When uncover'd, a buzz of enquiry runs round, "Pray what are their crimes?"-"They've been pilfering
"But, pray, whom have they pilfer'd? "-" A Doctor, I hear."
"What, yon solemn-faced, odd-looking man that stands near!"
"The same."-"What a pity! how does it surprise one! Two handsomer culprits I never set eyes on!" Then their friends all come round me with cringing and
To melt me to pity, and soften my swearing. First Sir Charles 1 advances with phrases well strung, "Consider, dear Doctor, the girls are but young." "The younger the worse," I return him again, "It shows that their habits are all dyed in grain." "But then they're so handsome, one's bosom it grieves." "What signifies handsome, when people are thieves?" "But where is your justice? their cases are hard." "What signifies justice ? I want the reward.
There's the parish of Edmonton offers forty pounds; there's the parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, offers forty pounds; there's the parish of Tyburn, from the Hog-inthe-Pound to St. Giles's watchhouse, offers forty pounds, -I shall have all that if I convict them!"
"But consider their case, -it may yet be your own! And see how they kneel! Is your heart made of stone?" This moves :-so at last I agree to relent, For ten pounds in hand, and ten pounds to be spent.
I challenge you all to answer this: I tell you, you cannot. It cuts deep; - but now for the rest of the letter: and next-but I want room-so I believe I shall battle the rest out at Barton some day next week.
[Sir Charles Bunbury, H. W. Bunbury's elder brother, died $.p. 1821.]
ARMIES of box that sportively engage And mimic real battles in their rage, Pleas'd I recount; how, smit with glory's charms, Two mighty Monarchs met in adverse arms, Sable and white; assist me to explore, Ye Serian Nymphs, what ne'er was sung before. No path appears : yet resolute I stray Where youth undaunted bids me force my way. O'er rocks and cliffs while I the task pursue, Guide me, ye Nymphs, with your unerring clue. For you the rise of this diversion know, You first were pleas'd in Italy to show This studious sport; from Scacchis was its name, The pleasing record of your Sister's fame.
When Jove through Ethiopia's parch'd extent To grace the nuptials of old Ocean went, Each god was there; and mirth and joy around To shores remote diffus'd their happy sound. Then when their hunger and their thirst no more Claim'd their attention, and the feast was o'er; Ocean, with pastime to divert the thought, Commands a painted table to be brought. Sixty-four spaces fill the chequer'd square; Eight in each rank eight equal limits share. Alike their form, but different are their dyes, They fade alternate, and alternate rise, White after black; such various stains as those The shelving backs of tortoises disclose. Then to the Gods that mute and wondering sate, You see (says he) the field prepared for fate.
[This translation of Marco Vida's Scacchia Ludus was first printed by Mr. Peter Cunningham in 1854, from a manuscript in Goldsmith's handwriting then in the possession of Mr. Bolton Corney, who, with Mr. Forster, believed it to be by Goldsmith.]
Here will the little armies please your sight, With adverse colours hurrying to the fight: On which so oft, with silent sweet surprise, The Nymphs and Nereids used to feast their eyes, And all the neighbours of the hoary deep, When calm the sea, and winds were lull'd asleep. But see, the mimic heroes tread the board; He said, and straightway from an urn he pour'd The sculptur'd box, that neatly seem'd to ape The graceful figure of a human shape :- Equal the strength and number of each foe, Sixteen appeared like jet, sixteen like snow. As their shape varies various is the name, Different their posts, nor is their strength the same. There might you see two Kings with equal pride Gird on their arms, their Consorts by their side; Here the Foot-warriors glowing after fame, There prancing Knights and dexterous Archers came And Elephants, that on their backs sustain Vast towers of war, and fill and shake the plain. And now both hosts, preparing for the storm Of adverse battle, their encampments form. In the fourth space, and on the farthest line, Directly opposite the Monarchs shine ; The swarthy on white ground, on sable stands The silver King; and thence they send commands. Nearest to these the Queens exert their might; One the left side, and t'other guards the right: Where each, by her respective armour known, Chooses the colour that is like her own. Then the young Archers, two that snowy-white Bend the tough yew, and two as black as night; (Greece called them Mars's favourites heretofore, From their delight in war, and thirst of gore). These on each side the Monarch and his Queen Surround obedient; next to these are seen The crested Knights in golden armour gay; Their steeds by turns curvet, or snort or neigh. In either army on each distant wing Two mighty Elephants their castles bring,
Bulwarks immense! and then at last combine Eight of the Foot to form the second line, The vanguard to the King and Queen; from far Prepared to open all the fate of war. So moved the boxen hosts, each double-lined, Their different colours floating in the wind: As if an army of the Gauls should go, With their white standards, o'er the Alpine snow To meet in rigid fight on scorching sands The sun-burnt Moors and Memnon's swarthy bands. Then Father Ocean thus; you see them here, Celestial Powers, what troops, what camps appear. Learn now the sev'ral orders of the fray, For ev'n these arms their stated laws obey. To lead the fight, the Kings from all their bands Choose whom they please to bear their great commands. Should a black hero first to battle go, Instant a white one guards against the blow; But only one at once can charge or shun the foe. Their gen'ral purpose on one scheme is bent, So to besiege the King within the tent, That there remains no place by subtle flight From danger free; and that decides the fight. Meanwhile, howe'er, the sooner to destroy Th' imperial Prince, remorseless they employ Their swords in blood; and whosoever dare Oppose their vengeance, in the ruin share. Fate thins their camp; the parti-colour'd field Widens apace, as they o'ercome or yield, But the proud victor takes the captive's post; There fronts the fury of th' avenging host One single shock: and (should he ward the blow), May then retire at pleasure from the foe. The Foot alone (so their harsh laws ordain) When they proceed can ne'er return again. But neither all rush on alike to prove The terror of their arms: the Foot must move Directly on, and but a single square; Yet may these heroes, when they first prepare To mix in combat on the bloody mead,
Double their sally, and two steps proceed; But when they wound, their swords they subtly guide With aim oblique, and slanting pierce his side. But the great Indian beasts, whose backs sustain Vast turrets arm'd, when on the redd'ning plain They join in all the terror of the fight, Forward or backward, to the left or right, Run furious, and impatient of confine Scour through the field, and threat the farthest line. Yet must they ne'er obliquely aim their blows; That only manner is allow'd to those
Whom Mars has favour'd most, who bend the stubborn
These glancing sideways in a straight career, Yet each confin'd to their respective sphere, Or white or black, can send th' unerring dart Wing'd with swift death to pierce through ev'ry part. The fiery steed, regardless of the reins, Comes prancing on; but sullenly disdains The path direct, and boldly wheeling round, Leaps o'er a double space at ev'ry bound : And shifts from white or black to diff'rent colour'd
But the fierce Queen, whom dangers ne'er dismay, The strength and terror of the bloody day, In a straight line spreads her destruction wide, To left or right, before, behind, aside. Yet may she never with a circling course Sweep to the battle like the fretful Horse; But unconfin'd may at her pleasure stray, If neither friend nor foe block up the way; For to o'erleap a warrior, 'tis decreed Those only dare who curb the snorting steed. With greater caution and majestic state The warlike Monarchs in the scene of fate Direct their motions, since for these appear Zealous each hope, and anxious ev'ry fear. While the King's safe, with resolution stern They clasp their arms; but should a sudden turn Make him a captive, instantly they yield,
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