stitutionally convoked, shall think expedient, in order to adapt it to the particular circumstances of the States of his Majesty. "2. We reserve to ourselves the making and publication of all the arrangements which may be useful in facilitating and hastening the execution of the present Decree." GERMANY. A private letter from Hamburgh dated the 2d ult. communicates unpleasant accounts of the health of that city. It was estimated, that 8,000 persons of all ages were then more or less indisposed. Of the garrison alone there were 200 sick men in the hospital. Col. Massenbach, it is said, bas conceived, during his imprisonment at Custrin, a very ingenious system of finance, by which the Prussian National Debt may be paid off in six years and a half. In Saxe Gotha the quantity of vermin of the mouse tribe has increased of late to a degree almost incredible. The local magistrates give rewards for their destruction. In the year 1818 more than 200,000 field mice were brought to them for the premiums. In the Raths-kammer of the city of Gotha, between the 9th of May and the 9th of September, 1817, the number for which the rewards were paid, reached to 89,565. The regularity with which the accounts are kept in these local treasuries leave no room to doubt the authenticity of this fact, which is both novel and extraordinary. AFRICA. The Algerines have renewed their old system of piracy in the most audacious manner. They have sent a squadron of five vessels to sea, for the purpose of making war upon the commerce of all those nations which are not represented at Algiers, and whose resentment they are not afraid to provoke. The Dey of Tripoli has declared war against the Grand Duke of Florence, in consequence of the refusal of the latter to continue the annual tribute hitherto paid. AMERICA, WEST INDIES, &c. The National Advocate, an American Paper, contains the following paragraph respecting the late B. West, esq. "His genius and industry as a painter have never been surpassed, and his productions will long be admired for their great and unrivalled merit. He was much attached to his native country, and took great pleasure in conversing with his fellow-citizens, and giving every facility to American Artists-he viewed our progress in arts, in arms, and in science, with deep interest, and his long absence did not alienate his affections from his native land. Yester day, said he to an American, 'was 50 years since I first arrived in London. I renember travelling on the top of the Canterbury coach, and stopping about two miles from London at a mean tavern, and taking a dinner before I entered the metropolis to seek my fortune; and I could not avoid yesterday going to the same tavern, calling for a dinner alone in the same room, looking back on the 50 years I had spent, the progress I had made in my profession, the friends I possessed, and the adventures I had met with. This was a singular epoch in the life of an individua." The following is an extract of a letter from the agent of Lloyd's at Santiago de Chili, dated Feb. 18, addressed to the Secretary, and received by the Hydra whaler, arrived at Plymouth : "We consider the capture of the strong fortress of Valdivia of that consequence to those engaged in the trade of Chili, that we hasten to communicate the same through you. It was attacked by Lord Cochrane on the night of the 11th February, with 240 soldiers of a Chili Regiment, and the sailors and marines of the frigate O'Higgins, brig Intrepid, and schooner Montezuma. By day-light, eight barriers were carried; and in the course of the ensuing morning, the town, castles, fortresses, with 116 pieces of brass cannon, all the Spanish Royal depot, and four hundred soldiers of the Regiment of Cantabria, were taken possession of; the transport Dolves (cut out of Talcahuana) and a small vessel retaken. This was the only point the Spaniards had left in the State of Chili. Two large ships taken at Guayaquil, are the Vigonia, of 700 tons, and the Aguilo, of 1000 tons : they have anchored at Valparaiso." A colony of twelve Chinese, established in Brazil since the residence there of the King of Portugal, have devoted themselves with so much success to the cultivation of Tea, that there are now 3000 trees in full bearing, and the plantation promises to become more flourishing. It appears by accounts from Caraccas, that upwards of 100 persons were arrested on a charge of being concerned in the plot to destroy Morillo, and that among them there were 20 females. The principal Alcaide had been shot, and Zabeleta, the mistress of Morillo, who was to have administered the poison, it was supposed, would suffer a similar fate. Accounts from Hayti to the 28th of May, confirm the previous reports of the final and complete reduction of the insurrection under Gomar, which has lasted, with various changes of fortune, ever since 1807. The heads of 16 of the ringleaders were exhibited on pikes, in a public part of the town of Jeremie. DOMESTIC : 1 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. INTELLIGENCE FROM VARIOUS PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. Mr. Leigh, silversmith, Middle Row, Maidstone. Mr. Leigh's family had scarce time to avoid the devouring flames. Mrs. Leigh threw two infant children out of the first floor window, which were caught by the people beneath; and she afterwards jump June 3. The Roman Catholic Chapel, at Cork, was discovered to be on fire. By the great exertions of Dr. Murphy, the Ca-ed from the same window upon the pave tholic Bishop, and numerous other persons, the progress of the fire was happily arrested, but not till the organ, the tabernacle, and the pictures which surmounted it, were burnt. OXFORD, June 14. In the Convocation holden in the Theatre, the Honorary Degree of D.C.L. was conferred on Lord Apsley, M.A. of Christ Church, M.P.; Lord Hill, G. C. B. K. T. S. M. T. and S.G.; Sir William Grant; Sir Jacob Astley, bart.; Sir Anthony Farrington, bart.; Sir George Murray, G.C.B. and K.T. S.; Sir H. Hardinge, K. C. B. and M.P.; Sir T. Lawrence, President of the Royal Academy; G. W. Taylor, esq. M.P.; J. J. Lockhart, esq. M.P. for Oxford; C. O. Bowles, of North Aston, co. Oxford, esq.; Charles Peers, of Chislehampton Lodge, co. Oxford, esq.; R. Southey, esq. Poet Laureat; and Joshua Watson, esq. Treasurer to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, &c. And the Honorary Degree of M.A. on Rowland Hill, esq. Gentleman Commoner of Oriel College. An Ode, in honour of the King's Accession, written by the Rev. John Josias Conybeare, M. A. of Christ Church, and Professor of Poetry, and set to Music by Dr. Crotch, Professor of Music, was then performed with great effect by a full orchestra, both vocal and instrumental. The Creweian Oration was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Crowe, B.C.L. of New College, the Public Orator; after which the Prize Compositions (see p. 442) were recited. The Vice-Chancellor then dissolved the Convocation; after which 'God save the King' was sung, accompanied in excellent style by all the performers. Upwards of 250 persons were entertained in an elegant manner by the Vice-Chancellor, in the Hall of Brasennose College. Lord Hill; Gen. Sir G. Murray; Sir W. Grant; Sir W. Scott; Sir T. Lawrence; the Bp. of Llandaff; the Heads of several Colleges, and their Ladies, and many other distinguished persons, were of the party. Two new Churches are about to be erected at Wakefield; and the foundation of a new Church was on the 5th of June laid at Harwich. June 22. About half-past 12 o'clock at night, a fire broke out at the house of ment, fortunately without receiving any injury; the rest of the family escaped by the back part of the house. The progress of the flames was arrested, but not before the interior of Mr. Leigh's house was destroyed, with most of his stock in trade; and the adjoining house much injured. The damage is calculated at near 800l. The Wakefield Journal, in appropriate terms of condemnation, states, that in consequence of a quarrel between two brothers-in-law, in that neighbourhood, and some litigation in the Wakefield Court Baron, ten of the sheep belonging to one of them were seized by the occupant of a field into which they had strayed, and tied fast, till they all perished with hunger, which they did after 10 days suffering! A few days since, a dreadful accident happened to Messrs. Campart and Co.'s mills, at Iver. The foreman, while in the act of putting grease to a spindle, had his clothes caught, and he was drawn in between the two wheels; when the force of his body broke the iron spindle, four inches in substance, into three pieces, and he fell on the floor dreadfully mangled. He lingered for about eight hours in excruciating agony. He was only 29 years of age, and has left a wife and three children to lament his unfortunate end. An enormous snake was killed a few days ago, by a farmer, in a hay field, in the parish of Chudleigh, said to be the largest ever met with in that part of the country: its body is described to be the thickness of a man's arm, and it measured in length upwards of four feet. The staves of radical pikes are now selling every market-day at Huddersfield, as handles of hay-rakes. The Fortunate Youth, whose deceptive career excited general curiosity and amusement some time ago, is returned into Cambridgeshire, and is now an humble agricultural assistant to his father in that county. A copper mine has lately been discovered near Kirkcudbright, in Scotland; the ore is of a superior quality, and the vein is so extensive, that, although the excavation does not exceed nine feet in depth, about 50 tons were soon raised. Through the channel of a late Farmer's Journal, Mr. Atwood, the banker, of Birmingham, informs the public, that, according to the Parliamentary papers, the foreign foreign importations of corn, on the average of the last six years, have amounted to only one-sixtieth part of the National consumption, or to about six days consumption per annum. Now, the produce of English agriculture at the war prices, or even those of 1818, amounts to about two hundred and forty millions of pounds sterling per annum; thence the whole value of the foreign imports amounted to but little above four millions per annum, and yet there were two bad harvests within the period. On these grounds, Mr. A. concludes that, the petitioning agriculturists have made a fundamental error of judgment, in the supposition that the importation of foreign corn, trifling as the quantity has been, can have occasioned their depression and distress, which he attributes entirely to the improper management of the national money-market, and the subduction of currency by the Bank. As a proof of the deplorable state of the farmers, it is asserted that in a parish about four miles from Devizes, when the Receiver General called a few weeks since for the Taxes, not a single one of the Paymasters could pay his full quantum; where for the twenty preceding years, it would have been looked upon as most extraordinary if a single one had failed. A few days ago was discovered, in a creek near the sea, in Mr. Birkett's low marsh, Fosdyke, by some gentlemen, an extraordinary eel, measuring in length 73 inches, and weighing 36 pounds. What is most remarkable is, that it is not exactly of the species of the conger. Sir Charles Wolseley has been waited upon by an express messenger from the Lord Chancellor, to serve him with supersedeas-an instrument by which he is erased from the list of the Magistracy. a A Canterbury paper says, "A viper, measuring the extraordinary length of three feet and a half, on Tuesday last was taken alive in the vicinity of this City; and on its being killed, a toad of an extraordinary size was taken from its body, in a perfect state." A new market is about to be erected at Liverpool, which, when fiuished, will be the completest thing of the kind in England. It is to be covered all over, and will be in length 500 feet, and in breadth 300 feet, with a handsome elevation in front. The estimated expense exceeds 30,0001. There are now living within half a mile of Bromsgrove in Worcestershire, on the Worcester road, four children born at one birth, all girls; they are 15 months old, two of whom can walk alone, and the other two nearly so. The father is a poor labouring man, and had three children before. Accounts have been received at Hull, by the Active, arrived at Peterhead, of the bad success of the fishery, and that no less than 42 ships were ascertained to be clean (empty). The Active left the other ships the 14th June. The merchants seem to have had a strong presentiment of the fate of the fishery; as so high as 34/. per ton has been given for oil on arrival. July 3. The Scotch State Trials com. menced at Stirling on Thursday last; when Hardie, one of the Bonnymuir radicals, was found Guilty. The indictment on which he was tried charged him with conspiring to levy war and subvert the Constitution, and publishing and posting up printed Addresses to the inhabitants of Great Britain and Ireland, to incite the soldiers of the King and other subjects to rebellion. It appears that the Court has strictly forbidden any publication of the proceedings till all the trials are concluded. The prohibition, like that issued on the trial of the Cato-street couspirators at the Old Bailey, is not cor fined merely to those now in progress at Stirling, but extends to those which will follow at Glasgow, Paisley, Dumbarton, and Ayr. July 15. "About seven this morning arrived at Dover, from Boulogne, the Chevalier Vassali, with two respectable witnesses in favour of the Queen. We understand they are followed by several Noblemen, and many superior Military and Civil Officers of Rank, who come to give testimony on the approaching trial, in behalf of her Majesty." The treatment of the Italians at Dover, has excited a kind of horror in the minds of Foreigners on the Continent; so much so, that on the landing of some of the suite of the French Ambassador absolute fear took such possession of them, that it was with great difficulty they could be persuaded there was not any danger. The arrivals from the Continent at Dover are less than before, while those at Harwich have considerably increased within this fortnight. July 22. Letters from York state, that the Grand Jury had found the bills for high treason, which had been presented to them, against four prisoners charged with the insurrection near Huddersfield, on the night of the 31st of March; and against 18 who were engaged in the march to Grange Moor, on the morning of the 12th of April. DAMAGED HAY. A Correspondent says, there is a vast quantity of hay now abroad, not worth 10s. per ton, which may be rendered palatable and wholesome food, by simply sprinkling salt between the layers while stacking. He tried this plan on a lot of flooded hay in 1818, and found his cattle preferred I preferred it to the best hay not salted. The quantity used was a peck measure full of ground rock salt to each ton of hay. OCCURRENCES IN LONDON Her Majesty, and the proceedings going on against her, continue almost the sole object of public attention; and we believe we may safely say, that the minds of the people of England were never more intensely fixed on any one subject Wednesday, June 28. In consequence of the Queen's noncompliance with the wishes of the House = of Commons, the Secret Committee of the House of Lords assembled this day; when the Green Bag was opened. The Marquis of Lansdowne and Lord Erskine declined acting on the Committee; and the Lords Hardwicke and Eltenborough were appointed in their stead. When the Committee first met, Messrs. Brougham and Denman delivered in a sealed letter; containing, it is said, material evidence upon the part of her Majesty. This letter the Committee refused to receive, as not within their province. Tuesday, July 4. The Lord President reported from the Secret Committee, that they have examined, with all the attention due to so important a subject, the documents which have been laid before them: and they find, that those documents contain alle gations, supported by the concurrent testimony of a great number of persons in various situations of life, and residing in different parts of Europe, which deeply affect the honour of the Queen; charging her Majesty with an adulterous connection with a foreigner, originally in her service in a menial capacity; and attributing to her Majesty a continued series of conduct highly unbecoming her Majesty's rank and station, and of the most licentious character. "These Charges appear to the Committee so deeply to affect not only the honour of the Queen, but also the dignity of the Crown, and the moral feelings and honour of the Country, that, in their opinion, it is indispensable that they should become the subject of a solemn Inquiry, which it appears to the Committee, may be best effected in the course of a Legislative Proceeding, the necessity of which they cannot but most deeply deplore." Wednesday, July 5. The Queen presented a Petition to the House, desiring that she might be heard by her Connsel; which was resolved in the negative. Afterwards the Earl of Liverpool presented a Bill of Pains and Penalties against her Majesty, of which the following is a copy : "Whereas, in the year 1814, her Majesty, Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, then Princess of Wales, and now Queen Consort of this realm, being at Milan, in Italy, engaged in her service, in a menial situation, one Bartolomo Pergami, otherwise Bartolomo Bergami, a foreigner of low station, who had before served in a similar capacity: "And whereas, after the said Bartolomo Pergami, otherwise Bartolomo Bergami, had entered the service of her Royal Highness the said Princess of Wales, a most unbecoming and degrading intimacy commenced between her Royal Highness and the said Bartolomo Pergami, otherwise Bartolomo Bergami. "And whereas her Royal Highness not only advanced the said Bartolomo Pergami, otherwise Bartolomo Bergami, to a high station in her Royal Highness's household, and received into her service many of his near relations, some of them in inferior and others in high and confidential situations about her Royal Highness's person, but bestowed upon him other great and extraordinary marks of favour and distinction, obtained for him Orders of Knighthood and Titles of Honour, and conferred upon him a pretended Order of Knighthood, which her Royal Highness had taken upon herself to institute without any just or lawful authority: "And whereas her said Royal Highness, whilst the said Bartolomo Pergami, otherwise Bartolomo Bergami, was in her said service, further unmindful of her exalted rank and station and of her duty to your Majesty, and wholly regardless of her own honour and character, conducted herself towards the said Bartolomo Pergami, otherwise Bartolomo Bergami, and in other respects, both in public and private, in the various places and countries which her Royal Highness visited, with indecent and offensive familiarity and freedom, and carried on a licentious, disgraceful, and adulterous intercourse with the said Bartolomo Pergami, otherwise Bartolomo Bergami, which continued for a long period of time during her Royal Highness's residence abroad; by which conduct of her said Royal Highness, great scandal and dishonour have been brought upon your Majesty's family and kingdom. Therefore, to manifest our deep sense of such scandalous, disgraceful, and vicious conduct on the part of her said Majesty, by which she has violated the duty she owed to your Majesty, and has rendered herself unworthy of the exalted rank and station of Queen Consort of this realm; and to evince our just regard for the dignity of the Crown and the honour of this nation; We, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal loyal subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament assembled, do hereby entreat your Majesty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, that her said Majesty Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, from and after the passing of this Act, shall be and is hereby deprived of the title of Queen, and of all the prerogatives, rights, privileges, and exemptions appertaining to her as Queen Consort of this realm; and that her said Majesty shall, from and after the passing this Act, for ever be disabled and rendered incapable of using, exercising, and enjoying the same, or any of them; and moreover, that the marriage between his Majesty and the said Caroline Amelia Elizabeth be, and the same is hereby from henceforth for ever wholly dissolved, annulled, and made void to all intents and purposes whatsoever." The House of Lords are to meet on the 17th of August, to proceed to the second reading of the Bill now before their Lordships' House regarding the Queen: no proxies are to be allowed; and, it is said, the House will enforce attendance by penalties and imprisonment. After the evidence for the prosecution has been examined, the Counsel for her Majesty will then open the case and call witnesses. An effort has been made in the Lords to obtain a list of the witnesses for the prosecution; but it was strongly opposed by Ministers, and rejected. The House of Commons have adjourned till the 21st of August. Thursday, June 1. The Anniversary of the National School Society was held at Baldwin's Gardens, this day. The Archbishop of Canterbury took the chair, attended by a number of Bishops, Noblemen, &c. Dr. Walmsley read the Report. There had been established in England 1,467 schools; praise was given to Mr. Johnson, the master of the general central school, under whose care were about 502 boys and 230 girls. During last year the children had increased 20,000, and the whole number receiving instruction in England amounted to 270,000. The schools had increased from 1467 to 1614. The system was established in Nova Scotia and other foreign parts. The report alluded to the munificence of J. Watson, esq. the treasurer of the society, who had purchased the chapel in Ely-place (valued at between 2 and 30001.) and made a present of it to the society for the children of the National Schools to attend divine service (see p. 366). The Rev. Dr. Bell (to whom the Society owed its origin) had presented them with a communion service of plate for the chapel in Ely-place. The system had been generally introduced in the Army, under the patronage of the Duke of York; also in the Navy, under the patronage of several distinguished officers; in Portsmouth Dock Yard, under the patronage of the Commissioners. Thirty-two grants of money had been made, amounting altogether to 3,2021. to various populous parishes in and about the Metropolis, particularly to Newington Butts, Bethnal Green, and St. Paul's, Deptford; and, in the latter place, instruction had been given to children in evenings, whose occupations would not allow them to attend in the day time, and also on Sundays. The Committee had been restrained from doing more in assisting schools with money, from the scantiness of their funds; however, it acknowledged a liberal legacy and several donations. The Report concluded with a recommendation of supporting the system, to counteract Deists and Infidels, and that it was the cause of God and Religion. Thursday, June 29. Dr. W. H. Wollaston was raised to the chair of the Royal Society, till November; when, at the meeting of the Society, a President will be elected. Among the Bills which lately received the Royal Assent, is one for punishing the drivers of stage coaches, and other carriages, for accidents occasioned by their misconduct. Mr. Parke's invention for the consumption of smoke from steam-engines, &c. was tried lately at Barclay and Co.'s brewery, and found to answer most completely, and that by means at once easy, cheap, and certain. The method may be adopted, without any additional expence, or even alteration, by those who have falling doors to their furnaces. The person attending the engine should, before supplying it with coal, push the fire forward, then lay the coals on the place from whence the fire was pushed, and immediately close the door to within about an inch and an half of the bottom; the air rushing through the part left open has the effect of burning the smoke completely. A little smoke will rise while the coals are laying; but the moment the door is put down, and left as before-stated, very little smoke can be seen; the door may be closed in about a minute. This plan, generally adopted, will relieve large towns, as well as the country, from a most intolerable grievance, and will be a great saving of fuel. The building of the new Post Office is, it is said, likely to be suspended; and au estimate is directed to be prepared of the |