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Historical Observations respecting Liverpool.



AMONG the numerous institutions by which Liverpool is so justly distinguished, its extensive schools deserve to be distinctly noticed. Many of these are supported by voluntary contributions; and while the jarring principles of hostile creeds create a strangeness among their several supporters, it is pleasing to observe a happy rivalship, if not a mutual cooperation, in extending the blessings of education.

The following list of schools in Liverpool, and within two miles of the town, for the instruction of the poor, has either been taken from the reports of the schools, or from



spection, during the present year. Since the calculation was made, some changes, without doubt, have taken place; but making due allowance for trifling variations and exceptions, this statement may be considered as generally correct.

By comparing this account with that which has lately been laid before Parliament, and circulated throughout the nation, a considerable disagreement will appear; and if the Hon. Member by whom it was introduced, has been as unfortunate in procuring information from other places, as he has respecting Liverpool, it is no breach of charity to say, that his report is erroneous.

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Historical Observations respecting Liverpool.

during the winter months, when the theatre is shut.

The Music Hall is situated in Boldstreet. It is a large brick building, having a portico projecting over the parapet. In this room, concerts and public meetings are frequently held.

The Rotunda, situated also in Boldstreet, near the Lycæum, is a plain brick building, of a circular form. It was originally designed for the exhibition of panoramic paintings; but this of late years having been discontinued, it is now elegantly fitted up as a billiard room, for the accommodation of a select number of proprietors.


with the river was retained for some time, but no traces either of this or of the buildings at present remain.

To supply in some degree this deficiency, a Floating Bath, erected for the purpose, was launched on the 11th June, 1816. This vessel, which contains a reservoir 80 feet long, and 27 feet wide, is moored during the summer season, opposite George's Dock, at no great distance from the shore; by which means a current is continually replenishing the reservoir through four sluices at each end, with a new supply of water, whether the tide ebbs or flows. The depth of water in the reservoir is graduated The Liverpool Royal Museum, stands from six feet to three feet and a half. at the bottom of Church-street. It This vessel is furnished with every consist of two apartments, which have accommodation. Such as prefer it, been fitted up at a considerable ex- may have private baths, concealed pense. The first of these contains from others who are on board, or may natural curiosities; and the second, swim in the river, without an exposure works of art. Among the former, are to spectators from the shore. In two birds, animals, snakes, crocodiles, a neat and convenient cabins on board, pool of water inhabited by gold and refreshments may be obtained; and silver fish, together with various ma- the newspapers, which are at the rine productions. The latter displays service of all who wish to enjoy the numerous pieces of ancient armour, breezes, will furnish leisure with and implements of war, that have amusement. The floating bath is a been in use, down from the Norman great accommodation both to the inconquest. habitants and to strangers. Boats are always in readiness to take on board or to carry on shore, those who wish to bathe, without any additional expense.

The Wellington Rooms obtain their name from that of the celebrated hero of Waterloo. The building is situated near the upper end of Mount Pleasant. It was erected by public subscription as an assembly room, from the designs of Mr. Edmund Aikin of London, by Mr. John Slater, in 1815. The ball room is 80 feet by 37, the card room, 44 feet by 25, and the supper room, 50 feet by 25. The front, which is of stone, is in the Grecian style of architecture, without windows. This building is elegant, and contains every convenience which the lovers of such amusements can require.

Among the accommodations of Liverpool, the public baths ought not to be omitted. These, situated at the end of the North quay, were formerly private property; but having been purchased by the corporation for £4000, they underwent considerable alterations. The formation, however, of the Regent's Dock between these baths and the river, has not only deprived them of their former popularity and use, but operated to their total demolition. The pipe which communicated

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Liverpool is at present abundantly supplied with excellent water. In former years, this valuable article used for culinary purposes was carried through the streets in carts, and sold to the inhabitants. This was an inconvenience to the poor, on whose scanty earnings the expense fell with peculiar severity. Water is now conveyed through every street in large pipes, and branches enter the dwelling houses; for which the inhabitants pay an annual rent. To such places as the stream could not reach through the elevation of the ground, it is now forced by steam engines; three of these, in Berry-street, Copperas-hill, and Bevington-hill, are under the direction of the Corporation water company, and another in Vauxhallroad is under that of the Bootle water company.

The Bootle water rises about three miles from the Exchange, and is conveyed in pipes to the town. The Corporation water, which is the softest


Benevolent Institutions.

is drawn from several wells in the town. But either through an inereased consumption, or from a gradual diminution of the springs, it is well known, that the Corporation wells have been sunk about a foot per annum. From these wells, openings have been made in various directions to collect water from distances of several hundred yards. To increase the supplies, holes are also bored through the ground, in a horizontal direction thirty or forty feet.

The accommodation which vessels, frequenting the Docks, experience, in obtaining water, is exceedingly great. The watermen, by starting plugs near the Dock, and fastening a long leathern pipe, can convey the stream into the casks as they lie stowed in the hold, or any other part of the ship. Every street is furnished with plugs, which may be started also in case of fire, and the engines be instantly supplied with water.

The Botanic Garden, situated near Edgehill, occupies an extensive plot of ground, enclosed by a stone wall, having two lodges at the entrance, and a well-constructed conservatory. The collection of plants, shrubs, and flowers, contained in this garden, is at once rare, curious, and extensive; it is kept in excellent order, furnishes much elegant recreation, and facilitates botanical science by rendering it attractive to every student, and pleasing to every eye. It is, however, to be regretted, that of late years its support has been insufficient to meet the expenditure. This has caused an appeal to the wealthy inhabitants of Liverpool, to whose liberality scarcely any public institution has hitherto been permitted to look in vain.

St. James's Walk, at the top of Duke-street, inclining to the right, affords a fine promenade. The gravelled terrace, which is 400 yards long, extends over artificial ground, that has been considerably elevated, by which means it furnishes an extensive and interesting prospect. Behind the terrace are gravelled walks, kept in excellent order, and overshadowed with trees, that have grown to a considerable height. Several genteel residences stand within these gardens. The whole belongs to the Corporation, and is supported at its expense, for the accommodation of the


public, to whom it is always open, except on Sundays.

Liverpool has few manufactories besides those which are immediately connected with its shipping, its harbour, and its docks. Cotton factories have been attempted, but no enterprise has been crowned with success. It has, however, numerous houses for the refining of sugar, an extensive pottery, iron and brass founderies, roperies, &c. in addition to its domestic trades. In Vauxhall Road, there is a Patent Rope Mill, which cannot but prove highly gratifying to the spectator, who watches the effects produced by the various machinery. The building is extensive and elevated, and the whole process is carried on by the agency of steam. The hemp used in the manufacture, is taken to the highest story of the building; where being prepared, it is spun into yarns, which are received through the machinery into the next room below, where it is formed into a rope of the first size.

In rooms still lower in succession, ropes of different dimensions are spun, and upon the ground floor, a cable of the largest dimensions is formed in a short time. On Brownlow Hill, there is an establishment somewhat similar, belonging to Mr. G. Duncan.

(To be continued.)

Benevolent Institutions.


THE third anniversary of this Society, was held on Monday, May the 7th, at the City of London Tavern, Admiral Lord Gambier, the President, in the chair.

This meeting was attended by Edw. Phillips, Esq. Sir George Murray Keith, Bart. R. N. Rev. Rowland Hill, the Hon. and Rev. J. Gerard Noel,

Coomes, Esq. Rev. J. Edwards, Rev. J. Hooper, G. Armstrong, Esq. Rev. J. Morrison, Rev. Mr. Curwen, Brown, Esq. Rev. Mr. James, Dr. Hamilton, Rev. Mr. Thom, Rev. Mr. Eastwood, Rev. George Evans, Rev. Charles Hyatt, Col. Sandys, Capt. Fabian, R. N., Mackenzie, Esq. and R. H. Marten, Esq., who all spoke on the occasion, in a manner calculated to promote the interests of the society, whose welfare and prosperity lay near their hearts.



Benevolent Institutions.


the Report which was read, and from |ject which the society had in view, and the observations made by the gentle-furnished statements of its vast utimen who addressed the meeting, it lity, not only at home, but also in was evident, that much good had re- foreign countries. sulted from this benevolent institution. In the conduct of the seamen, a reformation of manners was perceptible; and in many vessels that had lately gone to sea, divine service was now regularly performed. The same benevolent spirit had also manifested itself towards this valuable class of men, not only in other ports of England, but also in America.


THE fifteenth anniversary of this Society, was held on Saturday, May 5th, at the City of London Tavern. Lord Vis. Lorton was called to the chair.

The principal speakers on this occasion were, the Rev. Mr.Martinet from Paris, Rev. Mr. Ward from Serampore, Rev. Dr. Pye Smith, Rev. James Hinton, Rev. Legh Richmond, and the Rev. Mr. Curwen.

In the speeches delivered by the above gentlemen, many pleasing and instructive anecdotes were introduced, Several instances were also adduced, to prove, that the Divine blessing had accompanied the exertions made by the friends of the institution; that some tracts which had been distributed, God had blessed to the conversion of souls in various portions of the globe; and that much religious knowledge had been diffused through the community, by their instrumentality.

This meeting was honoured with the presence of the Hon. Charles Shore, Rev. John Owen, Rev. Wm. Rushe, Sir St. Claudius Hunter, Rev. D. Thorpe, Rev. Dr. Collyer, Hon. and Rev. G. Noel, Rev. J. Addison PROTESTANT SOCIETY FOR THE PROCoombs, John O'Drescol, Rev. Lewis Way, Rev. B. Richings, Rev. E. Burn, G. Sandford, Esq. Rev. D. Wilson, and the Rev. W. Dealtry, who all spoke on the occasion.

The Report, which was read by the Bev. J. Morison, stated, that during the last year, the funds of the institution, which had been in an exhausted condition, were greatly replenished, both by collections and donations. The number of schools assisted by this society, amounted to 534, which contained 54,520 pupils.

The various speeches delivered by the above gentlemen, all tended to show the advantages which must result from educating the peasantry of Ireland; and its necessity was enforced from the relative situation of the two countries, the compact which subsisted between them, and from moral obligation.


ON the morning of Thursday, May 10th, the twenty-second anniversary of this society was held at the City of London Tavern, when Joseph Rayner, Esq. was called to the chair. The meeting was opened by the Rev. Mr. Upton with solemn prayer, and the report was read by the Rev. Mr. James.

The report set forth the great ob


THE tenth anniversary of this society,
was held on Saturday, May 12th, 1821,
in a large room at the Old London
Tavern, Bishopsgate-street. The pre-
ceding anniversary of this society
had excited such a lively interest,
that nearly four hours prior to the
commencement of the present meeting,
many persons had secured seats. This
proved a timely precaution, as some
hundreds who wished to attend, were
compelled to retire, from the want of
room. In almost every countenance,
that strong attachment to the sacred
rights of conscience, and to religious
liberty, which is the prerogative and
the boast of every Englishman, was
strongly depicted. It had also been
expected, that Lord John Russel, son
of the Duke of Bedford, would take
the chair, and thus sanction with his
presence that cause which has for
ages been associated with the name
of his family and ancestors.
other avocations, however, prevented
him from attending; but his commani-
cation expressed the cordial co-opera-
tion of his feelings, in the designs
which they were assembled to pro-


Mr. Whitbread, M. P. for Middlesex, who entered the room accompanied by the Treasurer, Secretaries, and Committee, amidst reiterated

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