America.-Jefferson's Letter to certain Republicans, 25 May, 1808 Portugal. Account of recent Transactions in Opposition to the French, July, Naples.-Proclamation of King Joseph, 20 June, 1808 -Constitutional Statute of the Kingdom of Naples Spanish Revolution.-Order of the Junta at Badajos, 21 June, 1808 English Order of Council relating to Trade with Spain, 14 July, 1808 America. Circular Letter from the Bank of the United States, 13 May, 1808 - -Progress of King Joseph to Madrid, 16 July, 1808 292 Letters relating to the English Affairs sent to the Spanish 293 -relating to Dupont and his Army, 1 August, 1808 King of England's Declaration to the Envoys of Asturias, Portugal.-Proclamation of Admiral Cotton, 18 July, 1808 Surrender of General Dupont, 16th August, 1808 - Intercepted Correspondence of General Dupont Austria.-Proclamation for a Levée-en-Masse, 9 June, 1808 Portugal-Proclamation of General Junot, 20 June, 1808 Tuscany. Decree of Napoleon respecting its Government, 18 July, 1808 Sweden. Report to the King from General Klingspur, 24 July, 1808 Russiar s in Finland, 14 July, 1808 Portugal.-Proclamat -Proclamation of the English General, 4 August, 1808 The Protest of the Portuguese General Freire against the Convention - 518 Sir Arthur Wellesley's Letter to the Bishop of Oporto, 24 August, London City.-Address and Petition relative to the Convention, October, 1808 645 646 Hampshire.-Address, upon the same Subject, November, 1808 726 731 - 791 Proclamation relative to the Execution of the disgraceful Convention, His Answer to certain Republicans of Boston - Petition of Sea Captains to Mr. Jefferson, and his Answer, 10 Au- Page Eleventh, Aranda, 27 November, 1808 978 980 - -Thirteenth, St. Martin's, near Madrid, 2 December, 1808 Address of the Central Junta to the Spanish Nation, 21, America. President's Speech, 8 November, 1808 Letter from Mr. Pinckney to Mr. Secretary Canning, August 23, 1608 1011 Mr. Secretary Canning's Answer 1014 Portugal. Proclamation of the Intendant-General of Police, in Defence of the English, December, 1808 1018 cember 5, 1808 Spanish Revolution. Fourteenth Bulletin of the French Army, Madrid, De- Castanos, October 1, 1808 - 1027 Order in Council--From the London Gazette, December 24, 1808 1032 LETTERS FROM CORRESPONDENTS. Major Cartwright to Mr. Whitbread on the Affairs of Spain Scoto Britannus on Spanish Affairs Sir Richard Phillips, relative to the Cause of Carr against Hood Libel Laws.-J. T. particularly as applicable to the above Cause Spanish Revolution - W. F. S. in Answer to Scoto Britannus Mr. Coke of Norfolk.-Wm. Smith in Answer to Mr. Roope From the Author of "My Pocket Book" American States. - Parliamentary Explanation respecting our Affairs with them, Spanish Revolution - Royal Folks of Spain. -The Queen and her Confession.- - Brilliant Prospect of the Patriots. Suspicions that we mean to make War -Spain is exhibiting a Proof of the Ability of a People to defend them- Napoleon will succeed. The being Catholics do not render Men indis- posed to fight against Napoleon. What sort of a Man our Commander in Spain ought to be. We should lose no Time.-No Subscriptions re- Poor. The Instances of Enfield and Droxford cited in Proof of what may be - Spanish Revolution-Dupont's Surrender and the Capture of the French. Fleet at - Libel Law. Do trine of Lord Ellenborough about hurting Feelings, put to the Spanish Revolution.--What is the King's Meaning in certain Parts of his Speech, relative to Spain? - If the People of Spain are to have a Despot, no matter who he is. -The Grandees going back with King Joseph.- Napoleon will never be beaten by Men who can fight for Ferdinand ib. 33 65 72 97 161 : Corn against Sugar-The Price of Bariey has continued to rise -Grand Dinner in London by the Turtle-Patriots. Mr. Canning's Toast a doubtful Phrases of the King. - Folly to suppose any good can arise from a War for Ferdinand. - The People of Spain no more Interest in it' than the Sheep or Swine of Spain. - The Turtle-Patriots wish for no Free-- Duke of York. Question about his going to Spain. - Wonderful Agreement of -Subject resumed, in Consequence of an Article in the Morning Chronicle. -A Topic for the whole Nation.-Failures of the Duke. Reasoning upon them. Hanoverian Plate saved by the Foresight and Bravery of one. Spanish Revolution-King Joseph quits Madrid. - Base Nobility desert him.- Our Newspapers attempt to justify those Wretches. These Prints talk of the Independence of Spain, but not a Word about the Freedom of the People. Not the first Time a foreign Family has been placed upon a Throne, and the Event thought not to injure the national Independence. -People should be cautions how they talk in this Way. - The Subject is Libel Law. He who uses the Press should never have recourse to the Law- There are People enough to apply this Law to us, without our harrassing- one another. It is Individuals who keep the Government in Countenance in this respect.-Revolutionary Plutarch.-Frauds of Reviewers. Why should we not publish our Opinions of Ministers as well as of Authors ?--- Letter to the Electors of Westminster, dated from St. Austle, Cornwall, giving an Account of the Trial of Sir Christopher Hawkins and others, at Bod- min, for Bribery and Corruption at Penryn Letter to the same, dated at Ivy Bridge, Devonshire, giving an Account of the Trial of Sir Christopher Hawkins and another set of Associates, for a similar Offence at Grampound. - Delightful Instances of the "Practice of "the Constitution," as it is called by the Edinburgh Reviewers Duke of York. History of the Discussions about him." The Plain Statement, " &c." a Pamphlet in Defence of him. Examination of this Pamphlet, which compares the Duke to Coriolanus." The Domestic, or Family Party; or King's Friends." - Opinion of the Morning Chronicle as to 230 Spanish Revolution. - Wish the Spaniards Success only upon Condition that they fight for their Freedom. They will and ought to fail if they fight for a Faction. Their Work is but begun.-Napoleon is not to be beaten so.- Necessity of a long Struggle. The inevitable Embarrassment that will arise from setting up Ferdinand.-Ferdinand not chosen by the People.- The Doctrine of cashiering Kings applied.--Danger of the Cause being Sir Richard Phillips. - Violent Attacks, to which he is justly exposed, in conse- |