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MADAM-I have received the letter which your Majesty has done me the honour to address to me, prohibiting my appearance at the public drawing rooms which will be held by your Majesty in the ensuing month, with great surprise and regret. I will not presume to discuss with your Majesty, topics which must be as painful to your Majesty as to myself. Your Majesty is well acquainted with the affectionate regard with which the King was so kind as to honour me, up to the period of his Majesty's indisposition, which no one of his Ma

nation? I wave my rights in a case where | ANSWER OF THE PRINCESS OF WALES TO I am not absolutely bound to assert them, in order to relieve the Queen, as far as I can, from the painful situation in which she is placed by your Royal Highness; not from any consciousness of blame, not from any doubt of the existence of those rights, or of my own worthiness to enjoy them.-Sir, the time you have selected for this proceeding is calculated to make it peculiarly galling. Many illustrious Strangers are already arrived in England; amongst others, as I am informed, the illustrious heir of the House of Orange, who has announced himself to me as my future son-in-law. From their society I am unjustly excluded. Others are ex-jesty's subjects has so much cause to lapected, of rauk equal to your own, to rejoice with your Royal Highness in the peace of Europe. My Daughter will, for the first time, appear in the splendour and publicity becoming the approaching nuptials of the presumptive Heiress of this Empire. This season your Royal Highness has chosen for treating me with fresh and unprovoked indignity; and of all his Majesty's subjects, I alone am prevented by your Royal Highness from appearing in my place, to partake of the general joy, and am deprived of the indulgence in those feelings of pride and affection, permitted to every Mother but me.-I am, Sir, your Royal Highness's faithful Wife, CAROLINE, P.--Connaught House, May 26, 1814.


THE QUEEN TO THE PRINCESS OF WALES. Windsor Castle, May 23, 1814. The Queen considers it to be her duty to lose no time in acquainting the Princess of Wales, that she has received a communication from her son the Prince Re

ment as myself: and that his Majesty
was graciously pleased to bestow upon
me the most unequivocal and gratifying
proof of his attachment, and approbation,
by his public reception of me at his
Court, at a season of severe and uume-
rited affliction, when his protection was
There I have
most necessary to me.
since uninterruptedly paid my respects
to your Majesty. I am now without ap-
peal or protector. But I cannot so far
forget my duty to the King and to my-
self, as to surrender my right to appear
at any Public Drawing-room to be held
by your Majesty. That I may not, how-
ever, add to the difficulty and uneasiness
of your Majesty's situation, I yield in
the present instance to the will of his
Royal Highness the Prince Regent, an-
nounced to me by your Majesty, and
shall not present myself at the Drawings
rooms of the next month. It would be
presumptuous in me to attempt to inquire
of your Majesty the reasons of his Royal
Highness the Prince Regent for this
harsh proceeding, of which his Royal

gent, in which he states, that her Ma-Highness can alone be the judge. I am jesty's intention of holding two Drawingrooms in the ensuing month, having been notified to the public, he must declare, that he considers that his own presence at her Court cannot be dispensed with; and that he desires it may be distinctly understood, for reasons of which he alone can be the judge, to be his fixed and unalterable determination not to meet the Princess of Wales upon any occasion, either in public or private. The Queen is thus placed under the painful necessity of intimating to the Princess of Wales, the impossibility of her Majesty's receiving her Roval Highness at her Drawing-rooms, Charlotte, R.

unconscious of offence; and in that reflection, I must endeavour to find consorience; even for this, the last, the most lation for all the mortifications I expeunexpected and the most severe; the prohibition given to me alone, to appear before your Majesty, to offer my conof those calamities with which Europe gratulations upon the happy termination has been so long afflicted, in the presence of the Illustrious Personages who will in all probability be assembled at your Majesty's Court, with whom I am so closely connected by birth and marriage. of justice, to which, in the present cirI beseech your Majesty to do me an act cumstances, your Majesty is the only

person competent, by acquainting those Illustrious Strangers with the motives of personal consideration towards your Majesty, which alone induce me to abstain from the exercise of my right to appear before your Majesty: and that I do now, as I have done at all times, defy the malice of ny enemies to fix upon me the shadow of any one imputation which could render me unworthy of their society or regard. Your Majesty will, I am sure, not be displeased that I should relieve myself from a suspicion of disrespect towards your Majesty, by making public the cause of my absence from Court at a time when the duties of my station would otherwise peculiarly demand my attend


I have the honour to be, your Majesty's most obedient daughter-in-law and servant,--CAROLINE, P.- -Connaught-House, M⚫y 24, 1814.

the power of her Royal Highness to give to her motives; and the Princess of Wales therefore entreats the active good offices. of her Majesty, upon an occasion wherein the Princess of Wales feels it so essential to her that she should not be misunder

stood-CAROLINE, P.-Connaught-Place, May 25, 1814.

THE QUEEN TO THE PRINCESS OF WALES. The Queen cannot omit to acknowledge the receipt of the Princess of Wales's note, of yesterday, although it does not appear to her Majesty to require any other reply than that conveyed to her Royal Highness's preceding letter. CHARLOTTE, R.


MR. COBBETT.-Joining as we universally have done in crying down the Conscription under Napoleon.-Labouring as we so earnestly do to abolish the Slave THE QUEEN TO THE PRINCESS OF WALES. Trade; though practising upon so extendWindsor Castle, May 25, 1814. ed a scale the humane method of impressThe Queen has received, this afternoon, ing men for the use of our Navy, and justhe Princess of Wales's letter of yester-tifying the measure, by so many plausible day, in reply to the communication which arguments, still, let us hearken to what she was desired by the Prince Regent to may be said on the other side by an imparmake to her; and she is sensible of the tial observer, who had, at last, found an disposition expressed by her Royal High- honourable and safe retreat from persecuness not to discuss with her, topics which tion in America.- -Callous must be the must be painful to both. The Queen con-heart of him who can, unmoved, read the siders it incumbent upon her to send a following account of an Irish Emigrant, Copy of the Princess of Wales's letter to the written by William Sampson, an Irish Prince Regent; and her Majesty could Barrister, of whom it may be truly asserted, have felt no hesitation in communicating to that while, by his talents, he shed a lustre the Illustrious Strangers, who may possibly on his country, he, by the various persecube present at her Court, the circumstances tions he underwent, brought down shame which will prevent the Princess of Wales upon its oppressors; and that all the cruelfrom appearing there, if her Royal High- ties with which they pursued him were but ness had not rendered a compliance with the expressions of the dread they entertainher wish to this effect tunnecessary, by inti-ed of his abilities.-The volume, contain-mating her intention of making public the ing this little specimen of Irish composition, being unique in this country, it may not have been seen by many of your readers, and it certainly will be no discredit to your


The Princess of Wales has the honour | REGISTER. to acknowledge the receipt of a note from the Queen, dated yesterday; and begs permission to return her best thanks to her Majesty, for her gracious condescension, in the willingness expressed by her Majesty, to have communicated to the Illustrious Strangers, who will in all probability be present at her Majesty's Court, the reasons which have induced her Royal Highness not to be present. Such communication, as it appears to her Royal Highness, cannot be the less necessary on account of any publicity which it may be in

THE IRISH EMIGRANT-Born in the country of affliction, his days were days of sorrow. He tilled the soil of his fathers, and was an alien in their land. He tasted not of the fruits which grew by the sweat of his brow. He fed a foreign landlord, whose face he never saw, and a minister of the gospel, whose name he hardly knew. An unfeeling bailiff was his tyrant, and the tax-gatherer his oppressor. Hunted by unrighteous magistrates, and punished by unjust judges the soldier devoured his substance, and laughed his complaints to


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scorn. He toiled the hopeless day, and at | babes find food, unless the ravens feed night lay down in weariness; yet noble he them? Oh hard and cruel men! Oh was of heart, though his estate lowly. His worse than hellish fiends!-may not the cottage was open to the poor. He brake poor find pity! what's he that now reviles his childrens' bread and ate of it sparing- them? beshrew his withered heart.-Oh! ly, that the hungry might have a share. Stewart! O West! children of genius! He welcomed the benighted traveller, and sons of Columbia! where are now your rose with the stars of the morning, to put pencils? Will you profane the bounteous him on his way. But his soul repiaed gifts of Nature, in flattering the mighty within him, and he sought relief in change. and the great? and withhold a nobler aid He had heard of a land where the poor to the cause of the poor and the afflicted ? were in peace, and the labourer thought worthy of his hire;-where the blood of his fathers had purchased an asylum. He nitive Treaty of Peace with France being leads the aged parent, whom love grappled at last signed, people will now be expecting to his heart: he bears his infants in his the realization of those innumerable blesHis wife followed his weary steps; sings which they promised theniselves on they escape from the barbarous laws that the termination of hostilities. Upon this would make their country their prison; subject the Courier says, that "In return they cross the trackless occan; they descry "for the liberality we have shown to the promised land; and hope brightens the "France, we think she ought to be willing forthwith to arrange a Commercial prospect to their view. But happiness is not for him. The ruthless spirit of Treaty with us. We have not heard persecution pursues him through the waste of "whether there is any stipulation to that the ocean. Shall his foot never find rest, "effect in this Treaty, or whether any Comnor his heart repose? No! The prowling "mercial Arrangements have been or arc bird of prey hovers on Columbia's coast. "likely to be settled." As to our liberality Wafted on eagle wings, the--pirate comes; to France, I shall at present say nothing. ravishes the poor fugitive from the partner It will be time enough to speak of it, when of his sorrows, and the tender pledges of we are made fully acquainted with the terms their love. See the haggard eyes of a of the treaty. But with regard to France father, to which nature denies a tear! a being willing to arrange a Commercial stupid monument of living death. He Treaty with us, I do not see any thing to would interpose his feeble arm, but it is prevent this, providing we are willing to motionless ; he would bid adieu, but his take off the high duties which we have im voice refuses its office. The prop of his posed on her productions exported to this declining years torn remorselessly from country. If we are prepared to do this, I before him, he stands like the blasted oak, have no doubt the French Government will dead to hope and every earthly joy!!! Was "forthwith" remove all obstructions to the it not then enough, that this victim of op ducts. If, however, we are not, we may importation of our native and foreign propression had left his native land to the rapacity of its invaders? Might he not have then bid adieu to all those dreams of Combeen permitted to seek a shelter in the mercial greatness in which we have been gloom of the wilderness? No! the ruth-indulging; for whatever our newspapers less spirit of persecution is not yet sated with his sufferings. The torments of one element exhausted, those of another are now prepared for him. Enslaved to scornful masters, the authors of his misery, and forced to fight the battles of those his soul ahhors. Death, that relieves the wretch, brings no relief to him; for he lived not for himself but for those more dear to him than life. Not for himself does he feel the winter's blast, but for those who are now unprotected, houseless and forlorn. Where shall his wife now wander, when maddened with, despair? where shall his father lay his wearied bones? where shall his innocent

may say about our pretended liberality to France, it will be seen from the following Regulation, that she has actually probibited the introduction, into her territory, of all our staple articles of export; a measure, whatever its effects may be on this country, perfectly justifiable on the part of France, because without it she could not establish a fair and reciprocal competition as to the productions of her own soil. PROVISIONAL


Count Beugno, Missionary Councillor of State in the Departments of the North,

makes known to the public :--That, in pur- goods and means of transport, with a fine suance of the commands of the Commis- of 500 francs, whenever the prohibitory sioners of Finance, of the 30th of April laws are violated. The prohibited goods 1814, a line of Provisional Custom-houses which may have been confided to the good (Douanes) is to be established along the faith of the Douaniers, and deposited whole of the ancient frontiers of France, under their protection, shall not be confiswhich divide that country from Belgium; cated; but those, the import of which is that, in consequence of the said measure, the prohibited, shall be sent back, and those laws and regulations of the customs respect- intended for export returned into the couning export, import, and transit shall be put try.-C. BERNARD, Delegated Councillor in immediate execution; and therefore the of the Prefecture for the Missionary Counarticles of merchandize imported from Bel-sellor of State, during his absence.-Lisle, gium into France, or exported from the May 12, 1814. latter into the former, shall be subject to duties and prohibitions on exports and im- NORWAY.-From the following letter ports, as settled by Tarifs and Ordinan of Prince Christian to the King of Sweden, ces. Receiving offices shall be established it would seem that the Norwegians are dealong the whole of the aforesaid new line, termined to resist all attempts to destroy into which goods of all kinds must be im- their national independence:-"Your Mamediately brought and entered, as prescrib-jesty will not ascribe it to any want of reed by Title 2, of the Law 22d August 1791. spect in me, that what I now communicate The articles of merchandise, the importa- to you has been delayed longer than might tion of which into the kingdom is prohibit-seem proper. I could wish that this comed, age principally the following:-Bar munication might be able to clear up every silver and gold, lace, hosiery of all kinds, doubt regarding my respectful sentiments playing cards, tanned or prepared leather, towards you, and the motives of my accoral, spun cotton, linen, woollen, cotton tions. Though I am unable to employ for and mixed stuffs of any kind; brandies, ex- that purpose any other means than that cepting those distilled from English wines; which I now make use of, you will not earthenware, compound medicines, wrought wonder that my pen, the only organ of my metals, silk and cotton staffs, figured and feelings, expresses them with all the frankplain maslins, refined nitre, plate, gunpow-ness which I owe, as well to your Majesty der and saltpetre, fullers'-earth, ribbons, as to the cause which I defend. In commubats, and gauzes, known under the name nicating to your Majesty the proclamation of English; soap, sea and rock salt, Es- of the 19th of February, I make you acsence of Peruvian bark and rhubarb, re-quainted with the feelings which inspire fined candy or loaf sugars, tobacco in the people of Norway, as well as with the the leaf or manufactured, callicoes, glass principles which shall always guide my and chrystal, excepting what is used for conduct. The Norwegian nation is not of spectacles and eyeglasses.The export is a disposition calmly to sacrifice its liprohibited of every kind, of arms, ashes berty and independence; there is only of every kind, black cattle, wood, hemp, one voice among these mountaineers, horses, corals, old cordage, cotton-wool, namely, to preserve their national honour. dried and wet hides, snippers, or rags, oak In vain should I have executed the treaty bark, manure of all kinds, thread for cam of Kiel, in vain attempted to give up the bric and lace-work, known under the fortresses to your Majesty's troops; the name of fil de mulquinerie, fodder, empty inevitable consequences of such an attempt casks, oil-seeds, corn and flour, and every would have been a general insurrection, thing relating to flour which is ranked against the only authority which could preunder that class, seeds, indigo, unspun- serve a people left to themselves from the wool, materials for the manufacture of glue incalculable evils of anarchy. By such a mode and paper, marine stores, money in specie, of proceeding, I should instantly have lost the authority requisite to maintain order,and I should and all gold and silver articles, unprepared have deserved it by deceiving the people in the hides, potatoes, gunpowder and saltpetre, good opinion which they universally entertain of rock-salt, bacon, and salted meat. Theme, that I constantly aimed at their welfare, and penalties, in case of transgression, are, the forfeiture of the goods, with a fine of 200 francs in the case of defrauding the import or export duties; and the forfeiture of the

at such a critical moment will prevent disorder. I had, therefore, no other choice than either the infamy of abandoning a people whose whole con◄ for their good the authority which I had till then fidence is placed in me, or the duty of retaining exercise (Netherlands Courant, June 1.) Printed and Published by J. MORTON, No. 94, Strand.


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VOL. XXV. No. 24] LONDON, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1814. [Price 1s.



SUMMARY OF POLITICS. "ed corn."-It is very odd that these opi"GEORGE_ROSE, the Friend of the nions, respecting the effect of the Bill, did People."- -From a Report of a debate in not occur to Mr. Whitbread before. They the House of Commons, on the 3d instant, did to me from the out-set.. I always said,that it appears that Mr. Whitbread made the it was the season; the crop, that must following observations, in presenting a pe- (taxes and currency continuing the same) tition from his own constituents, the people regulate the price. I knew, and I foreof BEDFORD, against the CORN BILL, told, that the Bill, in case of future high "Mr. Whitbread said, he had to pre-prices, (which must come if the taxes and "sent a petition from Bedford, signed by paper-money remain), would give that false "4500 householders, which signatures had direction to the public mind, of which Mr. "been all collected in two days, against the Whitbread speaks. The Bill would have "Corn Bill. He had hitherto been silent had a sort of mental effect, favourable to 66 on this question; but he at this time low price of corn upon an average. For thought, that the inflamed state of the it would have encouraged the ignorant public mind, which arose, perhaps, from farmer to sow; and, as ninety-nine out of "the long time during which the measure every hundred are of that description, it "had been pending in the House, should would in that way, have had an extensive "induce the House to put off the final con-effect. Mind, I do not mean to say, that "sideration of it for the present Session. the farmers in general are ignorant men; "There was a very extraordinary leaning of but, that they are, and without any imputa"the public mind against the Bill, and this, tion against their understandings, generally "whether erroneous, as he supposed it to ignorant as to those causes, which produce "be, or just, should have its weight with cheapness and dearness. If the bill be not "the House. In this strange state of passed, as I hope it will not, the farmers things, the Right Hon. Gentleman op- will sow very sparingly. They will keep posite (Mr. Rose), who had always been less horses and men. They will drain and "esteemed a loyal man, had been called for clear less. Capital, in short, will begin to "the first time in his life a factious de-be looking another way. The consequence magogue. Nay, he (Mr. W.) had seen "written on the walls, Rose the friend of "the people-a laugh.]. A friend of his, "who had sometimes been deemed factious, was now accused of endeavouring to starve "the people; threatening letters had been "sent on all sides, and what was more he, himself (Mr. Whitbread), had been "threatened to be hanged for holding his "tongue-[much laughing.] He was a "friend to the Bill, as a grower and con66 sumer; but he thought that two or three fine "days in the present season would have more effect on the cornmarket than any Acts the "Legislature could pass. Notwithstanding "his opinion in favour of the Bill he thought "it would be most politic to postpone it, be"cause if there happened to be a bad harvest "in the present year, and the price of corn "was consequently to be raised, this effect "would be attributed to the duty on import





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will be, that, in case of bad crops, or bad harvests, the scarcity will be greater, and the price higher upon an average of years, than if the bill had been passed.-But, what care I about this compared to the political effect of the Bill? What is to be put in competition with the people's thinking rightly as to the causes of their sufferings? What a lamentable thing would it have been to see Mr. Coke regarded as the cause of the people's suffering, while those who had fattened upon the taxes raised out of his estate were regarded as the people's friends!-Those who have brought forward the Bill had the support of the govern ment, and yet, the farmers now bear all the reproach. The Government is happy in having an organ, who little. The part for the landholders to act was that of letting the thing work. Leaving the Government to carry the Bill through, or not, just as it A a


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