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precipitated, he has lived out the time allotted him in the construction of the play; nor do I doubt the ability of Shakspeare to have continued his existence, though some of his sallies are perhaps out of the reach of Dryden; whose genius was not very fertile of merriment, nor ductile to humour, but acute, argumentative, comprehensive, and sublime.

The Nurse is one of the characters in which the author de lighted: he has, with great subtilty of distinction, drawn her at once loquacious and secret, obsequious and insolent, trusty and dishonest.

His comick scenes are happily wrought, but his pathetick strains are always polluted with some unexpected depravations. His persons, however distressed, have a conceit left them in their misery, a miserable conceit.* Johnson.

* This quotation is also found in the Preface to Dryden's Fables: "Just John Littlewit in Bartholomew Fair, who had a conceit (as he tells you) left him in his misery; a miserable conceit." STEEVENS,

[blocks in formation]

[In the Second Edition, printed 1587, the Title was varied to











"To the Reader.*-The God of all glorye created vniuersallye all creatures, to sette forth his prayse, both those whiche we esteme profitable in vse and pleasure, and also those, whiche we accompte noysome, and lothsome. But principally, he hath appointed man, the chiefest instrument of his honour, not onely, for ministryng matter thereof in man himselfe: but aswell in gatheryng out of other, the occasions of publishing Gods goodnes, wisdome, & power. And in like sort, euerye dooyng of man hath by Goddes dyspensacion some thynge, whereby God may, and ought to be honored. So the good doynges of the good, & the euill actes of the wicked, the happy successe of the blessed, and the wofull procedinges of the miserable, doe in diuers sorte sound one prayse of God. And as eche flower yeldeth hony to the bee, so euery exaumple ministreth good lessons to the well disposed mynde. The glorious triumphe of the continent man vpon the lustes of wanton fleshe, incourageth men to honest restraynt of wyld affections, the shamefull and wretched endes of such, as haue yelded their libertie thrall to fowle desires, teache men to withholde them selues from the hedlong fall of loose dishonestie. So, to lyke effect, by sundry meanes, the good mans exaumple byddeth men to be good, and the euill mans mischefe, warneth men not to be euyll. To this good ende, serue all ill endes, of yll begynnynges. And to this ende (good Reader) is this tragicall matter written, to describe vnto thee a coople of vnfortunate louers, thralling themselues to vnhonest desire, neglecting the authoritie and aduise of parents and frendes, conferring their principall counsels with dronken gossyppes, and superstitious friers (the naturally fitte instrumentes of vnchastitie) attemptyng all aduentures of peryll, for thattaynyng of their wished lust, vsyng auriculer confession (the kay of whoredome, and treason) for furtheraunce of theyr purpose, abusyng the honorable name of lawefull mariage, to cloke the shame of stolne contractes, finallye, by all meanes of vnhonest lyfe, hastyng to most vnhappye deathe. This president (good Reader) shalbe to thee, as the slaues of Lacedemon, oppressed with excesse of drinke, deformed and altered from likenes of men, both in mynde, and vse of body, were to the free borne children, so shewed to them by their parentes, to thintent to rayse in them an hatefull lothyng of so filthy beastlynes. Hereunto if you applye it, ye shall deliuer my dooing from offence, and profit yourselues. Though I saw the same argument lately set foorth on stage with more commendation, then I can looke for: (being there much better set forth then I haue or can dooe) yet the same matter penned as it is, may serue to lyke good effect, if the readers do brynge with them lyke good myndes, to consider it,* which hath the more incouraged me to publishe it, suche as it is. Ar. Br."

* This address is from the first edition, printed in 1562, and inserted in the second volume of the British Bibliographer, by Mr. Haslewood, who has collated the whole poem with a copy of that edition, and by him obligingly communicated for the present edition. HARRIS.

The poem rhymes in couplets, but the lines originally were divided throughout; otherwise the measure forms alternate lines of twelve and fourteen syllables. A short specimen, to shew the manner of first printing it, will suffice. "There is beyonde the Alps,

a towne of auncient fame,
Whose bright renoune yet shineth cleare,

Bylt in

Verona men it name.

an happy time,
bylt on a fertile soyle:

Maynteined by the heauenly fates,

and by the townish toyle." &c. Fo. 1.

* Steevens, in a note prefixed to the play, rather prophetically observes, " we are not yet at the end of our discoveries relative to the originals of our author's dramatick pieces:" true: a play founded on the story of Romeo and Juliet, appearing on the stage "with commendation," anterior to the time of Shakspeare, is a new discovery for the commentators. HASLEWOOD.

AMID the desert rockes the mountaine beare
Bringes forth vnformd, vnlyke herselfe, her yong,
Nought els but lumpes of fleshe, withouten heare;
In tract of time, her often lycking tong

Geues them such shape, as doth, ere long, delight
The lookers on; or, when one dogge doth shake
With moosled mouth the ioyntes too weake to fight,
Or, when vpright he standeth by his stake,
(A noble creast!) or wylde in sauage wood
A dosyn dogges one holdeth at a baye,
With gaping mouth and stayned iawes with blood;
Or els, when from the farthest heauens, they
The lode-starres are, the wery pilates marke,
In stormes to gyde to hauen the tossed barke ;-
Right so my muse
Hath (now, at length,) with trauell long, brought forth
Her tender whelpes, her diuers kindes of style,
Such as they are, or nought, or little woorth,
Which carefull trauell and a longer whyle
May better shape. The eldest of them loe
I offer to the stake; my youthfull woorke,
Which one reprochefull mouth might overthrowe:
The rest, (vnlickt as yet,) a whyle shall lurke,
Tyll Tyme geue strength, to meete and match in fight,
With Slaunder's whelpes. Then shall they tell of stryfe,
Of noble trymphes, and deedes of martial might;
And shall geue rules of chast and honest lyfe.
The whyle, I pray, that ye with fauour blame,
Or rather not reprove the laughing game
Of this my muse.


LOUE hath inflamed twayne by sodayn sight,
And both do graunt the thing that both desyre;
They wed in shrift, by counsell of a frier;
Yong Romeus clymes fayre Juliets bower by night.
Three monthes he doth enioy his cheefe delight:
By Tybalt's rage prouoked vnto yre,
He payeth death to Tybalt for his hyre.
A banisht man, he scapes by secret flight :
New marriage is offred to his wyfe:

She drinkes a drinke that seemes to reue her breath;
They bury her, that sleping yet hath lyfe.
Her husband heares the tydinges of her death;
He drinkes his bane; and she, with Romeus' knyfe,
When she awakes, her selfe, (alas!) she sleath.

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