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we have another illustration of the truth of the poet's lines:

"What great effects from little causes spring;"

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In view of all the past history of the Society, the Committee have much reason to be thankful; and while the year of Jubilee can be to them no year of rest," they are greatly encouraged by the present position and prospects of the work of Home Evangelisation. The Annual Meeting, held in Finsbury Chapel, on the 11th May, was a great and blessed gathering, and the appeals then made to the hearts and consciences of the audience cannot fail, by the Divine blessing, to produce the happiest results. To strengthen the impression then made, and to deepen the sense of duty and responsibility then awakened, as well as to encourage our friends and supporters, a selection of facts will now be given from the journals of the agents, in addition to what may be found in the Annual Report.

A LAY EVANGELIST'S WORK. During the year I have held 112 meetings, attended by 8,309 persons, preached 92 times, and in addition held 12 services in the open air, given away 6,050 tracts, sold 75 copies of the Scriptures, circulated 3,140 publications, walked in my work more than 2,000 miles, and made 2,173 visits, of which 192 have been to the sick.

It is now nearly six years since my mission commenced in this district, comprising 17 villages with 2 hamlets. When I entered upon my labours, there was not a single resident dissenting minister; the people were greatly under clerical influence; nursed in forms, steeped in Ritualism, and lulled into carnal security. Among them, mission work has been

conducted, notwithstanding discouragements, with marked success. The open-air services held in the summer, though opposed by the parish priest, have proved very successful. The people came out in great numbers, and the best order and attention prevailed. I have thought it one of the most interesting sights this side heaven, to see the young and old come from all parts of the village, in some instances bringing their seats with them, to gather round me on the village-green, or under some wide spreading tree, to listen with marked attention to the message of salvation.

The number, variety, and widespread diffusion of useful publications, are proving a mighty power in forming the character, and moulding the sentiments, of the people. A taste is created for reading, and much interest excited, especially among the young. Of tracts and good publications more are now circulated in a year than there are inhabitants in my district. As an example of the interest these periodicals produce, I may mention that a mother has taken a name for her new-born child, from one of the magazines used by the family.

The family of a farmer, at a lodge, where I was received rather coolly at first, now take the Christian Treasury, the Cottager, and the Band of Hope. By taking a periodical, access is often gained to a family, where otherwise it could not be obtained, and when this point is gained, that family is virtually under visitation for the year. In our agricultural

districts the people in the winter have nearly the whole of the long evenings for leisure, and much time for reading; the supply of good and wholesome reading furnished therefore, cannot be over-estimated.

The facilities for the increase of intemperance, afforded by the present license system in the institution

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Although we have laboured under difficulties we have not retrograded, but rather progressed. We began with almost an empty chapel, and you may fancy how low things had been when I tell you that for some time I had myself to lead the singing, but now we have a good harmonium which cost £20, and we have secured a young friend to play it. The Sunday-school had declined to almost nothing, but we have gathered a number of children at Rand B- ; so in this department of the Lord's work we have not been idle. Our congregations, especially on Lord's-day evenings, have been very good, and there are persons who have been deeply impressed and are under concern for their souls. During the year the chapel has been renovated and thoroughly repaired, and the expense defrayed by our friends.

For expressing my views on the Irish Church question, our rector has excluded me from the Bible Society, but the local papers have exposed and condemned his intolerance.


Six persons whom I visited have died this month. Four of them we were with in their last moments-to whom we have been made useful. One case deserves special mention: that of Charles P, who died of consumption. He supplied Southampton market with butter, poultry, pork, etc. He was a very worldly, stern man, much addicted to drink. For some time before he gave up, it was apparent to all that his time would not be long in this world. I tried to get at him several times, but he would not have any conversation or hear of death. He kept about as long as he could, by constantly drinking stimulants. One day, I met him in his cart, and thought I would try again; to my surprise he asked me. to his house when I had an evening to spare. The first opportunity found

me there. I endeavoured to be faithful-read the Word and tried to point out his state before God. He took to his bed to rise no more. My visits to him were regularly paid, sometimes twice a day. After a while he saw his state, and oh! how he lamented his past life. When he saw his danger, I pointed him to the precious Saviour. At length he seemed to possess hope. His whole talk was now about Jesus. He told me subsequently, he thought I was too harsh with him at first, but now he saw how needful it was that his danger should be pointed out. He wanted me to stay with him nearly always. Early and late I was with him-by six in the morning, and sometimes till midnight. I have a hope for his safety.


We have had a good deal of sickness at W. this month, and therefore my visits to such have been more frequent than usual. Among the

people I visit, are those who for a long time have been confined to their rooms, and by such my visits are especially welcomed, and who often express a wish that I could visit them more frequently than I do.

One dear old Christian, of nearly eighty, and who has not been able to leave her room for a long time, or even to move about it without crutches, furnishes a remarkable instance of faith and patience; her income is very scanty, but although her husband has been dead many years, and those of her family best able to minister to her wants, gone abroad, yet I never heard a murmer escape her lips; and so persuaded is she that her Heavenly Father's eye is ever upon her, that she has lived for years without even locking her street-door. I have often felt cheered in my conversations with this dear old Christian, and contrasting her worldly position with that of others whom I visit, I have often been struck with the fact, that a person may possess but little of this world's goods, and yet be happy, while, on the other hand, they may possess a good deal, and yet be miserable.


We have held eight such during the month, and the attendance has certainly been on the increase; especially at one cottage kept by an old woman, who makes no pretension to religion. There is a Primitive Methodist Chapel close at hand, yet the people who attend my cottage services will not go to this chapel, neither will they attend any service held in a place whose occupants are Nonconformists, and this confirms me in my opinion, that the less sectarian our evangelistic work is the more good will likely be accomplished.

I have preached at H— and U— this month, where the average attendance has been about 80 persons.


We have had one tea-meeting this month, when Mr. C————, from America, gave a lecture. We have had another Band of Hope entertainment this month, and which, in fact, was a continuation of the one held last month; several pieces were again sung and recited by the children, and Mr. H gave the address. I have given away and circulated about 250 tracts this month.


They are very poor and uneducated; they have large families, and their average wages are from 10s. to 12s. per week, hours from six to six. On the whole, they are kind and hospitable; but I have to work, in many instances, against prejudice, ignorance, apathy, and poverty. There are some who are anxious to hear the truth, and receive the tracts readily. The minds of the people who live in some of the outof-the-way places, are very dark. Many trust to forms of religion, they appear ignorant of "the one thing needful." Many have been induced, through my visiting them, to attend a place of worship, and some of the hardy sons of toil have been seen weeping beneath the sound of the Gospel.

The attendance at the places of worship has increased very much during my stay here; before my coming, our chapels at M and

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ous conversation with them, and read and pray when I can. The villages are very healthy, therefore there is not much sickness,-what there is, mostly consists of rheumatism and the infirmities of old age.

I started some prayer meetings and cottage meetings, which are very well sustained. Respecting the education of the children, it is difficult to state the attendance, or how many have been induced to send their children. There is a school in each village, but many of the children are too young to walk, or else the parents cannot possibly afford to send them; therefore at an early age they are sent into the fields to work.


I have great pleasure in informing the Committee that during the past two months, things are looking more favourable. Amid many difficulties and anxieties, the Lord seemingly

is about to bless my efforts. The chapels where I have preached are becoming full, and especially with the young people of the villages. Where only thirty or forty attended a place of worship, there are now a hundred or more; and there appear to be some who are under deep impressions, and I trust are inquiring "what they must do to be saved." Some who have never attended any place of worship have been induced to attend regularly.

During the past month I commenced on week nights, a series of lectures on the "Pilgrim's Progress," and the attendance has been remarkably good, and the lectures appeared highly interesting to the people. The cottage meetings which I hold once a week, have been also very well sustained. I generally hold four or five meetings every week among the people of the various villages.

Golden Words for Busy People.


AN INFIDEL AGREEING WITH PAUL. An admirable reply was once made by a careful reader of the Bible to an infidel who attacked him with such expressions as these: "That the blood of Christ can wash away sin is foolishness; I don't understand or believe it." Bible student remarked, "You and Paul agree exactly." The infidel replied with surprise: "How is this, that Paul and I agree exactly?" Said the student, "Turn to the first chapter of Corinthians and read the eighteenth verse." The infidel read, "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish, foolishness; but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God." The infidel hung his head, and ever after studied the Bible, and soon believed it to be God's power unto salvation.


"Can I ever forget" says the Rev. F. Storr, "the yearly scene of Mr. Last's harvest-field? In the ripe and golden grain, telling that it was time to put in the sickle, intimation was given to me that on such a morning, at such an hour, if God permitted, my presence was requested in the harvest-field. I attended at the time named and found myself in a group of twelve or fifteen men and lads, with their master at their head, waiting to commence the gathering in of the harvest.

"But on that farm the Lord of the harvest must first be honoured ere any sickle be put in. All heads were uncovered as the hymn was given out, and we raised our united voices in praise of Him who had covered the valleys thick

with corn. Prayer was then offered that God might strengthen the hands of the reapers and preserve them from all evil-both of body and soul. On rising from our knees a sickle was presented to me. I first put it into the grain, and then in every direction they spread and busily bent to their pleasant task, going forth in the name of the Lord. Thus the hallowing influence of that good man extended to all that he undertook, and to all over whom he had control. I have been assured by one who worked for him for many years, that he never knew an oath to have been sworn on that farm."

COMMON MAXIMS APPLIED TO RELIGION. "A bird in the hand is worth two in a bush."

Not always. I had rather sit beside the bush and listen to the sweet notes of the thrush or the nightingale, than to have the little warbler caged and in my hand. But the idea is the main point. It is that what is valuable is better to us in possession than in prospect. Gold in the pocket is better than in the mine. A pearl of great price is worth more in the hand than when sleeping in its shell at the bottom of the sea.

How apt and how forcible this maxim when applied to religion? "The pearl of great price," if it be not ours, is to us as though it were not. Thousands may seek and find it; but that will not benefit us. What though we hear others sing of salvation: if our souls have it not, we cannot sing. It is practically

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This recognises God's superintending providence, and is more a Christian than a worldly maxim. We should like to see more frequently these D.V.'s in our letter communications and our printed pledges. A man of extensive correspondence says often, "I will meet you at such a time;" or "I will go on such an excursion"-arranging as to time and circumstances. Alas! how little does he think of what may occur! Meanwhile, he rides out with a friend on an airing. The horses take fright-ran away and dash him to the ground, and he never speaks again. If he be a Christian, it matters little; his house is in order. But what if he be not? However, it only shows how dependent we are on the God of providence! We should always say, as to the future: "Deo Volente -If God wills," we will do this or that.


When Joseph Sutcliffe was near his last hour, he said, "I have been thinking of the difference between the death of Paul and Byron." Paul said, "The time of my departure is at hand, but there is laid up for me a crown." Byron said,

"My days are in the yellow leaf,

The flower, the fruit of life is gone;
The worm, the canker and the grie,
Are mine alone."

Pages for our Young Friends.


By the Reb. Palmer Law.

"I DON'T like tell-tales," said Annie Scott to her sister one afternoon, as they were playing in the parlour.

"Neither do I," answered Ellen. "If there's anyone I despise, it's a tell-tale. This morning I made a blot on my

copy-book, and Sharpy, as we call him, ran and told teacher. Afterwards, a dispute arose in the play-ground between me and another scholar, and off Sharpy runs and blazes it all abroad in the house."

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