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of these passages will be found in the 4th vol. of this work, pp. 85-94. I subjoin some additional texts:

i. 61, 14. Asya id u bhiya girayas cha drilhaḥ dyāvā cha bhūmā janushas tujete | "Through fear of him when he is born, the stable mountains, and heaven and earth, are agitated."


i. 100, 1. . . . . maho divaḥ prithivyāś cha samrāṭ | .... 15. Na yasya devāḥ devatā na martṭāḥ āpaś chana śavaso antam āpuḥ | “The monarch of the great heaven and of the earth . . . . 15. of whose might neither gods by their divine insight, nor men, nor waters have attained the limit." 194


i. 101, 5. Yo viśvasya jagataḥ prānatas patiḥ | "He (Indra) who is the lord of the whole moving and breathing (world)," etc.

i. 165, 9. Anuttam ā te maghavan nakir nu na tvāvān asti devatā vidānaḥ | na jāyamāno naśate na jāto yāni karishyā kṛinuhi pravṛiḍḍha | "There is nothing unconquered by thee: no one like thee is known among the gods. No one to be born, or yet born, can rival thee. Do, great god, whatever thou willest do." (Compare iv. 18, 4.)

i. 173, 6. Pra yad itthā mahinā nṛibhyo asti aram rodasi kakshye na asmai | "Since Indra is so superior to men, heaven and earth do not suffice for his girdle," etc.

ii. 17, 5. Sa prāchīnān parvatan dṛimhad ojasā adharāchīnam akarod apām apaḥ | adhārayat pṛithivīm viśvadhāyasam astabhnād māyayā dyām avasrasaḥ | "He has settled the ancient mountains by his might; he has directed downwards the action of the waters. He has supported the earth, the universal nurse. By his skill he has propped up the sky from falling."

iii. 30, 5 (quoted above, p. 30). "When thou, O Maghavan, didst grasp even these two boundless worlds, they were but a handful to thee." 185

iii. 34, 2. Indra kshitīnām asi mānushīnām̃ viśām daivīnām asi pūrvayāvā | “Indra, thou art the leader of the human races, and of the divine people. 7. Yudhendro mahnā varivaś chakāra devebhyaḥ | "In battle and by his power he has acquired wealth for the gods."

iii. 46, 2. Eko viśvasya bhuvanasya rājā | 3. Pra mātrābhiḥ ririche rochamānaḥ pra devebhir viśvato apratītaḥ | pra majmanā divaḥ Indraḥ 184 See Benfey's Translation in Orient and Occident ii. 518.

185 Compare Isaiah xl, 12.


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prithivyāḥ pra uror maho antarikshād ṛijishi | "Thou, who alone art the king of the whole world, etc. 3. Indra luminous, has surpassed all measures; in every respect unequalled, he has surpassed the gods; the impetuous deity has surpassed in greatness the heaven and the earth, and the broad and vast atmosphere."

iv. 17, 2. Tava tvisho janiman rejata Dyauḥ rejad Bhumir bhiyasā svasya manyoh "At the birth of thee, the glorious one, the heaven trembled, and the earth, through fear of thy wrath," etc. (Compare iv. 22, 3, 4).

iv. 18, 4. Nahi nu asya pratimānam asti antar jāteshu uta ye janitvāḥ| "He has no parallel among those born or who are to be born."

v. 30, 5. Paro yat tvam paramaḥ ājanishṭhāḥ parāvati śrutyam̃ nāma bibhrat | ataś chid Indrad abhayanta devāḥ | "When thou wert born, the highest and supreme, bearing a name renowned afar, the gods were then afraid of Indra," etc.

v. 42, 6. Marutvato apratītasya jishnor ajūryataḥ pra bravama kṛitāni ¡ na te pūrve maghavan na aparāso na vīryam nūtanaḥ kaś chana āpa | "Let us declare the deeds of the unrivalled, victorious, undecaying god, who is attended by the Maruts. Neither have former nor later (beings), nor has any recent (being) attained to thy valour." 196

vi. 24, 8. Na vilave namate na sthiraya na śardhate dasyujūtāya stavān | ajrāḥ Indrasya girayaś chid ṛishvāḥ gambhire chid bhavati gādham asmai | “When lauded, he does not bow before the strong, nor the firm, nor the presumptuous, impelled by the Dasyu. Mountains, though lofty, are plains to Indra, and in that which is deep he finds a bottom." Compare viii. 82, 10.

vi. 30, 1, quoted above, p. 30 f. "Indra has surpassed the heaven and the earth. The two worlds are but equal to the half of him." (Comp. x. 119, 7.)

vi. 30, 5. Rājā 'bhavo jagataś charshaṇīnām sākaṁ sūryam janayan dyām ushāsam | "Thou hast become the king of things moving, and of men, generating at once the Sun, the Heaven, the Dawn." (Compare iii. 49, 4.)

viii. 6, 15. Na dyāvaḥ Indram ojasā na antarikshāni vajrinam | na

186 In viii. 70 3, it is said that Indra, like a terrific bull, cannot be stopped either by gods or men when he wishes to be generous (na tvā śūra devāḥ na martṭāso ditsantam | bhīmam na gām vārayante).

vi vyachanta bhūmayaḥ | "Neither heavens, nor atmospheres, nor earths, have equalled Indra the thunderer in might."

viii. 12, 30. Yadā sūryam amum divi śukram jyotir adharayaḥ | ād it te viśvā bhuvanāni yemire | "When thou (Indra) didst place yonder sun a brilliant light in the sky, then all worlds submitted to thee." (Compare vi. 30, 2.)

viii. 14, 9. Indrena rochana divo dṛilhani dṛimhitani cha | sthirāni na parānude | "By Indra the lights of the sky have been fixed and established. Those which are established he has not removed."

viii. 15, 2. Yasya dvibarhaso bṛihat saho dadhāra rodasī | girīn ajrān apaḥ svar vrishatvanā | "Of which mighty god the great vigour supported the two worlds, the mountains, plains, waters, and heavens."

viii. 51. 7. Viśve te Indra viryam devāḥ anu kratum daduḥ | “All the gods, Indra, yield to thee in vigour and strength."

viii. 78, 2. Devās te Indra sakhyāya yemire | "The gods, o Indra, sought after thy friendship." (Compare viii. 87, 3.)

viii. 82, 5. Yad vā pravṛiddha satpate "na marai” iti manyase | uto tat satyam it tava | "That which thou, o powerful lord of the good, expectest, 'I shall not die,' proves true." (Compare x. 86, 11, quoted above, p. 82.)


viii. 85, 4. Manye tva yayniyam yajniyānām manye tvā chyavanam achyutānām | manye tvā satvanām Indra ketum manye tvā vṛishabham charshanīnām | .... 6. Tam u shṭavāma yaḥ imā jājāna viśvā jātāni avarāni asmāt.... 9. Anayudhāso asuraḥ adevās chakrena tān apa rapa rijishin "I regard thee, Indra, as the most adorable of the adorable, the caster down of the unshaken, 187 the most distinguished of living things, the chief of beings. . . . . 6. Let us praise this Indra who produced these (worlds): all beings are inferior (or subsequent) to him..... 9. The Asuras are without weapons and are no gods: sweep them away with thy wheel." (Compare vi. 18, 10), where he is. said to consume the Rakshases with his bolt as fire a dry forest: Agnir na śushkam vanam Indra heti raksho ni dhakshi aśanir na bhīmā). viii. 86, 14. Tvad viśvāni bhuvanāni vajrin dyāvā rejete prithivi cha bhishā "All worlds, thunderer, both heaven and earth, tremble through fear of thee."

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x. 44, 8. Girin ajrān rejamānān adhārayad Dyauḥ krandad anta187 The Maruts are said to have the same power (i. 64, 3).

rikshāni kopayat | "He sustained the quaking mountains and plains: the sky resounded; he shook the atmosphere," etc. (Compare ii. 12, 2.) x. 54, 1. Tâm su te kirttim maghavan mahitva gat trà bhite rodast ahvayetām | prāvo devān.... 2. Yad acharas tanvā vavṛidhāno balāni Indra prabruvāno janeshu | māyā it să te yāni yuddhāni āhur na adya śatrum na purā vivitse | 3. Kaḥ u nu te mahimanaḥ samasya asmat pūrve rishayo antam āpuḥ | yad mataram eha pitaram cha sākam ajanayathās tanvāḥ svāyāḥ | 6. Yo adadhāj jyotishi jyotir antar yo asṛijad madhunā sam madhūni | "(I celebrate), Maghavan, thy glory in that through thy greatness the terrified worlds invoked thee. Thou didst deliver the gods, etc. 2. When thou didst march on increasing in thy magnitude, proclaiming thy strength amongst men, thy combats which they describe were (the proofs of) thy power; neither now nor before dost thou know of any enemy. 3. Which of all the seers before us have found out the end of all thy greatness? seeing that thou didst produce at once the father and the mother (heaven and earth)188 from thine own body. 6. He placed light in light, and imparted to sweet things their sweetness."

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x. 89, 4. Yo aksheneva chakriya sachibhir vishvak tastambha prithivīm uta dyam | 10. Indro divaḥ Indraḥ ise prithivyaḥ Indro apām Indraḥ it parvatānām "(Indra) who by his powers holds asunder Heaven and | Earth, as the two wheels of a chariot are kept apart by the axle. Indra rules over the sky, Indra rules over the earth, Indra rules over the waters, and Indra rules over the mountains," etc.

x. 102, 12. Tvam viśvasya jagataś chakshur Indrāsi chakshushaḥ | "Thou, Indra, art the eye of all moving things that see."

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x. 138, 6. Māsāṁ vidhānam adadhāḥ adhi dyavi tvayā vibhinnam bharati pradhim pita | "Thou (Indra) hast ordained the (course of the) months in the heaven: the father (the sky) has a circumference divided by thee."

In some places (iv. 19, 2; iv. 21, 10) Indra is called samrāț, or universal monarch, in other places (iii. 46, 1; iii. 49, 2; vii. 82, 2; viii. 12, 14) svarāṭ, a self-dependent sovereign. In viii. 6, 41, he is called "an ancient rishi, ruling alone by his might" (rishir hi pūrvajāḥ asi ekah īśānaḥ ojasā). In i. 174, 1; viii. 79, 6, he is designated "the divine."

as asura,

188 See above p. 30.

The preceding passages afford a fair specimen of the language in which Indra is most commonly celebrated in the hymns. It will be observed that the attributes which are ascribed to him are chiefly those of physical superiority, and of dominion over the external world. In fact he is not generally represented as possessing the spiritual elevation and moral grandeur with which Varuna is so often invested.

(6) Indra's relations with his worshippers.

There are, however, many passages in which Indra's close relations with his worshippers are described, and a few in which an ethical character is attributed to him. Faith in him is confessed, or enjoined in the following texts:

i. 55, 5. Adha chana śrad dadhati tvishimate Indrāya vajram nighanighnate vadham | "Men have faith in the fiery Indra when he hurls again and again his destroying thunderbolt."

i. 102, 2. Asme surya-chandramasa abhichakshe śraddhe kam Indra charato vitarturam | "Sun and moon move alternately, o Indra, that we may behold, and have faith."

i. 103, 5. Tad asya idam paśyata bhūri pushṭam śrad Indrasya dhattana vīryāya | "Behold this his great abundance, and have faith in the prowess of Indra,"

i. 104, 6. Mă antarām bhujam ā ririsho naḥ śraddhitam te mahate indriyaya | 7. Adha manye śrat te asmai adhāyi vṛishā chodasva mahate dhanaya | "6. Do not injure our future production: we have put faith in thy great power. 7. I surely believe that faith has been reposed in thee: vigorous god, advance us to great wealth."

i. 108, 6. Yad abravam prathamam vām vṛināno ayam somo asurair no vihavyaḥ | tām satyām śraḍdhām abhi ā hi yātam atha somasya pibatam sutasya | "Since I said at first, when supplicating you twain (Indra and Agni) this soma is to be offered by us for 18 the divine beings;' come now, in consideration of this true faith, and drink the poured-out soma."

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In vi. 28, 5, the poet says: Imāḥ yāḥ gāvaḥ sa janāsaḥ Indraḥ ichhāmi id hṛidā manasā chid Indram | "These cows, o men, are Indra: I desire Indra with my heart and soul."

In ix. 113, 2, truth, faith, and austere-fervour are enjoined on the

189 See Benfey's Translation and note, Orient und Occident, iii. 142.

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