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Confirmation, importance of, 100.
Courtenay (T. P. Esq.) Treatise on the
Poor Laws, 79. See Poor.
Cow-pox of Gloucestershire, 368, 369-
statement of the evidence for and against
inoculation with it, as a preventive of the
small-pox, 370–374.

Criminals, number of, committed in dif-
ferent parts of Great Britain, 94-causes
of the increase of juvenile criminals, 92|
-escape of several criminals from legal
flaws, 116, 117.

Cromwell (Oliver), death and funeral of,
31-confusion consequent on that event,
31, 32.

Croydon, charities at, misrepresented by
Mr. Brougham, 524, 525-the real state
of them, 525-528.


Dangeau (Marquis de), Abrégé des Mé-
moires du, 460-biographical anecdotes
of him, 461, 462-character of his wife,
463-and of the marquis himself, 464-
instance of his skill in play, 465, 466—
real value of this work, 467-remarks on
its editors, 476–478.
Davison (Mr.), observations of, on Egyptian
antiquities, 391, 392-description of his
descent into the well in the great Pyra-
mid of Ghiza, 392, 393—his discovery
of a second chamber in that pyramid,

Deir, in Nubia, notice of antiquities at, 184.


[blocks in formation]

Evelyn (John), Memoirs of, 1-anece
of his father, 2, 4-account of his
dies at the university, 3—serves in
Dutch army, 5-travels in France
Italy, 6-14-returns to England,
account of his improvements at S
Court, 17-fate of them, 45, 46
marks on the state of gardening in
seventeenth century,18-22-pictur
fanaticism during the rebellion, 23,
Evelyn's reflections on it,25-interesti
letter of Bishop Taylor to him, 26–ch)
racter of Mrs. Evelyn, 26, 27-affect
letters of Mr. Evelyn on the death
child, 28, 29—his pursuits during the
bellion, 31, 32-accounts of Charles
restoration, 33-noble conduct of Even
during the plague, 35, 36-his descre
tion of the fire of London, 37-40-st
cerity of his friendship, 42-integrity of
his public conduct, 43, 44-domestic)
calamities, 45-bis piety, 46-death-
-analysis of his Sylva,' or Discou
on Forest Trees, 47-54.

[ocr errors]


Fossil wood of Iceland, description of, 3

318.-Fossil wood discovered in otr
France, treatment of, by the Allied S
countries, 319.

Education Committee of the House of Com-
mons, reports of, 492-its origin, institu-
tion, and progress, 495--500-abstract
of its minutes of evidence respecting the
poor, especially of the metropolis, 500,
501-its attack upon the National So-Fielding, (Henry) anecdote of, 127, 12
ciety, 503-coincidence of it with the Fire of London, described, 37-40.
Edinburgh Review, 504-Sketch of its
inquiries and proceedings relative to the
education of the lower orders of the me-
tropolis, 504-508-remarks on the want
of decorum in the Committee in extend-
ing their inquiries into the education of
the higher orders, 508-511-and on the
conduct of the Committee, as well as the
inexpediency of extending its powers to
all charitable institutions, and on the
constitution of the Act of Parliament pro-
posed by Mr. Brougham for appointing
Commissioners to inquire into the edu
cation of the poor, 542–560.
Education of the poor, provision for, neg-
lected at the Reformation, 86-88-
good education a principal remedy for Galley Slaves at Marseilles, account of,
the existing evils among the poor, 92-Genesis ii. 21, 22, pretended new version
101--probable expense of educating all of, 263---collation of it with ancient ve

Fulton (Robert), account of the Torpe
reigns, vindicated, 158-162.
invented by, 348, 349.—His ingrains,
to England, 349-attempts to intros
the Torpedo into the English service,♬
-proofs that Fulton was not the inte
tor of Steam-Boats, though he impron: )
the application of steam to the purpos
of Canal Navigation, 352–355.
Funeral of George II. described, 126, E.



sions, 263, 264-critical analysis of the Hulls (Jonathan) the inventor of Steam-
original Hebrew of this verse, 264-266 Boats, 354, 355.
-examination of Mr. Bellamy's transla-
tion of Gen. vi. 6. 267-271-of Gen.
xxii. 2. 271, 272-and of Gen. ii. 3, 4,
5, 23, 24,--and of Gen. i. 273-277.
Genoese, character of, in the 17th century,
9, 10.

George II. (King) Funeral of described,

George III. anecdotes of, 66, 127.

Geyser, or boiling spring of Iceland, de-
scribed, 304-306.

Gibbons, the sculptor, anecdote of, 50.
Giles's (St.), Schools for educating the
lower Irish, oppositions made to, by the
Romish priests, 109.
Gladiator (Dying), exquisite description
of, 226.

Gustavus III. King of Sweden, account of
the death of, 385, 386,


Hazlitt (William), Lectures on the English
Poets, 424--general character of the work,
ib.—434—its plan, 425-definitions of
poetry, 426, 427-remarks thereon, 428
-bis astronomical allusions inapplicable
and incorrect, 429-defects of his paral
lels between great poets, 430-his assertion
that the progress of experimental philo-
sophy has checked poetical enthusiasm,
disproved, 430, 431-examinations of
some of his criticisms, 432, 433.
Heckla (Mount) present state of, 315.
Henderson (Dr.), Journal of his residence
in Iceland, 291-object of his journey
there, 302-abstract of his travels, 303,
et seq.-description of the new Geyser.
304, 305, 306-his arrival at Holum,
306-interview with Thorlakson, the
Icelandic poet and translator of Milton,
307, 308-Icelandic hospitality, 308-
visit to other hot springs, 309---notice of
the volcanic mountain, Krabla, and of
the obsidian mountain, 310, 311; de-
scription of the eruption of the Skedera
Yokul, in 1783, 313, 314; notice of the
volcanic mountain Heckla, 315; and of
the Aurora Borealis, ib.-description of
the rock-wood, called Surturbrand, 317,
318, 319--character of the work, 321.
Hobhouse's (Mr.) notes on Childe Harold,
strictures on, 231, 232.
Horticulture, state of, in the seventeenth
century, 20, 21.

Hospitality of the Icelanders, 308.

Hot Springs of Iceland, notices of, 304-
306, 309.

Hoxton, improvements among the poor of,
by the establishment of a school there,

Iceland, former state of, 291-its present
state, 292-population, 293--volcanic
origin, ib.physical appearance, 294---
climate, 295-its ancient government,
296-punishments, 297-introduction of
Christianity, 297, 298-exemplary con-
duct of the Icelandic clergy, 298-state
of Education, 299-excellent character
of the Icelanders, ib. 300--interior of
their houses described, 300---their diet,
301-their mode of salutation, 303----
hospitality, 308---Travels in, see Hen-

Images, anciently painted, 240, 241.
Indiana territory, character of the settlers
of, 67.

Inoculation for Small Pox, first practised in
China, 363; its progress through Eu-
rope, 364, 365; particularly in England,
365, 366; plans of treatment adopted
by the inoculator Sutton, 366, 367.
Inscription (ancient) on Pompey's pillar,
explained, 239, 240; translation of one,
245; copies and translations of several,
on the Egyptian Sphinx, 411-415.
Institute (French,) anecdote of their jea-
lousy of the progress of England in
science and the arts, 195, note.
Ipsambul, successful researches in the tem-
ple of, by M. Belzoni, 423, 424.
Ireland (Rev. Dr.) Letter to Mr. Brougham,
493; his satisfactory account of the
Charities at Croydon, 525-527; vindi-
tion of himself, 528.

James II. (King) anecdote of, 467; his ill
treatment of the natural children of
Charles II. 468, 469; sincerity of his
conversion to the Roman Catholic faith,
470; account of his death, 471, 472.
Jomard (M.) illiberality of, towards M.
Belzoni, detected, 193, 194; his bosti-
lity to England exposed, 194, 195; and
his statements relative to Egyptian and
Nubian antiquities, falsified by the re-
searches of M. Belzoni, 419-426.
Keats (John) Endymion, a poetical ro-
mance, 204-the author a copyist of Mr.
Hunt, 205-observations on his preface
ib.- probable fable of the poem, 205,
206--specimens of it, with remarks, 206

Krabla, a volcanic mountain of Iceland,
notice of, 311.

[blocks in formation]

work, 178, 179-present state of Alexan- | Murders, remarks on the increase of, 112
dria, 180-arrives at Cairo, 181-inter- 113.

view with the Kiaya Bey, ib.-arrives at Myers (Thomas), remarks on education,
Siout, 182-notice of the slave market &c. 79.


there, ib.-account of the island of Ele-Mysterious Mother' of Horace Walpole.
phantina, 183-antiquities at Deir, 184 character of, 122.
-observations on the natives of Nubia,
185, 186-description of the ruins of
Carnac, 187-visit of Captain Light to
the mummy pits of the ancient Thebans,
118-striking resemblance between the
temples of India and those of Egypt,
188, 189.

Lincoln (Bishop of) vindicated from the
charges of Mr. Brougham, 519-522.
London, ravages of the plague in, 35, 36—
description of the fire in 1666, 37--40.
London (Bishop of), eulogium on, 563.
Lonsdale (Lord) vindicated from the at-
tacks of Mr. Brougham, 537-538.
Louis XIV. and his court, description of,
at Versailles, 465, 466-anecdotes of his
liberality, 473.

Louis XVIII. address of the Prince Regent
to, 468.

Lower Classes, cause of the moral deterio-
ration of, 81.


Macirone (Count) incorrectness of his
statements relative to the death of Ge-
neral Murat, 490---492.

Maina, a district of modern Greece, ac-
count of, 235-form of government, ib.
-character of the Mainiots, 236-their
religion, ib.-condition of their women,
236, 237.

Manuscripts (Greek) notice of, 238.
Memoirs, observations on the value of, 460,

Mere (Lincolnshire) real state of the cha-
rity at, 518---520.

Mice, economical, of Iceland, notice of,
309, 310.

Milman (Rev. H. H.) Samor, or the Lord
of the Bright City, a poem, 328-plan of
the work, 331, 332-specimens of it,
with remarks, 332-345--observations
on its excellencies and defects, 345, 346.
Ministers, conduct of, defended against the
insinuations of Mr. Brougham, 511.
Monasteries of Mount Athos, notice of,
238, 239.

National Schools, probable expense of, i
the metropolis, 107--- benefits resulting
from their general adoption, 108---prost
that they are schools for all, 110---the
society for establishing them vilified in
the Edinburgh Review, in the report of
the Education Committee, and by Mr.
Brougham, 502-504---proofs that the
children of Dissenters are not only not
excluded from them, but that they are
actually taught in these schools, 505,
506---scantiness of its means compared
with the benefits it has conferred, 608.
Newcastle (Duke of) anecdotes of, 126,

Newton (Sir Isaac) puny attempts to ex
pose the errors of, 376---379.

Ney (Marshal) justly condemned, 149-
152---remarks on his case, 479, 480.
Nicoll (Sir J. W.) summary of the report
and evidence, relative to the Poor Laws,
79. See Poor.

Nubia, observations on the character of the
inhabitants of, 185, 186---notice of Tra-
vels in. See Light---researches of M.
Belzoni, 425, 426.


Oak tree, various uses of, 48, 49.
Obsidian mountains of Iceland, 311.
O'Reilly (Bernard, Esq.) voyage to Green-
land and the adjacent seas, 208- identi-
ty of the author ascertained, 209---his
charge against the masters and mates of
Greenland ships, of falsifying their logs
and journals, refuted by fact, 209, 210
---non-existence of the Linnean Isles,
pretended to be discovered by him, 210
...curious contradiction exposed, 211---
specimen of his etymological skill, 212,
213---other curious blunders of this au-
thor, 213, 214,

Paintings of the ancient Egyptians, re-
marks on, 404, 405.


Parry (Mr.) remarks on the erroneous
statement of, respecting a charity at
Windsor, 556, 557.

Palatine,Mount,poetical description of 225
Monk (Professor), vindication of the Uni-Paris, description of, in the 17th century,
versity of Cambridge, from the reflections
of Sir J. E. Smith, 434. See Smith.
Moore (James), History of Small Pox and
of Vaccination, 357--merit of his treati-
ses, 357. See Small Pox, Vaccination.
Mummy Pits of ancient Thebes, 188.
Murat (General) death of, shown to have
been legal, 490-492.

Peasantry (English) state of, after the sub-
version of the feudal system, 80.
Phillips (Sir Richard) essays on the pheno-
mena of the Universe, 375-his modest

pretensions, 375, 376-account of bis,


puny efforts to subvert the Newtonian St. Bees School, state of, according to Mr-
philosophy, 376-379.

Plague, ravages of, in London, 35, 36.
Pocklington School, state of, as represent-

ed by Mr. Brougham, 528, 529-the real
facts of the case, 529. 630.
Poetical criticism, ancient and present
state of, 329, 331.

Pompey's Pillar, remarks on, 239, 240.
Poor, ancient character of, 80-the num
ber of unnecessary public houses, a cause
of their increase, 82-84-other causes
of the increase of pauperism, 85, 86—
provision for educating them neglected
at the Reformation, 86-88-remedies
for correcting the existing evils of pau-
perism--moral and religious education,
92-101-the due administration of good
laws, 101-encouragement of the indus-
trious, 101, 102-the establishment of
Saving Banks, 103-observations on
their present condition, and on the
means and plans for promoting educa-
tion among them, 500--508.

Preaching, fanatical, during the rebellion,
specimen of, 23.

Prince Regent, noble address of, to Louis
XVIII. 468.

Prisons, remarks on the former and pre-
sent state of, 114, 115.

Provisions, price of, at Norfolk in Virginia,


Public bouses, increase of, a cause of the
increase of pauperism, 82; were the
common abodes of labourers in the time
of James I., 83; number of, now, a nui-
sance, 84; reduction of their number
necessary, 101.

Publications (New) Lists of, 282--570.
Pyramid of Cephrenes, opened by Mr.Bel-
zoni, 196; plan of it, 197; description
of its interior, 198---202; notice of the
bones discovered in it, 280, 281; re-
marks on the design of the pyramids,
202, 203; the Well in the great pyramid
of Ghiza explored by Mr. Davison, 392,
393; and by Mr. Caviglia, 396, 397;
description of the second chamber, 394;
successful researches of Mr. Caviglia, in
this pyramid, 399, 400.

[blocks in formation]

Brougham, 535, 536; real state of the
case, 536---538.

Salt, (Mr.) observations of, on the sculp-
ture paintings of the ancient Egyptians,
404, 405.

Saving Banks, advantages of, illustrated,
103, 104.

Sayes Court, improvements of, by Evelyn,
17, 18; its subsequent fate, 45, 46.
Scolding, night school for, in St. Giles's,
111, note.

Scott (Sir William), letter to, in answer to
Mr. Brougham, 492; character of it,


Selwyn (George), anecdotes of, 125.
Septuagint Greek version of the Old Tes
tament, when executed, 260; remarks
on its value, 261.

Settlers in America, inconveniences of,
62, 63, 69.

Sévigné (Madame), interesting letter of,
465, 466.

Skedera Yokul, an Icelandic volcano,
eruption of, described, 313, 314.
Slave-market at Siout, notice of, 182.
Slavery, state of, in Virginia, 56, 57.
Small-pox, antiquity of, 358; existed in
China, from a very remote period, 359;
whence it spread over Egypt, Syria, and
Persia, 361; introduced into Spain and
France by the Saracens, 362; and car-
ried to America by the Spaniards, ib.:
inoculation for it, first practised in Chi.
na, 363; progress of it through Europe,
364, 365; particularly in England, 365,
366; account of the treatment adopted
by the inoculator Sutton, 366, 367; ex-
amination of the evidence for and against
vaccination, as a preventive of small-
pox, 370---374; cases of small-pox after
vaccination, 373.

Small-pox Hospital, table of the number of
patients admitted into, 373.
Smith, (Sir James Edward), considerations
of, respecting Cambridge and its Bota-
nical Professorship, 434; circumstances
under which he obtained permission to
give Botanical lectures at Cambridge,
435, 436; character of his publication,
436; refutation of his assertion of the
paramount authority of the science of
botany, 437, 438-strictures on his clas-
sical illustrations, 439-his observation
refuted, relative to the admission of en-
tire strangers to Cambridge being per-
mitted to lecture there, 440-his ineligi
bility, 441, 442-importance of a bota-
nical professor's religious creed being
orthodox, 445, 446.

Sphinx (Egyptian), clearness of, from sur

rounding rubbish, 410-copies and trans-Walpole (Robert), Memoirs on European
lations of various inscriptions on it, 411
-415-plan of the ground covered by
it, 416-remarks on this colossal piece
of sculpture, 417.

Spital (Lincolnshire) charity, state of, ac-
cording to Mr. Brougham, 519-its real
state, 521, 522.

Steam-boat, American, described, 57-
proof that Mr. Fulton was not the in-
ventor of steam-boats, 352–355.
Surturbrand, or rock-wood of Iceland, ac-
count of, 317, 318.


Taverns, American, described, 56-60.
Temples of India and Egypt, striking re-
semblance between, 188, 189.
Thebes, visit to the mummy pits of, 188.
Theobalds, ancient and present state of, 18.
Thorlakson, a Danish Poet, anecdote of,
307, 308.

Timber-trees, observations on the various
uses and culture of, 48-52.

Torpedo invented by Fulton,notice of, 348

Trinity College (Cambridge), curious in-
terpretation of the statutes of, 541.
Tuileries, state of, in the seventeenth cen-
tury, 5.


Vaccination first discovered by Dr. Jenner,
369-statements of the evidence for, and
against, its power, as a preventive of
small-pox, 370-374.

Venice, former greatness of, poetically de-

scribed, 221, 222--observations on the
former government of that state, 223.
Virginia, prices of provisions in, 56-
description of a Virginian tavern, ib.-
account of the town of Richmond,in that
state, 57.

and Asiatic Turkey, 231-contents of the
work, 232--account of the district of
Maina, and its inhabitants, 235-237-
of the libraries at Constantinople, 237,
238-monastery at Mount Athos, 239-
notice of Pompey's Pillar, ib.-ancient
inscription explained, 240-proof that
the Greeks painted their statues, 240,
241-on the gold and silver coinage of
Attica, 242, 243-antiquities discovered
at Amycle, explained, 244-translation
of an ancient inscription, 245-strictures
on the execution of the volume, 245, 246,
Washington (City), notice of, 61.
Well in the Great Pyramid of Ghiza, de-
scent of Mr. Davison into, 392, 393-
successfully explored by M. Caviglia,
396, 397.

Willow-tree, uses of, 51.

Wilson (Sir Robert), Sketch of the Milita-
ry and Political Power of Russia, 131–
his assertions relative to the campaign
of 1812 corrected, 138-causes of Buo-
naparte's overthrow, 139-Sir R. Wilson's
account of his conduct in 1814, 142-
his statement respecting the battle of
Waterloo, 146-148-the fitness of Mar-
shal Ney's condemnation proved, 149–
152-479, 480-the conduct of the
allies towards Norway, Saxony, and cer
tain parts of Italy, vindicated, 153-158
-and towards France, 158, 162; exá-
mination of his assertions relative to the
danger of Europe from the power and
ambition of Russia, 164–177.

-Letter to his consti-
tuents, 478; examination of his state-
ment of his services in Portugal and
Spain, 480-485; account of the action
at Banos, 487--490.
Winchester College,disrespectful treatment
of, by Mr. Brougham, 539, 540, notes.
Women, or Pour et Contre, a tale, 321;
object of the author, 322; sketch of the
tale, 323-325; specimens of its absur-
dities, 326, 327; advice to the author,

Walnut tree, uses of, 49. 60.
Walpole (Hon. Horace), Letters of, to Mr.
Montague, 118-character of the writer,
118, 119-his vanity, 120, 121-remarks
on his Mysterious Mother,' and 'Castle
of Otranto,' 122-on his Reminiscences'
of the Reigns of George I. and II 123-
character of his Letters,' 124-anec-
dotes of Lord Balmerino, and Lady
Townshend, 125-description of the fu-
neral of George II. 126-anecdote of his
present Majesty, 127-of Henry Field-
ing, 127, 128-confession of an old
worldling, 129-anecdote of fashionable Yeovil charities, misreprerented by Mr
life, 129, 130.

Women, advantage of giving them the en-
tire disposal of their earnings, 101, 102,
Wood (Rev. Dr.), extraordinary examina-
tion of, by the Education Committee,
with remarks, 531-535.

Brougham, 523.



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