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Earth, liv, lviii, lxviii, 16, 648, 962 f. earthgazing, 160 f.
Ease, xcii f., 3, 10, 160 f., 365 n. 2, 595, 1000, 1276, p. 336.
Ecclesiastes, 365 n. 1.

Ecstasy, 9 n. 6; in contemplation. See Jhana.

Education, xxi. See Culture.

Effect. See Result.

Efficacy in good, 269 f.

Effort, 13, 358 (4).
Ego. See Self.

Egoism and Buddhism, cii.

Element (dhātu), lxxxv f., 58, 67 f., 454b, 648 n. 2, 703 f., 817 f.,


Elements (the four), xlix, lv, lix, lxiii, 584, 652 n. 3; in the
organism, lv, 597 f.; and touch, lxi f., 443 n. 1.

Elimination, 176(c) n. 1, 265 n. 2.

Eliot, George, lxxvi.

Ellis, Havelock, 246 n. 2.

Emancipation, xcii, xcv, 1366 (ix).

Emotional, 1024.

Empedokles, lxix, lxxxvii.

Emptiness, xlii, 121 n. 1, 344 f., 505 f., 552 f.

Endeavour, 13, cf. 1366 (v).

Endurance, 13.

Energy 13, 22, 26, 269 f., 552, 570 n. 1, 571, cf. 1366 (v, vii).
Envy, 365 n. 1, 1121.

Equanimity, lxiii, 1 n. 2 (p. 5), 251 n. 2.

Eternal, lxx.

Eternalism, 285 n. 2, 381 n. 4, 1099 n. 2, 1315.

Ethics, Buddhist, xxii, xxxii, xc; applied xxxviii; as pessimistic,

lxxv, xciv, cii; as optimistic, lxxv.

Eudæmonia, xci.

Euripides, 638 n. 1.

Evasion, 425.

Evolution of form, lxvii.

Experience, xxii, 3 n. 3, 10, cf. 1035 f.

Experientialism, lxxx.

Explanation, 1307.

Expression, lv, 1308. See Intimation.

External, lviii, 674, 743, 1045, 1208, p. 365.

Faculties, lxv, 58 f., 74, 358, 633 n. 3, 661, 709 f., 757 f., 829 f.,

937 f., 971.

Failure, moral, 1361.

Faith, 12, 25, 161 n. 2, 288.

Fallacy, 1362.

Fausböll, V., 1231 n. 1.

Fawning, 1059.

Feeling, 3, 9 n. 2, 60, 445, 1309 n. 1; neutral, 152, 165 n. 1,
431 n. 3, 433, 445, 457, 624 f., 1348.

Felicity, 9.

Femininity. See Woman-faculty.

Fetters, 381, 595; three, 1002, 1006 f.; ten, 1113 f.

Fiery (or lambent) element, liv f., 648 f., 964.

Fitness, 48.

Fixed, 1028, 1290.

Floods, 390, 595, 1151.

Fluid element, liv f., 1, 647, 652, 722, 963.
Food, of devas, li n.; bodily, lvi, lxvii, 646.
Foolish, 1300.

Fording-place, 381.

Forgetfulness, 1349.

Form (rūpam), x, xxxvi, xlviii f., 583 f.; as unmoral, xxxvii,
lxvii, ci, 595; as external world, xli, xlix, liv, lxvii, 1310;
as visible object, xlix f., 1059; as a world of devas, 1 f., xcv,
160 f., 271, 499, 577, 1059, 1280 f.; as skandha, liv, lxvii;
exposition of, 595 f.; as non-mental, lxvii; as derived or
not, liv, 596 f., 647 f., 742 f., 877 f., 966; as not the self,
1003; modes of, liv, lxvi, 726; evolution of, liv, lxvi;
integration of, 596, 642 f., 732; as impermanent, lxvii, 595,
645, 734; as limited, 204, 595; as infinite, 225; as visible
or not, 751, 897; as fair or foul, 223.

Formless world, xevi, 265 f., 273, 501, 579, 1280 f.
Foul things, 263.

Freedom. See Emancipation.

Friendship, 1326, 1328.

Fruit, fruition, 505 n. 1 (p. 129), 1016 n. 2, 1215, 1366, p. 342.

Garbe, Professor, 1 n., lxvi n.

Gaseous element, See Air.

Gayā, xxvii, xxix.

Geiger, M. and W., xxxix n.

Generalization, xlvi f.

Generosity, 34 n. 2.

Genesis, of thought, lxxxiv, 1f.; of mirth, 566 n. 1. See Uprising.

Genetic treatment, xxiii, lxxx.

Gladness, 1 f., 165, 253 n. 1, 270, 365, 469, 498, 576.

Goethe, xli, lxix n., lxxvii.

Gogerly, xxxix n.

Gold, 617, 641 n. 1.

Good, xc-xcii, xcv, ci; roots of, 4 n. 1, 981, 1056; transcending
the good, cii.

Gotama, constructive genius, xxxi; non-animistic doctrine,
xlii, lxxxix; defines paññā, 16 n. 1; on hiri, 30 n. 1;
teaching-methods, xxxiii, 167 n. 3, 204 n. 1; smiled, 568 n. ;

on siestas, 1158 n. 1; on visiting other worlds, xcvii n. 2;
on Nirvana, c.

Grasp, 56, 365 f., 1359; inverted, 381.

Grasping, four kinds, 1213 f.; 1003 n. 2; favourable to, 595,
1219 f.; grasped at, 653 f., 745 f., 897 f., 990 f., 1211 f.
Greed, 32 lust, 389, 1007 f., 1059 f. See Disinterestedness,


Grimblot, lxxiii.

Grip of opinion, 381.

Gross, 675, 775, 889, 909, 945.

Happiness, xcii, 10 n. 1.

Hardy, Ed., xxxiii, lxxiii.

Hardy, R. Sp., lviii, 14 n. 1, 163 n. 3, 165 n. 1, 251 n. 2, 263 n. 2,

268 n. 1, 1213 n. 1.

Hate, 33, 365 n. 2 (p. 91), 413 f., 498a, 576a, 1056, 1060; ageing

effect of, 34 n. 2.

Hearing, 601 f.

Heart, lxxxvi f., 6.

Heavens, li f., 1003 n. 5 (p. 238); of form, lii. See also Formless.
Hebrews, Ep., 1007 n. 3.

[blocks in formation]

Hume, xli, xlv, lxxix f., lxxxviii, 673 n. 1, 1 n. 5.

Iddhi, 1296 n. 2.

Iddhipada, four, 269 n. 2, 358 (5).

Idea, lxxxiv., 1 n. 5.

Ideal, the higher, xcvii f., 277 f., 344 n. 2, 358, 505, 1288 n. 2;
nature of Indian, xcix.

Ideating faculty (mano), lxxvi; defined, lxxxiv, lxxxvi f.,

1 n. 2 (p. 2), 2 n. 1, 3 n. 3, 17, 58, 63, 65 f., 265 n. 1 (p. 66),
447, 450, 455, 564, 574 n., 595 n. 5 (p. 157), 961 n., 1187.
Ignorance, 390, 1100, 1151, 1151a, 1162, 1297, 1311.
Ignorant average man, 1003.

Ill, lxx, xcii, xcix, 3 n. 1, 165, 277 n. 2, 344 n. 2, 415 f., 559, 1057,

1061, 1336.

Ill will. See Malice.

Image, xcvi, 160 n. 4.

Impact, lx f., 2 n. 1. See Reaction.

Impartiality, 150 n. 2.

Impermanence, lvii f., lxxxviii, 16 n. 1, 34 n. 2, 176 n. 1, 264 n. 2,

595 n. 6 (p. 157), 596.

Impinge. See Reaction.

Impression, sense-, lv, lx f., 599 n. 2, n. 2 (p. 162).

Indeterminate states, xxxix, xcix f., 431 f., 583, 983.

Indifference, 150 f., 163, 165, 262, 403, 431, 484, 566, 595, 1001,

1278 £

Indigo, 245 f.

Individuality, cii, 1003.
Indriyas. See Faculties.

Infatuation, 389, 1055, 1059.

Inference, 1961 n.

Infinite (appamāṇam), 182, 211, 1021, 1046 n. 8; (anantavam),

Inoperative consciousness, c, ci, 566 f., 1015, 1062, 1212, App. I,
p. 336.

Insight, lxxvi, 16, 362 n. 1 (p. 88), 1002 n. 1. See Intuition,
Vision, and (Index II) paññā.'

Instigation, 146 f.

Integration, 596, 642.

Intellect, lxii. See Cognition, Consciousness.
Intellection, 6. See Cognition, Consciousness.

Intelligence, 16, 53, 1352.

Intention, 21, 283, 461 n. 1. See Disposing.

Intimation, liv, lxv, 596, 636 f., 718, 763, 844.

Intoxicants. See Āsava.

Introspection, vii, lxxii, ciii, p. 341.

Intuition, 16, 55, 365 n. 3 (p. 91), 1356; (abhiññā), 176 f.
Investigation, 269 n. 2, 552, 1034.

Jaina Sutras, lviii.

James, Wm., 673 n. 1.

Jhana, lxxvii, lxxx, xcvi f., 7 n. 2, 16 n. 1, 58, 83, 160 f., 265 f.,
277 f., 595 n. 8, 1056 n. 2 (p. 254), 1339 n. 4; p. 337 f.
fourfold, 160 f.; fivefold, 167 f.; 996 f.; in lay-culture,
xcvii; for Nirvana, 277 f.; in bad states, 397a, 400, 410a,
419a, 425a, 429a; in indeterminate states, 441a n. 1, 505 f.;
heresy about, 576a n.; craving for, 1098 n. 1; psychology
of, xcvi.

Joy, lxxv, 9, 12. See Zest.

Kant, lxxxi n. 3, xcvii n. 2.

Karma, and dhamma, xxxvii, 1366; and result, xciii, 1053 f.;
bad, xcix, 1366; and Nirvana, cf. efficacy in, 269 n. 1;
as heaping, xcix, 277 n. 2, 505 n. 2, 1013; and indeterminates,
431 f., 566 f.; of sex, 633 n. 3 f.; in sense, 653 n. 2; in form,

877 n. 1, 962 n. 3; roots of, 981 f., 1025 f., 1067 f.; path of,

1 (xxxvi) n. 1.

Karmaṣṭhāna. See Artifices.

Katha-vatthu, xxiv f., xlii f., 1 n. 4.

Kern, E., xxi n., xxxix n., 1343 n. 1.

Khandhas, xi and passim.

Know the unknown, xcix, 277, 296.

Knowledge, xcix, 1 f., 270 f., 498 f., 576, 362 f., 553 f.

Language, 637 n. 1. See Name.

Law, natural, xe, cii.

Leibnitz, lxxii, 268 n. 1.

Life, xlv, lxv; in quantity and quality, lxxvii, xciv f., 19, 635.
Lightness, 42 f., 596, 639.

Like known by like, lxviii f.
Limited, insignificant, 1018 f.
Livelihood, 277, 301.

Locke, xxxviii, lxxii, lxxxi.

Logic in India, xlviii, 7 n. 1.

Logical method, xxxvi f., 877 n. 1, 1192 n. 1.

Longing, 305 n. 1, 1059.

Love, 34 n. 2, 251 f., 1056; spurious, 251 n. 1.
Lust. See Greed, Passion.

Maha-Kassapa, xxviii.

Mahā-vamsa, xxv, xxvii, xxviii n.

Mahinda, xxviii.

Maintenance of form, 596. See Subsistence.

Majjhima Nikaya, xlii and passim (M.).

Malice, 33, 251 n. 1, 363.

Manifold, Many, xlv f., lxxxvi f., 265.

Māra, 1059.

Mark, characteristic, 4 n., 30 n. 1, 33 n. 3, 390 n. 3, 962 n.; three,

16 n. 1, 34 n. 2.

Material form. See Form.

Mātikā, ix, cv-cxiii.

Matter. See Form (Material).

Meanness, 865 n. 1, 1122.

Meditation. See Jhana.

Memory, xxxiv-vii, lxxxviii, 14.

Methods, Twenty, 277, 358, 505, 528, 552.

Metteyya, 1037 n.

Milinda-pañho, xliii, lxii, lxxii n. 1, lxxxiv n. 4, lxxxviii, 2 n. 1,
5 n. 1, 12 n. 3, 13 n. 1, 583 n. 4, 633 n. 3, 1059 n. 4 (p. 254),

n. 3 (p. 255), n. 7 (p. 256).

Mill, J. S., xxxv, 1073 n. 2.

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