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1 saw, distinctly whispered in my ear

These words: This is the worm that never dies!"

11. Pains inflicted on the damned by their own malevolent passions.

The damned in hell are represented as being filled with all evil passions, such as envy, malice, etc. which shall almost infinitely aggravate their miseries. These passions, we are told, “will be exceedingly powerful in the future world," and increase perpetually in strength. Besides, there will be nothing in the world of wo to restrain such passions, or mitigate in the least degree their pernicious influence. In hell the damned will be filled with the greatest envy. They will behold the happiness of the righteous in heaven, and this shall greatly increase their own misery. When the Rich Man sees poor Lazarus in Abraham's bosom enjoying its comforts and beatitude, it will add immeasurably to his own torments in hell.— "The sight of the saints' glory," says Matthew Henry, "will be a great aggravation of the sinner's misery." "The envy, also," says Jeremy Taylor, "which they bear towards those who have gained heaven by as small matters as they have lost it, shall much add to their grief."— "What a mass of wo," says Dr. Dwight, "must exist in the pangs of immortal envy


But it is not envy alone that shall torment the wicked in hell. They will also be filled with the

deepest malice. Hatred, without losing its character or its effect upon him who indulges it, will in a manner become the element of their life.They will hate universally. They will hate God, they will hate the blessed in heaven, and the damned in hell. Hence they will become, as Dr. Dwight tells us, "the means of extreme suffering to each other. .. None will have favors to

bestow, nor a native amiableness of character, to invite esteem or love. Nor will


any restraint erate so as to prevent the heart from emptying out all its wickedness in the open day. Contempt, therefore, deceit and hatred will Occupy the whole soul, and dictate all the conduct. . . . . . The rage which here persecutes an enemy to the grave, and laments that it cannot follow him into the invisible world, may there pursue him through eternity." I need not add that from "these considerations," as Dr. Dwight concludes, "it is evident that there can be no confidence in the regions of misery. The wretched inhabitants of these regions will know all around them to be enemies and deceivers. Amid the vast multitudes, not an individual will be found, possessed of either natural affection, or benevolence, or sincerity. This will probably be one of the most painful and wearisome, among all the ingredients of future wo. . . . The miserable inhabitants of hell have no God, no Savior, no virtuous friends, no parents, no relatives, before whom they may spread their


calamities with the hope of being heard; or in whose hearts, or hands, they may find a refuge from the bitterness of wo. . . . Thus, while the inhabitant of that melancholy world looks around him ; when he casts his eyes abroad through the universe; he will be forced to perceive that it tains no friend to him. In the midst of millions he is alone, and is sure of being loathed, rejected, and shunned by every being in the creation of God. Not a sigh can he breathe; not a tear can he shed; not a sorrow can he unfold; not a prayer can he utter with a hope of being befriended,heard or regarded."

What a picture of desolation and misery!Alone alone! In the midst of millions, and yet alone, or with none but enemies and tormentors around. To sigh, and groan, and pray, and weep, and yet to have no one in the wide universe who can pity or even hear! If there be such a hell as this it is one of the most terrible states to be imagined. It is thus, however, the damned are represented. Hear Pollock.

“Their hollow eyes did utter streams of wo.
And there were groans that ended not, and sighs
That always sighed, and tears that ever wept
And ever fell, but not in mercy's sight.
And sorrow, and repentance, and despair
Among them walked, and to their thirsty lips
Presented frequent cups of burning gall."

But the scene changes again. These feelings of anguish and desolation give place to rage and

madness which hurl themselves at every being in
the wide universe. They are filled, as Matthew
Henry says, with "an incurable indignation at
God, themselves and one another." "The damn-
ed in hell," says Christopher Love, "gnash their
teeth out of indignation against Jesus Christ."-
Thus hell is represented as being filled with cur-
ses and blasphemies. So says Dr. Trapp :
"They fling

Tartarean rage towards heaven,against heaven's king;
Against the Highest fiercely they blaspheme."
So also Pollock :

"And as I listened, I heard these beings curse
Almighty God, and curse the Lamb, and curse
The earth, the resurrection morn."

In short, hell is represented as the abode of all unholy passions in their intensest forms of mani festation, as a scene of unutterable and unrestrained rage, remorse, envy, malice, and blasphemies, and the most horrid oaths and imprecations!

12. Pains suffered in hell from despair.

It is a constant doctrine with the advocates of hell torments that a large part of the miseries of the damned arise from a complete despair of any better condition. That is a realm from which hope is utterly excluded. Milton represents it as a region of sorrow,

Where peace
And rest can never dwell, hope never comes
That comes to all."

Dr. Thomas Good win tells us that, "hope was

given to reasonable and intelligent natures to be as a breathing hole, in time of misery, to keep up life in such an one to sustain itself. And the reasonable soul being in its duration eternal, and having an eternity of time to run through and sail over, hath this privilege, denied to beasts, to take a prospect or foresight of time, that is yet to come, and if it can spy out any space or spot of time, in which it shall have happiness or ease, or outlive its misery, it will not utterly die; yea, it will harden itself against present misery with this thought that however it shall not always be thus with me.— But on the contrary here, by reason of this ability of foresight, it comes to pass, that a wretched soul in hell, viewing,turning over all the leaves of time to eternity, both finds that it shall not outlive its misery, nor yet can find one space or moment of time of freedom or intermission, having forever to do with the living God. And then it dies, and dies again, and sinks into a gulf of despair, for the future, as well as it is swallowed up with a sense of present wrath.” "There they shall be tortured," says Mr. Swinden, "with an absolute and complete despair of any better condition, or of the least relaxation from their pains, so much as a drop of water to cool their tongues tormented in these flames." But this is not all.

13. Pains suffered from fear.

As the wicked in hell shall be filled with despair, so shall they also with the deepest and most

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