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Jul. Because, methinks, that she lov'd you as But since she did neglect her looking-glass,


As you do love your lady Silvia:
She dreains on him that has forgot her love;
Yon dote on her that cares not for your love.
"Tis pity, love should be so contrary:

And thinking on it, makes me cry, alas!

Pro. Well, give her that ring, and therewithal
This letter; that's her chamber. Tell my lady,
I claim the promise for her heavenly picture.
Your message done, hie heune unto my chamber,
Where thou shalt find me sad and solitary.

[Erit Proteus.
Jul. How many women would do such a mes-
Alas, poor Proteus, thou hast entertained
A fox, to be the shepherd of thy lambs:
Alas, poor tool! why do I pity him
That with his very heart despiseth ine?
Because he loves her, he despiseth me:
Because I love him, I must pity him.
This ring I gave hun, when he parted from me,
To bind him to remeinber my good-will:
And now am I (unhappy messenger 1)

To plead for that, which I would not obtain;
To carry that, which I would have refus'd;
To praise hos taith, which I would have disprais'd.
I ain my master's true confirmed love;
But cannot be true servant to my master,
Unless I prove false traitor to myself.

Yet I will woo for him: but yet so coldly,

And threw her s meexpelling mask away,
The air hath stary'd the roses in her cheeks,
And incl'd the lily-tineture of her face,
That now she is become as black as 1.

Sil. How tall was she?

When all our pageants of delight were play'd,
Jol. About my stature: for, at Pentecost,
Our youth got me to play the woman's part,
Which serv'd me as fit, by all men's judginent
And I was trium'd in madam Julia's gown,
As if the garment had been made for me;
Therefore, I know,s she is about my height
And, at th that time, I made her weepa
For I did lay a lamentable part:
Madam, 'twas Ariadne, passioning
For Thesens' perj try, and unjust flight;
Which I so lively acted with my tears,
That my poor
۱۲ Lin

I might

my poor mistress, moved therewithal, he day thought felt not her very sorrow! dead, Sil. She is behollen to thee, gentie youth!Alas, poor lady! desolate and leti!I weep myself, to think upon thy words.

there is

my puese,

Here, e, yeah,
I give thee this
or thy sweet mistress' sak sake, because thou lov'st
Jul. And

she shall thank you for

know her.

Ezit Silvia. 't, if e'ev you

As, heaven, it knows, I would not have him I hope my mister's sait will be bout cold,

A virtuone gentlewoman, mild, and beautiful.


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Since she respects my mistress' love so much.
Alas, how love can tiffe with it.elf!
If I had sttch a tize, tics face of mine
Here is her preture: Let me see; I think,
Were full as lovely as is this of hes:
And yet the painter flatter'd her a little,
Unless I floor with myself too much.
Her hair is anderen, mine is perfect yellow:
If that be all the difference in his love,
I'll get ne such a cober'd periwig.

Her eves are gray its glass; and so are mine:
Ay, best her forehead's low, aul mime's as high.
in her,


immyst in


should it be, Catt he respects
But I can make respective
If this fond love were not a blinded god 7
Come, shadow, come, and tase this shadow up
For 'tis the rival.

Thou shalt be worshipp'd, kiss'd, lov'd, ane
O thon senseless forin,

ador'd; And, were there sense in this idolatry, My substance should be statue in thy stead. 118號 hee kindly for for thy mistress sake,


Jul. It may not be good madan, pardon me. That us'd me so; or else, by Jove I vow,

I should have scratch'd out your unseeing
To make any master out of love with thee.

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Deliver'd you a paper that I should not;
This is the letter to your ladyship.

Sit. I pray thee let me look on that again.

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Sil. What say'st thou ?

Jul. I thank you, madam, that you tender her: Poor gentlewoman! my master wrongs her much. Sil. Dost thou know her?

Jul. Almost as well as I do know myself:

To think upon her woes, I do protest,

That I have wept a hundred several times.

Sil. Belike, she thinks that Proteus hath forsook her.

Jul. I think, she doth, and that's her cause of


Sil. Is she not passing fair?
Jul. She hath been fairer, madam, than she is:
When she did think, my master lov'd her well,
bos, in my judgment, was as fair as you;

That Silvia, at friar Patrick's cell should meet te
She will not fail; for lovers break ne, houra,
So much they spur their expedition.
Unless it be to come before their time;

Enter Silvia.

See, where she comes: Lady, a happy evening!
Sit Amen, amen! go on, good Eglamour 1
I fear I am attended by some spies.
Ont at the postern by the abbey wall;

If we recover that, we are sure enough. (Ecount
Egl Fear not the forest is not three leagues off;
SCENE 11. The same. A Room in the Duke's


Enter Thmio, Proteus, and Julia.
Thu. Sir Proteus, what says Silvin to my suit

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Pro. That you are well deriv'd.

What halloing, and what stir, is this to-day 7

Jul. True, from a gentleman to a fool. [Aside. These are my mates, that make their wills their

Thu. Considers she my possessions 7


Pro. O, ay; and pities them.

Thu. Wherefore 1

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Have some unhappy passenger in chase:
They love me well; yet I have much to do
To keep them from uncivil outrages.
Withdraw thee, Valentine; who's this comes
[Steps aside.

Enter Duke.

Jul. Pe comes the duke.

Enter Protens, Silvia, and Julia.

Pro. Madam, this service I have done for you, To hazard life, and rescue you from him

Duke. How now, Sir Proteus? how now, (Tho' you respect not aught your servant doth)

Thurio 1

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And Eglaniour is in her company.

'Tis trise, for friar Laurence met them both,
As he in penance wander'd through the forest:
Him he knew well, and guess'd that it was she:
But, being mask'd, he was not sure of it:

Besides, she did intend confession

At Patrick's cell this even: and there she was not: These likelihoods confirm her flight from hence. Therefore, I pray you, stand not to discourse, But mount you presently; and meet with me Upon the rising of the mountain foot

That leads towards Mantua, whithe, they are


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That would have forced your honour and your

love. Vouchsafe me, for my meed, but one fair look; A smaller boon than this I cannot beg, And less than this, I'm sure, you cannot give. Val. How like a dream is this I see and hear! Love, lend me patience to forbear awhile.


Sil. O miserable, unhappy that I am! Pro. Unhappy were you, madam, ere I came; But, by my coming, I have made you happy. Sil. By thy approach thou mak'st me most unhappy.

Jul. And me, when he approacheth to your [Aside.


Sil. Had I been seized by a hungry lion, I would have been a breakfast to the beast, Rather than have false Proteus resene me. O, heaven be judge, how I love Valentine, Whose life's as tender to me as my soul; And full as much (for more there cannot be) I do detest false perjur'd Proteus: Therefore begone, solicit me no more. Pro. What dangerous action, stood it next to


Would I not undergo for one calm look ?
O, 'tis the curse in love, and still approved,
When women cannot love where they're belov'd
Sil. When Proteus cannot love where he's be-

Read over Julia's heart, thy first best love,
For whose dear sake thou didst then rend thy faith
Into a thousand oaths; and all those oaths
Descended into perjury, to love me.

Thou hast no faith left now, unless thou hedst
And that's far worse than none; better have


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Who respects friend?


In love,

All men but Protens.
Pro. Nay, if the gentle spirit of moving words
Can no way change you
I'll woo you like a soldier, at arms' end;
milder forin,
And love you 'gainst the nature of love, force you.
SL O heaven!

I'll force thee to yield to my desire.
Val Ruffian, let go that rude uncivil touch;
Thon friend of an il fashion.


Val. Thou common friend, that's without faith
or love,

For such is a friend now,) treacherous man!
You hast begail'd my hopes; nought bat inme


Co. have persuaded me: Now I dare not say
I have one frieud alive; thou would'st disprove


Who should be trusted now, when one's right

Is perj ir'd to the bosom? Proteus,
I am sorry I must never trust thee more,

But cont the world a stranger for thy sake.
The private wound is deepest: O time most ac-


Mongstall foes, that a friend should be the worst!
Pro. My shame and guilt confound me.-
Forgive me, Valentine if hearty sorrow

Be a sufficient ransom for offence,

ider it here:

I tender

I do as truly suffer,

As e'er I did commit.

Val. Then I am paid;

And once again I do receive thee honest:

Who by repentance is not satisfied.

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Is nor of heaven, nor earth; for these are pleas'd:
By penitence th' Eternal's wrath's app
And, that my love mav
All that was mine in Silvia, I give thee.
Jul. O me, unhappy!
Pro. Look to the hoy.



how now? what

Why, boy ! why, wag! is the matter? Look up; speak.

Jul. O good sir, my master charg'd me to deliver a ring to Madain Silvia; which, out of my neglect, was never done

Pro. Where is that ring, boy ?

Jul. Here 'tis: this is it.

Pro. How! let me see:

gave to Julia.

[Gives a ring.

why thi this is the ring I

Jul. O, cry you merey, sir, I

this is the ring you sent to Siivia.

have mistook;

Showe another ring.

Pro. But, how cam'st thon by this ring? at my depart, I gave this unto Julia.

Jul. And Julia herself did give it me; And Julia herself hath brought it hither.

Pro. How! Julia I

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Come not within the measure of my wrath:
Do not naine Silvia thine if once agan
Verona shall not hold thee. Here she stands,
1 dare thee but to breathe upon my love.
Take but possession of her with a tonch
I hold him but
Thu. Sir Valentine, I care not for her, 1;
His body for a girl that loves him not:
will endanger
I claim her not, and therefore she is thine.
Dake. The more degenerate and base art thon,
To make such means for her as thor hast done.
And leave her on such slight condition
Now, by the honour of my ancestry,
I do applaud the spirit, Valentine,
And think

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Are men

it for thine ow

endued with worthy qualities;
Forgive them what they have committed here,
And let them be recalled from their exile:
They are reformed, civil, full of good,

And And fit for

fit for great emy loyment, worthy lord. Duke. Then hast prevail'd: 1 pardon them,

and thee:

Dispose of them, as thou know'st their deserts.
Come, let us go; we will include all jars
With triumy hs, mirth, and rare solemnity.

Jul. Behold her that gave aim to all thy oaths, Val. And, as we walk along, I dare be bolt
And entertain'd them deeply in her heart:

How oft hast thou with perjury cleft the root?
O Proteus, let this habit make thee blush!
Be thou ashara'd, that I have took upon me
Such an immodest raiment; if shame live

In a disguise of love:

It is the lesser blot modesty finds,

What think you of this page, my lo.d?
With our liscourse to make your grace to sinilet

I think the boy hath blushes.

grace in him; he

Val. I warrant you, my lord; more grace than
Duke. What mean you by that saying?

Women to change their shapes, than men their Fol. Please you, I'll tell you as we jass alors

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WILLIAM PAGE, a Boy, Son to Mr. Paga. SIP HUGH EVANS, Wdh Parson.

DR. CAIUS. a French Physician.

Host of the Garter Inn.

BARDOLPH, Follower of Falstaff.

PISVO Followers of Faistaff.



Page to Falstaff.

SIMPLE, Servant to Stender.

HUGBY, Servant to Dr. Caius.

MRS. ANNE PAGE, her Daughter, in love

with r'enton.

MRS. QUICKLY, Servant to Dr. Caius.
Servants to Page, Ford, &c.

SCENE-Windsor, and the Parts adjacent.

ACT 1.

we leave our pribbles and prabbles, and desire Dess Ante Page.

SCENE I Windsor. Before Page's House, a marriage lætween master Abraham and misEnter Justice Shallow, Siender, and Sir Lugh


Shal. Sir Hugh, persuade me not: will make Star-chamber matter of it: if he were twenty Sir John Palatatis, he shall not abuse Robert Shallow, esqptive.

Slen. In the county of Gloster, justice of peace, and coram.

Shal. Ay, consin Slender, and Cust-clorom. Slen. Av, and ratolarum too, and a gemleman Jorn, master parson; who writes himself acrigero in any bill, warrant, quittance, or obliga tiou, armigero.

Shal. Ay, that I do; and have done any time these three hundred years.

Slen. All his

siccessors, gone before him, have done't; and all his ancestors, that come after him, may: they may give the dozen white laces in their cont.

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Sien. I may quarter, coz ?

Shal. You may, by marrying.

Eva. It is marring, indeed, if he quarter it.
Shal. Not a whit.

Eva. Yes, pe lady if he has a quarter of your coat, there is but three skirts for yourself, in my simple conjectures: but that is all one: If Sir John Falstaff have committed disqaragements unto you, I am of the church, and will be glad to do my henevolence, to make atonements am compromises between you.

Shal. The Council shall hear it: it is a riot. Evt. It is not meet the Council hear a


there is no fear of Got in a riot; the Conseil, Jook you, shall desire to hear the fear of Got, and not to hear a riot; take your vizaments in

Shal. Ha! o' my life, if I were young again, the sword should end it.

Evn. It is petter that friends is the sword, and end it: and there is also another device in my prain, which, peradventure, prings goot diseretion with it: There is Anne Page, which is danghter to master George Page, which is pretty virginity.

Slen. Mistress Anne Page? She has brown hair, and speaks small like a woman. Ent. It is that fery person for all the 'orld, as as Just as you will desire: and seven hundred pounds

Soal. Did her grandeire leave her seven hun

diel joanda?

Eva. Ay, and her father is make her a petter penny.

Shot I know the young gentlewoman; she has goort gifts.

Eca. Seven hundred pounds, and possibilities, is good gifs.

Sial. Well, let us see honest master Page: Is Falstaff there?

Eva. Shall I tell you a lie ? I do despise a liar, as I do desj ise one that is false; or, as I despise one that is not thie. The knight, Nir John, is there; and, I bescech you, be ruled by your wellwillers. will peat eat the door knocks for master Page. What, hoa! Got pless your house here!

Enter Page.

Page. Who's there?

Eon. Here is Gou's plessing, and your friend, and justice Shallow and here young master Siender that peradventure, shall tell you another tale, if matters grows to your likings. Page 1 am glad to see your worships well: I thank you for my venison, master Shallow. Shal. Master Page, Jam glad to yon: much goul do it your good heat! I wished your venison better; it was ill kill'd:-How doth good mirtress Page /-and I love you always with my heart, la; with my heart.

Page. Sir, I thank you.

to see

Shal. Sir, I thank you; by yea and no, I do. loge. I am glad to see you good master Slender. Sten. How does your fallow greyhound, sir? I heard say, he was out-rinn on Cotsale.

Page. It could not he judg'd, sir.

Sten. You'll not confess, you'll not confess. Shal That he will not;- -'tis your fault, 'tis your fant:-'Tis a good dog. Page. A car, sir.

Sial Sir, he's a good dog, and a fair dog; Can there be more said? he is good, and fair.-Is Sır John Falstaff here ?

Page. Sir, he is within; and I would, I could do a good office between you.

confess it.

Eva. It is spoke as a Christians ought to speak. Shal. He hath wrong'd me, master Page. Page Sir, he doth in some sort Shal. If it be confess'd, it te not redress'd: is not that so, mester Page? He hath wrong'd me; indeed he hath-at a word, he hath; -believe me; - Robert Shallow, esquire, saith he is wrong'd. Page. Here comes Sir John.

of moneys, and gold, and silver, is her grandsice, Enter Sir John Falstaff, Bardalph, Nym, and

upon his death's bed (int deliver to a joyful re


surrections!) give, when she is able to overtake Fal. Now, master Shallow, you'll compisin

seventeen years old: it were a goot motion, if me to the king?

Shal. Knight, you have beaten my men, killed my deer, and broke open my lodge. Fl. But not kiss'd your keeper's daughter? Stal. Tat, a pin! this shall be answer'd. Fal. I will answer it straight;-1 have done all this: That is now answer'd.

SL The Council shall know this. Fal. "Twere better for you, if it were known in counsel you'll be laugh'd at.

Eva. Pauca verba, Sir John, good worts.

me ?

Enter Mistress Anne Page, with wine; Mistress
Ford and Mistress Page following.

Page. Nay, daughter, carry the wine in; we'll
drink within.
Ezit Anne Page.
Slen. O heaven! this is mistress Anne Page.
Page. How now, mistress Ford?
Fal. Mistress Ford, by my troth, you are very
well met: by your leave, good mistress.

kissen her. Page. Wife, bid these gentlemen welcomeCome, we have a hot venison pasty to dinner; coine, gentlemen, I hope we shall drink down

all unkindness.

Fal. Good worts! good cabbage-Slender, 1
broke your head: What matter have ybil against
Slen. Marry, sir, I have matter in my head
against you, and against your coney-catching
rascals, Bardolph, Nym, and Pistol. They car book of Songs and Sonnets here:-
ried me to the tavern, and made me drunk, and

aferwards picked my pocket

Bar. You banbury cheese 1

Slen. Ay, it is no matter.

Pist. How now, Mephostophilus ?

St. Ay, it is no matter

Nym. Slice, I say! pauca, pauca; slice! that's

any humour۳۰

Sin. Where's Simple, my man 7-can you tell, consin ?

Eor. Peace; I pray you! Now let us under stand: There is three umpires in this matter, as I understand: That is-master Paze, fidelicet, master Page; and there is myself, fidclicet, my self: and the three party is, lastly, and finally, mine host of the Garter.

Page. We three, to wear it, and end it between


Eva. Fery goot: I will make a prief of it in my note-book; and we will afterwards 'ork upon the cause with as great discreetly as we can.

Fol. Pistol,

Piet. He hears with ears.

Eva. The tevil and his tam; what phrase is this. He hears with ear? Why, it is affectations. Fal. Pistol, did you pick master Slender's purse ?

Slen. Ay, by these gloves, did he (or I would, might never come into my own great chamber again else,) of seven groats in mill-sixpences, and two Edward shovel-boards, that cost me two shilling and twopence a-piece of Yead Miller, by these gloves.

Fal. Is this true, Pistol ?

Eva. No: it is false, if it is a pick-purse.
Pist. Ha! thou mountain-foreigner 1-Sir John,

and master mine.

I combat challenge of this latten bilbo:
Word of denial in thy labras here;

Word of denial; froth and scum, thou liest.
Sten. By these gloves, then, 'twas he.

Nym. Be avised, sir, and pass good humours;
I will say, marry, trap, with you, if you run the
nuthook's humour on me; that is the very note

of it.

Slen. By this hat, then he in the red face had it: for though I cannot remember what I did when you made me drunk, yet I am not altogether an

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Ful. What say yon, Scarlet and John? Bard. Why, sir, for my part, I say, the tleman had drunk himself out of his five tences.

Exeunt all but Shal. Slender, and Evans. Slen. I had rather than forty shillings I had my

Enter Simple.

How now, Simple ? where have you been? I must wait on myself, must 1? You have not The Book of Riddles about you, have you?

Sim. Book of Riddles why, did you not lend it to Alice Shortcake upon Allhallowmas last, a fortnight afore Michaelmas?

Shal Come, coz; come, coz; we stay for you. A word with you, coz; marry this, coz: There is, as 'twere, a tender, a kind of tender, made afar off by Sir Hugh here:-Do you understand me? Slen. Ay, sir, you shall find me reasonable; if it be so, I shall do that that is reason. Shal. Nay, but understand me.

Slen. So I do, sir.

Eva. Give ear to his motions, master Slender: I will description the matter to you, if you be capacity of it.

Slen. Nay, I will do as my cousin Shallow says: I pray you, pardon me; he's a justice of peace in his country, simple though I stand here.

Eea. But this is not the question; the question is concerning your marriage.

if it be so,

I will marry her upon

Shal. Ay, there's the point, sir. Eva. Marry, is it; the very point of it; to mis tress Anne Page. Sten. Why, any reasonable demands. Era. But can you affection the 'oman? Let us command to know that of your mouth, or of your lips; for divers philosophers hold that the lips is parcel of the mouth-Therefore, precisely, can you carry your good will to the maid? Shal. Cousin Abraham Slender, can you love her?

Ster. 1 hope, sir,-1 will do as it shall become one that would do reason.

Eva. Nay, Got's lords and his ladies, you must speak possitable, if you can carry her your de sires towards her.

Shal. That you must will you, upon good dowry, marry her?

Sien 1 will do a greater thing than that, upon your request, cousin, in any reason.

Shal. Nay, conceive me, conceive me. sweet cox; what I do is to pleasure you, coz: Can you love the maid?

Sien. I will marry her, sir, at your request; but if there be no great love in the beginning, yet gen-heaven may decrease it upon hetter acquaintance, sen- when we are married, and have more occasion to know one another: I hope upon familiarity will grow more contempt: but if you say, marry her, I will marry her, that I am freely dissolved, and dissolutely.

Eva. It is his five senses: fie, what the ignorance is!

Bard. And being fap, sir, was, as they say, cashier'd; and so conclusions pass'd the careires. Slen. Ay, you spake in Latin then too; but 'tis no matter: I'll ne'er be drunk whilst I live again, but in honest, oisil, godly company, for this trick: If I te drunk, I'll be drunk with those that have the fear of God, and not with drunken knaves.

Eva. So Got 'udge me, that is a virtuous mind. Fal. You hear all these matters denied, gentlemen; you hear it.

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