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The SUPERNATURAL History of the World a real Subject for

Human Study and Knowledge --The Hebrew Scriptures are

written Records of so much of it as has been disclosed to us.

-Their endless value to us.-What was done in Judea by the

Almighty was done for the Knowledge and Benefit of all.-
The Communications of the Deity to us must always be mi-
raculous.-The true Nature of Miracles
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Recapitulation of the Objects of the former Letters.-Statement of the Subjects intended to be considered in the present Series, and of the manner in which they will be treated.


Ir is now my wish to resume our consideration of the Sacred History of the World, in order to conclude our correspondence upon it, by adding those further views and thoughts on the topics not yet contemplated which will complete my original design, and bring the Divine economy of human life before you, as fully as I may be able to delineate it.

It was the object of the preceding letters to draw such general outlines of the natural structure and composition of our earth; of its solar and planetary associations; and of its vegetable and animal systems of living beings, as would enable you to perceive, from their most important laws and phenomena, the system of their Creator in their formation. It was also attempted to present to you some views of that scheme and course of things which he had devised, and has assigned to be attached to this human race in their earthly life. Considerations were added on his peculiar construction of our twofold nature, and on the results which, in this stage of its being, he has effectuated in it. The first state of man; the change of his locality from a special Paradise into VOL. III.-B

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