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titude in accommodating, with large elbow | serious subject. The eight hundred millions room, the gentlemen who will return from of debt; the paper-money; the income-tax, the wars. No longer shall we see families and such like topics must be reserved, 'till plunged in mourning for the loss of rela- the delirium has subsided a little. At t pretions on service; tender fathers and mo- sent, therefore, I shall deal with minor thers, who, out of pure love of their king matters. If we do not reduce our expenand hatred of Napoleon, have sent their ces; if we do not reduce very low our misons into the army and navy, will no longer litary and naval force; if barracks, and be looking with paternal anxiety into the depots, and military colleges, are still to go' lists of killed and wounded. They will on, what shall we have gained by this great now enjoy the society of their children by event? While the war lasted, or, indeed, their own fire-sides: under their own vines, while the warlike Devil had been in power, and own fig-trees they may sit, with no people would have paid, as far as they one to make them afraid. Those, who could, with some degree of content; but have been supplying great-coats for the this Devil being so completely destroyed, ariny, and trousers for the navy; all the what will they say, if they have still to pay army butchers and bakers; all, yea all, the same taxes as when he was in power, may now, and must now, cultivate the arts and when they were made to believe, that of peace; that is to say, they must work, the income-tax was absolutely necessary in some way or other, for their bread; for to preserve them from being devoured by the warlike Devil is destroyed, and their him? -This event will have fine effect occupation is gone.--And, oh! ye Bar- in opening of eyes. We have been groping rack-Masters; ye guardians of the nation's on blind-folded for twenty-two years. coals and candles, and bed-steads, and bed-, Many things were amiss, it was acknowding, and pots, and kettles, and fire-shovels, ledged, but peace, and especially the fall and pokers, what think ye of the fall of of Napoleon, would put all to rights. Napoleon? Think you that your horses Now, then, we shall see. We shall see will be so sleek and the livery of your serwhether the income-tax will be repealed; vants so gay? Will your wives now find we shall see whether the Bank will pay in it so difficult to curb their steeds, suffici- specie; we shall see whether it was the ently to restrain them from trampling on malignant hostility of Napoleon that kept the people by whose labour they have been our guineas out of circulation; we shall maintained?- -The constables staff; this see whether the paupers will become less is the sort of arms, to which Englishmen numerous, without the repeal of taxes; formerly yielded obedience, and to which we shall see whether loans will cease: and, alone, let us now hope, they will, in future if we see none of these, we shall see how be, in any way subjected.-There is now the loyal people, who pay taxes and do no room for any pretext for keeping up not receive any, will stare at one another.' any force greater than that, at most, which They will all become jacobins, I am afraid; was kept up after the close of the American that is to say, people who do not like to war, when, colonies included, the whole work to earn bread for others, who do did not exceed thirty-seven thousand men. nothing, to eat. When a man now ven-But, if, contrary to every rational tures to say, that he thinks it wrong, that ground of hope, a great force should be one man should receive out of the taxes kept up, and a great annual expence still many thousands a year for doing nothing, incurred, what reason should we have to he cannot be answered by an observation boast of this termination of the contest? that he is a partizan of Napoleon. This It will be very easy to shew, when the answer will not now be given to those who proper time comes, that all which we shall say, that seats in parliament ought not to now get; all which we shall now secure; be bought and sold. Some other answer that all which we say we shall get, we had must now be found out; and, when the before the war began, and might have people are called upon for as much in taxes continued to enjoy it without any war, or as they were before, they will look so silly any debt at all; but that is too large and at each other first, and then they will betoo interesting a subject to be treated of gin to be their lips and grind their teeth. here, and especially before people's minds But, gentlemen! act like gentlemen. You have settled down into any thing like sober have had a feast; you have just been thought. We are as yet in the delirious shouting and rejoicing; and pray, pay the hour of the feast, and it is too soon to talk reckoning. People do not, now-a-days, about the reckoning. The bill; the bill is the have feasts for nothing. They pay the bill;~

the Treaty of Amiens. That document will always be an instructive lesson to him; and will, doubtless, keep alive in his bo som that gratitude, which he is said to owe to this country--In short, it is nonsense to talk in this strain. He owes no grati tude to any power. All the powers have, by turns, left him to his fate; and they have now restored him, because they were afraid of Napoleon, or of the example of another revolution. They have, for their own safety, put him upon the throne; and, if he be a wise man; if calamity has not been a teacher in vain, he will seek the good will of HIS PEOPLE, who alone can make that throne secure.-It now remains to be seen whether we shall have a commercial intercourse with France; whether we shall be upon the same footing, in that respect, as we were before the war began. If we are not, there will be a clear loss by the war; and, if we are, we shall see whether that intercourse will bring our guineas back again into circulation. So many topics arise, that the mind is puzzled which to choose; but, the event has a great good in it, as it will inevitably throw into honest labour, or send to Botany Bay, or the gallows, that swarm of reptiles, who have so long lived by the means of a hireling press. No more SECOND EDITIONS and THIRD EDITIONS. Na more trumpetting of lies and cheating the public: Curiosity will now have nothing to work on: The alarm is over: The old maiden ladies will sleep in peace; especially if their incomes should be enlarged by the turning of paper into gold. The hirelings of the press will soon begin to find the lack of traffic. Their talents will soon cease to be vendable. They will be no more wanted than the commissaries and contractors for prisoners of war. Away goes that profitable branch of commerce, the dealing in Moniteurs. News will now come from the Continent by the post, and to every one who may have a mind to re

and John Bull, who is a very liberal fellow, | Clarence, may amuse himself with reading ought to act like himself, and pay it with out grumbling. This is what old George Rose will tell us, I am sure, when he calls a county-meeting in Hampshire, and at which meeting I shall, if alive and well, certainly attend to give my voice for congratulating the Regent upon the cessation of war and plunder, and upon the speedy approach of guineas in lieu of paper.The reckoning is a part of a feast, which some people forget; but we must not forget it: we must keep it constantly in view; and, amongst the benefits of the French revolution to France, the French people have no reckoning to pay. They pay off the score of the old government, and they have contracted no new debt. They begin the world afresh, full-handed; and they will, as they would have done under Napoleon, start in the career of peace with amazing advantages. Their country has not been drained. It is the finest country in the world. Those who cannot live here and pay the taxes, will go thither to spend their money and live cheap. But, I suppose, the king of France, out of gratitude to this country, will not suffer his people to rival us! These notions are afloat. Wild as they are, they are afloat. The King of France, who certainly has shown great constancy in all his trials, will, I dare say, be highly gratified to see himself under the royal flag of the Duke of Clarence, wafting him over to France; but, that will scarcely deprive him of his memory. He must bear in mind a little what is passed. He has travelled about a good deal from country to country. He knows a little of mankind by this time; and, he must be strangely infatuated, if he does not do all that he is able to conciliate his people. His army is made to his hands, generals, soldiers, all will be given to him ready prepared; and such an army, too, as there is not in the world. He will not be so weak as to reject the services of such men as Soult and Marmont; and, we may lay our account with not seeing France re-ceive it. It will be no longer treason to duced to a shadow to please us. The correspond with France, or to shake a powers of the continent, having got rid of Frenchman by the hand. To revile a man their dread; having no longer any occasion now as a jacobin, will be senseless, and for our fleets, or our subsidies, will not be will excite ridicule amongst a people who very desirous of leaving us absolute masters have lost their fears.--This is a great of all the colonies, and all the commerce good. The tugbear is gone: The hobgobof the world; and, besides the war gen-lin is destroyed: Reason will now resume try, I shall not be at all surprised to hear many others, before this day twelve months, regret the fall of Napoleon.-The King of France, as he sails over with the Duke of

her sway; and, in spite of all that can be done, I do not care by what means, the lot of those who do not now live upon the taxes, must be bettered.


M.De Fontanes to the Conservative Senate. The whole discourse would well bear, at this critical juncture, a republication, with explanatory notes, for the use of the

to be at the disposal of his country, and MR.COBBETT. "Whatever is is right:" that he would joyfully lay down both for -So says Pope, and late events prove it its salvation and prosperity. In the oppotrue. It was right that France should be site scale to gold, he throws magnanimity; vanquished and that Napoleon should be but, in this refined age, gold prepondeposed. It is a highly useful lesson to derates, and Napoleon falls! Yet this was mankind, to nations, and to sovereigns. the man of the people's choice.-Now the It is right despotic monarchs should be malignant scribblers of venality accuse him taught, that nations are not their property; with cowardice for having so abdicated. that their will or caprice do not constitute These dastardly and time serving reptiles, Jaw; and that the kingly office is but a well versed in the suggestions of cowartrust! Often have they been told this; dice, judging of Napoleon's mind by their a Charles, a James; and a Lewis have, at own, cannot conceive any other motive for their cost, been so taught.-These lessons, his resignation: But were they, or were however, having proved insufficient, the the impartial and sensible for them, to reFrench nation and Napoleon, have now vert to a public document published four given to the world another, and a more months prior to the date of his abdication, exalted specimen. The first of these have they would there find that step intimated, exerted their indefeasible right in deposing not indeed in positive language but strongly Napoleon. The latter has frankly acknow-hinted at, as the future purchase of peace ledged that right, by nobly signing his ab- to the French nation, if it should prove nedication; and, like Cæsar, when assassi-cessary. This is contained in the speech of nated in the Senate, on discovering his son among the conspirators, after feebly and tenderly exclaiming, et la Brute, covered his head with his robe, and sunk unresisting and silent. So Napoleon, when in-good people of England. The passage alformed of the national will, expressed by luded to runs thus:-"This appeal to the the senate, with an elevation of sentiment national honour is dictated by the love of to which few can attain, calmly and with peace; of that peace, which is not obtaindignity signed his own abdication! Leted by weakness but by firmness; of that the unfeigned and grateful thanks of mankind follow him for having acted thus. After having rendered the most essential TO GRANT AT THE PRICE OF GREAT SAservices to the nation while a Republic; CRIFICES." -Although the word ABDIafter having accepted the crown and the CATION is not here positively made use of, throne, made hereditary in his family by yet it is strongly implied in the expressions, the gratitude of that same nation, he, upon with a new species of courage and at the a change of the public opinion, and to pro- price of great sacrifices.-Subsequent cure peace to his beloved country, to pre-events have shown what, that new species vent a civil war for his personal rights, ac- of courage meant; though our venal and quiesces with its will, expressed by a Se-ignorant writers cannot comprehend this nate of his own choosing; calmly descends because it is made up of materials they are from the throne; writes, with his own not provided with; because it is composed hand, his abdication; and retires. of principle, honour, self-command, and Monarchs of Europe, to you and to your disinterestedness, of which they are wholly people this lesson is addressed! From it destitute. Noble France! Magnanimous learn, that it is both honourable and safe to Napoleon! if it be true that this twenty attend to your people's wishes!-Napoleon years war has cost Britain upwards of eight in his abdication says, "The allied powers hundred millions; this dethroning, this having proclaimed that the Emperor Na-abdicating lesson, is fully worth the expoleon was the only obstacle to the re-es-pense; for although other nations may reap tablishment of the peace of Europe, the the benefit while we alone pay the cost, Emperor Napoleon, faithful to his oath, yet the whole human species will derive declares, that he renounces for himself and advantage from it. In marching the com his heirs, the thrones of France and Italy, bined armies into France; in taking posand that there is no personal sacrifice, even session of the capital; in compelling the that of life, which he is not ready to make Senate to dethrone Napoleon; and to asto the interest of France."-Here he as-sign reasons for so doing, the Allies have perts, not his crown merely, but his life jointly given the death blow to despotism

peace in short, which the Emperor, with


MR. COBBETT-If the opinion of an

venture to say that you effected a most
judicious reform in your work, when you
excluded the official papers, and threw
open the whole scope of its pages for origi-
nal discussion.--It is of little conse-
quence, in the end, perhaps, whether a
public writer, like you, be, in heart, a lover
of truth, provided there be, in all that he
puts forth under his own name, a proper
degree of apparent earnestness, and imme-
diate consistency. The thinking part of
the nation, there is no fear, will afterwards
exercise their own judgment, with good
effect, and decision.
-Your strong re-

important and well deserving of attention, not only for the ultimate moment of the subjects themselves, which were discussed, but for the manner in which they were brought home to the "work day" consisideration of every Englishman --My

all over civilized Europe; they have deliniated, in strong colours, the facility of a people's overthrowing every species of ty-individual, who has long perused your ranny; they have taught their own sub-weekly pages, is of any consequence, I jects that they are men; that reason, right, and power, belong to the people. Their soldiers, after receiving instruction in France, will carry it to their fellow subjects at home. The very savage and fierce Cossack will say, it was in obedience to the sovereign will of the people that the great, the renowned Napoleon, who had so often and so valiantly vanquished their sovereigns, and then extended his friendly hand to raise them from the dust; that this very Napoleon, the conqueror of Emperors, the maker of Kings, had abdicated his crown at the wish of his people!-He did not make war upon them; he did not marks on the war in Spain; on the general reproach them as rebels; he abdicated. continental policy of this government; and On learning this, Russians, Prussians, Aus-on the public and private professions of trians, and Germans of every denomina- regard for the national independence, as it tion will ask, have the people then such is called, of states, which are so common rights? Have the people such, powers? with a certain set of interested and half deReflexion follows.- But these advan-luded men, have always appeared to me tages are confined to our Allies.-Our King (God bless him) can do no wrong. We, therefore, can have no pretence for voting him out of the throne. But our good King, like unto a valuable plant upon a hot-bed, may grow surrounded by noxious weeds; may be both stinted and shaddow-object in troubling you with this simple ed by them. These weeds it is equally a gardener's, as a nation's duty, to pluck up by the roots; and among other such weeds now growing rapidly, and surrounding the royal plant, we certainly must class corruption, and consider it an imperious duty to root it out most speedily.- -REFORM OF PARLIAMENT-a dreadful sound to the corrupt;-a Reform of Parliament, now the sole means of saving the country, can at present meet with no opposition but from corruption.-A Reform of Parliament to remedy the past and to prevent all future abuses-a Reform of Parliament will lay open to the public eye all the items of an expenditure of 800 millions-a Reform in Parliament will, by economy, reduce such extravagant expenditure for the future; and a Reform in Parliament, by acts of justice, may bring back much of it to the public purse. The flimsy excuse, that this is not the time, for we are at war, is now upset. We are no longer at war. None, then, but the base and the corrupt, can now resist a REFORM OF PARLIAMENT.


note, is to copy for your Register, if you
choose, an extract from a letter addressed
by a private soldier in the British artillery
to his mother in this city. The substance
of this extract is accurate, and such as any
man of honour might attest. I shall only
further premise, that the writer is an High-
lander of spirit-pretty fair sense at the
bottom, and of good common education.
This distinction is necessary to satisfy some
persons; but you will say, I suppose, that
with such useful, though not shining, gifts,
any man may be a good member of society,
and many with nothing more have made
bold, able, and useful attempts. The let-
ter is dated, at St. Sebastian's, in the month
of January last.--"I am now here, in
the hospital, and, as some of my comrades
are writing to Edinburgh, I cannot omit to
tell you the real state of my present situa-
tion, for fear that you should get, through
other channels, or by report, an alarming
account of me. The house in which I,
and others of my comrades lately lodged,
at a place not far from this, unfortuately
took fire, in the night, and we had only
time to escape with our lives. Some how.
or other, the inhabitants had most errone-

ously and falsely taken a notion that we
had set the house on fire; and they came
to us, in our naked and miserable state, to
reproach us, and to have revenge. By one
of these people I was stabbed, with a knife,
in several places, particularly to a great
depth in the fleshy part of my side, and left
on the ground, with some other wounded
companions, to crawl to shelter if we
could, or to die. I am now recovering
fast. But I cannot help saying, my dear
parent, that the wounds in my flesh would
have been hardly felt, had they been in-
flicted by the hand of a generous French-
man*, in the field of battle, when I had at
least the honour of my native land to main- |
but it cuts me to the soul to think
how I have suffered from the stabs of a
fellow who came behind me when I was
naked and distressed; a cowardly and ma-
lignant Spaniard! And it is certainly both
wonderful and provoking, to the last de-
gree, that our country should spend its
millions, and shed its best blood, under
pretence of assisting a superstitious, a de-
graded, and an ungrateful people."--
Amidst all those obvious and outward signs
of decay that present themselves to the
wearied eye, it is consoling to think, Mr.
Cobbett, that we have, in the ranks of our
army, men who can write so shrewdly, and
feel so honourably.- God grant that these
fine materials may be less abused than they
have been.---I leave this young soldier
to you and your readers, with this short
remark: I can allow much for a natural
feeling of jealousy in any people towards
Allies that come among them, and share
their homes, and occupy their fields, as we
do; and I think I have some notion what
may be the conduct of a victorious army,
flushed with success, and actuated by a
spirit of revenge; not to view them, also,
in the light of a great body of men, in a
comparative sense, left to the full scope of
all the mere animal passions, and all the
worst vices of humanity. In such a state
of things, acts will be committed that are
calculated to injure, and to enrage any
people, and to disgust them even with that
cause which may have abstracted truth and
general reason on its side. This is a point
of universal feeling on which there can be
no dispute. Every man needs only to put
the case in his own person, and every man

* These are the exact words of this candid and spirited private soldier; one of the rabble often complimented by certain

who are so orators,

that has reason is capable to decide:
Taking the conduct of the Spanish people
on the whole, however, I can neither join
in the shouts of Mr. Canning, to the
universal Spanish nation," nor in the paren- ·
thetical and inflated encomiums of Mr.
Henry Brougham, on the noble conduct of -
"that many-headed beast the multitude."
--I have heard it stated by persons of
good credit, that they had been told, by
officers from the Peninsula, friends of theirs,
that they would rather choose to lie down,
in the field of battle, at night among
Frenchmen, than take up their quarters in
a Spanish village.--It is for you, Mr.
Cobbett, to solve such difficulties. You
seem to luxuriate in them: your powers of
illustration are peculiarly suited to them;
and I gladly leave them to you.

5th April, 1814.

J. M.

RESTORATION OF THE BOURBONS. Sir-I am rather surprised at our exces-sive rejoicing on account of the restoration of the House of Bourbon to the throne of

France, as it is without doubt the most unfavourable event, for this country, that could possibly have taken place: for, in a short period of time, we probably may, and certainly shall, see the family compact, and the united force of France and Spain, acting against us, and their joint fleets, perhaps, riding triumphant in the channel as they did during the latter part of the unfortunate American war. That masterpiece of politics, which united the different branches of the House of Bourbon in the closest connexion, was projected and concluded by the Duke of Choiseul, whom his countrymen, though they found in him the vastness of Richelieu, the activity of Louvois, the magnificence of Seignelay, and the amiableness of Pompone, dismissed, as they have done Napoleon to whom France is infinitely more indebted in various respects, than she has been to all her monarchs taken together. This extraordinary man has fulfilled his duty to that country to the very last, from which it would have been a scandalous departure in him to have put into the possession of her enemies the strong holds or fortresses, which they unreasonably demanded. For she had as good a right to make such a demand on them as they had on her: and but for the treachery of the very creatures of his own making, who will probably meet the just reward of their ingratitude, success could not possibly have attended

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