Tro. Fears make devils cherubins; they never see truly. Cres. Blind fear, that seeing reason leads, finds safer footing than blind reason stumbling without fear: to fear the worst, oft cures the worst. Tro. O, let my lady apprehend no fear: in all Cupid's pageant there is presented no monster. Cres. Nor nothing monstrous neither. Tro. Nothing, but our undertakings; when we vow to weep seas, live in fire, eat rocks, tame tigers; thinking it harder for our mistress to devise imposition enough, than for us to undergo any difficulty imposed. This is the monstruosity in love, lady, that the will is infinite, and the execution confined; that the desire is boundless, and the act a slave to limit. Cres, They say, all lovers swear more performance than they are able, and yet reserve an ability that they never perform; vowing more than the perfection of ten, and discharging less than the tenth part of one. They that have the voice of lions, and the act of hares, are they not monsters? Tro. Are there such? Such are not we: praise us as we are tasted, allow us as we prove; our heads shall go bare, till merit crown it: no perfection in reversion shall have a praise in present: we will not name desert before his birth: and being born, his addition * shall be humble. Few words to fair faith: Troilus shall be such to Cressid, as what envy can say worst, shall be a mock for his truth; and what truth can speak truest, not truer than Troilus. Cres. Will you walk in, my lord? Re-enter PANDARUS. Pan. What, blushing still? Have you not done talking yet? Cres. Well, uncle, what folly I commit, I dediate to you. Pan. I thank you for that; if my lord get a boy of you, you'll give him me: be true to my lord: if he flinch, chide me for it. Tro. You know now your hostages; your uncle's word, and my firm faith. Pan. Nay, I'll give my word for her too; our kindred, though they be long ere they are woo'd, they are constant, being won: they are burs, I can tell you; they'll stick where they are thrown. * Titles. Cres. Boldness comes to me now, and brings me heart: Prince Troilus, I have loved you night and day, For many weary months. Tro. Why was my Cressid then so hard to win? But, though I loved you well, I woo'd you not; Tro. And shall, albeit sweet music issues thence. Cres. My lord, I do beseech you, pardon me; 'Twas not my purpose, thus to beg a kiss: I am ashamed; -0 heavens! what have I done?- Pan. Leave! An you take leave till to-morrow morning,- Cres. Pray you, content you. Tro. What offends you, lady? Yourself. Cres. Let me go and try: I have a kind of self resides with you; Tro. Well know they what they speak, that speak so wisely. Cres. Perchance, my lord. I shew more craft than love! And fell so roundly to a large confession, Tro. O, that I thought it could be in a woman, Might be affronted + with the match and weight When right with right wars who shall be most right! True swains in love shall, in the world to come, Cres. Prophet may you be! If I be false, or swerve a hair from truth, From false to false, among false maids in love, false As air, as water, wind, or sandy earth, Pan. Go to, a bargain made: seal it, seal it; I'll be the witness.-Here I hold your hand; here, my cousin's. If ever you prove false one to another, * Ever. ‡ Comparison. † Met with and equalled. Conclude it. since I have taken such pains to bring you together, let all pitiful goers-between be call'd to the world's end after my name, call them all-Pandars; let all constant men be Troiluses, all false women Cressids, and all brokers-between Pandars! say amen. Tro. Amen. Cres. Amen. Pan. Amen. Whereupon I will shew you a chamber and a bed, which bed, because it shall not speak of your pretty encounters, press it to death: away. And Cupid grant all tongue-tied maidens here, Bed, chamber, Pandar to provide this geer! [Exeunt. SCENE III-The Grecian Camp. Enter AGAMEMNON, ULYSSES, DIOMEDES, NESTOR, AJAX, MENELAUS, and CALCHAS. Cal. Now, princes, for the service I have done you, The advantage of the time prompts me aloud demand. Cal. You have a Trojan prisoner, call'd Antenor, Yesterday took; Troy holds him very dear. Oft have you (often have you thanks therefore,) Desired my Cressid in right great exchange, Whom Troy hath still denied: but this Antenor, I know, is such a wrest in their affairs, That their negotiations all must slack, Wanting his manage; and they will almost • An instrument for tuning harps, &c.. Give us a prince of blood, a son of Priam, In most accepted pain. Agam. Let Diomedes hear him, And bring us Cressid hither; Calchas shall have Dio. This shall I undertake; and 'tis a burden Which I am proud to bear. [Exeunt Diomedes and Calchas. Enter ACHILLES and PATROCLUS, before their Tent. on him: If so, I have derision med'cinable, To use between your strangeness and his pride, Achil. What, comes the general to speak with me? You know my mind, I'll fight no more against Troy. Agam. What says achilles? Would he aught with us? Nest. Would you, my lord, aught with the general? Achil. No. Nest. Nothing, my lord. Agam. The better. [Exeunt Agamemnon and Nestor. Achil. Good day, good day. Men. How do you? How do you? [Erit Menelaus. Achil. What, does the cuckold scorn me? * Shyly. |