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PRO. As one relying on your lordship's will, And not depending on his friendly wifh.

ANT. My will is fomething forted with his wish: Muse not that I thus fuddenly proceed; For what I will, I will, and there an end. I am refolv'd, that thou shalt spend some time With Valentinus in the emperor's court; What maintenance he from his friends receives, Like exhibition' thou shalt have from me. To-morrow be in readiness to go: Excufe it not, for I am peremptory.

PRO. My lord, I cannot be fo foon provided; Please you, deliberate a day or two.

ANT. Look, what thou want'st, shall be fent after


No more of flay; to-morrow thou must go.
Come on, Panthino; you shall be employ'd
To haften on his expedition.

[Exeunt ANT. and PANT.

PRO. Thus have I shunn'd the fire for fear of

And drench'd me in the fea, where I am drown'd:
I fear'd to shew my father Julia's letter,
Left he should take exceptions to my love;
And with the vantage of mine own excuse
Hath he excepted most against my love.
O, how this spring of love resembleth1

6 Like exhibition--] i. e. allowance.
So, in Othello:

"Due reference of place and exhibition."

Again, in the Devil's Law Cafe, 1623:

"-in his riot does far exceed the exhibition I allowed him." STEEVENS.

70, how this spring of love resembleth-] At the end of this verse there is wanting a syllable, for the speech apparently ends in

The uncertain glory of an April day; Which now shows all the beauty of the fun, And by and by a cloud takes all away!

a quatrain. I find nothing that will rhyme to fun, and therefore
shall leave it to some happier critic. But I suspect that the author
might write thus:

“O how this spring of love resembleth right,
“The uncertain glory of an April day;
“Which now shows all the glory of the light,
“ And by and by a cloud takes all away!”

Light was either by negligence or affectation changed to fun, which confidered without the rhyme, is indeed better. The next tranfcriber, finding that the word right did not rhyme to fun, supposed it erroneoufly written, and left it out. JOHNSON.

It was not always the custom, among our early writers, to make the first and third lines rhyme to each other; and when a word was not long enough to complete the measure, they occafionally extended it. Thus Spenser, in his Faery Queen, B. III. c. 12:

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Formerly grounded, and fast setteled."

Again, B. II. c. 12:

" The while sweet Zephirus loud whifteled
" His treble, a strange kind of harmony;

"Which Guyon's senses softly tickeled," &c.

From this practice, I suppose, our author wrote refembeleth, which, though it affords no jingle, completes the verse. Many poems have been (written in this meafure, where the second and fourth lines only rhyme. STEEVENS.

Refembleth is here used as a quadrisyllable, as if it was written refembeleth. See Comedy of Errors, Act V. fc. the last:

" And these two Dromios, one in semblance."

As you like it, Act II. fc. ii:

"The parts and graces of the wrestler."

And it should be obferved, that Shakspeare takes the same liberty with many other words, in which l, or r, is subjoined to another confonant. See Comedy of Errors, next verse but one to that cited above:

"These are the parents to these children."

where some editors, being unneceffarily alarmed for the metre, have endeavoured to help it by a word of their own:

"These plainly are the parents to these children."


Thus much I had thought fufficient to say upon this point, in the edition of these plays published by Mr. Steevens in 1778.

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Re-enter PANTHINO.

PANT. Sir Proteus, your father calls for you; He is in hafte, therefore, I pray you, go.

Since which the Author of Remarks, &c. on that edition has been pleased to affert, p. 7. "that Shakspeare does not appear, from the above instances at least, to have taken the smalleft liberty in extending his words: neither has the incident of 1, or r, being fubjoined to another confonant any thing to do in the matter.""The truth is," he goes on to fay, "that every verb in the English language gains an additional fyllable by its termination in eft, eth, ed, ing, or, (when formed into a fubftantive) in er; above words, when rightly printed, are not only unexceptionable, but most juft. Thus refemble makes refemble-eth; wrestle, wrestle


and the

and fettle, whistle, tickle, make fettle-ed, whistle-ed, tickle-ed." As to this fuppofed Canon of the English language, it would be easy to thew that it is quite fanciful and unfounded; and what he calls the right method of printing the above words is such as, I believe, was never adopted before by any mortal in writing them, nor can be followed in the pronunciation of them without the help of an entirely new system of fpelling. But any further difcuffion of this matter is unneceffary; because the hypothefis, though allowed in its utmost extent, will not prove either of the points to which it is applied. It will neither prove that Shakspeare has not taken a liberty in extending certain words, nor that he has not taken that liberty chiefly with words, in which 1, or r, is fubjoined to another confonant. The following are all instances of nouns, fubftantive or adje&ive, which can receive no fupport from the fuppofed Canon. That Shakfpeare has taken a liberty in extending these words is evident, from the confideration, that the fame words are more frequently used, by his contemporaries and by himself, without the additional fyllable. Why he has taken this liberty chiefly with words in which l, or r, is subjoined to another confonant, must be obvious to any one who can pronounce the language.

Country, trifyllable.

T. N. A& I. fc. ii. The like of him. Know'st thou this country? Coriol. A& I. fc. iii. Die nobly for their country, than one.

Remembrance, quadrifyllable.

Τ. Ν. Α& I. fc. i. And lasting in her fad remembrance.

W. T. A& IV. fc. iv. Grace and remembrance be to you both.

Angry, trifyllable.

Timon. A& III. fc. v. But who is man, that is not angry.

PRO. Why, this it is! my heart accords thereto; And yet a thousand times it answers, no. [Exeunt.


Milan. An Apartment in the Duke's Palaces


SPEED. Sir, your glove.

VAL. Not mine; my gloves are on.

SPEED. Why then this may be yours, for this is

but one.

VAL. Ha! let me fee: ay, give it me, it's mine:

Henry, trifyllable.

Rich. III. Act II. fc. iii. So stood the state, when Henry the Sixth2 H. VI. Α& II. fc. ii. Crown'd by the name of Henry the Fourth. And fo in many other paffages.

Monstrous, trifyllable.

Macb. A& IV. fc. vi. Who cannot want the thought how monstrouss
Othello. A& II. fc. iii. 'Tis monstrous. Iago, who began it?

Affembly, quadrifyllable.

Μ. Α. Α. N. Ad. V. fc. last. Good morrow to this fair afsembly.

Douglas, trifyllable.

1 H. IV. A& V. fc. ii. Lord Douglas go you and tell him fo.

England, trifyllable.

Rich. II. A& IV. fc. i. Than Bolingbroke's return to England.

Humbler, trifyllable.

1 H. VI. A& III. fc. i. Methinks his lordship should be humbler.

Nobler, trifyllable.

Coriol. A& III. fc. ii. You do the nobler. "Cor. I mufe my mother-.

8 Val. Not mine; my gloves are on.
Speed. Why then, this may be yours, for this is but one. ] It

should feem from this passage, that
pronounced as if it were written on.
the change of pronunciation; a loss,
patiently endured. MALONE.


the word one was anciently
The quibble here is lost by
however, which may be very



Sweet ornament that decks a thing divine!
Ah Silvia! Silvia!

SPEED. Madam Silvia! madam Silvia!
VAL How now, firrah?

SPEED. She is not within hearing, fir.
VAL. Why, fir, who bade you call her?
SPEED. Your worship, fir; or elfe I mistook.
VAL. Well, you'll still be too forward.

SPEED. And yet I was last chidden for being too


VAL. Go to, fir; tell me, do you know madam


SPEED. She that your worship loves?

VAL. Why, how know you that I am in love?

SPEED. Marry, by these special marks: First, you have learn'd, like fir Proteus, to wreath your arms like a male-content; to relish a love-fong, like a Robin-red-breast; to walk alone, like one that had the peftilence; to figh, like a school-boy that had lost his A. B. C; to weep, like a young wench that had buried her grandam; to faft, like one that takes diet;" to watch, like one that fears. robbing; to fpeak puling, like a beggar at Hallowmas. You were wont, when you laugh'd, to

9-takes diet;) To take diet was the phrase for being under regimen for a disease mentioned in Timon of Athens:


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bring down the rofe-cheek'd youth "To the tub-fast and the diet." STELVENS.

Hallowmas. This is about the feast of All-Saints, when winter begins, and the life of a vagrant becomes less comfortable. JOHNSON.

It is worth remarking that on All-Saints-Day the poor people in Staffordshire, and perhaps in other country places, go from parif to parith a fouling as they call it; i. e. begging and puling (or finging small, as Dailey's Dict. explains puling) for foul-cakes, or

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