Changes of Dynasties,' that Abdul-Málik-Ibn-Marwán began the building in the year 69 from the Hijra, and finished it in the year 72 from the Hijra. Also, it is said, Saíd-Ibn-Abdul-Málik-Marwán built the Chapel of the Baitu-l-Mukaddas and its outward covering. Again, we learn from Táher-Ibn-Rija-Ibn-Haywah, and Yazid-Ibn-Salám, a nobleman of AbdulMálik-Ibn-Marwán, that Abdul-Málik-Ibn-Marwán, whilst they were building the Chapel of Al Sakhra of the Holy City and the Mosque Al Aksá, came from Damascus to the Holy City, and dispersed a letter among all his (chief deputies), and to all chief cities, importing that AbdulMálik wished to build a Chapel upon the Sakhrá of the Holy City, to be a free and lasting Chapel to Musalmáns; and did not wish to do this without the advice and will of his subjects. Therefore the subjects wrote to him their good-will (consent), and wrote what they would give for the purpose. Also a letter arrived from the chiefs, in reply to the proposal of the Commander of the Faithful, deeming it a it a faithful and orthodox design, "And we pray God Almighty to accomplish his intention of building this Chapel, and the Sakhrá, and the Mosque; and may God choose him as his vicegerent in the performance of this under his auspices; and may he cause his

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