Page images

Anne. The dinner is on the table: my father! desurs your worships' company.

Shot I will wait ou hon, fair mistress Anne.
Ero. Def's pleased will! I will not be absence
at the grace

Ereunt Shallow and Sir 11. Evans.
Anne. Will't please your worship to come in,


Sten. No, I thank you, forsooth, heartily; I ain very well.

Anne. The dinner attends you, sir.

Slen. Lam nota-hungry, I thank you, forsooth Go, serah, for all you are my man. go, watupon my consin Shallow | Exit Single. A justice of Lence sometunes may be beholden to las friend for a man:-1 keep but three men and a boy ret, till my mother be dead: But what though? ret I live like a poor gentleman born.

Anne. I may not go in without your worship: they will not sit till you come.

Slen. Vinth, Pil eat nothing; I thank you as much as through I dist.

Anne 1 pray you, sir, walk in.

Sten. I had rather waik here, I thank you I bodsed my shim the other day with playing at word aml dagger with a master of lence, three verys for a dish of stewed prunes; and, by my troth, I camot abide the smell of hot meat since Why do your dogs bark so? be there bears i' the town?

Anne. I think there are, sir; I heard them talk'd ot.

Slen. I love the sport well: but I shall as soon quarrel at it as any man in England:-You are afraid if you see the bear loose, are you not ?

Anne. Ay, indeed, sir.

Sten. That's meat and drink to me now: I have seen Sackerson loose twenty times; and have taken him by the chain: bant, I warrant you, the have so cried and shriek'd at it, that it pass'd:-but women, indeed, cannot abide 'ein; they are very ill-favour'd rough things.

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Re-enter l'age.

Fol. Truly, mine host, I must turn away some

fof my followers.

Host. Discard, bally Herenles; cashier; let them wag; trot, trot

Ful. I sit at ten pounds a week. Ho. L. Thou'rt an emperor, Cesar, Keiser, and Pheezar, I will entertain Bardolph; he shall draw, be shall tap: said I wel, bully Hector / Fut. Do so, good mine host

Hot I have spoke; let him follow: Let me see thee froth, and Line: I am at a wond; follow. 1 Exit lost.

Fal. Bantolph, follow hitn; a tapster is a good trade: an old cloak makes a new jerkin; a withered servingman, a fresh mapster: Go: aden. Bard. It is a life that I have desired; I wiil thrive. Ezit Bard. Pist. O base Gongarian wight! wilt thost the spigot wield ?

Nym. He was gotten in drink: Is not the ha mour conceited? His mind is not heroick, and here's the humour of it.

Fal. I am glad I aua so acquit of this tinderbox; his thefts were too of en: his filching was like an unskilfind singer, he kept not time.

Nyr.. The good humour is, to steal at a mi mute's rest.

Fist. Convey, the wise it call: Steal! fon; a fico for the phrase!

Fal. Well, sirs, I am almost ont at heels
Fi-t. Why then let kihes ensue

Fol. There is no remedy; I must coney-catch;
I must shift.

Fist. Young ravens must have food.

Fal. Which of you know Ford of this town? Fit. I ken the wight; he is of substance good. Fal. My honest lads, I will tell you what I am about

Pit. Two yards, and more. Fat. No quips now, Pistol; indeed I am in the waist two yards about: but I am now about no waste; I am about theift. Briefly. I do mean to make love to Ford's wite: I spy entertainment in her: she discourses, she carves, she gives the

Page. Come, gentle master Slender, come; we leer of invitation: I can construe the action of

stay for you.

Sten. I'll eat nothing; I thank you, sir. Page. By cock and pye, you shall not choose, sir: come, come.

Slen. Nay, 'pray you, lead the way.
Page. Come on, sir.

Slen. Mistress Anne, yourself shall go first.
Anne Nou


sir pray you, keep on. Sten. Truly, I will not go first, truly, la; I will

not do you that wrong. Anne. I pray you, sir.

Men. I'll rather be unmannerly than tronblesome you do yourself wrong, indeed, la.

SCENE IL. The same.


Enter Sir Hugh Evans and Simple.

Eva. Go your ways, and ask of Doctor Cains' house, which is the way; nud there dwells one mistress Quickly, which is in the manner of his mirse, or his dry nurse, or his cook, or his launEry, his washer, and his wringer.

Simp. Well, sir.

her familiar style, and the harilest voice of her behaviour, to Le English'd rightly, is, I am Sir John Falstaffs.

Pist. He hath studied her well, and translated her well; out of honesty in'o English Nyn. The anchor is deep: will that humour pass/

Fal. Now, the report goes, she has all the rule of her husband's purse; she hath legions of angels. Fist. As many devils entertain: aud, To her, boy, say 1.

Nym. The humour rises; it is good; humour me the angels

Fol I have writ me here a letter to her; and here another to Page's wife; who even now ga me good eyes too, examined my parts with most judicions exliads: sometimes the beaim of her view gilded my foot, sometimes iny portly belly. Pist. Then did the sun on dunghill shine. Nym. I thank thee for that humour.

Fol. O, she did en course o'er my exteriors with such a greedy intention, that the appetite of her eve did seem to scorch me up like a burning glass! Here's another letter to her: she bears the purse too: she is a region in Guiana, all gold and bounty. I wid be cheater to them both, and desives to mistress Anne Page: I pray you, be my East and West Indies, nuud I will trade to I will make an end of my dinner there's them both. Go, bear thon this letter to mistress pippins and cheese to come. Ezeunt. Page; and thou this to mistress Ford: we will SCENE 111. A Room in the Garter Inn. thrive, lads, we will thrive Pist. Shall I Sir Pandarus of Troy become,

Eca. Nay, it is petter yet-give her this let tor; for it is a 'oman that altogether's acquaintance with mistress Anne Page: and the letter is, to desire and require her to solicit your master's they shall te exchequers to me they shall be


Enter Falstaff, Host. Bardolph, Nym, Pistol, And by my side wear steel 7 then, Lucifer take

and Robin. Fal. Mine host of the Garter,

Nym. I will run no hase humour: here, take Host. What says my bully-rock? Speak scho- the humour-letter; I will keep the 'haviour of larly, and wisely.




Fal. Hold, sirrah [to Rob.), bear you these let-toys: Pray you, go and vetch me in my closet
ters tiglitly;
Sail like my pinnace to these golden shores-
Rogues, hence avaunt! vanish like hailstones.

Trudge, plod away, o' the hoof; seek shelter,
Falstaff will learn the humour of this age,
French thrift, you rogues; myself, and skirted
Exeunt Falstaff and Robin


Pist. Let voitures gripe thy guts! for gourd and

folam holds,

And high and low beguile the rich and poor:
Tester I'll irive in pouch, when thou shalt lack,
Base Phrygian Tock!

Nipu. I have operations in my head, which be humours of revenge.

Fist. Wilt

thou revenze?

Num. By welkin, and her star!

Pist. With wit, or steel?

Num. With both the humours, 1:

an boitier verd; a box, a green a box; Do in
Quick. Ay, forsooth, I'll fetch it you. I am
tend vat I speak ? a green a box.
young man, he would have been horn-mad.
glad he went not in himself; if he had found the

Fe, fe, fe, fe!
Je m'en vais
ma foi, il fait fort chaud
a la Cour, la grande affaire.
Caias. Ony; mette le au mon pocket; De
Quick. Is it this, ser?
peche, quickly: Vere is dat knave Rugby ?
Quick. What, John Rugby! Joha!
Reg. Here, sir.

Rugby; Come, take-a your rapier, and come Calus. You are John Rugby, and you are Jack after my heel to de court.

Rug. "Tis ready, sir, here in the porch. Calus. By my trot, I tarry too long:-Od Qu'ay-j'oublie ? is some simples in my closet, dat I vill not for the varid I shall


I will diseoss the humour of this love to Page. leave behind.

Pist. And I to Ford shall eke unfold,

How Falstaff, varlet vile.

His dove will prove, his gold wil hold,
And his soft conch defile.


Quick. Alme! he'll find the young man there, and be mad.

Cains. O diable, diable! vat is in my closet 7 Villany? larron! Pulling Simple out.] Rug

Nym. My humour shall not cool: I will in- by, my rapier.

cense lage to deal with poison; I will possess
him with yellowness, for the revolt of mien is
dangerous, that is my true humour.
Piet Thon

art the Mars of malcontents: 1 se

zond thee; troop on.


SCENE IV. A Room in Dr. Cains' House.
Enter Mrs. Quickly, Simple, and Rugby.

1-1 pray thee, go

if be do, Plaith, Pin

Quick, What: John Rugby! to the casement, and see if you can see my master, master Dr. Cains, coming: and find any body in the house, here will be an old abusing of God's patence, and the king's English.

Rus. I'll go watch

Exit Rugby.

Quick. Go: and we'll have a posset for't soon at night, in faith, at the latter end of a sea-coal fire. An honest, willing, kimt fellow, as ever servant shad come in house withal: and, I warrant you, no tell-tale, nor no breed-hate: worst farit is, that he is given to prayer: he is something Leevish that way: has his fault-but let that ass. nobody but Mut Peter Simple, you say, your tune is?

Sim. Ay, for foult of a better.

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Caius. Verefore shall I be content-a ? Quick. The young man is an honest man. Caius. Vat shall de honest man do ir my closet? dere is no honest man dat shall come in my closet.

Quick. Good master, be content.

Quick. I beseech you, be not so flegmatick hear the truth of it: He came of an errand to

me from rom parson Hugh.
Cains. Vell.

[blocks in formation]

Sim. Av, forsooth, to desire her to Crius. Peace-a your tongue: Speak-a your tale. Quick. Feace, I pray you. Sim. To desire tins honest gentlewoman, your speak a good word to mistress Anne Quick. This is all, indeed, la; but P'll ne'ex for my master, in the way of marriage. put my finger in the Cains. Sir Hugh send-a you?-Rugby, brillez me some paper:-Ta


fire, and need not.


you a little-a while Writes. if he had been hina

Quick lam glad he is so quiet: thoroughly moved, you should have heard so loud, and so melancholy-But notwithstanding, man, I'll do your master what good Ican: nud the very yea and the no is, the French. look you, for I keep his house; and I wash. Doctor, my master,-! may call him my master, make the beds, and do all myself:wring, brew, bake, scour, dress meat, and drink,

Sim. "Tis a great charge, to come under one body's hand.

Quick. Are you advis'd o' it a great charge: aud that? you shall find to be up Quick. How say you -0, I should remember ear: I would have no words of it:) my master late; but nors ithstanding (to tell you in early, and down him: Do Does he not hold up his your and strut in his gait? head, as it were? himself is in love with mistress Anne Page: bat

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notwithstanding that. I know Anne's mind,that's neither here nor there Hugh, by gar, it is a shallenge: I vill ent his Coins, You Jack'nape: give-a dis letter to Sir trat in de park and I vill teach a scurvy jr sk anape priest to meddle or make-you may be gone; it is not good you tarr vill ent all his two stom tarry here -by car, have a stone to trow at by gar, he he shall Shints Quick. Alas, be speaks Erit Simple. friend.

Run in here,

good young man; go unto this clo et.
Simple in the closet.] He will not stay long.
What, John Rugby Jolm,
-Go, John, go inquire for my master; I doubt,
what, John, I say!
he be not well, that he comes not home-ort
down, down, adovna, &c.

Enter Doctor Cains.


[blocks in formation]

Cring. It is no matter-a for dat: do not you -by gar, I vill kill de Jack priest; and I have ap me dat I shall have Anne Page for myself 7 ponted mine host of de Jarterre to measure on weapon:-by gar, I vill myself have Anime Pare Quick. Sir, the maid loves you, and all sh be well: we must give folks leave to prates

Caius Vat is you sing ? I do not like dese What, the good-jer !

shall turn



SCENE 1. Catus. Rugby, come to the court vit me By manner assay me? Why, he hath not been thrice, my company!-What -What should I say to him 1 gar, if I have not Anne Page, I head out of my door:- Follow my heels, Rugby. -1 was then fougal of any mirth:-heaven forEreunt Cains and Rugby, give me!-Wisy, I'll exhibit a bill in the parlia Quick. You shall have An fools-head of your ment for the putting down of fat men. How own. No, I know Anne's miad for that never shall I be revenged on him ? for revenged I will a woman in Windsor knows more of Anne's be, as sure as his gats are made of paddings. mind than I de; nor cau do more than 1 do

wits ber, I thank heaven.

Enter Mistress Ford.

Mrs. Ford. Mistress Page! trust me, I was

Fent. Within. Who's within there, ho?
Quirk. Who's there, I trow? Come near the going to your house.

house, I pray you.

Enter Fenton.

Fen. flow now, good woman: how dost thou? Quark. The better, that it pleases your good worsl ip to ask.

Port. What news? how does pretty mistress
Anne 1

that is your

Quick. In truth, sir, and she is pretty, and hoyour friend, I nest, and gentle; and can tell you that by the way; 1 praise heaven

for it.


Feat. Shall I do any good, thinkest thou 7 Shall I not lose my suit ?

Quick. Troth, sir, all is in his handa above: but notwithstanding, master Fenton, I'll be sworn on a book, she loves you:-Have not your worship a wart above your eye 7

Feat. Yes, marry, Irave 1; what of that ? it is such another Nan-hat, I detest, an honest Quick. Well, thereby hangs a tale; good faith, maid as ever broke bread: We had an hour's talk of that wart-1 shall never laugh bat in

Mrs. Page. And, trust me, I was coming to you.

You look very ill.

Mrs Ford. Nay, I'll ne'er believe that; I have to show to the contrary.

Mrs. Page, 'Paith, but you do, in my mind. Mre. Ford. Well, I do then; yet, I say, I could show you to the contrary: 0, mistress Page, give me some counsel!

Mrs. Page. What's the matter, woman? Mrs. Ford. O woman, if it were not for one triffing respect, I could come to such honour! Mrs. Page. Hang the trifle, woman; take the honour: What is it ispense with twitles;what is it 7

Mos. Ford. If I would but go to hell for an eternal moment, or so, I could be knighted. Mrs. Page. What ?-thon liest !-Sir Alice Ford! These knights will back and so thou should'st not alter the article of thy gentry. read,

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hat maid's company! But, indeed, she is given And yet he would not awear: praised women's too much to allicholly and musing: But for you modesty and gave such onlerly und well be

dredth psalm to the time of Green slencES.

-Well, go to. Fent. Well, I shall see her to-day: Hold, bave sworn his disposition would have gone to there's money for thee; let me have thy voice the truth of his words: but they do no more in my behalf: if thou seest her before me, com- adhere and krep place together, than the hom mend meQuick. Will 17 i' faith, that we will: and I will What term est, I trow, threw this whale, with so tell your worship more of the wart, the next time we have confidence: and of other wooers. Font. Well, fareweil; I am in great haste now. Quick. Farewell to your worship. Troly, an honest gentleman; but Anne loves him not; as another does

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many ths of oil in intis belky, ashore at Windsor? How shall I be revenged on him? I think, the best way were to entertain hin with hope, till Erit, the wicked fire of lust have melted him in his own grease-Did you ever hear the like? Mrs. Page. Letter for letter; but that the name of Page age and Ford differs!-To thy great comfort in this mystery of ill opinions, here's the twinbrother of thy letter: but let thine inherit first: for, I protest, mine never shall. I warrant be hath a thousand of these letters, writ with blank врасе ce for different names, (sure more.) and these are of the second edition: He will print them Enter Mistress Page, with a letter. out of doubt for he cares not what he puts into I had us two. 'scaped love-letters the press, when he would put lie noder mount l'egiantess, aul will fel you twenty lascivious

ACT 11.

SCENE I Before Page's House.

Mra. Page. What! have 1 the holy-day time of my beauty, and am now a subject for them 7 Let me see see 1 Ask


1 rather be
Reade. Don Well, I wil

me no reason why I love you for though turtles, ere one chaste man.

love use reason for his precisian, he admits Mis. Ford. Why, this is the very same; the him not forkiscounsellor: You are not young, very hand, the very words: What doth he think

[blocks in formation]

would you desire better sympathy? Le
fice thee, mistress Page (at the least, if the love quainted withal;

al; for,


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of a soldier can sufice) that I love thee. I strain in the, that I know not myself, he woull

will not any, pity me, 'tis not a soldier-like

plrase; but I say, love me.

. By me,

Thine own true knight,

By day or night.

Or any kind of light,
With all his might

For thee to fight,

John Falstaff

never have hoarded me in this fury
Mrs. Ford. Boarding, call you it ? I'll be sure
to keep him alsive deck.

Mr. Page. So will 1; if he come under my Let's be rehatches, I'll never to sea again. venged on him: let's appoint him a meeting: give hun a show of comfort in his sit, aud lead ou with a fine-baitst delay, till he hath pawu'd What a Herod of Jewry is this!- wicked, his horses to mine Host of the Garter Mes. Ford. Nay, I will consent to act any wicked world!-one that is well nigh wornto a young gal-villany against him, that may not sully the pieces with age, to show himself O, that my hushand laut! unweighed behaviour bath this Flemish drunkard picked (with the devil's name) saw this letter! it would give eternal food to his out of my conversalon, that he dares in this! Jealousy.

What an

chariness of

oir honesty.

Mrs. Page. Why, look, where he comes; and my good man too: he's as far from jealousy, as I am from giving him cause; and that, I hope, is an untueasurable distance.

Mrs. Ford. You are the happier woman.
Mrs. Page. Let's constult together against this
greasy knight Come hither.
They retire.

Enter Ford, Pistol, Page, and Nym.

Pard. Well, I hope it be not so.
Pist. Hope is a curtail dog in some affairs:
Sir John aflects thy wife.

Ford. Why, sir, my wife is not young.

Prot. He woos both high and low, both rich




ing and old, one with one another, Foul:

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He loves love the gally-mawfry; Ford, perpend.
Ford Love my wife!

Fist. With liver turning hot: Prevent, or go


Like Sir Acton he, with Ring-wood at thy heels. 0, lions

is the name!
1. What
bir ?


Pist. The horn, I say: Farewell.

Take heed; have open eye; for thieves do foot

by night:

Take heed, ere summer comes, or cuckoo Lirds do sing.

Away, Sir comporal Nym

Believe it, Page: he speaks sense. Exit Pist.
Ford. I will be patient; I will find out this.
Nym. Awl this is

the humour of

ACT 11

Ford. Do you think there is truth in them?
knight would offer it: bat these that aceuse han
Page. Hang'em, slaves! I do not think the
in his intent towards or wives, are a yoke of
out of service.
his thsc.arded men; very rogues, now they be

Ford. Were they his men?
Page. Maury, were they.

Ford. I like it never the better for that Does he fie at the Garter 7

Page. Ay, mary, does he. If he should intend this voyage towards my wife, I would turn than sharp wonls, let it lie on my hestel. her loose to him; and wisat he gets move of her

Ford. I do not misdosht my wife; lot I would be loath tot to tion them together: too confident: I would have nothing fie on my man may le Page. Lock, where my raating host of the head; I cannot he tirus satisfied. or money in his purse, when he looks so m Garter comes there is either eith Equor in his pe rily.-How now, mine host?

Enter lost and Shallow


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Seat. I follow, mine host, I follow. Good even, and twenty, good master Page! Master hand. Page, will you go with us? we have sport in

Host. Tell him, cavalero-justice; tell him,

is true. [To Page. I like not telly-rool.

of lying.


He hath

wronged me in

He loves your

some humours; I should have borne the hu-
moured letter to her but I have a sword, and
it shall bite upon my necessity.
wife; there's the short and the long. My name
is corporal Ny
true-my name is is Nym, and Palstaff loves your
! I love not the houmour of bread
and cheese, and there's the humour of it. Alien.
Page. The humour of it, quoth'a! here's a
fellow frights humour out of his wits.
Ford. I will seek out Fabtail

I speak, and I avouch. "Tis

[blocks in formation]

rie 7


They go aside.

me, I hear

Sir Hugh the Welsh priest, and Caius the French Shol Sir, there is a tray to he fought between doctor. with you. Fard. Good mine host o' the Garter, a Host. What say'st thou, bully-rook? Shal. Will you to Page] go with us to behold it? my merry host hath had the measuring of them contrary places: for, believe their weapons; and, I think he hath appointed the parson is no jester. Ilark, I will tell you Rost. Hast thou no suit against my knight, what our sport shall be. my guest-cavalier? puttle of burut sack to give me recourse to him, Furd. None, I protest; but I'll give you a and tell him, my name is Brouk: only for a jest. Host. My hand, bully thou shalt have egred and regress; said I well? and thy name shall Cavaliers? be Brook: It is a merry knight. Will you go, Shat. Have with you, mine


Page. I have Shol Tut, sir, I conki have told you more: skill in his rapier. In these times y Do stand on distance, your stoceadoes, and I know not what: 'tis the heart, the time, with my long sword, I would have master Page: 'tis here, 'tis here. I have seen made you tour tall fellows skip like rats. Page. Have Host. Here, boys, here, here! shall we wag? with you:-1 had rather hear them scold than fight. Ford. Though Page be a secure fool, and 1 Exeunt Thost, Shal. and Page. test put off my epinion stands so firmly on his wife's frailty, yet f made there, I know not. his company at Page's house; and, what they staff: If I find her honest, I lose not my labour; ther into't: and I have a disguise to somnul Fal will look fu if she be otherwise, 'tis labour well bestowed.

heard, the Frenchinan hath good

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SCENE IL A Room in the Garter Inn.
Enter Falstall and Pistol.

Fel. I will not lend thee a penny.
Pist. Why, then the world's mine oyster,


Which I with sword will open-
I will retort the sum in equipatge.

Fol. Not a penny.

I have been content, sir,

you should lay my countenance to pawn: fhave grated upon my good friends for three reprieves for you and your coach-lellow Nym, or else you had looked through the grate like a geminy of baboons. I am dunnett in hell, for swearing to gentlemen my friends, you were good soldiers, And tall tellows; and when mistress Bridget lost the halle of her fan, I took't upon mine honour, theen leudst it not.

Pist. Dydst thon not share? hadst thou not

fifteen pence?

they could never get her so much as sip on a
cup with the prondest of them all, and yet there
has been earls, nay, which is more, pensioners;
but, I warrant you, all is one with her.

Fol But what says she to me ? be brief, my
gond she Mercury.

Qunek. Mury, she hath received your letter; for the which she thinks you a thousand times: and she gives you to notify, that her husband will be absence from his house between ten and eleven.

Ful. Ten and eleven?

Quick. Ay, forsooth; and then you may come and see the picture, she says, that you wot of; master Ford, her husband, will be from home. a very Alas! the sweet woman leads an ill life with alansy man; she leads him;



very je

frampoli life with hin, gool heart.
Ful. Ten and eleven: Woman, commend me
to her, I will not fail her.

Ful. Heason, you rogue, reason: Think'st thou, I'll endanger my soul gratia? At a word, hang no more about me, I am no gibbet for you: -go.-A short knife and a throng:-to your ma nor of Pickthatch, go. You'll not bear a letter for me you togue! you stand upon your honour -Why, thou unconfinable be seness, it is as much Quick. Why, you say well: But I have anoas I can do to keep the terms of my honour ther messenger to your worship: Mrs. Page hath precise. 1, 1, 1 myself sometimes, leaving the her beauty commendations to you too; and let (1 rell you) that will not fear of heaven on the left hand, and hiding inine me tell you in your ear, she's as fartuous a civil shuffle, toj mortest wife, and honour in my necessity, am herige, and to lurch, and yet, you, rogne, will miss you morning nor esening prayer, as any her husband is ensconce your rags, your eat-a-mountain looks, is in Windsor, whoe'ee be the other: and she



your red-lattice phrases, and your bold-beating
oaths, nder the shelter of your honour! You
will not do it, yon!

Pist. I do relent; what would'st thou more of
man 1
Enter Robin.

Rob. Sir, here's a woman would speak with


Fal. Let her approach.

Enter Mistress Quickly.

Quick. Give your worship good-morrow.
Fui. Gool-morrow, good wife.

Quick. Not 60, an't please your worship.

Fal. Good maid, then.

first hour I was born.

Quick. Ph be sworn, as my mother was, the Fal I do believe the sweater: What with me? Quick. Shall I vouchsafe your worship a word or two?

Fal. Two thousand, fair woman; and Pll vouchsale thee the hearing.

Quick. There

is que Mistress Ford, sir:-1 pray, come a little nearer this ways:-1 myself dwell with master doctor Cains.

Fal. Well, on: Mistress Ford, you sayQuick. Your worship says very true: I pray your worship, come a little nearer this ways. Tal. I warrant thee, nobody hears:-inine own

people, mine own people.

Quick. Ave they so? Heaven bless em, and make them his servants!

Fal. W


Vell: mistress Ford:- What of her ? Quick. Why, sir, she's a good creature. Lord, lord! your worship's a wanton: Well, heaven and all of I pray! forgive you, Fal. Mistress Ford:-come, mistress Ford, Quick. Marry, this is the short and the long of it: you have brought her into such a canaries


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worship, that I never knew a woman so dote seldom from home, bett she hopes, there will

come a time

mou a man; sirely, I think you have charins, Lat ves, in truth.


Fol. Not 1, 1 assure thee: setting the attractions of my goo 1 parts aside, I have no other charms. Quick wings gs on your heart for't! Fol. But, I ray thee, tell me this: has Ford's wife, and Page's wie, acquainted each other how they love me?

Quick. That were a jest, indeed! they have not so little grave, Iliope:-that were a trick inded! But Mi-tress Page would desire you to of all loves; her hussend her your little infection to the little band has a


page muvellous

page; and, truly, nm der Page is an honest man.
a wife in Windsor leada a better life than
she does; do what she will, say what she will,
and, truly y, she
take all, pay oll, go to bed when she list, rise
when she list, all is ne she will;
deserves it for if there be a kind woman in
Windsor, she is one. You must send her your
pare; no remedy.
Fal. Why, I will.
Quick. Nay, but do so then: and, look you,
he may come and go between you both; and,
in any case, have a nay word, that you may
know one another's mind, and the boy never
need to understand any thing; for 'tis not good
that children should know any wickedness: old
folks, you know, have discretion, as they say,
and know the world.

Fal Fare thee well: commend me to them
both there's my purse; I am yet thy debtor
Boy, go along with this woman. This news
Ereunt Quickly and Robin.

distracts me!

Pist. This pink is one of Cupid's carriers: Clap on more sails; purane, up with your fights; Exit Pistol Give fire: she is my prize, or ocean whelm them wonderful. The best courtier of them all, when the court lay at Windsor, could never Fal. Say'st thou so, old Jack? go thy ways, have



brought her to such a canary. Yet there I'll make more of thy old body than I have has been knights, and lords, and gentlenetu, done. Will they yet look after thee ! Wilt thou, with their coaches; I warrant you, coach after after the expense of so much money, be now a coach, letter after letter, gift after gift: smelling gainer? Good body, I thank thee: Let them sty, BO Eweetly (all musk); and so rushing, I warrant 'tus grossly done; to it be fairly done, no matter.

you, in silk and gold; and in such aliigant

terins: and in such wine and sugar of the best,

and the fairest, that would have won any wo

[blocks in formation]

man's heart and, I warrant you, they could would fain speak with you, and be acquainted never get an eye-wink of her had myself with you: and hath sent your worship a inorn

twenty angels given me this morning but I as they say.)

defy all angels, (in any such sort,

out in the way of honesty and, I warrant you,

ing's draught of suck.
Fel. Brook is his namel
Bard. Ay, sir.

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