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" ... whether from all his successors more maxims of theoretical knowledge, or more rules of practical prudence, can be collected, than he alone has given to his country. "
The Plays of William Shakspeare: With the Corrections and Illustrations of ... - Page 282
by William Shakespeare, George Steevens, Isaac Reed, Samuel Johnson - 1803
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Mr. Johnson's Preface to His Edition of Shakespear's Plays

Samuel Johnson - 1765 - 80 pages
...himfelf been imitated by all fucceeding writers ; and it may be doubted, whether from all his fucceflbrs more maxims of theoretical knowledge, or more rules...contemplating things as they really exift. It may be obfcrved, that the oldeft poets of many nations preferve their reputation, and that the following generations...
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The plays of William Shakespeare, with the corrections and illustr ..., Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1768 - 676 pages
...been imitated by all fucceeeding writers; and it may be doubted, whether from all his fucc,efib,rs more maxims of theoretical knowledge, or more rules...alone has given to his country. Nor was his attention confined-to the actions of men; he was an exacT: furveyor of the inanimate world ; his defcriptions...
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Prefaces. Tempest. Two gentlemen of Verona. Merry wives of Windsor

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 554 pages
...of theoretical knowledge, cr more rules of practical prudence, can be collected, than he alone lias given to his country. Nor was his attention confined to the actions of men; he was an exact furveycr of the inanimate world ; his defcriptions have always fome peculiarities, gathered by contemplating...
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Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, Volume 2

Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 374 pages
...himfelf been imitated by all fucceeding Writers ; and it may be doubted whether from all his Succeffors more Maxims of theoretical Knowledge, or more Rules...Nor was his Attention confined to the Actions of Men ; lie was an exact Surveyor of the inanimate World ; his Defcriptious have always fome Peculiarities,...
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Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, Volume 2

Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 412 pages
...himfelf been imitated by all fucceeding Writets ; and it may be doubted whether from all his Succeffors more Maxims of theoretical Knowledge, or more Rules...Country. Nor was his Attention confined to the Actions ef Men ; he was an exact Surveyor of the inanimate World ; his Defcriptious have always ibtne Pecaliarities,...
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Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, Volume 2

Samuel Johnson - 1774 - 374 pages
...himfelf been imitated by all fucceeding Writers ; and it may be doubted whether from all his Succeffors more Maxims of theoretical Knowledge, or more Rules of practical Prudence, can be collected, that* ie alone has given to his Country. '•• Nor was his Attention confined to the Actions of R4en...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Ten Volumes: Prefaces. The tempest. The ...

William Shakespeare - 1778 - 748 pages
...himfelf imitated by all fucceeding writers; and it may be doubted, whether from all his fucceflbrs more maxims of theoretical knowledge, or more they really exift. It may be obferved, that the oldcft poets of many nations preferve their reputation, and that the following generations of wit,...
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The Dramatick Writings of Will. Shakspere: With the Notes of All ..., Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1788 - 346 pages
...himself imitated by all succeeding writers ; and it may be doubted whether, from all his successors, more maxims of theoretical knowledge, or more rules...attention confined to the actions of men ; he was an exaft surveyor of the inanimate world ; his descriptions have always some peculiarities, gathered by...
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Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Passages in Prose, Selected ...

Vicesimus Knox - 1790 - 1058 pages
...fuccefTors, more maxims of theoretical knowledge, or more rules of praflical prudence, can be colleiled, than he alone has given to his country. Nor was his...attention confined to the actions of men ; he was an exafl furveyor of the inanimate world ; his defcriptions have always fome peculiarities, gathered by...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare: In Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections ...

William Shakespeare - 1793 - 860 pages
...himfelf been imitated by all fucceeding writers ; and it may be doubted, whether from all his fucceffbrs more maxims of theoretical knowledge, or more rules...attention confined to the actions of men ; he was an exadl furveyor of the inanimate world; his defcriptions have always fome peculiarities, gathered by...
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