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JEWISH CHRONICLE.-"With a full equipment of modern scholarship he has
reconstructed for us and for posterity every aspect of medieval Jewish life, and his results
are indispensable to every future historian of the Middle Ages."

JEWISH WORLD.-"The careful perusal of the results of his labours will give
a better general idea of the phenomena of Israel's life among the nations, and of the
causes to which those phenomena are due, than can be obtained from any single work
in the English language with which we are acquainted."

ACADEMY.-"Few greater pleasures are the lot of the reviewer than the reviewing
of a really good work-a book interesting in its subject and thoroughly workmanlike in
its style. We have no hesitation whatever in declaring that both these requirements are
abundantly fulfilled in the volume before us."

DAILY NEWS.-"Messrs. Macmillan and Co.'s projected Jewish Library makes
a more than promising beginning with this substantial volume, in which Mr. Israel
Abrahams furnishes his readers with the fruits of his wide study of books and other
documents, both English and foreign, bearing on his theme."

DAILY CHRONICLE.-"A work worthy of the beautiful setting the publishers
have given it, replete with curious lore, and bearing on every page the impress of an
impartial, cultured, and catholic mind."

SCOTSMAN.-"A learned and admirable work."

TIMES.-"No intelligent reader will fail to appreciate the extent and novelty of his
studies, or hesitate to recognize the value and interest of his contribution to the social and
intellectual history of his race.'

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MORNING POST.-"Mr. Abrahams' book, while it cannot fail to be a valuable
help to the student of history, will prove most acceptable to his fellow countrymen, and
the ordinary public will find it very agreeable reading."

PALL MALL GAZETTE.-"The author shows enormous learning."


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TIMES.-"There is a great deal in them that does not appeal to Jews alone, for, especially in Mr. Montefiore's addresses, the doctrines advocated, with much charm of style, are often not by any means exclusively Jewish, but such as are shared and honoured by all who care for religion and morality as those terms are commonly understood in the western world."

JEWISH CHRONICLE.—“The study of a work by these two authors is like an intimate acquaintance with a charming and cultured person-it is a liberal education in itself, a study fertile in interest, and fruitful of good." There are not many books published in the present day of which it can be said that they will do no harm, and unlimited good. But of this book it is possible to say so, and higher praise cannot be given."

SPECTATOR.-" Interesting and suggestive."


SATURDAY REVIEW.-"Through Mr. Abrahams' utterances runs a quality which is not over common in any sermons, and which is calculated to find its way even to sleepy Instinct with that poetry of which the chosen race seem to possess the secret.' BAPTIST MAGAZINE.-"Whatever may be our agreement or disagreement with the theological standpoint of these sermons, we cannot be insensible to their high value."

METHODIST RECORDER.-"We are quite sure that no thoughtful or generous hearted Christian will take up this volume and readily lay it down, until, with sympathy and wonder, he has read to its last page.'

BRITISH WEEKLY.-"Not only is the literary quality much above the average, but the moral and spiritual teaching is valuable. Combined with resolute adherence to Judaism, much liberality towards other Creeds is manifest; and while there is naturally, and fortunately, much explanation and some apologetic' in the sermons, there is no symptom of vacillation or compromise."

GLASGOW DAILY MAIL.-"We have in fact in the authors of this volume two men of culture, keenly susceptible to the literary, scientific, and religious influences outside of their own venerable faith, anxious to preserve and adapt the spirit of it to modern needs, while distinguishing between it and ceremonial observances. The tone of both writers is admirable, being kindly and persuasive even in passages of criticism, and the book is one worth reading.'

LEEDS MERCURY.—" A well-written work, which will be read with almost equal interest by both Jews and Christians."

GLASGOW HERALD.-"Both from the homiletic and what may be called the bigworld point of view, this little volume is one of considerable interest."


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