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bribery, corruption, and perjury? If you | Allied armies are about to undertake?

are, to reason with you is useless. You are destined passively to be carried along by the current of those events, which is daily and hourly becoming stronger and stronger, and which the Borough-faction will not be able to resist.



They are going to contend against the
greatest military genius in the world, who
is to fight for his own existence. This is
an important circumstance. It is his life
that is to be the object of the war, and
for which he is to be made to fight; and
who does not know the strength of this
extraordinary motive! Such is the first
stroke of the wisdom of the Allies, who by
this declaration have given to Napoleon,
a great accession of real power. But Na-
poleon is not alone; he is at the head of 3
or 400,000 veteran troops, strongly at-
tached to their General, fighting on their
native land, for the right to choose their
own government and chief. They burn
for revenge, they feel how much they have
been insulted, and remember how often
they have triumphed over the same kind
of coalitions. Add to all this, upwards of
2,000,000 of National Guards, contend-
ing for the same cause, on the same soil,
and under the impulse of the same ani-
mating and powerful motives. Is not
France alone, thus circumstanced, able to
resist the world? But if we further add
the King of Naples with his 100,000 Ne-
politans and some other states, which
have been offended by the Congress at
Vienna, it appears next to impossible that
the Allied Powers should succeed. The
French are, not ignorant Barbarians, but
an enlightened people, who know the dif-
ference between liberty and slavery, be-
tween choosing their own government,
and having one imposed upon them by
foreign armies. Let us not forget who are
the aggressors and invaders on this occa-
sion. If it should be the Allies, (which
I hope will not be the case,) and if these
should happen to meet with defeat, let us
not afterwards be told of the tyranny and
cruelty of Bonaparte when he invades their

MR. COBBETT.-I never had any doubts about the wishes of the Allied Powers to go to war against France. When we consider the rooted hatred which the corrupt Governments of Europe bear against liberty and the rights of men, how could we imagine for a moment that they would suffer France to remain in a state of peace, to form her own constitution, which will be too favourable to that liberty which they always detest. The wars against the French Republic, the recent war against America, and the approaching war against France, are all founded on the same bad principles and passions. In the name of the koly and undivided Trinity, the Allics now again arm themselves and make public declarations of their intentions. This is another coalition of the old regular corrupt governments, against the rights of men to choose their own constitution and rulers. The French have unequivocally declared in favour of Napoleon, who now reigns, if any monarch ever did reign, by the will of his people. He has also shown himself anxious to preserve general tranquility, and is willing to abide by the least favourable terms that can be proposed to him, by the Treaty of Paris. What can we do more? And is it possible to think that the French nation, powerful and enlightened as they are, will be insulted with impunity? The High Allied parties, how-territories and capitals in return. Though ever, seems to be solemnly engaged, with the assistance of the Trinity, "never to lay down their arms, until the object "of the war shall have been attained"; that is, not until Bonaparte the choice of his people, shall be dethroned, and inca pacitated from doing further mischief. Why has not experience, severe experience, taught the Allies the lesson of modesty. Do they not know that he has entered their Capitals as a Conqueror? And who will venture to say that he will not act the same tragedy again? What is it, that the

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decidedly the approbation of the French People, yet Napoleon is held up as in outlaw. After the Declaration of the High Contracting Parties, what if the Emperor of France succeed, and demolish the continental governments of Europe! But whether we prosper in a military point of view, or not, it is certain that our debt and taxes must be greatly increased. Are the people of England desirous of entering into a contest so unjust in its object, and so ruinous in its consequences? If there ever was a time, when the people

should meet constitutionally together, and, endeavour to do some good, it is the present period. It is so selfish and so stupid to complain of taxation, after we have quietly acquiesced in an unjust and un: Becessary war which is the cause of the taxes. Now is the time to petition, if we ever wish to serve the cause of humanity and liberty.

Sandon, April 25, 1815.

G. G. F.


corruption is, that we must go to War to attempt to pull him down. I say attempt, for he is now firmer on his throne than ever he was before. The French people have tried one whom the Allies presented to them; but, after the elapse of ten months, they have shewn to the World that they like the Detested Napoleon better than Louis the Desired, whom they have bid to fly. I say firmer, because Napoleon has agreed to accept such a Constitution as will unite all parties, particularly if another invasion of France is attempted, for that will cement those parties MR. COBBETT-We have heard of the which have now united so strongly that tyrannizing, oppressive Napoleon, from Death alone will be able to separate them. whom mothers were ready to tear his eyes But why should we go to War? Has Nafor dragging their sons to battle; whom poleon threatened to invade our country, every man abhorred; whose rash actions or to infringe on our liberties, or even on made even the soldiers wish for another those of our Allies? No; his language is leader; whom, in fact, every person, man, Peace with all. Why then should we go woman, and child, hated and detested; to War? Peruse the Hireling prints, the and the pulling down of whom we prided Ministerial speeches, and still inquire, Why ourselves on, because Frenchmen wished must we go to war? The reason may be, it, and because we wished them to be able that Napoleon is not of Royal blood, and to make free choice of a Ruler. While those that have not that blessed blood are influenced by armies, in the heart of their not considered capable of holding the reins country, they fixed on Louis the Desired. of any Government; and why? because "Happy, happy Frenchmen! the day he the Sovereigns of Europe are supposed to <6 came to sit on your throne. Happy, be possessed of Wisdom, of Magnanimity, happy Frenchmen! the day the Tyrant of Generosity, of Humanity, and of Vir 66 was hurled from his throne, which gave tue so great that no one that has not Royal 66 you a free choice." Such was the lan-blood flowing in their veins can possess it. guage of almost every one, not only in this but in other countries. Napoleon goes to Elba; the foreign armies are withdrawn from France, and the Emperors, Kings, and Ambassadors are found quarrelling about the division of conquered countries at Vienna. Napoleon once more appears in that land which, it is said, he ruled with a rod of iron; not, however, with six hundred thousand men, but with hardly six hundred. He marches towards the Capital without opposition; arriving within twenty miles of it, he hears that a hundred thousand are sent to oppose him; he counts his army, which is increased to sixty thousand; he leads them, not to battle, but in an open carriage he approaches the supposed enemy; at the sight of whom the cry of Vive l'Empereur resounded from rank to rank; the people of Paris flocked to him, and this Detested being, this Tyrant, this Demon, as he is called, was hailed with joy by upwards of 200 thousand Frenchmen, who followed him to the Capital. Yet the language of

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But wherefore go to war with France be cause she will not have Royalty and all its virtues? If the French people do not wish to have one of the Royal Brood; if they do not wish to have a wise man at the head of their Government, let them have a fool; if they wish not to have a generous, paternal, humane, Magnanimous, and Virtuous Sovereign, let them have, if they will, a cruel, mean-spirited, wicked wretch; if they are fond of tyranny, let them have a tyrant: and as long as ever such a character as that keeps peace with us, what shall we gain by going to war with him? But, Sir, Napoleon's character will ever rank high in the annals of History; he will ever be considered as a Great Man. It is jealousy which is the real cause of the War with which we are threatened. Are not the advocates of war angry that the rench people should dare to dispute their right of choosing a Ruler for them? Are they not a little angry that Napoleon should have surpassed them in Magnanimity and Generosity? for cau we forget, that the


(Continued from Page 476.)

One of the principal objects which the Revolution in France had effected, was the overthrow of the reign of superstition, and the subversion of the paralyzing influence of priestcraft; an influence which has proved more fatal to the progress of useful knowledge and of liberty, than all other causes combined. After the dearbought experience which the Bourbon family had had; after the fatal error luto which they had been led; after the depth of misery into which they had been plunged by the implicit confidence they reposed in the clergy, and the thoughtless manner in which they gave themselves up to their controul, one would have thought, ou their restoration to the throne of France, whatever may have been their own private sentiments as to religion, that they would have been careful to avoid every thing tending to disquiet the inhabitants, or to excite in their minds apprehensions of a restoration of that spiritual tyranny under which the sovereign as well as the people had, for so many ages, groaned.

moment it was known Bonaparte had set his foot on the sands of Frejus, the Bourbons proclaimed him throughout the country a Rebel, a Traitor, whose Head was forfeited. We know, however, that he reascended the throne in spite of all these proclamations, and that when one of his Generals took a Noble Duke prisoner and informed him of it, he said "Guard him "to the coast, set him off, but take care E that he is well treated." Was this done as a reward for the kind treatment part of his family are now receiving in being marched as prisoners to Hungary?-Are not the enemies of Napoleon also jealous at his having surpassed them in tolerance of Religion, and in the Freedom of the Press? When we look at Bigoted Spain, with our Beloved Ferdinand at her head, and consider the rapid strides that Louis was making to re-establish popery with all its appendages, who can say that the conduct of Napoleon did not put them to shame when he said, Let Religion be free; let the Press be free. Are not his enemies likewise jealous that he has surpassed them in humanity? What was the answer of Spain when requested to Abolish the Stave Trade? What was the answer in general of the Allies? Why some wanted ten, some two, and even the humane Louis himself could not Abolish it under five years; yet Napoleon, with one breath, exclaims, Slavery shall be no more en-termined resolution to re-assume their couraged by France; she shall have nought to do with slavery. Jealousy is, I own, a poor excuse for deluging the Continent with blood, and most likely it will be disowned as the reason. If it is, we must recollect that we said, We fought before for the Independence of Nations, for the SOVEREIGNTY OF THE PEOPLE. What then, must we go to war to pull down those principles which we have spilt so much blood to set up? What, must we dictate to the French Nation what Ruler we please? What, must we force on them a King which they declare they cannot love and will not obey? No; while Napoleon Bonaparte, the present Emperor of Near the landing-place the most prominent obFrance, acts wisely, prudently, and just-ject is a newly erected gaudy crucifix; the figure ly, he will reign even if all the Powers of large as life, and painted flesh colour; a naked Europe league against him. But putting body, writhing in torture: the Virgin Mary be justice and equity out of the question, it neath in gay attire, and a crown surmounting all. will be in vain we squander our money, in Snch exhibitions must excite horror and disgust; vain we shed our blood, in endeavouring any thing but reverence, to put on the throne Louis the Desired. I remain, Sir, A FRIEND



a strange infatuation seems to have seized the Bourbons. Every where their return to power was attended with the return of bands of monks, friars, and other religious fraternities, all armed with de

former usurped authority over the human mind. Although the measures which had been taken in France to rid that delightful country of these infamous pests, rendered it a dangerous experiment to restore them at once, as the beloved Ferdinand had done in Spain, to the plenitude of their power, it will be seen by what Mr. Birk beck says on the subject of religion, that the steps authorized by the new government were calculated to lead to this, and to create a general alarm throughout the country. On his arrival at Dieppe, an object of superstition was among the first that presented itself:

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*This gentleman's name was printed Birbeck by mistake in a former Number of the Register,

A dirty fellow with a good voice, and a fiddle with three strings, alternately chanting and preaching to the crowd in one of the market places at Ronen, attracted my attention. The Morale was the collection of three sous each from his hearers, for a sacred charm being much amused and somewhat edified, I purchased a packet. It contained two papers of prayers and saintly histories; a small crucifix, and a very small bit of the real cross. When I displayed my treasure at the hotel, our landlady's son, a boy of about thirteen, who spoke a little broken English, cries out, on seeing the crucifix, " Dat

is God-dat is God,"

resorted to by the enemies of Napoleon, was that of representing the soil of France to be in a state of complete desolation, occasioned by the operation of the Conscription Laws, which, it was said, had so much drained the population, that there were none left to cultivate the ground but old men, women, and children. In fact, according to the representations of these vile calumniators, it was impossible that France could recover from the terrible effects of this "scourge of human nature" in less than halfa century. Cities, towns, and villages; vineyards, corn fields, and gardens; all were laid waste by this unprincipled marauder!" yet, strange to re

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been thrown open, than it is discovered that her people possess one of the finest countries in the world, that the land is in a progressive state of cultivation, that the vineyards, the orchards, the gardens, the corn fields, everywhere present the most luxuriant aspect; and that nothing is wanted to draw thither a vast number of settlers, from almost every other nation, but a state of settled peace and security.

We found the town (Avignon) in a grand bustle about a Saint's procession. What Saint we could not make out very easily, as we. received a dif-late, no sooner has the road to France ferent report from every person we asked. The streets were crowded with women and military, All their church-doings are under military protection. The church, where they were fitting out the Saint for exhibition, had two files of sol. diers from the door to the altar: bayonets fixedFor this there seems no occasion, as the women are sufficiently devout, and the men entirely in different. To judge from appearances merely, the political character of the French nation is at present rather low. First prevails the military spirit which seems to be the only spirit shining among the men, next come the priests, followed by the women, What will France become under the agency of an overwhelming military establish-nificent object; wide, well formed, and in excelment, and a King devoted to the church? The papal palace at Avignon is used as barracks.

On leaving Dieppe for Rouen (says Álr. Birk• beck), we enter on a vast expanse of country, covered with luxuriant crops. Not a speck of waste to be discovered. The road itself is a mag

lent order; running in a right line for leagues before us, and planted on each side with apple and pear trees. As we pass along we perceive, to right and left, in all directions, the cross roads marked by similar rows of luxuriant fruit trees, as far as the eye can reach. No hedges, and few villages or habitations in sight. The soil, a deep hazel mould upon chalk, with little variation for many miles.

Aug. 12.-Took boat for Vienne-altogether delightful! Sweet air-exhilirating mountain scenery: the clear, and rapid, and majestie Rhone; rocks, woods, vineyards; chateaux on commanding eminences; cottages, embosomed in trees, retiring from the view; the busy traffic of the river, and prosperous villages on its banks,

In speaking of parties, I had forgotten the brood of priests which is hatching in all quarters These are objects of derision and disgust whereever they appear. Their contracted shoulders, inclined heads, and hauds dangling from their | weak wrists, together with their immense hats and long camblet gowns, give them a sneaking demeanour, which contrasts most unfavourably with the erect gait and manly air of all other desgriptions of people. It is a miserable thing that a class of men, born like their fellows, "Vultu erecto conspicere cœlum,” should be so debased by bigotry and hypocrisy. Religion, that most sublime relation, which connects man with his Maker, must enoble the character; yet, strange to tell, these cringing attitudes have been a suc-ding barge, which had taken a cargo of wine to cessful mean of operating on the imaginations of Lyons, and was returning, nearly empty, to the ignorant a belief of their sanctity. I am Avignon. The crew were five fiue young men, happy in the conviction that no pretensions of much superior in dress, manners, and conversathis, or any other sort, will reconcile the people tion, to the bargemen of our own country.—A of France to the restoration of tithes or ecclesi- glorious view of the High Alps, all the afternoon. astical domination.. The mountains bordering the Rhone are covered One of the chief means of detraction with vines on every part where the decomposing

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Embarked for Valence, on board a large tra

granite furnishes a little culturable soil: especi- | limestone. These valleys are perfect gardens, ally as we approach Tournon, from whence comes In the evening we walked to a forge about four the famous Hermitage wine. I had no concep-miles west of the town; we reached it about suntion of a country so entirely cultivated as we have set, but unfortunately it was not at work. Howfound France from Dieppe to this place.

ever, the beauty of the scenery amply repaid us. We were completely among the mountains; the snow remaining in many of the hollows near their summits. They are chiefly calcareous in this neighbourhood; and covered with vineyards almost to the edge of the snow. The contrast is so great between the products of the soil, and the rugged wildness of the surrounding crags; between the balmy air you are breathing, and the wintry prospect; that you are ready to suspect

the rich tint of the departed sun remained in the west, with a glow unknown in our chilly latitude; the moon, appearing over a dark cloud, threw the shadow of one huge cliff upon the bosom of another, and produced suoli a scene of sublime tranquillity as no poet or painter could describe. The ear too partook of the enchautment from the roaring of the mountain streams.

From Nismes to Montpellier is the finest and best-cultivated district we have seen. Every thing bears the marks of prosperity. Fertile fields, well-built villages, a thick and happy population. The well-cultivated vineyard, planted with rows of olives, is the chief appropriation of this fine country; indeed, it is so nearly universal that you wonder how fodder is obtained for the few horses required in its culture. We see, here and there, a little patch of lucerne.-From Di-an illusion of the senses. On our return, whilst eppe to this place we have seen scarcely a working animal whose condition was not excellent. Oxen, horses, and now mules and asses, fat and well looking, but not pampered. This looks like prosperity. And when I add that we have not seen, among the labouring people, one such fa- mished, worn-out, wretched object, as may be met with in every parish of England, I had almost said on every farm; this, in a country so populous, so entirely agricultural, denotes rcal prosperity. Again, from Dieppe to this place, I could not easily point out an acre of waste, a spot of land that is not industriously cultivated, though not always well, according to our notions.vées, &c. Since that time, much new ground has France, so peopled, so cultivated; moderately taxed; without paper money, without tithes, without poor rates, almost without poor; with excellent roads in every direction, and overflowing with corn, wine and oil,-must be, and really is, a rich country. Yet there are few rich individuals.

As to the present state of agriculture, manufactures, and the arts, our author gives the following information :

By the Revolution, every oppression on agri culture was done away; tithes, game laws, cor.

been brought into cultivation, and none of the old abandoned. The modes of husbandry have improved in, many districts, by the introduction of fallow crops and artificial grasses. Rouen and its neighbourhood is a principal seat of the cotton manufactory; the Manchester, of France. These great works have been wholly at a stand during From Perpignan to Prades, 21 miles: ascend- the later years of the war, owing to the scarcity ing towards the mountains, or rather between and enormous price of the raw material: they are them, up a charming valley, cultivated like a now recovering their activity. I was admitted garden, and watered through its whole extent. into a cotton mill at Deville, which employs 600 The people are collected into large villages. people: the neatness and regularity of arrangeThese mountains are not dotted over with littlement, and the decent appearance of the workhappy dwellings like those which border the Rhone; but they are cultivated to their summits, exhibiting wonderful instances of persevering industry. The inhabitants of a frontier district would be likely to establish themselves in groups, for mutual protection. The vale farmers are busy sowing lupines or annual trefoil, on their wheat stubbles, for winter food for their flocks Many of the hedges on this road are composed chiefly of pomegranate.

people, bespoke a well-managed and prosperous concern. I thought the machinery good; of this, however, I am not a competent judge. Twist is completed by four operations from the carding; and the weaving costs only 2d, per yard. Women who attend the looms earns 15d. per day, equal to eleven pounds of bread; therefore the low price is not the result of low wages; a fact which deserves the attention of the promoters of Corn Bills in England. It is the opinion bere, From Ax we descended about 12 miles to Ta- that the high price of provisions, with us, will rascon, a little town delightfully situated on the soon give the French manufacturers the means of Arriège, at the confluence of several valleys and exceeding ours in cheapness. Louviers, famous their streams. Here the granite and schist of the for its fine cloths, is favourably situated on a higher regions give place to stratified rocks of | beautiful clear stream, of which sull advantage

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