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The following expression of the opinion of the meeting was directed to be recorded: The meeting, whilst approving of the trustees and committees, has learnt with regret that a great number of the debtors have failed to make any arrangement for the settlement of their accounts; and considering that every reasonable indulgence has already been allowed, beg to express their opinion that legal means should now be adopted to enforce the payment of these claims.

The different books of account, up to the date of the insolvency, having been nearly brought to a close: Resolved, that Mr. Johnson be relieved from the duty in which he has hitherto been employed; and the meeting cannot on this occasion refrain from recording their sense of the upright and honourable conduct of that gentleman, throughout the proceedings connected with the estate.


The East-Indians of Bombay (sixty-one in number) have petitioned the Court of Directors against a grievance they suffer, from the stigma cast upon their body by certain regulations of the Bombay Military Fund, which exclude from any participation in the benefits of that institution the widows and children of subscribers who are not of unmixed European blood-four removes from Asiatic or African blood being considered European. "Your petitioners," they say, though they have individually no connection with, or concern in, the Military Fund, feel that they have just ground to complain of the rule alluded to, inasmuch as the effect of it is to cast a stigma, not only on those who suffer in their immediate persons from its financial operation, but also on every individual of the class which, by implication, it prescribes as a degraded body."



The Governor in Council communicated to the Bombay Steam Navigation Committee the following extract of a letter from the secretary to the Supreme Government to the Bengal New Steam Fund Committee: "I am directed by the Right Hon. the Governor-general in Council to forward to you, for the information of the committee, the subjoined extract from a letter from the secretary to the Bombay Government, dated the 7th October: 'In regard to the Hugh Lindsay performing four voyages annually, it is the decided opinion of this Government that she cannot perform them, but that the object of making four voyages annually could be accomplished by placing another efficient steamer at the disposal of this presidency.'


Adverting to this communication, I am directed to observe, that such part of

the measures as referred to a quarterly communication between Bombay and Suez by means of the Hugh Lindsay cannot, of course, be carried into effect, and the wish of his Lordship in Council to co-operate with the committee, by the loan of a government steamer, is thus unfortunately frustrated. The declared inability of this vessel, however, to perform the prescribed number of voyages is of less consequence, as it is understood that your proposals have been rejected by the Bombay committee, and that you are compelled to fall back upon your own resources. The committee will have learned that the remaining part of the recommendation of the Supreme Government has been acceded, and that the Hugh Lindsay is to perform one voyage entirely at the cost of Government.

"Under these circumstances it will remain for the committee to consider what is the most expedient course to adopt, with a view to supply the place should be hired, it will obviously be matof the Hugh Lindsay. If another steamer ter for consideration whether Calcutta, the place of departure, now the funds of instead of Bombay, may not be fixed on as the presidencies are not to be united for one common purpose."


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To this communication the committee returned a reply, wherein they stated, that, so far from rejecting the proposal, we agreed to run the Hugh Lindsay three times in eighteen months, which is as much, in the opinion of the committee, including her commander and other naval and scientific officers, as the vessel could with safety be allowed to undertake, and we deeply regret that the Right Hon. the Governor-general in Council should have been informed, under these circumstances, that we'rejected the proposal of the Calcutta committee.' The acknowledged incapacity of the Hugh Lindsay to maintain quarterly communications between Bombay and Suez, combined with the alleged rejection by us of the Calcutta committee's proposal, appears, by the enclosure to the letter under reply, to have suggested to the Right Hon. the Governor-general in Council the idea of substituting Calcutta instead of Bombay as the point of departure, 'now that the funds of the presidencies are not to be united for one common purpose ;' upon which we would respectfully submit that, if on deliberate consideration, the port of Bombay was originally approved of as the best point of departure in the infancy of the undertaking, there is nothing in our letter of the 10th October which can reasonably be assigned as a pretext for substituting another port in lieu of it; and with regard to any division of the aggregate funds subscribed by the public for steam-navigation, on which we have no information beyond what is now communicated to us, we de-.

precate it as a measure fatal to the whole plan. In giving our opinion on the proposal about the Hugh Lindsay, we never contemplated for an instant or anticipated any disunion, either between the committees, or between the funds subscribed for the promotion of steam-navigation; and we readily avail ourselves of this opportunity of assuring your Lordship in Council, that having in view no object except the important one, for the attainment of which the committee were constituted, we continue individually and collectively to be animated with the same spirit of friendly co-operation, which has ever actuated our conduct on this subject."

B. B. K. A. S.

At the anniversary meeting of the Bombay branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, on the 25th, Mr. Money stated that, in consequence of his removal to Dharwar, he was obliged to resign his situation. Before he resigned it, he could not help expressing his conviction that the literary character of the society would be entirely ruined, unless the union with the parent society be dissolved. No one would send a paper to run through two ordeals, one here and one at home; and Capt. Burnes and several other gentlemen had given that as their reason for not delivering their papers to the Bombay Society, as they preferred sending them to Calcutta, where they could be printed immediately, or at once to England, where they ran a less chance of being rejected than in Bombay. Two of Capt. Burnes' papers, rejected by the Bombay committee, had been printed, he said, "the instant they were sent by him to Calcutta." A short discussion took place, and it is hoped that the subject will be brought before the society soon at a special meeting. After a vote of thanks to Mr. Money for his past services as secretary, the meeting broke up.-Bomb. Gaz., Nov. 27.

Mr. Frere has been appointed secretary in lieu of Mr. Money.


At the suggestion of the revenue commissioner, all land customs and transit duties were recently abolished throughout the Bombay territories on indigo; and as they were previously very heavy (amounting, we believe, in some places, before the article reached a port, to nearly its full value at the place of production), the measure is calculated to improve trade in an article to which an unusual and increasing demand in Europe has given a very high value in this market. A considerable quantity of excellent indigo is now produced in Candeish, and the soil in many parts being well adapted to the plant, no doubt its cultivation might be advantageously extended; and we should think the

field thus open to skill and intelligence was one of the best that Europeans, and others who could command a little capital, could engage in, in this quarter of India. -Bombay Durpun Dec. 6.


The following letter has been addressed to the collector of customs and sub-treasurer, and, we believe, copies have been forwarded also to the principal mercantile establishments in the island :


"Gentlemen,-As it is apprehended that the interests of the valuable shipping of the port will be materially injured from the competition of the free-traders, when the trade to China shall be thrown open under the new charter, the Right. Hon. the Governor in Council is desirous of adopting measures calculated to guard against the anticipated evil, without at the same time being prejudicial to other interests; and accordingly requests that you will take this important subject into consideration, and submit your sentiments thereon, after consulting with the principal European and Native merchants and shipowners of this port, whose opinions should also be submitted with your report to Go


"I am, at the same time, instructed to observe, that his Lordship in Council conceives the end in view might, in a great measure, if not altogether, be attained, by declaring Bombay a free-port or entrepôt for all goods and produce of China destined for the English market, and, vice versâ, for all Europe goods destined for Canton.

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"I have, &c.

"L. R. REID, Sec. to Govt. Bombay Castle, 6th Dec. 1833." We are sorry to say, that we doubt very much whether any measure, consistent with the general interests of British commerce, will ward off the blow this is intended to guard against; for, it strikes us, the danger, with which the shipping of Bombay is threatened, arises not so much from the present restrictions on the trade of the port, or from the greater cheapness with which English vessels can be navigated, as from the facilities which the circuitous voyage to China will afford the latter. There is in favour of Bombay or its ships. only one trifling advantage; the latter can, from the mode of collecting duties in Canton, enter that port at a less rate per ton than the smaller ships, which, in all probability, will be employed from home. We fear the result would be greatly against Bombay becoming a mart for tea and China goods, as the Government letter contemplates. However, we are by no means opposed to the plan of opening the

port as proposed; on the contrary, we are aware that the channels which commerce takes, when perfectly unrestricted, are sometimes so extraordinary, that one can hardly venture without rashness to predict the effects which a measure like the one in question will produce. Who, ten years ago, for instance, could have dreamed that Bombay would become such a market as it is for bills drawn in New York or Boston upon London? Under these circumstances, and looking upon any measure which takes off a restriction as opening the door to improvement, we would advocate not only the admission of China goods for reshipment duty-free, but also of articles the produce of the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, and generally, upon the principles, and under the restrictions, of the bonding system in England, of any part of the world.-Bomb. Cour., Dec. 17.

We quote from yesterday's Courier an article on a subject of first-rate importance to the commerce and prosperity of this port-the proposal of Government to declare Bombay a free entrepôt for all goods in transit between the China and English markets. So far, however, from looking upon the proposed measure with a doubtful and desponding eye, we conceive it one of the happiest, as one of the boldest, that an enlightened government could adopt, from an anxious attention to the welfare of the settlement, which is above all praise. -Bomb. Gaz., Dec. 18.

At a meeting of merchants, the suggestion of Government was taken into consideration and approved.


By letters just received from Hyderabad, in Scinde, we learn that two engagements have taken place between some large detachments of the force assembled by the Ameers and a party of the troops of Shah Shooja, ex-king of Cabool, in both of which the Scindians have met with a most signal defeat. In the last of these, an uncle of Meer Sobdar, and several other chiefs of distinction, are said to have been killed, and the greater part of the detachment under them to have been cut to pieces, while those who attempted to escape were drowned in the Indus. The action took place near Bukkor, on the right bank of the river. The army of the Ameers, by the last accounts, was in the neighbourhood of Larkhana, and consisted of about 75,000 men, a large number of whom were Beloches. Shah Shooja's force, on the other hand, amounted to about 35,000, a small portion of whom are disciplined after the European method. These numbers, there can be no doubt, are much beyond the truth; but that the forces on both sides are very considerable is admitted on all hands.-Bomb. Cour., Feb. 1.


Pirates. On the 23d ult. the H. C. gunboat Hawk was attacked off Qualla Muda, our northern boundary, by a fleet of upwards of twenty pirate pralius; half were well manned and armed with guns, the rest had swivels. The nakhoda, in his small craft, appears to have shewn a gallant front, but the odds were so much against him that he was obliged to retreat, after expending nearly all his ammunition. These pirates have come from Linga, Siac, Galang, and other ports in the vicinity of Singapore. They generally visit us at this season of the year in quest of birds' nests and of men for slaves; but their number is much greater this year than it has been for many seasons, and a reinforcement is expected which, if reports are to be depended on, will make the fleet 160 or 170! From the extent of captures al

ready made by these miscreants, it is likely that hundreds of our subjects will be carried into hopeless slavery before the termination of this fleet's cruize. The slave-trade flourishes apace in the Straits.-P. W. Gaz., Dec. 7.

The pirate fleet left our vicinity immediately after the affair with the gun-boat, and in the direction of the Lancavey Islands. The fleet, it is now pretty well ascertained, consists almost entirely of that peculiar class of men named Orang Lowt (Men of the Sea'), who may be said to live entirely on the sea. They are distinct from the Mussulman Malays, their religion being a mixture of demonological and other superstitions. In their prahus will generally be found books of incantations, to lure prey into their fangs.—Ib.,

Dec. 14.

Piracies have increased of late to a dreadful extent in the Malacca Straits, and in the neighbourhood of Penang. A daring attempt has been made by three prahus to capture the brig Harriet within a very short distance of this port. Providentially, the brig was well prepared to defend herself, else the result must have been very disastrous, not only in the loss of the vessel but of valuable lives.-Sing. Chron., Dec. 26.

Emigrants from Queda.-The Penang Gazette of November 9th mentions that a great number of emigrants from Queda had lately taken up their residence in Province Wellesley, and were cultivating extensive tracts of land.


The determination of the commander of H.M.S.Harrier (Captain Vassall), to enforce the rule which requires merchant ships to lower their royals, as a salute to

a king's ship, appears to have led to a disagreeable affair with the Louise, a French merchantman, the commander of which states, that on the 13th December, when about a mile from the Harrier, sailing with a light breeze, all sails set, and making his way with difficulty round. some fishing stakes to leeward, his flag flying, he was fired at from the frigate, and after the fourth shot was boarded by a boat from the Harrier, under a warrant-officer, who required him to lower his royals. Captain Duhantcilly states, that he declined, as he was French, and the boatswain departed. Immediately after, a large boat, with a pennant and flag, rowed towards the vessel (the cannon from the frigate continuing to fire all this time, and several muskets being discharged from the boat at the Louise), manned with twenty


The officer demanded the master's papers, took notes, and required the lowering of the royals. Receiving a refusal, he said he should take possession of the ship! The master states, that he refused to concede, telling the officer that if he did not retire he would carry him to Singapore, and that if a shot from the frigate touched him, he (Capt. D.) would

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make for the frigate, anchor near, fire into her every bullet he had, and then, perhaps, should lower his royals." The officer, he says, swore a great deal and departed."

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It is stated that the French captain intends, on his return to France, to represent the matter to the Minister of Marine. The Singapore Chronicle adds, that this compulsory order to lower royals is exciting a very bad feeling amongst the captains of merchantmen.


A despatch from Earl Goderich, dated 15th March 1833, disallowing the ordinance I. of 1832, putting into effect the new penal code, is published in the Government Gazette of the colony. His lordship states that, in consequence of the ill-digested state of the old penal code, he directed the attention of the judges and other legal funcionaries to the compilation of a new code, based upon the code of France, but assimilated as much as practicable to that of England.

“The new penal code was compiled with the utmost promptitude, and immediately promulgated as a law by the Governor and Council. Sir Charles Colville transmitted to me a copy of it, for his Majesty's approbation, in the French language. In my despatch of the 5th July last, I directed him to forward another transcript in English, pointing out the inconvenience and even impropriety of calling for his Majesty's assent to a law written throughout in a foreign tongue. I, how

ever, examined the French copy suffici. ently to perceive that it was little else than a transcript of the penal code of France, with which, however, I did not then collate it, thinking that such a task would be more usefully performed whenever I should receive the English original. Recent events have, however, led me in some degree to make this collation; and I discover, to my extreme surprise, that the French code was studiously altered at Mauritius precisely in those enactments which, if they had been retained, would have subjected the seditious in that colony to severe and well-merited penalties; of this fact, Sir Charles Colville never gave me the slightest intimation when he transmitted the French version of the new law; and in justice to that officer, I must express my firm belief that he was himself left in total ignorance of the important interpolations introduced into the new code. If so, it will remain with the chief judge, and the other public officers employed in preparing it, to explain how it happened that they failed to apprize the governor of the colony of alterations which, momentous though they were, might well escape his observation in the midst of a voluminous body of laws relating to a subject foreign to his ordinary pursuits and studies. The time in which these changes were made is highly worthy of a remark. law bears date the 15th February 1832, a period at which the armed associations, the seditious public notices, and the selfconstituted society to which I have already adverted, were attaining to their full maturity. Yet such was the occasion when it was thought right, silently to introduce changes in the criminal law, the effect of which was to render the government helpless, and to secure impunity to persons engaged in proceedings little short of traitorous."


His lordship points out various instances of this studious alteration, including the following:

"The 124th and 125th clauses of the penal code of France were rejected at Mauritius, obviously because they denounced banishment against those who should concert measures to prevent the execution of the laws or of the orders of government; and, because in cases where the combination had for its object a design injurious to the internal safety of the state, the offenders were to be punished with death or confiscation of their goods. Even still more remarkable is the omission of the 127th clause of the French code, which declared liable to forfeiture of office every judge or judicial officer who shall presume to interfere with the authority of the legislature, by making laws or by entertaining the question whether laws should be published or executed. The obvious design of this change was to enable the

judges with impunity to co-operate in those measures, so soon afterwards taken, for defeating, by judicial decisions and refusal to register royal acts, such changes in the law as his Majesty in Council might see fit to introduce. In the same spirit, the framers of the colonial code rejected the 217th section of the code of France, because it declared all provocations to tumult by speeches, placards, or printed writings, punishable in the same manner as tumult itself. Thus the leaders in the agitation were to be safe, whatever punishment might await the deluded followers."

Lord Goderich, in consequence, considers that "the task confided to the local authorities has not been performed in a spirit of good faith," and announces that his Majesty "will not confirm a law passed in such a manner and for such purposes."

The Governor accompanies this publication with a proclamation, declaring that, in consequence of his Majesty's disallowance of the ordinance, the penal laws, orders, and regulations in force before its promulgation resume their full operation, among which are the laws and regulations respecting the holding public meetings, forming societies and associations, and preparing and presenting collective petitions; and that, the Governor being informed that there exist certain societies and associations known by the names of colonial committees and agricultural societies, and that they conceive themselves sanctioned, either directly or tacitly, by the government, his Excellency expressly withdraws every sanction and authorization whatever, that may have been granted, for forming such committees or societies, or for their holding meetings or convocations under any name or designation whatsoever.

By way of the Cape, we have advices from the Mauritius, by which it appears that Mr. Jeremie had again come into collision with the judges of the Supreme Court. He had excepted against the judges on the grounds that they were slaveholders, in opposition to the judicial charter, and that they had purposely omitted certain articles in the penal code. The exceptions were made at great length, and are described in the journals as being very violent and passionate documents. In consequence of this, the court had been provisionally suspended until the definitive decision should be pronounced by the executive council. The affair had excited a great sensation at the Mauritius.

A private letter from Port Louis, dated Jan. 24, states that the island had suffered severely from the effects of a hurricane on the 20th, which, though only of a few

hours' duration, was more disastrous in its consequences than any that have occurred since 1818. The largest bridges were swept away, and some lives were lost.

Netherlands India.

Late letters from Batavia state, that accounts had reached that place from Padang, giving the details of a complete defeat sustained by the Dutch in Sumatra. It appears that, on the 18th October last, the Commissioner General Vander Bosch, having assumed command of all the forces, led them in person, and made a grand attack, in three or four columns, on a strong position (named Bonjong, we believe), held by the Padries. We have heard no particulars of the engagement, or of the losses sustained by either party; but the result exhibited a total defeat on the part of the Dutch, who suffered a great loss. General Vander Bosch, having left some person of rank to conclude a treaty with the Padries, and having abolished a part of the oppressive duties hitherto exacted at Padang, embarked for Batavia, where he had arrived.

We understand his excellency passed a very severe censure on Colonel Elout, for having deluded the government into his views and policy regarding Sumatra, by representing matters in a false light. The Dutch rulers have now found them to be more than chimerical, having exhausted immense sums of money in a fruitless war, and sacrificed many lives to their ambition and rapacity. They are further compelled to enter into a humiliating treaty with the Padries, who, we suppose, may dictate their own terms. Had the Dutch remained content with their lawful possessions on the coast, and endeavoured to cultivate sincere friendship and a good understanding with the natives, by adopting a mild and liberal system of rule, into which they are now compelled thanklessly, they might, during the years they have held power in Suma. tra, have become possessed of immense influence on that important and valuable island, and have established a lasting rule in the affections of the people. In place of this, their tenure now of any of the western part of the island is very insecure, and we should not be surprised to hear shortly of their total expulsion from that coast.

The grand result of this overthrow of ambitious schemes in Sumatra will be the re-opening of the valuable trade of Campar with this port; and it is to be hoped that Sumatran coffee will henceforth be brought here as freely and as in great abundance as formerly, when the import averaged 2,000 peculs per month. The exports, in return to Campar, of British

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