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Review-Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution.

The preceding stanzas, we conceive, will set this poem in a favourable light, and render all further observations on its merits unnecessary.

In the concluding pages we have some valedictory verses presented to George Bennet, Esq. on his leaving England for the island of Otaheite, as a Christian missionary. We have also a shorter poem, entitled Alinè, and another bearing the name of Mahomet. These are not without their respective excellencies, but, compared with "The Cottage of Pella," they are of minor consideration.


spirit of enterprise which stands unparalleled in the history of the human character. Hunted by superior numbers, issuing from those nations through which their names struck terror, driven from every asylum in which they sought retreat, and at length extirpated by their pursuers, the Buccaniers finally disappeared, and their spirit seemed to be committed to the deep. Ages have passed away since these astonishing adventurers ceased to infest the seas; during which period, lulled to repose in the arms of superstition, the invaders of Mexico swinging in their hammocks, oppressing the natives, smoking seREVIEW.-Memoirs of the Mexican gars, making grimaces at the crosses before which they kneel, and extractRevolution, including a narrative of the Expedition of Gen. Xavier Mina ing the precious metals from the To which are annexed some observa- bowels of the earth by the sweat and vations on the practicability of open-again raised from its torpor, that groans of the unhappy sufferers, have ing a commerce between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. By W. Davis Robinson, 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 767. London. Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor, and Lepard. 1821.

THERE is an indescribable something connected with the word Mexico, which operates upon the mind like the wand of a magician. We felt its sorceries thrilling through every sensitive part, and, without riding the broomstick, find ourselves transported in an instant across the Atlantic, where, mounted on the isthmus, we gaze upon the waves of two vast oceans which beat against the shores.

spirit, which, under various circumstances, animated the Crusaders, Corhas appeared enshrined in the body of tes, and the Buccaniers. This spirit Mina, the hero of Mr. Robinson, in the volumes before us.

It appears from the introduction to these volumes, that the author has visited Mexico in person, and been an eye-witness of many scenes which he describes. It is also obvious from the interesting narrative which runs through the introduction, that he received from the Spaniards an excess of brutality which far exceeded the measure of his offences, and this may in some degree account for the degraded light in which they are represented in his pages, and for that tincture of colouring which the eye of impartiality cannot but perceive.

Perched on this point of elevation, we look back upon departed ages, and perceive the sword of murderous Cortez, and the shades of perishing, but unoffending Indians, flit before us. Our countenances lengthen at the But independently of these circumsight; we become thoughtful; we stances, the account which the author shake our heads at Spain, and say, gives of his own personal suffering, Although vengeance has long been the manner of his being taken into slumbering, it will surely awake, and custody, his imprisonment, and treatadminister retributive justice both to ment, in violation of the most sothe oppressor and the oppressed. lemn engagements, bears all the The discovery of America, by pour-marks of sterling truth. We have ing into the treasuries of Spain the gold and silver of Mexico, dazzled the eyes of Europe; and, in the form of maritime knight-crrantry, gave a resurrection to that spirit of chivalry which the conquests of reason over superstition and ignorance were consigning to the tomb. The Crusaders were metamorphosed into Buccaniers, whose daring intrepidity exhibited a

perused his details with a mixture of astonishment and indignation; and, after making all the allowance which reason can demand, for the prejudices which inhumanity and injustice might excite in the mind of a tortured victim, we cannot avoid concluding, that the Spanish character remains unaltered in Mexico; and that, could the groans which the victims of cruelty have there


Review-Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution.

been compelled to utter, be permitted to reach our ears, we should find them to be in dreadful accordance with those that had been extorted from the unhappy Indians, who perished in the mines of Hispaniola.


dence. The purity of Iturrigaray's intentions was known then, and is still acknowledged, by every enlightened Creole in the country. His horrors of anarchy, and from French intrigue. sole object was to save the kingdom from the In the adoption of these measures, the viceroy was cordially supported by the cabildo, who, by an energetic memorial, pointed out that The memorial proposed, that the viceroy should those measures would alone inspire confidence. remain as the representative of the king; that the existing authorities should retain the same power as before; but that a governing junta should also be established, composed of the royal audencia, the archbishop, the municipatical and secular bodies, the nobility, principal lity, and deputies from the several ecclesiascitizens, and military.

The Revolution in Mexico, which these volumes detail, originated in the commotions of Europe, and proceeded upon the same principles with those which finally established the independence of Hayti, though with a widely different result. The Creoles of Mexico, although suffering from the most tyranical despotism, manifested an invincible attachment to the interests "In the formation of such a junta, it was obof Ferdinand, both when information vious that Creoles would be blended with Euof his captivity reached them, and ropeans: but the latter, dreading the ascendency when orders were brought from Eu- which the Creoles might gain from a popular government, opposed this loyal and rational rope to transfer to France the alle- overture, and secretly determined on boldly regiance of America. The Europeans in moving the viceroy. This resolution was Mexico received the French emis- promptly carried into effect; and, privately saries, who spread themselves over arming themselves, they arrested the unsusthe continent, to bring over the Cre-pecting viceroy and his family, on the night of the 15th of September, 1808, and sent them oles to the adoption of French autho- prisoners to the Peninsula. rity, with open arms; but the Creoles "This act excited universal indignation viewed their conduct with indignation, among all classes of Americans, by whom the and, publicly burning their procla- viceroy was held in the highest estimation. His mation, with cries of Vive Ferdinando administration had been characterized by a course very different from that of any of his VII.! expelled these political intruders predecessors. He was not only benign and just from their soil. The progress of the in his decisions, but indefatigable in the meaMexican Revolution, founded upon sures be adopted for the internal improvement these unsuccessful efforts to transfer of the kingdom. It was, indeed, his populathe dominion to the French, Mr. Ro-rity among the Americans, that excited the jealousy of the old Spaniards.

binson thus describes.

"While the French gained ground in the Peninsula, and Spain was torn by contending factions, the defection of the European Spaniards became so glaring as to produce, in the short space of six months, an indiscriminate rising of the colonists. Without concert, from the same motives, and with the same views, the Creoles attempted, and, in some instances, effected the deposition of their perjured chiefs; declaring, at the same time, their determination to hold their country for their legitimate monarch.

"This course of conduct was no sooner made known in Spain, than, in place of being viewed as an evidence of loyalty, or as a great political event growing out of imperious circumstances, it was considered by the Cadiz regency as an outrageous rebellion, aud war was declared against Caraccas, in the month of August, 1810. But we must confine ourselves more particularly to Mexico.

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These circumstances, conjoined with the subsequent massacre of several distinguished Americans, and the arrest and banishment of others who had espoused the viceroy's plans, highly incensed the Mexicans. In this state of fermentation arrived Iturrigaray's successor, Venegas, bringing with him from Spain rewards, distinctions, and offices, for those Europeans who had been conspicuous instruments in deposing the late viceroy.

"The conduct of Venegas, during his career in the Peninsula, had not been calculated to inspire confidence among the people over whom he was sent to preside. He had delivered up one or two armies, and had otherwise acted in a manner calculated to make him a very obnoxious character in the eyes of the Americans.

"These events, combined with the recollection of their former grievances, operated powerfully on the minds of the Mexicans; and, at length, the rancour, which had been so long smothered in their breasts, burst forth: for, being no longer able to bear with such flagrant injustice, finding that every day added new weight to their oppressions, and seeing no hope of redress but through their own exertions, they entered into a plan to hurl their tyrants from their seats of power.

"Don Jose Iturrigaray, viceroy at that period, on receiving intelligence of the critical situation in which Ferdinand was involved, and looking with a cautious eye on the strange orders of Ferdinand, those of the council of the Indies, and of Murat, and aware likewise of the local dangers which threatened the kingdom, from the known hatred existing between the Creoles and Europeans, proposed calling a jun- "In this conspiracy were engaged many of ta, to be formed by a representation from each the most distinguished men in the kingdom, province, in order to adopt a provisional govern principally ecclesiastics and lawyers. It was Laent, in which the people might have confi-conducted with the greatest secrecy, and ex


Review-Quinze Jours à Londres.

tended to almost every city in the kingdom. A simultaneous insurrection was intended in the provinces; and the plot had nearly reached maturity, when it was checked by one of those accidents which frequently prevent the accomplishment of great projects; else, it is highly probable that Venegas would have been the last viceroy on the Mexican throne.

"One of the conspirators, in a death-bed confession, revealed not only the plot, but the names of many of his principal accomplices. Venegas was alarmed at the magnitude of the plan, but was in hopes, that by seizing the principals he should be able to check it; and he took the most prompt and active measures to arrest those who were denounced. In the province of Guanaxuato, the head of the conspiracy was Dr. Hidalgo, the rector of Dolores; in which town, and the adjacent one of San Miguel el Grande, many of the conspirators re


"Venegas despatched orders for the arrest of Hidalgo and his party; but, as some of their colleagues were in the confidence of the viceroy, and knew the measures he was adopting, they immediately despatched private couriers to apprize the rector of what was in agitation. The intelligence was received by Captain Don Ignacio Allende, who commanded a small body of the king's troops in San Miguel. He flew to Hidalgo, at Dolores, with the information. They at once agreed that flight was of no avail; they knew that, if taken, death was inevitable, and therefore resolved on making a desperate effort to save themselves and their party. Allende having brought over his men, and the proscribed party being in readiness, the tocsin of revolt was sounded, on the night of the 10th of September, 1810: and thus commenced the civil wars of Mexico, which form the subject of the following sketch."-pp. 18-23.

(To be continued.)

REVIEW.-Quinze Jours à Londres.

THE British press has long teemed with an abundance of publications by Tourists visiting France. "Trips" and "Excursions" to Paris, and "Tours" and "Travels" in France, have been issued, till the public have been supplied even to satiety. It is but fair, therefore, that when animadversions on our rival kingdom have been plentifully made; when severe strictures on its manners and customs have been extensively circulated; and when its inhabitants have been pourtrayed "with all their imperfections on their heads;" it is only just that the French should examine the character of JOHN BULL; and perhaps a consideration of this kind gave rise to "Quinze Jours à Londres."

In only a fortnight, however, some of our readers may think that a correct estimate of London, and of our na


tional character, could not be formed. We can assure them that our Author's remarks are made with fairness and impartiality, and that his work is not written-as some Englishmen's Tours in France have been-with a design either to censure or to praise indiscriminately; but that it is evidently the production of an observant character, and of a reflecting mind. We believe that he has "nothing extenuated, nor set down aught in malice;" he has written with candour and in good humour; in the composition of his work he did not forget his motto, "ridentem dicere verum ;" and he has well learned the maxim of Horace: “dulce est desipere in loco."

We present to the notice of our readers two or three extracts from this amusing and interesting work. The first quotation we select, affords the English a kind of negative merit— that they are not in general such swearers as the French have been taught to consider them. Speaking of the word proverbial in France, as characteristic of Englishmen on account of their addiction to the infamous practice of swearing, our Author says,

"Je ne l'ai pas entendu prononcer une seule fois pendant les quinze jours que j'ai passés à Londres. On m'a assuré qu'il n'etait en usage que parmi la dernière class du peuple, et seulement quand la colere ou l'ivresse se mettent de la partie."

The next extract we transcribe, affords Britons praise of a positive kind, for their devout attention to divine service. The Author having been at church with a friend, gives us the following account of the general demeanour of the congregation, and contrasts it with the conduct at churches on the continent.

"J'avoue que je fus etonné, saisi même d'une espèce de respect religieux en voyant l'ordre,le silence, le recueill ment qui y regnaient. L'office etait commencé quand nous entrâmes, et nous occasionâmes un leger mouvement pour nous placer. Personne cependant ne parut faire attention à nous. L'esprit et les yeux d'aucun assistant ne se dérangèrent de leur occupation pour nous. On ne voyait point là, comme dans certains autres pays, des jeunes gens se promenant en long et en large pour y découvrir quelqu'un de leur connaissance; des



Religious Intelligence.

femmes faisant avec les yeux des signes qu'elles tâches de ne rendre intelligible que pour celui à qui ils sont addressés, des gens causant de la partie de plaisir qu'ils ont le projet de faire en sortant de l'eglise. L'attention due au service divin n'y etait pas interrompue à chaque instant, d'abord par un loueur de chaises qui vient vous en demander le prix, ensuit par | un, deux, ou trois quêteurs qui vien- | nent vous recommander les pauvres et surtout les besoins de l'eglise; enfin par un bedeau distribuant des morceaux de pain benit, que les enfans s'arrachent avec avidité. Nul objet etranger ne vient vous troubler, et chacun parâit exclusivement occupé du Dieu dans le temple duquel il se trouve."


túre en bâtissant des chateaux de carte, et les lois de l'equilibre et du mouvement en jouant au bilboquet."

This comparison may be thought severe, but we deem it just. Let it be remembered too, that these strictures are made by the native of a country whose attachment to dramas is notorious almost to a proverb. If then a Frenchman objects to school-boy's theatricals, on account of their immoral tendency, surely Englishmen and Christians should entirely abolish them. "Tantæne animis celestibus ira?" A free translation will better express our meaning" In heavenly minds can such affections dwell?"

On the whole, we think, that “A Fortnight in London" is a pleasing accession to the pamphlets of the day. It is not, we believe, yet translated; but to those of our readers who are conversant with the French language, (now almost the language of Europe,) we strongly recommend its perusal; assuring them that it contains just remarks and candid strictures on London and its inhabitants; and that if they do not find "Quinze Jours à Londres" a bonne bouche, they will at at least deem it a pleasing brochure.


The former part of these remarks, our readers will readily admit to be just, and the latter part of them we found too true in a recent excursion to France. Such was the levity of the congregation, in the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, for instance, and so great was the disturbance created by the "loueur" and loueuse "des chaises," by the "quêteurs,' and by both Frenchmen and foreigners promenading the church to view the chapels, the confessionals, the altars, and the pictures, that we were reminded of the hubbub of the royal exchange, and the tumult of a Jewish West Lancashire Missionary Associasynagogue. We can only transcribe tion.-On Tuesday June 19th, the first one short extract more, which quota-anniversary of this branch society, tion gives a useful admonition to parents and instructors of youth, respecting the absurd custom of children's acting plays before their friends," to show how Garrick did not act." Our Author's animadversions are upon the representation of one of Terence's comedies at Westminster school; what then would he have said to the spouting at our Academies? Hear his remarks, and remember the adage-" Fas est ab hoste doceri."

"Il n'est propre qu'à inspirer aux jeunes gens le goût dangereux du theatre, et a nous fournir quelques mauvais histrions, au lieu de nous former des citoyens utiles. Les partisans des représentations thêatrales dans les colléges, vous diront que les jeunes gens y acquierent de la grace, de l'aisance..... Sans doute, a peu près comme on apprend l'astronomie en lisant des almanachs, l'architec

which was rather respectably than numerously attended, was held in the music hall, Bold-street, Adam Lodge, Esq. in the chair. The principal speakers were, the Rev. Dr. Thorpe, Rev. Joseph Jowett, Rev. W. Rawson, Mr. Adam Hodgson, Rev. T. Garnsey, Rev. R. Cox, Rev. W. Morton, Rev. F. Parry, Rev. C. Wilson, Rev. Mr. Holt, Rev. C. Miller, and the Rev. R. P. Buddicom. These gentlemen, in their respective speeches, took an extensive survey of the condition of the heathen world, combated most powerfully the objections that had been urged against missionary exertions, and from the advantages which had already resulted from their active co-operations, argued the duty of continuing to persevere in a good cause. It appeared from the Report, that since the formation of this branch association, £670. 9s. 2d. had been transmitted to the parent_institution.


Literary Notices.-Commercial Report.

On the Sunday preceding the present anniversary, collections were made in several churches, which we understand were very liberal;-that of St. Andrew's alone, exceeded £50.


Warwick's "Spare Minutes," or Resolved
Meditations and Premeditated Resolutions,
with fact-similes of the singular emblematical
Francis Quarles and George Withers.
Frontispieces, and the explanatory Poems of

Just published, Poems, by Joseph Jones,
M. A. neatly printed in 12mo. price 5s. boards.
Contents.-I, Authorship-II, the Church-
III, Greatness-IV, Zeal-V, the Satirist-
VI, Content.

Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Dublin. The Methodists of Dublin have lately erected an elegant and commodious chapel in that city. It is an oblong Prayers for every morning and evening in building, about 82 feet long, and 46 the week; designed for the use of children and wide within the walls. The pulpit, young people, of the lower orders; to which are added some serious Songs, intended to desk, handrail, &c. are of oak, hand-promote the cause of piety, virtue, and bumasomely carved. The communion rail nity. By Joseph Jones, M. A. price 1s. 3d. in front of the desk, is in the form of neatly half bound. the letter D. The galleries are supported by Grecian fluted columns, and the chapel is calculated to contain about 1500 persons. It was opened on the morning of Sunday, June 3d. by the Rev. Adam Clarke, LL. D.; when, being greatly thronged, it was supposed that not less than 2000 were present. The collection on this occasion amounted to £140.

Literary Notices.

Shortly will be published, a Reprint of that very rare and curious little Manual, Arthur

Prayers for the use of families, compiled from the Book of Common Prayer. By Joseph

Jones, M. A. 12mo. price 1s. neatly half bound,

or 9d. sewed.

Also, price, Ss. 6d. A New System of Cutting, &c. made familiar to any capacity; acTo which is added, a useful Sketch of the companied with four copper-plate Engravings.


Stature Measurement of the Human Figure, whereby a person may be enabled to clothes for customers abroad, by having only the circumference of the breast and waist, and the height of the person, in inches. By John Killey.

No. 1, of a new publication from the Caxton Press, entitled the Queen Bee.

ERRATUM-Col. 371, line 11, for President read Resident.

COMMERCIAL REPORT, LIVERPOOL, JUNE 21, 1821. THERE has been a great stillness in commerce since our last, and there seems to be little prospect of the current year affording more profit to the mercantile world, than the one which preceded. There appears to be too great a production of most articles; yet, coupled with great competition at the place of growth, it keeps up the cost prices: but poverty amongst the consumers in Europe, occasions depression at the place of sale; whilst in this country, capitalists investing their money in the public funds, no inducement is offered for any speculation in goods. Our Government is certainly most anxious to assist commerce; and it is in contemplation to encourage the transit trade, and modify the duties on many articles, which at present bear very heavily on several branches, without being very productive. The duty on the lower descriptions of Wool, we think, falls under this character. It very little benefits the agriculturist; and, while it injures the manufacturer of coarse woollens, it has been the means of depriving us of the orders for this species of our manufacture from Germany and Russia.

The transactions of the month now past, may be comprised in a narrow compass.

In Cottons, the demands have been moderate, and prices may probably be rated a shade lower. Brazils are still dull and declining, and for East India cottons there is scarcely any inquiry. It must be observed, that the total import of Cottons this year, into this place, falls short upwards of 60,000 packages, in comparison with a similar period last year,-on which account the trade generally are looking for a revival ere long.

For British Plantation Sugars, the demand has somewhat revived, and prices have advanced 1s. per cwt. If the season should be favourable for Fruit, there is great probability of a brisk demand, with an improvement in value.

By accounts from Demerara, the Coffee crop (it is stated,) promises to be most abundant : prices here, vary little since our last, and the demand is far from being lively.

Foreign Spirits of every kind are greatly depressed, the sales are trivial, and the prices much below the rate of the lowest period during the last twenty years.

The Stock of Tobacco is diminishing fast, and the consumption of this article appears to have

sustained no check.

Dye-woods maintain their prices; and Naval stores have met with ready purchasers on arrival, in consequence of extensive orders having been received from London, for Spirits of Turpentine. Roany Tar, sells at 15s. per barrel; Archangel, at 16s. 1d.; Stockholm, 18s. per barrel. The importations of Hides continue on a large scale, nevertheless prices remain very firm. Oils of all kinds are dull; Tallow is lower.

Grain. On the last Market day, the attendance of the trade was very slender, and the continuance of fine weather has produced a great languor in both this and the adjacent country markets. The best qualities of Wheat are fully supported; but in lower qualities, as well as in other descriptions of grain, purchases are only made for the immediate wants of the consumer.


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