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Scriptures, the, connection between their
authenticity and inspiration, 334.
Scott's history of the Church of Christ,
433; imperfections in the histories of the
Swiss branch of the reformation, ib.;
Zwingle, 435; Luther prior to Zwingle
in the work of the reformation, 438; he-
roes of the reformation, 439; remarks
on Mr. Scott's view of the founding of
an ecclesiastical establishment, 442; ori-
gin and spirit of the Church of England,
445; letter from Capito, at Strasburgh,
to his brethren at Basle, 449.
Slavery, supineness of the Christian world
on West India slavery, 332; causes of
this, 353; Mr. Canning's fallacious rea-
soning on slavery, 354; Christianity
and slavery incompatible, ib. 358; slavery
incompatible with the British constitution,
355; political and personal freedom dis-
tinct in their nature, 357; negro eman-
cipation defined, ib.; Christianity pro-
motive of freedom, 360; reluctance of
slave-holders to permit the religious in-
struction of their slaves, 362; slavery a
virtual impeachment of the truth of
Christianity, 364; dire effects of slave-
ry, 365; resolutions adopted at Leeds,
ib.; emancipation and compensation,
366; cost of slavery to England, 367;
slavery and the slave-trade inseparable
in morals and in fact, 369; case of the
West Indians stated, 370; see Rose
and Walsh.

Smallfield's Potamology, remarks on, 568;
the Ganges, ib.

Smith's, Dr.P., discourses on the sacrifice and
priesthood of Christ, character and con-
tents of the work, 397; canonical au-
thority of the epistle to the Hebrews de-
fended, 399; remarks on Heb. ix. 15-


scripture testimony to the
Messiah, importance of applying the
principle of induction to theological in-
quiries, 73; character of Dr. Smith's
work, 74, 82; importance of the inquiry,
76; Hebraized diction of the New Tes-
tament, 77; remarks on the Song of So-
lomon, 78; the moral state of the mind
and affections called for in the study of
the scriptures, 80; evidences of Christ's
divinity, ib.

Southern Africa, works on, 31; see Rose.

Southey's edition of the Pilgrim's Progress,
520; character of Dr. Southey as a theo-
logian, ib.; remarks on his Colloquies,'
ib.; defence of Bunyan against the charge
of plagiarism, 522; character of the pre-
sent work, 524.

Spinster's, a, tour in France, 277.
Starling's family cabinet atlas, character of,

Stuart's, professor, commentary on the epis-
tle to the Hebrews, 400; canonical au-
thority, genuineness, and inspiration of
this epistle, 401; character of professor
Stuart's work, 400, 414; want of critical
commentaries on the scriptures, of the
higher kind, in the English language,


Theological literature, remarks on, 334.
Thucydides; see Bloomfield.

Translations, on the use of, 377.
Translations of the scriptures, oriental; see

Uwins's remarks on nervous disorders,
560; case of Mr. Davies, ib.; character
of Dr. Uwins's pamphlet, 561; grada-
tions in madness, ib.

Vaughan's life of Wycliffe, defence of, 569.
Vital principle, theory of a; see Prichard.

Walsh's notices of Brazil, population of

Brazil, 546; slavery in Brazil, 547;
emperor of Brazil, 551; character of the
Brazilians, 552; state of religion in
Brazil, 555; character of Dr. Walsh's
book, 556.

Wardlaw's sermons, character of this work,
222; design of Christ's death, 223; Paul
and James on justification, 225; nature
of Christian probation, 232; happiness of
religion and pleasures of sin, 233; ex-
position of 1 John, iv. 17. 234; the
hiding of God's countenance, 235.
Waugh, Dr., memoirs of, 450.
Whately's thoughts on the sabbath, 485;
see sabbath.

Wood engraving, remarks on, 332.
Wood's account of the Edinburgh sessional

school, &c., character of this work, 142.
Wycliffe, defence of Vaughan's life of, 569.

Zwingle, life of, 435.

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