Page images

I seek to heal it only by his wealth:
Besides these, other bars he lays before me,

My rious pas, my will societies:

And tells me, 'tis a thing impossible

I should love thee, bat as a property.

Anne. May be, he tells you true.

Fent. No, heaven so speed me in my time to


Albeit, I will confess, thy father's wealth

Was the first motive that I woo'd thee, Anne;
Yet, woong thee, I found thee of more value
Than starups in goll, or suns in sealed bags;
And 'tis the very riches of thyself

That now I aim at.


Gentle master Fenton,

Yet seek my father's lore: still seek it, air:
If opportunity and humblest suit

Cannot attain it, why then-Hark you hither.
They converse apart

Enter Shallow, Slender, and Mrs. Quickly. Shal Break their talk, mistress Quickly; my kinsman shall speak for himself.

Sten. I'll make a shaft or a bolt on't: slid, 'tis but venturing.

Shal. Be not dismay'd.

Sien. No, she shall not dismay me: I care not for that, but that I am afecard.

Quick. Hark ye; master Slender would speak a word with you.

Anne. I come to him. This is my father's


0, what a world of vile ill-favour'd faults
Looks handsone in three hundred pounds a year!
Quick. And how does good master Fenton?
Pray you, a word with you

Fent. Sir, will you hear me?
No, good master Fenton.
Come, master Shallow; come, son Slender; in:-
Knowing my mind, you wrong me, master Fen-


[Ereunt Page, Shallow, and Slender.

Quick. Speak to mistress Page.
Fent. Good raistress Page, for that I love your


In such a righteous fashion as I do,

Perforce, against all checks, rebukes, and man


I must advance the colours of my love,
And not retire: Let me have your good will.
Anne. Good mother, do not marry me to yond'



Mrs. Page. I mean it not; I seek you a better
Quick. That's my master, master doctor.
Anne. Alas, I had rather be set quick i' the


And bowl'd to death with turnips.

Mrs. Page. Come, trouble not yourself: Good

master Fenton,

I will not be your friend, nor enemy.
My daughter will I question how she loves you,
And as hund her, so ain I affected;
""Till then, farewell, sir-she must needs go in;
Her father will be angry.

[Exeunt Mrs. Page and Anne.

Fent. Farewell, gentle mistress; farewell, Nan. Quick. This is my doing, now: -Nay, said 1, will you cast away your child on a fool, and a physician? Look on master Fenton:-this is my doing.

Fent. I thank thee; and I pray thee, once tonight

Shal. She's coming; to her, coz. O boy, thou Give my sweet Nan this ring: There's for thy hadst a father!

Slen. I had a father, mistress Anne-my uncle can tell you good jests of him:-Pray you, uucle, tell mistress Anne the jest, how my father stole two geese ont of a peu, good uncle.

Shal. Mistress Ame, my consin loves you. Slen. Ay, that I do, as well as I love any woman in Gloucestershire.

Saal. He will maintain you like a gentle

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Anne. Good master Shallow, let him woo for himself.

Shal. Marry, I thank you for it; 1 thank you for that good comfort. She calls you, coz; I'll leave you

Anne. Now, master Slender.

Slen. Now, good mistress Anne.
Anne. What is your will/

Slen. My will? od's heartlings, that's a pretty
Jest indeed! I ne'er made my will yet, I thank
heaven; I am not such a sickly creature, I give
heaven praise.
Anne I I mean, master Slender, what would
yon with me ?
Sien. Truly, for mine own part, I would little
or nothing with you:
father, and my uncle


ave inade inotions; if it be my luck, so: if not, appy man he his dole! They can tell you how things go, better than I can: You may ask your ather; here he comes.

Enter Page and Mistress Page.

Page. Now, master Slender: Love him,

dangi.ter Anne-
how now! what does master Fenton here?

You wrong me, sir, thus still to haunt my house
told you, sir, my daughter is dispos'd of.
Fent. Nay, master Page, be not impatient.

[blocks in formation]

Quick. Now heaven send thee good fortune! A kind heart he hath: a woman would run through fire and water for such a kind heart. But yet, I would my master had mistress Anne; or I would master Slender had her; or, in sooth, I would master Fenton had her: I will do what I can for them all three; tor so I have promised, and I'll be as good as my word; but speciously for master Fenton. Well, I must of another errand to Sir Johu Falstaff from my two mis tresses: What a beast ain I to slack it! Erit SCENE V. A room in the Garter Ian. Enter Falstaff and Bardolph.

Fal. Bardolph, 1 say,

Bard. Here, sir.

Fal. Go fetch me a quart of sack; put a toast In't Exit Bard. Have I lived to be carried in a basket, like a barrow of butcher's offal: and to be thrown into the Thames? Well; if I be served such another trick, i'll have my brains ta'en out, and buster'd, and give them to a dog for a new year's gift. The rogues slighted me into the river with as little remorse as they would have drowned a bisch's blind puppies, fifteen i the litter and you may know by my size, that I have a kind of alacrity in sinking; if the bottom were as deep as hell, I should down. I had

been drowned, bitt that the shore was shelvy and shallow; a death that I abhor; for the water swells a man; and what a thing should I have been, when I had been swelled! I should have been a mountain of maminy.

[blocks in formation]

Mrs. Page. Good master Fenton, come not to swallowed snow-balls for pills to cool the reins.

my child.

Page. She is no match for you.

Call her in.

Bard. Come in, woman

Enter Mrs. Quickly.

Quick. By your leave; lery you mercy: Give your worship good-morrow.

Fal. Take away these chalices: Go brew me

a pottle of sack fuely.
Bard. With eggs, sir 7
Fal. Simple of
my brewage-Exit Bardolph-llow now!
itself: I'll no pallet-sperm in
sir, I come to your worship

from mistress Font.
Fal. Mistres Ford! I have had ford enough:
I was thrown into the ford: I have my belly full

of fond.

Quick. Alas the day! good heart, that was not her fault; she does so take on with her men: they mistook their erection.

Fal. So did I mine, to build upon a foolish woman's promise.

Quick. Well, she laments, sir, for it, that it would yearn your heart to see it. Her husband goes this morning a birding; she desires you once more to come to her between eight and nine: I must carry her word quickly: she'll make you amends, 1


Fal. Well, I will visit her: Tell her so; and bid her think what a man is: let her consider his frailty, and then judge of my merit.

Quick 1

I will tell her.

Fal. Do so.

Between nine and t

Quick Eight and nine, sir.

ten say'st thou ?


Fol. Well, be gone I will not miss her. Quick. Peace be with you, sir} Fil. I marvel, I hear not of master Brook, he sent the word to stay within; I like his money well. O, here he comes.

Enter Font

Ford. Bless you, sir 1 Ful. Now, master Brook? you come to know what hath pussed between me and Ford's wife 7


Sir John, is my business.
will not lie you.


That, indeed, Sir Fal. Master Binok, I at her house Ford. And how shed you, sir! Fal. Very Very ill-favouredly, Master Brook. Fard. How so, sir 7 mination!

the hour she appointed

I was

Did she change her deter

Fal. No, master Brook; but the peaking cor. nuto, her husband, master Brook, dwelling in a continnal "harum of jealousy, comes me in the Instant of our encounter, after we had embraced, kissed, protested, and, as it were, spoke the pro logne of our comedy; and at his heels a rabble This companions, thither provoked and instiga ted by his distemper, and, forsooth, to search his hous


for his wite's


Ford. What, while you were there ?
Fal. While I was there.

Ford. And did he search for you, and could not find you ?

Fal. You shall hear. As good luck would have it, comes in one mistress Page: gives intelligence and, by her invention, and

of F

Ford's approach; Ford's wife's distraction, they conveyed me into a buck-basket.

Ford. A buck-basket?


old, held fis hand. Well, on went he for a ed it; but Fate, o dining he should be a cuck. murk the sequel, master Book: I suffered the search, and away went I for foul clothe the Bat pangs of three several deaths: ble fright, to the detected with a jealous rotten first, an intolera bilto, in the ciremerence of a jeza, hit to hellwether: next, to be com assel Lke a good pont, heel to head and then, to be stopped m, Urt fret ed in thetrown greuse: think of the like a strong disullation, with stinking clothes a man of my kindney, think of that, that am as subject to heat as batter; a man of continual Eissolution and thaw; it was a miracle to 'supe suffocation. And in the height of this bath, when Dutch dish, to be thrown into the Thames, and I was more than half stewel in grease, like a shoe; think of that;-hissing hot,--think of that, cooled, glowing hot, in that sirge, like a horse master Brook.

[blocks in formation]

Ford. 'Tis past eight already, sir. Fal. Is it? I will then address me to my apleisure, and you shall know how 1 speed; and pointment: Come to ine at your convenient the conclusion shail joying her: Adieu. You shall have her, master



master Brook,

crowned with hy your eu


shall enckold Ford.
dream? do I sleep! Master Ford, awake;
Ford. Hum! ha! is this a vision? is thus a
awake, master Ford; there's a hole made in
your best coat, master Ford.
This 'tis to be
married! this 'tis to have linen, and brek-
baskets!-Well, I will proclaim myself what I
am: 1 will now take the lecher;
should; he cannot creep into a halljenny purse,
house he cannot 'scape me; 'tis impossible he
he is at my
nor into a pepper-box: but, lest the
devil that
will search impos

guides him should aid him,
yet to be what I would not, shall not make m
sible places. Though what I am I cannot avoid,
proverb go with me, I'll be horn inad.
if I have horns to inake one mad, let the

[blocks in formation]

Mrs. Page. Is he at master Ford's alrea-ty, Enter Mrs. Page, Mrs. Quickly, and William. think'st thou ?

Quick. Sure, he is by this: or will be presently but truly, he is very courageous mad, atout sires you to come suddenly. his throwing into the water. Mistress Ford de Mrs. Page. I'll be with her by and by; I'll but where his master comes; 'tis a playing-day, I bring my young man here to school: Look,

Fal. By the Lord, a bock-basket: rammed me in with foul shirts and smocks, socks, foul stock-see. ings, and greasy hat kins; that, master Brook, there was the raskeat compound of villanous smell, that ever offended nostril.

Ford. And how long lay you there 1

Enter Sir Hugh Evans.

How now, Sir Hugh? no school to-day 7
to play.
Ern. No; master Slender is let the boys leave

Quick. Blessing of his heart.

Fal. Nay, you shall hear, master Brook, what I have suffered to bring this woman to evil, for your good. Being thus crammed in the basket, a couple of Ford's knaves, his hinds, were called forth, by their mistress, to carry me in the name pray you, ask him some questions in his acci of foul clothes to Dachet-hane: they took me dence.

Mrs. Page Sir Hugh, my husband says, my son profits nothing in the world at his book; 1

on their shoulders; met the jealous knave, their Eva. Come hither, William; hold up your master, in the door; who asked them once or head; come.

twice what they had in their basket: 1 quaked Mrs. Page. Come on, sirrah; hold up your for fear, lest the lunatic knave would have search-head; answer your master, be not afraid.

Eon. William, how many numbers is in nouns?
Will. Two.

Qatek. Truly, I thought there had been one
munder more; because they say, ol's noms.
Era. Peace your tattings What is fair,


Wit Pulcher.

Quick. Poulcats! there are fairer things thau,

poulcats, sure.

Eta You are a very simplicity 'oman; Ipray
What is lapis, William

you peace. Will. A stone.

Eco. Aul what is a stone, William ?
Will. A pebble.

Eva. No, it is lapis; I pray you remember in

your prain

Will. Lapis.

Era. That is good, William. What is he,
William, that does lend articles ?

Will Articles are borrowed of the pronoun, and be thus declined, Singulariter, nominativo,

hic, ho, hor.

Eva. Nominatico, hig, hag, hog; pray you, mark: genitivo, hujus: Well, what is your ac

cusative case!

Will. Accusativo, hine.

Eva. I pray yom

have your remembrance,

child: Accuatico, hing, hang, hoz.

Quick. Hang hog, is Latin for bacon, I war

rant you.

Ern. Leave your pralbles, 'oman. What is the locative case. William ?

Will O-cratico, O.

[blocks in formation]

Mrs. Page. Truly, I am so glad you have no

body here

Mie Ford. Why?


Mrs. Page. Why, woman, your husband is in
his old lunes again: he so takes on youler with
my husbaud; so rails against all married man-
kind; so curses all Eve's daughters, of
complexion swever; and so bullets himself on te
forehead, crying. Peer out, peer out! thatany
madness, I ever yet beheld, seemed but came
ness, civility, and patience, to this his distemper
he is in now: I am glad the fat knight is not here.
Mre. Ford. Why, does he talk of him ?
Mrs. Page. Of none but him; and swears, he

was carried ont, the last time he searched for
him, in a basket; protests to my linsband he is
now here; and hath drawn hita and the rest of
their company from their sport, to make ancther
experiment of his suspicion but I am glad the
knights not here; now he shall see

his own

Mrs. Ford. How near is he, mistress l'age ?
Mrs. Page. Hand by; at street end; he will
be here anou

Mrs. Ford. I am undone! the knight is here.
Mrs. Page. Why, then you are utterly shamed,
What a woman are

Eca. Remember, William; focative is caret. and he's but a dead man.

Quick. And that's a good rout

you l-Away with him, away with him, better shune than murder.

Mrs. Ford. Which way should he go 7 how your genitive case plural, Wil- should I bestow him? Shall I put him into the

Eva. Oman, forbear.

Mrs. Fage. Peace.

Era. What is


Lasket again?

Will. Genitive case?

Re-enter Falstaff.

Era. Ay.

Fal. No, I'll come no more i' the basket: May
I not go ont, ere he come?

[blocks in formation]

Wali. Genitivo, horum, harum, horum.

Quick. Vengeance of Jenny's case! fie on her! Mrs. Page. Alas, three of master Ford's bro never name her! child! if she be a whore.

[blocks in formation]

came. Bat what make you here?

Fal. What shall I do?-1'll creep up into the chimney.

Mrx. Ford. There they always used to discharge their birding-pieces: Creep into the kiln-hole. Fal. Where is it ?

Mes. Ford. He will seek there on my word. Neither press, coffer, cheat, trunk, well, vault, but he hath an abstract for the remembrance of

is no hiding you in the house.
Fal. I'll go ont then.

Era. Shew ine now, William, some declen- such places, and gues to them by his note: There

[blocks in formation]

Erit Sir

we stay Ezeunt

SCENE IL A Room in Ford's House.
Enter Falstaff and Mrs. Ford.

Fal Mistress Ford, your sorrow hath eaten
up my sufferance: I see, you are obsequious in
your love, and I profess your requital to a hair's
breadth: not only, mistress Ford, in the simple
office of love, but in all the accoutrement, conr
plement, and ceremony of it. But are you sure
of your bustrand now 1
Mrs. Ford. He's a birding, sweet Sir John.
Mra. Page within.] What hoa, gossip Ford!

[blocks in formation]

Mrs. Page. if you go out in your own semblance, you die, Sir John. Unless you go out disguisedMr. F Ford. How might we disgnise him ?

Mrs. Page. Alas the day, I know not. There is no woman's gown big enough for him; other wise, he might put on a hat, a muffler, and a kerchief, and so escape.

Fal Good hearts, devise something: any extremity, rather than a mischief.

Mrs. Ford. My maid's aunt, tire fat woman of
Brentford, has a gown above.

Mrs. Page. On my word, it will serve him;
she's as big as he is: and there's her thrum'd hat,
and her muffler too: run up, Sir John
Mrs. Ford. Go, go, sweet Sir John: mistress
Page and I will look some linen for your head.
Mrs. Page. Quick, quick; we'll come dress
you straight put on the gown the while.

Erit Falstaff. Mrs. Ford. I would my husband would meet him in this shape; he cannot abide the old wo man of Brentford; he swears, she's a witch; forbade her my house, and hath threatened to beat her.


Mrs. Page Heaven guide him to thy hus follow the imaginations of your own heart: this

band's cudge; and the devil guide his cudgel is jealousie


Mrs. Ford. But is my husband coming ?

Mrs. Page. Ay, in good sadness, is he; and talks of the basket too, howsoever he hath had intelligence.

Mrs. Ford. We'll try that; for I'll appoint my men to carry the basket again, to meet him at the door with it, as they did last time.

Mra. Page. Nay, but he'll be here presently: let's go dress him like the witch of Brentford.

Mrs. Ford. Pil first direct my mer, what they shall do with the basket. Go up, I'll bring linen for him straight.


Mrs. Page. Hang him dishonest varlet! we cannot misuse him enonga. We'll leave a

proof by that which we will do,

Wives may be merry, and yet honest too:
We do not act that often jest and laugh;
"Tis old but true, Still swine eat all the draff.


Re-enter Mrs. Ford, with two Servants. Mrs. Ford. Go, sirs, take the basket again on your shoulders; your master is hard at door; it he bid you set it down, obey him; quickly, despatch.

1 Sere. Come, come, take it np.


2 Serv. Pray heaven, it be not full of the knight again.


1 Seru. I hope not; I had as lief bear so much Enter Ford, Page, Shallow, Caius, and Sir Hugh Evans.

Ford. Ay, but if it prove true, master Page, have you any way then to unfool me again Set down the basket, villain Somebody call my wife:-you, youth in a basket, come out here!-O, you panderly rascals! there's a knot, a ging, a pack, a conspiracy against me: Now, shall the devil be sha:ned. What! wife, I say! come, come forth; behold what honest clothes you send forth to bleaching.

Page. Why, this passes ! master Ford, you are not to go loose any longer: Era. Why, this is lunatics! this is mad as a you must be pinioned. mad dog !

Shal. Indeed, master Ford, this is not well; indeed.

Enter Mrs. Ford.

Ford. So say I too, sir. Come hither, mistress Ford; mistress Ford, the honest woman, the modest wife, the virtuous creature, that hath the jealous fool to her husband 1-1 suspect without cause, mistress, do 17

Mrs. Ford. Heaven be my witness, you do, if you suspect me in any dishonesty.

Ford. Well said, brazen-face; hold it out.
Come forth, sirrah.

[Putts the clothes out of the basket

Page. This passes!

Mr. Ford. Are you not ashamed? let the clothes alone.

Ford. I shall find yon anon.

Ford. Well, he's not here I seek for.

Ford. Help to search my house this one tune Page. No, nor no where else, but in your brain. if I find not what I seek, show no colour for ni let them say of me, As jealous as Ford, that extremity, let ine for ever be your table-sport searched a hollow walnut for his wife's leman me. Satisfy me once more, once more search with

you, and the old woman down; my husband
Mrs. Ford. What hoa, mistress Page! come
will come into the chamber.

Mrs. Ford. Why, it is my inaid's aunt of Brent
Ford Old woman, what old woman's that?


Ford. A witch, a quean, an old cozening quean Have I not forbid her my house? She comes of not know what's brought to pass under the proerrands, does she? We are simple men; we do fession of fortune telling. She works by charins, by spells, by the figure, and such daubery as this is; beyond our element; we know nothing.

down, I say.
-Come down, you witch, you hag you; come
Mrs. Ford. Nay, good, sweet husband;-good
gentlemen, let him not strike the old woman.
Enter Falstaff in woman's clothes, led by
Mrs. Page.

Mrs. Page. Come, mother Pratt, come, give

me your hand.

Ford. I'll prat her: Out of my door, you polecat, you ronyon! out! out! I'll conjure you, witch! [beats him] you rag, you baggage, you Pil fortune-tell you.

Mrs. Page. Are you not ashamed ? I think you
Erit Falstaff.
have killed the poor woman.
credit for you.
Mrs. Ford. Nay, he will do it;-'Tis a goodly

Ford. Hang her, witch!
Eva. By yea and no, I think, the 'oman is a
witch indeed: I like not when


great peard: I spy a great peard under her a 'oman has muffler.

Ford. Will you follow, gentlemen ? I beseech you, follow; see but the issue of my jealousy; if I cry ont thus upon no trail, never trust me when I open again.

Page. Let's obey his humour a little further: Come, gentlemen.

[Ereunt Page, Ford, Shallow, and Evans. fully. Mrs. Page Trust me, he beat him most piti

Mrs. Ford. Nay, by the mass that he did not; he beat him most unpitifully, methonght.

Mrs. Page. I'll have the codgel hallowed, and
hung o'er the altar; it hath done meritorious

warrant of woman-hood, and the witness of
Mrs. Ford. What think you? May we, with the
revenge 7
good conscience, pursue him with any further

Mrs. Page. The spirit of wantonness is, sure,
scared out of him; if the devil have him not in

Era. "Tis unreasonable! will you take up your fee-simple, with fine and recovery, he will never,

witz's clothes? Come away.

Ford. Empty the basket, I say.

Mrs. Ford. Why, man, why? Ford. Master Page, as I am a man, there was one conveyed out of my house yesterday in this basket: ket: Why may he not be there again? In my

house 1 am sure he is: my intelligence is true; my jealousy is reasonable: Pluck me out all

the linen.

Mrs. Ford. If you find a man there, he

die a flea's death.

Page. Here's no man.


Shal. By my fidelity, this is not well, master

Ford; this wrongs you.

Eva Master Ford, you must pray, and not

I think, in the way of waste, attempt us again.
Mrs. Ford. Shall we tell our husbands how
we have served him 7

scrape the figures out of your husband's brains.
Mrs. Page. Yes, by all means; if it be but to
If they can find in their hearts, the poor anviran-
two will still be the ministers.
ous fat knight shall be any further afflicted, we
lickly shamed: and, methinks, there would be
Mrs. Ford. I'll warrant they'll have him pub
no period to the jest, should he not be publickly

[blocks in formation]

SCENE III. A room in the Garter Inn.
Enter Host and Bardolph.

Bard. Sir, the Germans desire to have three of your horses: the duke himself will be to-mors row at court, and they are going to meet him. Host. What duke should that he comes so secretly 7 I hear not of him in the court: Let ine speak with the grutlenien; they speak English Bard. Ay, sir. I'll call them to you.

Nan Page my daughter, and my little son,
And three or four more of their growth, we'll

Like urchins, ouphes, and fairies, green and

and 1, are newly met,
saw-pit rush at once

[ocr errors]

With rounds of waxen tapers on their heads, And rattles in their hands; upon a sudden, As Fulstaff, she, Let them from forth With some diffused song; upon their sight, Host. They shall have any horses: but Pll make, We two in great amazedness will fly: them pay, I'll sauce them: they have had my Then let them all encirele him about, house a week at command: I have turned away And, fairy-like, to pinch the unclean knight; my other guests: they must come off: I'll sance And ask him, why, that hour of fai fairy revel, them; Come. [Erount. In their so sicred paths he dares to tread,

SCENE IV. A Room in Ford's House. Enter Page, Ford, Mrs. Page, Mrs. Ford, and Sir Hugh Evans

Eva. "Tis one of the pest discretions of a Poman as ever I did look upon.

Page. And did he send you both these letters at an instant ?

Mre Page Within a quarter of an hour. Ford. Pardon me, wife Henceforth do what thon wilt:

In shape profane.
Mra. Ford.

And till he tell the truth,

Let the supposed fairies pinch him sound,
And burn him with their tapers.
Mrs. Page.

The truth being known,
We'll all present ourselves: dishorn the spirit,
And mock him home to Windsor.


The children must

Be practised well to this, or they'll ne'er do'L Era. I will teach the children their behaviours; and I will be like a Jack-an-apes also, to buin the knight with my taber.

Ford. That will be excellent. I'll go buy them

I rather will suspect the sun with cold,
Than thee with wantonness now doth thy ho-vizarda

nour stand,

In him that was of late an heretic,


As firm as faith.

"Tis well, 'tis well; no more.

Be not as extreme in submission,

As in otience;

[blocks in formation]

Page. So think I too.

Mrs. Page. My Nan shall be the queen of all the fairies,

Finely attired in a robe of white.

Page That silk will I go buy-and in that


Shall mester Slender steal my Nan away,
And marry her at Eton. [Aside) Go send to
Falstaff straight.

Ford. Nay, I'll to him again in name of Brook;
He'll tell me ati his purpose: Sure, he'll come.
Mrs. Page. Fear not you that: Go get us pro-

And tricking for our fairies.
Era. Let us about it: It is admirable pleasures,
and fery houest konveries.

(Exeunt Page, Ford, and Evans.

Mrs. Page. Go, mistress Ford,
Send quickly to Sir John, to know his mind.
[Erit Mrs. Ford.

I'll to the doctor; he hath my good will,
And none but he, to marry with Nan Page.

Mrs. Ford. Devise but how you'll use him That Slender, though well landed, is an idiot; when he comes,

And let us two devise to bring him thither.

Mrs. Page. There is an old tale goes, that Herne
the hunter,

Sometime a keeper here in Windsor forest,
Doth all the winter time, at still midniglit,
Walk round about an oak, with great ragg'd

And there he blasts the tree, and takes the cattle:
And makes milch-kine yield blood, and shakes
a chan

In a most hideons and dreadful manner:

And he my husband best of all affects:
The doctor is well money'd, and his friends
Potent at court; he, none but he, shall have her,
Though twenty thousand worthier come to crave

SCENE V. A Room in the Garter Inn.
Enter Host and Simple.

Host. What would'st thou have, boor? what, thick-skin 7 speak, breathe, discuss; brief, short, quick, snap.

You have heard of such a spirit; and well you John Falstaff from master Slender.

[blocks in formation]

Sim. Marry, sir, I come to speak with Sir

Page, Why, yet there want not many, that do

Host. There's his chamber, his house, his castle, his standing-bed, and truckle-bed; 'tis printe about with the story of the prodigal, fresh and new: Go, knock and call; he'll speak like an anthropophaginian unto thee: knock, I say. Sim. There's an old woman, a fat woman, gone up into his chamber; I'll be so bold aa stay, sir, till she come down: I come to speak with her, indeed.


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Host. Ha! a fat woman! the knight may be robbed: I'll call-Bully knight! Bully Sir John 1 speak from thy longs military: Art thou there 7 it is thine host, thine Ephesian, calls. Ful (abore] How now, mire host ? Host. Here's a Bohemian-Tartar tarries the coming down of thy fat woman: Let her descend, bully, let her descend; my chambers are honourable: Fiel privacy ? fie!

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