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fubjects, the reprefentatives for this province, return your Excellency our unfeigned thanks for your fpeech in general affembly.

Fully fenfible of the dangerous fituation in which the inhabitants of this colony are, from the unhappy troubles in America; and as the providing for its fecurity and defence is a matter of the higheft confequence; we fhall in our deliberations give it that weight and attention the importance of the fubject requires, and fincerely wish it was in our power to grant fupplies adequate to the exigency of the times.

We shall pay due regard to your Excellency's recommendation on the ftate and condition of the colony in refpect to provifions, and endeavour to provide against fuch abufes as may arife to the prejudice of its inhabitants; at the fame time that we efteem ourfelves happy in having it in our power to contribute to the fupplying the army and navy, as well as his Majefty's diftreffed fubjects at Bofton, with fuch refreshments as this province affords, and which we are chearfully ready to continue to the utmost of our abilities.

It yields us the higheft fatisfaction, that your Excellency is pleafed to entertain fuch fentiments of our attachment and loyalty to our Moft Gracious Sovereign and his government: We fhall not fail to continue to inculcate those fentiments among our conftituents, and be ever ready to co-operate with your Excellency in every measure that may tend to promote the peace, fafety, and welfare of the province."

Gov. Legge iffued a proclamation, dated Dec. 8.; fetting forth, That great mifchiefs may, and are likely to enfue, from permitting ftrangers, who may be in the intereft of the rebels, to refort to Halifax, and by that means obtaining and conveying to them intelligence; his Excellency therefore commands all perfons, not fettled inhabitants of the place, who -fince Sept. 30. laft have, or who hereafter fhall come into Halifax, immediately to repair to Thomas Procter, or Thomas Bridge, Efqs, J. P. to fignify their names, and places of abode, together with the occafion of their coming into town; on pain of their being treated as fpies, if they remain in town two hours without repairing to either of the juftices aforefaid.

Gov. Tryon continues to exprefs great tendernefs for the people of New York.

"New York, Dec. 7. On Monday laft the Governor fent the following letter to Whitehead Hicks, Efq; Mayor of this city. [xxxvii. 657.]

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SIR, I defire you will lay before the corporation the inclofed paper, containing my fentiments on the prefent convulfed state of this country, and that you will please to make the fame public. I am, Sir, your very humble fervant, WM TRYON."

"To the inhabitants of New York. I take this public manner to fignify to the inhabitants of this province, that his Majefty has been graciously pleafed to grant me his royal permiffion to withdraw from my government; and at the fame time to affure them of my readinefs to perform every service in my power to promote the common felicity.

If I am excluded from every hope of being any way inftrumental towards the re-establishment of that harmony, at prefent interrupted, between G. Britain and her colonies, I expect foon to be obliged to avail myself of his Majefty's indulgence.

It has given me great pain to view the colony committed to my care in fuch a turbulent ftate, as not to have afforded me, fince my arrival, any prospect of being able to take the difpaflionate and deliberate voice of its inhabitants, in a conftitutional manner, upon the refolution of parliament, for compofing the prefent ferments in this province: A refolution that was intended for the bafis of an accommodation, and, if candidly confidered, in a way in which it will be moft probably fuccefsful, and treated with that delicacy and decency requifite to the cultivation of a fincere reconciliation and friendship, might yet be improved, for the purpofe of restoring the general tranquillity and fecurity of the empire.

I owe it to my affection to this colony, to declare my wifh, that fome meafure may be speedily adopted for this purpofe; as I feel an extreme degree of anxiety, in being witnefs to the growing calamities of this country, without the power to alleviate them: Calamities that muft increafe, while many of the inhabitants with-hold their allegiance from their Sovereign, and their obedience to their parent-country, by whofe power


and patronage they have hitherto been fuftained and protected. WM TRYON. Ship Duchefs of Gordon, Harbour of New York, Dec. 4. 1775." A note in manufcript was affixed to Mr Rivington's news-paper of Nov. 23. viz.-" The contents of last week's NewYork Gazetteer occafioned Mr Rivington, the printer, to be surprised and fur. rounded, on the 23d of November, by feventy-five of the Connecticut light horfe, with firelocks and fixed bayonets, who burst into the house between twelve and one o'clock noon, totally destroyed all his types, put an entire ftop to his bufinefs, and reduced him, at upwards of fifty years of age, to the fad neceffity of beginning the world again. The aftonished citizens beheld the whole fcenç, without affording the perfecuted, profcribed printer the leaft affistance. The printing of the New-York Gazetteer will be difcontinued until America fhall be bleffed with the restoration of good government."

William Franklin, Efq; Governor of New Jersey, opened the general affembly of that province, at Burlington, Nov. 16. with the following speech.

"Gentlemen of the Council, and

Gentlemen of the Affembly,

I have called this meeting, that you might have an opportunity of transacting fuch bufinefs as the public exigencies of the province require.

Having lately faid fo much to you concerning the prefent unhappy fituation of public affairs, and the deftructive meafures which have been adopted in the colonies under the pretence of neceffity, and as I do not yet fee that the urging any more arguments on that head has a chance of producing any good effect, I fhall not endanger the harmony of the prefent feffion by a farther difcuffion of the fubject.

It is neceffary, however, that you fhould be informed, "That his Majefty laments to find his fubjects in America fo loft to their own true intereft, as nei ther to accept the refolution of the Houfe of Commons of the 20th of February, nor make it the bafis of a negotiation, when, in all probability, it would have led to fome plan of accommodation; and that, as they have preferred engaging in A rebellion which menaces to overthrow the conftitution, it becomes his Maje

fty's duty, and his firm refolution, that the moft vigorous efforts fhould be made, both by fea and land, to reduce his re bellious fubjects to obedienee." But it is hoped, that, unfavourable as the pro fpects are at prefent, the time will come when men of fenfe, and friends to peace and good order, will fee the fatal confe quences of the delufions which have led to the measures the people of America are now purfuing, and that we may yet fee the public tranquillity re-established on the ground of the terms held out by his Majefty and the parliament.

It is likewife proper that you should know, "That the commanders of his Majefty's fquadrons in America have orders to proceed, as in the cafe of a town in actual rebellion, against fuch of the feaport towns and places, being acceffible to the King's ships, as fhall offer any violence to the King's officers; or in which any troops fhall be raised, or military works erected, other than by his Majefty's authority; or any attempts made to feize or plunder any public magazine of arms and ammunition."

Although the King's officers in this province have not as yet (except in one or two inftances) met with any infults or improper treatment from any of the inhabitants; yet fuch has been the general infatuation and diforder of the times, that, had I followed the judgement and advice of fome of my best friends, I fhould, ere this, have fought (as others of the King's governors have done) an afylum on board one of his Majefty's fhips, But as I am confcious, that I have the true intereft and welfare of the people at heart, (though I am fo unhappy as to differ widely in opinion with their reprefentatives, refpecting the best means of ferving them in the prefent crifis), I shall continue my confidence in that affection and regard which I have on fo many oc cafions experienced from all ranks during my refidence in this colony. I have, indeed, the ftronger inducement to run this risk, and to use my influence with the other crown-officers to do the fame, because our retreat would neceffarily be attributed to either the effect or wellgrounded apprehenfion of violence, and of courfe fubject the colony to be more immediately confidered as in actual rebellion, and be productive of mischiefs which it is my earnest inclination and determination to prevent as far as may be in my power. Let me therefore,


Gentlemen, intreat you, to exert your influence likewife with the people, that they may not, by any action of theirs, give caufe for the bringing fuch calamities on the province. No advantage can poffibly refult from the feizing, confinement, or ill treatment, of officers, adequate to the certain damage fuch acts of violence muft occafion the province to fuffer.

However, Gentlemen, if you should be of a different opinion, and will not or cannot answer for our safety, all I ask is, that you would tell me fo in fuch plain open language as cannot be misunderftood. For as fentiments of independency are, by fome men of present consequence, openly avowed, and effays are already appearing in the public papers to ridicule the people's fears of that horrid measure, and remove their averfion to republican government, it is high time that every man should know what he has to expect. If, as I hope, you have an abhorrence of fuch defign, you will do your country an effential service by declaring it in fo full and explicit terms as may difcourage the attempt. You may always rely on finding me ready to co-operate with you in every proper expedient for promoting peace, order, and good government; and I fhall deem it a particular happinefs to have an opportunity of being inftrumental in faving this province from the present impending danger.


We have not yet been favoured with the addrefs in anfwer to this fpeech; but doubt not of the affembly's candour, in affording fafety to the King's governor and officers, who thus, confiding in the people's love, intrusted their perfons to their protection.

Whatever influence thefe pacific recommendations may have upon the people within doors, to whom they are addreffed, they feem to take no other effect without doors, than just to preserve the perfons in office from infult. The whole continent continues ftill to be in motion, and every colony is not only providing for its own particular fafety, but likewife to affert the common caufe with propor tionable force. They are bufy too in forming a marine; but it must be long before they can be formidable at fea.

The House of Representatives in Pennfylvania, Nov. 8. recommended to all male white perfons within their province, who are between the ages of fixteen and

fifty, and who are not conscientiou fcrupulous of bearing arms, to join t military affociation in that province fort with; and to all those who are thus fcr pulous and confcientious, to contribu an equivalent in money. They at t fame time ordered the fum of 80,000 1. be ftruck in bills of credit, for answeri the prefent exigencies of the province, order that the affociators may be allow all neceffary charges for their respecti fervices.

The like has been done in the provin of Massachusets-bay, and in other pr vinces. The reprefentatives of the Ma fachufets have ordered notice to be giv to all the officers and minute-men, wh on the alarm on the 19th of April la marched from home for the defence the colony, against the minifterial troop to make up their account of time ai travel on that occafion, in order to paid for their service; and also for all in holders, and others, who afforded mon or entertainment to the said minute-me to make up their account, in order tor ceive fatisfaction for the fame; and it likewife ordered, that all who ferved the character of field-officers, wheth of the militia or minute-men, should ma up their accounts, colonels at the rate 121. per month, lieutenant-colonels g 10 s. majors 8 1. and adjutants 31. 12 At the fame time a kind of cenfure paffed upon fome of the troops who that occafion marched to the place leave, whereby not only the lives of th rendezvous, but returned again withe worthy friends and fellow-countrym left in the field, but also the rights a liberties of their country, were grea haviour for the future, it was ordere endangered: to avoid fuch unworthy of the militia faithfully attend their du and expected, that officers and prival on all fuch occafions, and that they not quit their pofts, until regularly


The act of the Maffachufet's-bay fembly, to encourage privateering, alr dy inferted [xxxvii. 718.], is faid to the first ever made by European fett to authorife reprifals upon their pare ftate, by means of powers confeffedly rived from the parent-ftaté for their o special defence. This precedent has Couraged the representatives of other lonies to iffue out like commiffions confequence of which, a very confidera naval force is actually fitting out: fo

a piratical war may now be faid to be declared by fea, of advantage only to the daring and defperaté.

It appears already, by undoubted in formation, that one thip, of inestimable value to the provincials, has fallen into the hands of their privateers, namely, the Nancy, Hunter, a transport-veffel, on board of which they found 30 tons of cartridges, 2500 (others fay 15,000) ftand of fmall arms, two brass 24 pounders, two brafs 18 pounders, one 13 inches, and fome fmaller mortars, with a proportionable number of fhells, fome fay no lefs than 30,000. This capture appears to be of the greater importance, as it enables the provincial army to keep in awe the regulars in Bofton. The following letter, which is faid to be authentic, and written by a gentleman who arrived in England about the 20th of January, will place this matter in a clearer light.

"The troops from Bunker's-hill went into winter-quarters a very few days before I quitted Bofton, which was on the 16th of December: thofe in Bofton had broke up camp about a fortnight before; all in good fpirits, and in better health than could be expected after fo late a campaign. No part of the fleet fent from England and Ireland with fupplies had arrived when we left Bofton; but we had the pleasure of feeing five fail standing in to the harbour as we came away, and which, from their fize, we judged were from Europe; a fight truly pleafing to ps,-how much more to thofe who had not our profpect of plenty! Fuel was weekly iffued only, there not being a fufficiency to afford a greater fupply; and every regiment had old houses and wharfs affigned to them contiguous to their quarters, to ferve in lieu of better firing. I do not recollect, 'whether you faw Charles-town fide in that forwardness to give you any idea of its prefent ftrength, nor can I with words well defcribe the plan; fuffice it to fay, that we thought boo men, commanded by two field-off cers, fo fully fufficient to protect it against the whole rebel-army, that the fluthes are levelled, and the neck left open for their approach. After faying thus much on the favourable fide, I must confirm the report. you have no doubt heard, of the capture the rebels have made at fea, of an ordnance-brig, con taining a mortar, and, I fear, fo many loaded fhells, as to prevent our attempt ing to burn the barracks, by bombarding VOL.XXXVIII.

them, for fear of a return. However, I ftill imagine they will be glad to keep Tom Fool's bargain, as we are so much fuperior in point of artillery. Several other veffels have been furprifed by their infignificant bomb-boats. I truft it will not laft, and that they will pay dear for all in the fpring. Indeed, I make no doubt of it, if the force intended arrives early enough to act.”

By an account of the naval power of the Americans, both at fea and on the ftocks, they tell us, they fhall next fummer have the following force at fea. One thip of 50 guns, two of 40, fix of 36, five of 32, five of 28, ten of 26, twelve of 22, twenty-two of 20, and from twenty to thirty of from 12 to 20 guns,

According to a letter from Philadelphia, the American congress have put the following fhips into commiflion, under the command of Mr Brice, (formerly in the navy); who wears an admiral's flag at his main-top-maft head, the fame as the Union of Great Britain, with this infcription: THE UNITED COLONIES.

[blocks in formation]

"George town, Maryland, Nov. 26. Major Conolly, with three companions, are juft taken five miles from Hagar's-town, on their way to Fort Pitt. Conolly bad been this fummer at Bofton, where he prefented a plan of operation for the next fpring to Gen. Gage, which met with the General's approbation; and he was now in his way to put it in execution. He is made Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant; was to proceed to Fort Detroit, where Capt. Lord, who is now at the Illinois with two companies of the Royal Irish, was to meet him, with the field-pieces and ftores that are there. Conolly was to raife a regiment, as many Indians and partifans as he could: to enable him to do this, he had power to promife every perfon that entered into the fervice, 300 acres of land when the troubles were o ver, and what other pecuniary rewards he might think proper; was to appoint and commiffion all the officers under him, which commiffions were to be confirmed by Lord Dunmore. With this force he



was to penetrate through the country, in order to cut off the communication be tween the fouthern and northern colo

nies; deftroy Fort Pit and Fort Finca fle, if the Americans should make any refiftance; and meet Lord Dunmore by the 20th of April next, at Alexandria, where Dunmore was to land an army under the cannon of the fhips of war. Conolly's companions were one Cameron, who is now a lieutenant, with a promife of promotion; and one Dr Smith, who fays he was to be furgeon of Conolly's regiment. They were examined before the committee. On fearching their

portmanteaus, a copy of Conolly's plan was found."

"North Carolina, Dec. 29. Gov. Martin is till [xxxvii 492. 550.] on board the Cruifer; from whence he iffued a proclamation, forbidding the meeting of the convention; which they refolved was "a falfe, fcandalous, fcurrilous, and malicious libel, tending to ftir up tumults and infurrections, dangerous to the peace of his Majefty's government,” &c.; and ordered it to be burnt by the cominon hangman: which was accordingly done.

The following is a copy of a test drawn up by the convention, figned by them felves, the provincial council, committees of fafety, &c. "We the fubfcribers, profeffing our allegiance to the King, and acknowledging the conftitutional executive power of government, do folemnly profefs, teftify, and declare, That we do abfolutely believe, that neither the parliament of Great Britain, nor any con ftituent member thereof, have a right to impofe taxes on thefe colonies, to regulate the internal policy thereof; and that all attempts, by fraud or force, to eftablish and exercife fuch claims and powers, are violations of the peace and fecurity of the people, and ought to be refifted to the utmoft; and that the people of this province, fingly and collectively, are bound by the acts and refolutions of the continental and provincial congreffes, because in' both they are freely reprefented by perfons chofen by themselves: and we do folemnly and fincerely promife and engage, under the fanction of virtue, honour, and the facred love of liberty, and our country, to maintain and fupport all and every the acts, refolutions, and regulations of the faid continental and provincial congreffes to the utmost of our power and abilities. In teftimony where of," &c.

NEW BOOKS; with the Prices, Publifh

ers Names, Remarks, and Extracts. indebted for the remarks, &c.; M. denoting the [The fignatures annexed, how to whom we are Monthly, C. the Critical, L. the London, and E. the Edinburgh, Reviews; G. the Gende man's Magazine, &c.]

The rights of Great Britain afferted against the claims of America: being an anfwer to the Declaration of the General Congress. (a) rs. 6d. Cadell. (1)

Advertisement prefixed to the fifth edition. THE materials upon which the following pamphlet is formed, were derived from the best and most inconteftable authorities. The author had access to original papers, accurate eftimates, and authentic difpatches He has alfo availed himself of the records of both Houfes of Parliament; and he has made it his business to examine, with attention, fuch printed tracts as might contribute to throw any light on the fubject. Upon the whole, more labour and time have been em ployed on this fhort difquifition, than are ge nerally bestowed upon fugitive publications of the fame kind. The design of the writer has been, to extricate the conteft now fubfifting between Great Britain and her colonies, from the errors of the ignorant, and the mif reprefentations of defigning men As he has rigidly adhered to truth throughout, and to fuch arguments as naturally arife from un doubted facts, he hopes he has attained his object.

WHen independent ftates take up

arms, they endeavour to impres the world with a favourable opinion of their own caufe, and to lay the blame of hoftilities on the injuftice of their opponents. But if nations, accountable to none for their conduct, deem it neceffary to reconcile others to their proceedings, the neceffity is ftill more urgent with regard to thofe who, breaking through

(a) [As the Monthly Reviewers efpoufe the caufe of the colonifts very warmly, we fubjoin, as notes, what they fay in reply to this pamphlet, referring to thefe notes thus, (*) (2) &c.]

(1) This celebrated performance is faid to have been written, printed, and liberally diftributed, both in G. Britain and America, but whether this be true or not, the work itat the inftance and expence of government felf, we ate afraid, will anfwer no other purpofe, than to exafperate the people of G. Britain against their brethren of America, and by inflammatory misreprefentations and invectives, aggravate the evils of our prefent civil difcord.


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