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hearing, in the courfe of which fome officers of rank were examined, the recorder very impartially and judiciously fummed up the whole evidence; and the jury, after a fhort abfence, brought in a verdict for the plaintiff. By this firft judicial determination upon the late act for permitting foldiers to fet up in every corporation in the kingdom, this most extenfive privilege is justly confined to thofe, who, alone, can have any juft claim to it and which other wife would, no doubt, be claimed by perfons, who perhaps had not been employed a fingle week, even as menial fervants, in the army.

Some days after, a fpecial trial came on in the lord mayor's court, Guildhall, wherein the chamberlain was plaintiff, and one Harris defendant, for keeping a lotteryoffice in the city, not being free; when a verdict was given for the plaintiff, with five pounds damages and full cofts of fuit.

Between feven and eight 31ft. o'clock, his royal highnefs the duke of Cumberland died fuddenly, at his houfe in Upper Grof venor-street. His royal highness was at court in the morning, dined with lord Albemarle in the afternoon, and drank tea with the princefs of Brunswick at St. James's; from whence he came to his own houfe in the evening, to be prefent at a council to be held on affairs of ftate. As foon as he came in, he complained of a pain in the fhoul. der, with a cold and fhivering fit, and defired to be laid on the couch, which was done; and Sir Charles Wintringham, the king's phyfician, being fent for, advised, it is faid, bleeding; but in about 29

minutes his royal highness expired without the least struggle.

On opening his royal highness, there was found, in the right ventricle of the brain, a coagulation of extravafated blood, about the fize of a pigeon's egg, which was the cause of his death. All the noble parts were found, except the membrane between the lobes of the brain, which was offified. His royal highnefs, indeed, had been afflicted with an hydrocele in the ferotum, from which a quart of water had been taken.

It is faid that his royal highness gave near 6000l. a year in private charity. But it is well known, that, though he did not allow his workmen at Windfor greater wages than the rest of the country, he allowed them every day at noon table beer, and bread and cheese : and generally twice a week a hot dinner. This his royal highness called old English hofpitality.

The court mourning ordered on this occafion by the lord chamberlain, was, the ladies to wear black filk or velvet, fringed or plain linen, black or white fans, and white gloves. The men to wear black full trimmed, fringed or plain linen, black fwords and buckles. But, in pursuance of his majesty's command, the earl marfhal publifhed, that it was expected, that all perfons fhould put themfelves into decent mourning. Of the officers of the army, marines, and fleet (except thofe of the horse and foot-guards), nothing was required, when they wore their uniforms, or did not come to court, except their wearing a black crape fcarf round the arm, and a black crape fword-knot.

His royal highness dying intef


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tate, the earl of Albemarle administered to him, by virtue of his majefty's fign manual.

John Mezo, one of his royal highness's huffars, having got from one of the pages a fuit belonging to his royal highnefs, with all the visible pockets turned out, afterwards difcovered a private pocket, containing a pair of gloves and a fmall morocco pocket-book, with twenty bank notes in it, amounting to 17511. which he was to honeft as to return to the gentleman in waiting.

A quantity of pearl afhes, the manufacture of Minorca, has been lately imported, and is efteemed little inferior to those brought from Trieste in Italy.

A golden eagle of an enormous fize was lately fhot at Ryhope, near Sunderland. It measured between the extremities of its wings 7 feet 6 inches; from the bill to the tail 3 feet; its largeft claws were fix inches and a half long, and its heart nearly as large as that of a sheep.

The river Cocket has opened for itself a new channel to the fea, about a mile from the old one; but this alteration is looked upon as beneficial to the neighbouring country, as the new channel is found to deepen every day, and with a little expence may be made to receive veffis of 150 tons bur


Some days ago an uncommon large fih, generally fuppofed to be of the grampus kind, came afhore on the fands of St. Fergus, about four miles from Peterhead, in Aberdeenshire. It measured 25 feet and a half in length, 7 in breadth, and 6 in thickness. Its head pretty much resembled that of a fea-dog it had four large fins on

the belly, one on the back, and two things like feet on the centre of the belly. To the depth of four inches it cut like the flesh of a turbot; and, from thence to the bone, red like raw meat. In the belly, were two roes, or roans, each nine feet long, and fourteen inches in thickness.

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At Avranches, in France, a wowho had been long afflicted with vapours and convulfions, which at laft degenerated into a pally, having been lately blooded by order of her phyfician, and in his prefence, the blood ran freely a little while, and then ftopped; when, upon examining the orifice, there appeared in it a small white body, which, on being drawn out with the point of a pin, proved to be a live worm with two eyes, which were very viable, and a muzzle with long hairs upon it, like a cat's whiskers. This curiofity is preferved in fpirits of wine.

The pope's bull in favour of the Jefuits has been fuppreffed by the parliament of Paris; and likewife by letters patent under the fign manual of his Portuguese majesty'; notwithstanding which, there was an auto de fe at Lifbon, on the 27th inftant, when forty culprits appeared in the proceffion. Amongst them were feveral priests and monks convicted of irreligion and impiety, and a religious hypocrite, who pretended to have the power of working miracles, and who had difperfed myftic writings, importing that the misfortunes of Portugal ought to be attributed to her trading with foreigners; a peafant, and fome old women, who pretended to cure maladies by fupernatural means; fome Jews, and a blafphemer; but none of them were condemned to the flames.


The foreign ministers faw the ceremony from a gallery, which was prepared for them. The fecreta ries of ftate attended; but neither the king nor any of the royal family appeared. Two thousand foldiers lined the streets through which the proceffion paffed.

The prefent king of Spain, finding that the two millions of reals per annum, affigned by the late king, for the payment of his predeceffur's debts, was infufficient to fatisfy the creditors as faft as they had a right to expect it, has refolved to pay this year 25 per cent. with an observation of the ufual formalities.

Though the election, or rather nomination, of his majefty's fecond fon to the bishoprick of Ofnaburgh has not been contefted, there has been a warm difpute between H. M. and the chapter of that fee, concerning the administration of the temporalities thereof during the minority of his royal highnefs; and all measures taken to terminate it in an amicable manner having proved fruitlefs, it is now before the fupreme judicature of the empire.

The king of Pruffia, by an edict dated at Schweidnitz the 8th of Auguft laft, has granted to all his vaffals and fubjects, who have poffeffions in Silefia and the county of Glatz, a refpite of three years for the discharge of debts which they may have contracted: and he has, at the fame time, appointed that the intereft to be paid fhall not amount to above fix per cent. Thefe debts are probably debts due to himself, and by the immediate payment of which the country might be ruined.

There has been lately a petty war

between the Teutonic order and the fovereign houfe of Oettingen-Spielberg, in Germany, on account of the mourning for the emperor Francis I. The houfe of Oettingen pretended to a right of fixing, in the diftrict of Reifs, the time during which the bells fhould ring, and the other ceremonials of mourn, ing fhould be obferved: but the Teutonic order difputed that right, maintaining that the district belonged not to the houfe of Oettingen, but to the circle of Franconia, by which its taxes are collected. On this, the churches of the Teutonic order were opened by force, in order to ring the beils in them at the hour appointed by the houfe of Oettingen. A de tachment of the troops of the order, running up immediately, obliged the Oettingen foldiery to lay down their arms; but the latter, being foon affifted, became victo rious in their turn, and carried off M. de Zobel, a probationer of the order, and an officer in the fervice of the emperor, as alfo feveral other Teutonic officers, and kept the rest of the combatants of the order blocked up, threatening to reduce them by famine, if they would not capitulate on the conditions which thould be impofed on them. The order, at last, arming on all parts, already demanded fuccour of the circle of Franconia, when, by fupreme authority, both fides gave over the war.

At a little distance from the city of Ancona is feen an ancient temple called the Great Church; and at fifteen paces diftant from this temple is a great oak, commonly called the Giant's Oak. In digging lately about this tree, a fmall flint ftone was found with these characters

characters engraved on it: CAV. SOT. CROC. TROV. M. The next day a large brick cheft was found full of afhes and charcoal, afterwards an earthen pot, containing alfo charcoal, and fomewhat lower an entire fkeleton of a prodigious fize. Under the feet of the body, was a fort of cheft made of bricks, which being broke open, was found alfo to be filled with charcoal. Near the right foot was a bowl as large as a common bottle, but of what materials it confifted none have been able to determine; at the inftant, however, of its being difcovered, it was obferved to reflect objects as a looking-glafs, but loft that property as foon as it had been expofed to the open air. Near this fkeleton were found eleven entire bodies, feparated from one another, placed in the fame pofition, and all nearly of the fame fize. Thefe eleven bodies were laid on the back, with the face turned towards heaven; but the first mentioned was the only one that lay ftretched on the belly, and his fize exceeded that of the eleven others, for he measured ten Roman palms in length, and his teeth were exactly like thofe of a large horse. There were befides found fome very large pieces of charcoal, two bowls like the former, and a ftone wrapped up in linen rags, fhaped in the form of a ferpent's head: this ftone was perforated, and reflected objects like a looking-glafs, but its quality and other properties are ftill unknown.

Two Spanish fhips of war, the Achilles and Aftrea, arrived the beginning of last month at Cadiz from New Spain, and brought above two millions of dollars in

gold and filver, befides many va luable effects; about one half of the money for the Catholic king's account; and the remainder for the


About the beginning of this month, there was brought from Angermandland to Stockholm, and fhewn by one Garney, a bookkeeper, a fmall hound, which not only utters whole words, but whole fentences one after another, in the French and Swedish language; and, among other expreffions, fays very plain, Vive le Roy.

On the 18th inft. a fire broke out at Calmar in Sweden, which raged till the 21ft, and reduced

160 houses to ashes.

In the garden of Peter Floyer, efq; at Shinfield, in Berkshire, there are fome rafberry trees in perfect leaf, and fo well stocked with ripe fruit, that they have been gathering from them every day this month past.

There are likewife, in the fame garden, very fine full-blown jeffamines, pinks, honey-fuckles, and a very fine carnation near blowing.

A gentleman died lately in the neighbourhood of Ludlow, Shropfhire, by eating a mefs of broth boiled in a kettle, wherein cucumbers had been pickled, and verdigreafe had been used to give them a green colour. This is inferted as a caution to others.

A party of Cherokee Indians, ten in number, in their way through the western parts of Virginia, about the beginning of May laft, with a pafs, and a pair of colours furnished them by colonel Lewis, were attacked by a number of lawless people, and five of them killed, to the great terror as well

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as fhame of that province, whofe aflembly have voted it a flagrant violation of the peace between thefe Indians, and the English, addreffed the governor to issue a reward for apprehending the murderers, and caufed the refolutions of the house to be made known to the Cherokee nation, with affurances that no other steps fhall be omitted to apprehend and punish the offenders.

A very fingular method of obtaining fugar and melaffes has been lately introduced in New England, especially at a place called Bernardston, almoft twenty miles from Athol; and as the vegetable, from which that valuable article may be obtained by this new method, grows in the coldest climates, it promifes great advantages to mankind, efpecially in thofe countries which, like New England, are already plentifully stocked with it by the hand of nature. This vegetable is no other than the maple-tree. The procefs in Bernardston is as follows. Having chofen out a large tree, fuitable for the purpose, they with an axe box it, much after the fame manner, that they box that kind of fir, which produces turpentine. This being done, they prepare a kind of trough, extending from the trunk of the tree on each fide, in order to retain the fap as it runs down. By this means they have obtained upwards of thirty gal. tree in a day; which, being treated like the fyrup proceeding from the fugar cane, produces a fugar equal in fineness of grain to the Jamaica fugar, and as pleasant to the tafte; and the makers infift that it is as medicinal, and very proper to give to chil

lons from one

dren for the chin.cough, at this time very prevalent in New England. This fugar produces me- : laffes, or treacle, very little, if any thing, inferior to Weft-India melaffes. Of this fugar, above 600 lb.. was made by one man during the last season, that is, from February last to April laft inclufive; and feveral hundred weight of it were in the end of July last brought for fale to Boston in New England, from various towns fituated on the eaftern and western parts of that province.

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Jeremiah Marlow, efq; who died laft June in Hackney, has left to St. Thomas's and London Hofpitals, 1000l. each: and to St. Bartholomew's, St. Luke's, Bethlem, and Chrift's, 500l. each.

A black merchant, who died fome time ago at Fort St. George, has left 4000l. to the foundling hofpital, and likewife 4000l. to the Magdalen charity; and the gentlemen there have collected above 2501. more for the last-mentioned charity.

A middle-aged lady in Suffex, happening to be much involved in debt, married a felon, who was capitally convicted at the last afsizes for that county, but had his fentence changed to transportation.--The marriage was celebrated in Horfham gaol, the bridegroom being in his irons, and confummated in the fame place: but his irons were taken off in a few days. His lady, being by this ftratagem freed from the profecution of her duns, is to furnish him with cash fufficient to tranfport himself to any part of the globe.

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A few days ago one Scotney, a deferter, and his wife, tied themfelves together with a cord, and


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