DRAMATIC WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE THE TEXT CAREFULLY REVISED WITH NOTES BY S. W. SINGER, F.S.A. VOLUME Ι WITH A LIFE BY W. WATKISS LLOYD AUTHOR OF THE "AGE OF PERICLES," ETC. THIRD EDITION, REVISED. LONDON GEORGE BELL AND SONS, YORK STREET COVENT GARDEN 1879 Sm [DEDICATION OF THE SECOND EDITION.] TO THE MEMORY OF HIS FRIEND FRANCIS DOUCE, ESQ. WHOSE PROFOUND ANTIQUARIAN LEARNING SO HAPPILY ILLUSTRATED THESE DRAMAS, This Edition IS GRATEFULLY AND AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED BY THE EDITOR. NOTE. In issuing a Third Edition of this work, the publishers have taken the opportunity of incorporating various emendations left by the late Mr. Singer. The preliminary "Life" also has been improved by the excision of certain references to unauthentic documents which had inadvertently been left in the Second Edition, and a few pages have been devoted to the results of recent criticism on the order of the Plays |