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246; his arrogance in the palace of Krish-
na, ib.; remonstrates with Krishna for
speaking to Arjuna first, 247; elects to
have Krishna's army, ib.; Balarama de-
clines to join either side, ib.; advised by
Vidura to give a grand reception to
Krishna in his capacity as ambassador,
258; commences the preparations, ib.;
told by Vidura that the reception will be
useless unless he is prepared to restore the
five villages to the Pandavas, ib.; aban-
dons his preparations and proposes putting
Krishna in custody, 259; remonstrances
of the Maharaja, ib.; wrath of Bhishma,
ib.; refuses to go out with the others to
receive Krishna, ib.; his haughtiness to-
wards Krishna, ib.; offers a splendid en-
tertainment to Krishna, which is refused,
260; spurns the Council of Krishna, 265;
exasperated by the remonstrances of
Bhishma, ib.; remonstrances of Drona
and Vidura, ib.; further remonstrances
of Bhishma, 266; his indignant speech to
Krishna, 267; rebuked by Krishna, ib.;
warned by Duhsásana that unless he
submits to the Pándavas the elders will
deliver him up to Yudhishthira, 268; ab-
ruptly leaves the assembly, ib.; Krishna
advises his arrest, ib.; the Rání Gánd-
hárí sends for him and remonstrates with
him in the presence of the Council, ib.;
leaves the Council hall and plots with
Sakuni, Duhsásana, and Karna to seize
Krishna, 269; Krishna reveals himself to
him as the Supreme Being, ib.; holds a
Council at Hastinapur, 275; solemn cove-
nant of the Chieftains on the side of the
Kauravas, ib.; entrenches all his forces
on the plain of Kurukshetra, ib.; pots of
snakes and scorpions, 276; proposes that
Bhishma should be generalissimo, ib. ;
dismisses Rukmin on account of the ex-
travagance of his pretensions, 278; sends
a kinsman with a challenge to the Pán-
davas, 280; language of the challenge,
ib.; replies of Krishna and Arjuna, 282;
his son slain by Abhimanyu, 303; attacks
Abhimanyu, who is rescued by Arjuna,
ib.; complains of the indifference of Bhish-
ma, 305; complains to his Chieftains of
his want of success, ib. ; proposes to Rhísh-
ma that he should retire, 306; approves
of the plot for taking Yudhishthira pri-
soner, 310; reproaches Drona for not
having succeeded, ib.; his efforts to pro-
tect Jayadratha, 314; reproaches Drona
for not having murdered the Pandavas
whilst they were sleeping, 316; requests
Salya to drive Karna's chariot, 324; as
sures Salya of his respect and ranks him
with Krishna, 327; refuses the advice of
Kripa to conclude a treaty with the Pán-
davas, ib.; utter defeat of the Kauravas,
331; flies from the plain and conceals
himself in a lake, ib.; general search for
Duryodhana, ib.; discovered by the three
surviving Kaurava warriors and invited
to renew the contest, 332; declines and
recommends concealment, ib.; Aswatthá-

ma vainly remonstrates, ib.; failure of the
Pándavas to discover him, ib.; found out
by Bhima's servants, ib.; Yudhishthira
calls upon him to leave the lake, 333; he
prays for rest before renewing the contest,
ib.; offers the Raj to the Pandavas, that
he may retire to the desert, ib.; refusal of
Yudhishthira to obtain the Raj from him
except by conquest, 334; offers to fight
the Pandavas one at a time if they will
fight fairly, ib.; the conditions accepted,
ib.; stipulates to fight with the mace only,
335; Yudhishthira agrees, ib.; still re-
mains in the lake, ib.; taunted by Bhíma,
ib.; offers to fight on the morrow, ib.;
Bhíma threatens to drag him out of the
lake, ib.; laughter of the followers of the
Pándavas, 336; his ghastly appearance,
ib.; Yudhishthira offers him arms and
armour, ib.; question of who should fight
him, ib.; Krishna suggests Bhíma, ib.;
Bhíma gladly assents, ib.; Bhíma and
Duryodhana reproach one another, 337;
the battle, 338; desperate struggle, ib.;
nearly kills Bhíma, 339; his thigh smashed
by Bhíma, ib.; kicked by Bhíma on the
head, ib.; Yudhishthira's speech to him,
ib.; indignation of Balaráma at Bhíma's
foul blow, 340; recriminations between
Duryodhana and Krishna, ib.; refers to
the goodness of his government, 341;
manifestation of the divine approval of his
conduct, ib.; left wounded and alone on
the plain of Kurukshetra, 347; visited by
Aswattháma, Kripa, and Kritávarman,
ib.; appoints Aswattháma to the chief
command and directs him to bring the
head of Bhíma, ib.; left by the three
warriors, 348; return of the three warriors
after the revenge of Aswattháma, 351;
deceived by Aswattháma, who passes off
the heads of the sons of the Pándavas as
the heads of the fathers, ib.; his temporary
exultation, ib.; takes the head of Bhima's
son and discovers the deception by crush-
ing the skull, 352; reproaches Aswattháma
for the murder of the innocent sons, ib.;
his death, ib.; pleasure of gratified revenge
as exhibited in his last moments, 357; ac-
customed in early days to try his strength
upon an image of Bhíma, 361, note; la-
mentations of his mother Gándhárí over
his body, 364; his widow places his head
upon her lap, ib.

Dushyanta, story of his amour with Sakun-
talá, 47; historical form of the tradition,

Dwápara, a personification of the Dwápara
age, 485, note; Kati plots with him for
the destruction of Nala, 486.
Dwáraká, legend of its destruction, 443;
wickedness and profanity of the people,
ib.; visit of the three great Rishis, ib.;
trick played by the young men upon the
Rishis, ib.; threats of the Rishis, 444;
their departure, ib.; Krishna issues a
proclamation against wine, ib.; fearful
apparition, ib.; great wind, ib. ; portent-
ous increase of rats and owls, ib.; evil

omens and general depravity, 445; pro-
clamation of Krishna that the people
should go and worship at Prabhása, ib.;
apparition of a black woman, ib.; jewels
and weapons carried off by evil spirits,
ib.; the people permitted to drink wine
at the festival at Prabhása, 446; general
conviviality, ib.; the tumult and mas-
sacre, 447; Arjuna arrives at the city,
449; funeral ceremonies of the slain, 450;
the city overwhelmed by a cyclone, 451;
review of the narrative, ib. ; nature of the
inundation, 453.

Education by Bhishma of the three sons
raised up to Vichitra-vírya, 63; by
Drona of the Kauravas and Pandavas, 75;
practice in the use of the spear, club, bow,
and sword, ib.; taming horses, ib.; astro-
nomy, ib.; other pursuits, 76; Arjuna
engaged as a eunuch by Raja Kirata to
teach music and dancing, 207; young
ladies taught reading and writing, 522.
Ekachakrá, city of, 110; identified with
Arrah, 114.

Embassy, description of the mission of the
family priest of Drupada to Hastinapur,
249; Council summoned to receive the
envoy, ib.; the Bráhman requests per-
mission to repeat the words of the Pán-
davas, ib.; review of the tradition, 251;
return embassy of Sanjaya to the Panda-
vas, 252.

Exhibition of arms, public, at Hastinapur,
85; resemblance to a tournament, ib.;
three varieties of, viz.: (1.) The exhibi-
tion proper, ib; (2.) The Swayamvara,
ib.; (3.) Professional pugilism and wrest-
ling, ib.; narrative of the exhibition of
arms at Hastinapur, 86; space set apart
on the great plain, ib.; the galleries, ib.;
morning of the exhibition, ib.; galleries
adorned with flags and garlands, ib.; the
multitude, ib.; the blind Maharaja, ib.;
the chieftains and ladies, ib.; the feats of
arms, 87; wonderful exploits of Arjuna,
88; sudden appearance of Karna, 89; his
exploits, ib.; pugilism and wrestling, in
the court of Raja Viráta, 209.

Fetische worship, connection of Krishna
with, 460, 466.

Fiction, Hindú, characteristics of, 105; popu-
larity of, 106; historic value of, ib.; in-
terest to be divided between the stories
and the audiences to whom they are re-
lated, ib.; action of the narrator in
heightening the interest, 107; connected
with the Bhíma's combats with the Asu-
ras, ib.; improbabilities of the story,
109; to be referred to the Buddhist period,
110; pathetic description of the family of
a Brahman who were required to furnish
a human victim to Vaka the Asura, 111;
serio-comic preparations of Bhíma for
doing battle against Vaka, ib.; disap-
pointment and wrath of the Asura, 112;
Bhíma rends Vaka asunder, ib.; submis-
sion of the subjects of Vaka, ib.; painful

realism of the narrative, 112; masterly
stroke of genius in the introduction of the
Bráhman's infant son, 113; intense de-
light of a Hindú audience at the irritat-
ing proceedings of Bhíma, ib.; value of
the twelve fictions connected with the
loosening of the horse in the Aswamedha
of Yudhishthira, 394; adventures of the
horse-see Horse.

Filial obedience of Karna towards his aged
father, 90.

Fire, god of, 9-see Agni; horrible character
of a conflagration in the jungle, 443.
Funeral ceremonies, narrative of those per-
formed for the slain in the great war,
363; sad procession of the women to the
plain of Kurukshetra, 364; the women sit
by the dead bodies of their husbands, ib.;
lamentations of Gándhárí over her son
Duryodhana, ib.; lamentations of the
widows, ib.; performance of the funeral
rites for the slain, ib.; collection of ma-
terials for the burning, ib.; dead bodies
of the Rajas recognized by their chariot-
eers, 365; burning of the Rajas of the
first rank, ib.; burning of the remaining
bodies, ib.; bathing in the Ganges and
sprinkling of water, ib.; death of the
chief wife of Karna, 366; review of the
narrative, ib.; refers to an ante-Brah-
manic period, ib.; no reference to Satí
nor satisfactory allusion to the Bráhmans,

Gambling, a special vice of the Hindús,
175; Hindú traditions of its disastrous
results, ib.; specialities of Hindú dice,
ib.; skill as well as chance brought into
play, ib.; ancient game of coupun with
cubic dice, 176; modern game of pasha
with oblong dice, ib.; legend of the great
gambling match at Hastinápur, ib.; un-
scrupulous skill of Sakuni, ib.; Duryod-
hana prevails on his father Dhritarashtra
to invite the Pándavas to a match, ib.;
reluctance of Yudhishthira, 177; the Pán-
davas arrive at Hastinápur, ib.; morning
of the match, 178; the Pándavas proceed
to the pavilion, ib.; Sakuni challenges
Yudhishthira to a game at dice, ib.;
Duryodhana lays the stakes whilst Sakuni
plays, ib. ; picture of the gambling match,
ib.; losses of Yudhishthira, 179; question
of whether Draupadí was really lost, 180;
insults committed upon Draupadi before
the whole assembly, 182; Bhíma's fearful
vow, ib.; sudden appearance of the Ma-
háraja, ib.; departure of the Pandavas,
183; Pándavas recalled and play a second
game, ib.; exile of the Pándavas, ib.;
affecting character of the tradition, 184;
its truthfulness to human nature as mani-
fested by a primitive but high-spirited
race, ib.; wives not unfrequently lost and
won at Kshatriya gambling matches, ib. ;
sensational character of the scene, 185;
Yudhishthira engaged as teacher of dice-
playing to Raja Viráta, 207; the Raja
dashes the dice at his face, 224; ideas of
fair play, 243; gambling match of Nala

and Pushkara, 486; not regarded as a
vice, 505; comparison of the gambling
match of Nala with that of Yudhish-
thira, ib.

Gándhára, country, name of, still preserved
in Kandahar, 71.
Gándhárí, daughter of the Raja of Gánd-
hára, marries Maharaja Dhritarashtra, 65;
blindfolds herself on hearing that he was
blind, ib.; her sons named Kauravas,
ib.; significance of her marriage, 71;
absurd myth respecting the birth of her
sons, 72, note; summoned by the Mahá-
raja to the Council of the Kauravas, 268;
sends for Duryodhana and remonstrates
with him in the presence of the Council,
ib.; affecting interview with Krishna
after the slaughter of her sons in the great
war, 342; Krishna consoles her by engag-
ing that the Pándavas will prove more
dutiful than the Kauravas, 343; her
reply, ib.; Krishna renews his promises,
344; her affecting interview with the
Pándavas, 362; Yudhishthira's excuses,
ib.; her resignation, ib.; she reproaches
Bhíma for having drank the blood of
Duhsásana, ib.; his denial, ib.; sends the
Pandavas to their mother Kuntí, ib.;
piously consoles Draupadí, 363; accom-
panies the sad procession of the women to
the plain of Kurukshetra, 364; her la-
mentations over her son Duryodhana, ib. ;
departs with the Maharaja and Kuntí to
the jungle on the Ganges, 439; his death,

Gandharvas, their form of marriage, 48; slay
the eldest son of Raja Sántanu, 52, 54;
capture Duryodhana and Karna, 194;
later conception of them as ghosts, 205;
Draupadí represents her five husbands
as Gandharvas, 208; rumour that they
had slain Kíchaka, 216; great commotion
in the city of Viráta, ib.; Bhíma mis-
taken for one, 217; difficulties regarding,
228; a Hill tribe subsequently converted
into celestial beings, 228.

Gándíva, the mythical bow of Arjuna, 266,

Ganges, river, said to have borne children

to Raja Sántanu, 50, note; bathing in,
and sprinkling with water a part of the
funeral ceremony, 365; the locality of
the retirement of the Maháraja, 439.
Garura, a bird, the vehicle of Krishna as
Vishnu, 412.

Gautama, son of Gotama, the mythical

father of Kripa and Kripá, 78, note.
Gayatri, the, 23; different translations of, ib.,


Generalissimo, election of, prior to a war,

Geographical identification, difficulties in

the way of, 62, note; in the story of
Raja Viráta, 232.

Ghosts, conception of the Gandharvas as,
205; the Pandavas set up a dead body
in a place of burning to guard their wea-
pons, 206; religious ideas connected with,
226; belief in their amours, 228; the re-

ligious belief of the aborigines, 239.
Gokula, encampment of the Yádavas there,


Govarddhana mountain, worshipped by the

Yádavas instead of Indra, 467; Indra
sends down rain to wash away the country,
ib.; Krishna renders the mountain fiery
hot, and raises it over the people like an
umbrella, ib.

Gurus, or ecclesiastical heads, correspond-
ing to hereditary Bishops, 79; the heads
of the sects, 80; their ecclesiastical visita-
tions, ib.; their spiritual powers, ib.;
their temporal powers, 81; their non-
existence amongst the ancient Kshatriyas
proved by the mythical character of the
traditions which refer to them, ib.; their
garbling of the Mahá Bhárata, 82.

Hanuman, the monkey demigod, mythical
son of Váyu, 190; his interview with his
alleged brother Bhíma, ib.; his super-
natural shrinking and swelling, ib.
Hastin, son of Bharata, 47.
Hastinápur, near the modern Delhi, the
opening scene in the Mahá Bhárata, 42;
significance of the site as an outpost of
the Aryans, ib.; approximate description
of, 43; the city, ib.; the palace, ib.;
the Council hall, ib.; the Raj, ib.; coun-
try to the south and east a land of fable,
56; scarcity of women at, 57, note; ex-
hibition of arms at, 86; mythical character
of all legends referring to localities at a
distance, 100; triumphant entry of the
Pandavas after the great war, 368; tri-
umphant return of Arjuna with the horse
in the Aswamedha of Yudhishthira, 416;
Parikshit, son of Arjuna, obtains the Raj,


Hidimba, the Asura, Bhíma fights and slays
him, 108.

Hidimbi, sister of Hidimba, marries Bhíma,
109; extraordinary honeymoon, ib.
Homa, displaced animal sacrifices, 159;
offering of, at the installation of Rája
Yudhishthira, 371; offering of, combined
with the sacrifice of the horse, 426; in-
troduced as a Brahmanical sacrifice, 427;
performance of, 430; religious merit
acquired by, 435.

Horse, twelve adventures of, after the
loosening in the Aswamedha of Yud-
hishthira, 396; first adventure: carried
away by the son of a Raja by the counsel
of one of his thousand wives, ib.; restored
through the mediation of Agni who had
married the Raja's daughter, ib.; un-
meaning character of the story, ib., note;
second adventure: legend of the dis-
obedient wife who was transformed to a
rock, 397; third adventure: legend of
the Raja and the cauldron of boiling oil,
399; recovery of the horse by Arjuna,
400; fourth adventure: horse transformed
into a mare, ib.; mythical character of
the story, ib., note; fifth adventure:
horse enters the country of the Amazons,
ib.; sixth adventure: horse enters a

country where men, women, and animals
grow upon trees, 402; men with blanket
ears, 403; monsters, ib.; human sacri-
fices, ib.; seventh adventure: horse en-
ters the country of Manipura, 404; eighth
adventure horse enters the city of Rat-
napura, 412; ninth adventure: the horse
enters the Raj of Chandrahasa, 413;
tenth adventure: the horse enters the
sea beyond the northern mountain, ib.;
eleventh adventure: the horse enters the
Raj of Jayadratha, 414; twelfth adven-
ture: triumphant return to Hastinápur,
416; review of the twelve adventures,
417; locality of the adventure in Mun-
nipore still pointed out by the Mun-
niporees, 425; later adventures connected
with Krishna, 426; narrative of the sac-
rifice of-see Aswamedha.

Horse, sacrifice of. See Aswamedha.
Horses, taming, taught by Drona, 75.
Hot Season, warred against by the Raja of
the Rain, 464; assembling of the clouds
in battle array, 466; flight of the Hot
Season, ib.

Human sacrifices. See Naramedha.

India, importance of its history, 1; dis-
tinction between the history of British
administration and the history of the
Hindús, ib.; difficulties in the way of
apprehending the latter, 2; the Mahá
Bharata and Rámáyana indispensable to
a knowledge of the Hindús, 3; European
ignorance of the Hindús, ib., note; in-
fluence of the Mahá Bhárata and Rámá-
yana upon the masses, 4; vast interval
between the age in which the events
occurred and the age in which they are
recorded, 5; distinction between the
Vedic and Bráhmanic periods, ib.
Indra, conception of, as the god of rain, 8;
characteristics of, 14; attributes of a
human hero superadded to those of the
god of the firmament, ib.; frequently
addressed in familiar terms, ib.; par-
tiality for strong drink, ib.; hymned as
the discoverer of the soma, 15; spirit-
ualized into a personified idea of the
firmament, ib.; the hero of the Aryans
and foe of the aborigines, ib.; character
of the Vedic hymns addressed to him,
ib.; invocations to him in his human
capacity, ib.; invocations to him as the
Supreme Being, 16; myth of his being
the father of Arjuna, 71; myth that the
five Pandavas were five Indras, 134; the
ally of the Nágas or serpents, 141; Ar-
juna and Krishna fight against him, ib.;
interpolation of the myth, ib.; appears to
Arjuna and directs him to propitiate the
god Siva, 191; propitiated by the flesh of
the horse at the Aswamedha of Yudhish-
thira, 431; opposition of Krishna, 460;
great feast at Vrindávana in honour of,
467; Krishna counsels the Yádavas to
transfer the worship of Indra to the
Govarddhana mountain, 467; Indra in
his wrath sends down rain to wash away

[blocks in formation]

Installation of Raja Yudhishthira, 368; tri-
umphant procession from the plain of
Kurukshetra to the city of Hastinapur,
ib.; arrival of Yudhishthira at the palace,
369; worship of the family gods, ib.; dis-
tribution of gifts to the Brahmans, ib.;
enthronement of the Raja facing the east,
370; ceremony performed by Dhaumya
the Bráhman, ib.; symbolical rites, ib.;
pots of water from the sacred rivers, ib.;
high place prepared for sacrifice, 371;
Yudhishthira and Draupadí seated upon
the tiger's skin, ib.; offering of the homa,
ib.; the five purifying articles poured
upon Yudhishthira and Draupadí, ib.;
pots of sacred water poured over the pair,
ib.; music sounded, ib.; bards and eu-
logists chaunt the praises of Yudhish-
thira, ib.; description of the umbrella
and chámara as ensigns of royalty, 372;
doubtful authenticity of the details, 374;
apparent origin of the various cere-
monies, ib.; description of the ceremonies
performed as given in the Agni Purána,
375, note.

Isaiah, his denunciations of the Mosaic
ritual, 158, note.

Islands of the sea, inhabited by Daityas,
404; story of the old Rishi who inhabited
one, 413.

Jámbavat, the Bear, Krishna's marriage to
his daughter, 381; carries off the jewel
from Prasena, 476; gives his daughter to
Krishna, ib.

Janamejaya, his sacrifice of snakes, 46,


Jarasandha, Raja of Magadhá, conquered by
Bhíma, 162; mythical character of the
legend, 161, note; makes war against
Mathurá, and is defeated by Krishna,
475; marches an army of barbarians
against Mathurá, ib.; retreat of Krishna
and the Yádavas to the city of Dwaraká,

Jayadratha, Raja of Sindhu, visits Draupadí
in the absence of her husbands, 199; falls
in love with her, ib.; sends a Chieftain
to inquire her name and lineage, ib.;
enters the hut, 200; his wicked pro-
posals, ib.; carries her away in his chariot
by main force, 201; pursued by the Pán-
davas, ib.; abandons Draupadí and seeks
to escape, ib.; Yudhishthira's clemency,
ib.; Bhíma drags him from his chariot
and makes him a slave, 202; Draupadí
orders his release, ib.; review of the tra-

dition, 202; already married to Duhsalá,
ib.; prevents the Pándavas from rescuing
Abhimanyu from the spider's web, 312;
Arjuna vows to slay him before sunset on
the morrow, 313; cowardly attempts to
withdraw from the field, ib.; fierce strug-
gle to reach him, 314; desperate conflict
with Arjuna, 315; Arjuna cuts off his
head before sunset, ib.; adventure in his
Raj of the horse in the Aswamedha of
Yudhishthira, 414; story of his widow
Duhsalá, ib.; his dead son miraculously
restored to life by Krishna, ib.
Jimúta proves his superiority in pugilism
and wrestling in the court of Raja Viráta,
trouble of the Raja that none of
his own wrestlers could overcome him,
ib.; great battle with Bhíma, ib.; Bhíma
whirls him round by the legs and dashes
him against the ground, ib. ; his death, ib.
Jungle, Bhima's honeymoon in, 109; clear-
ing of, by Aryan colonists, 140; changes in
the scenery, 189; occasional tempests,
ib.; humble character of a conflagration,

Kali, the personification of the Kali age,
485; his wrath at finding that Nala was
chosen by Damayantí, ib.; his threat, ib. ;
not to be confounded with the goddess
Kálí, ib., note; plots with Dwápara for
the destruction of Nala, 486; takes pos-
session of Nala, ib.; brings about a gam-
bling match between Nala and Pushkara,
ib.; tempts Nala to desert his wife in the
jungle, 489.

Kálidása, his drama of "Sakuntalá," 48.
Kámpilya, the city of Raja Drupada, 119.
Kanju, son of Vrihaspatí and pupil of
Sukra, his love passages with Devayání,
510; delivered by Sukra from the wrath
of the Daityas, ib.; refuses to marry
Devayání, 511; exchanges curses with
her, ib.

Kansa, Raja of Mathurá, deposed his father
Ugrasena, 461; threatens to slay his
cousin Devakí on her wedding day, 462;
Vasudeva engages to deliver up her
children, ib.; his efforts to secure the
infant Krishna, ib.; seizes the supposed
daughter of Devakí who escapes to
heaven, 463; slaughters the worshippers
of Vishnu and the male children, ib.;
Nanda and the cowherds bring tribute,
ib.; sends demons to slay Krishna, 464;
performs a sacrifice to the god Siva in the
city of Mathurá, 469; orders the death of
Krishna and Balaráma, 471; slaughter
of his fighting men, ib.; his restlessness,
472; his portentous dreams, ib.; orders
his Ministers to prepare an arena for the
exhibition of wrestlers, ib.; assembly of
the Raja and his people, ib.; adventures
of Krishna and Balaráma with his great
elephant, 473; orders the slaughter of
Krishna and Balaráma, and the arrest of
Ugrasena, Vasudeva, and Devakí, 474;
Krishna rises up and fights him, ib.; his

death, ib.; his Ránís perform the funeral
rites for him, ib.

Kanwa, the sage, the putative father of
Sakuntala, 47.

Kapila, city of, 117, note.
Karna, the son of a charioteer, his sudden
appearance at the exhibition of arms at
Hastinapur, 88; exultation of Duryod-
hana and mortification of Arjuna, 89;
challenges Arjuna to single combat, ib.;
mutual abuse, ib.; Drona calls upon
Arjuna to fight him, ib.; Kripa inter-
poses to prevent the battle, ib.; created a
Raja by Duryodhana, 90; appearance of
his aged father, ib.; his filial reverence,
ib.; Bhíma's contemptuous language to-
wards him, ib.; combat prevented by the
approach of night, ib.; led away by
Duryodhana, ib.; question respecting his
birth, ib.; his father not a charioteer but
a carter, 92; question whether Duryod-
hana really created him a Raja, ib.;
legend of his being the son of Kunti by
the Sun god, ib.; floated as a babe to the
country of Anga, 94; brought up by a
charioteer, ib.; object of the myth, 95;
associated with the later Rajas of Anga,
ib.; enters the lists at the Swayamvara of
Draupadí and strings the bow, 121;
Draupadí prevents his competing on
account of the lowness of his birth, ib.;
his appeal to the Sun, 121; captured by
the Gandharvas, 194; congratulates Dur-
yodhana on his performance of a Vaish-
nava sacrifice, 197; his vow to slay
Arjuna, ib.; remonstrates with Bhishma
for praising Arjuna in the Council of the
Kauravas, 250; his message to the Pán-
davas, ib.; threat of Bhishma that Ar-
juna will conquer him, 251; interposition
of the Maharaja, ib. ; plots with Duryod-
hana to seize Krishna, 269; invited by
Krishna to join the Pándavas, 270; re-
fuses to desert Duryodhana or to take a
position where Arjuna would appear as
his superior, ib.; his parting with Krish-
na, 271; Bhishma stipulates that he
absent himself from the great war, 276;
he agrees so long as Bhishma is alive, ib.;
engages to slay the Pándavas if Bhishma
will retire from the command, 306; his
five days of command in the great war,
323; the election, ib.; first day, ib.; in-
decisive struggle, ib.; Karna engages to
slay Arjuna, ib.; second day of his com-
mand, desires that Salya would drive his
chariot, ib.; sneers of Salya at his birth,
324; driven by Salya against Arjuna,
325; evil omens, ib.; contention with
Salya respecting the prowess of Arjuna,
ib.; refers to the depraved customs of
the people of Madra, ib.; charges the
Pándavas, ib.; attacks Yudhishthira in
the absence of Arjuna, 326; reproaches
Yudhishthira with the cowardice he had
imbibed from Bráhmans, ib.; Arjuna
goes forth to a final battle against him,
328; the armies stop fighting and the
gods descend from heaven, ib.; his ad-

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