when, overcome by fatigue, without having | regiments and individuals who distinguished themselves on the occasion.]-(Signed) REDING. Letter from the Most Illustrious Senor Don Raphael Thomas, Bishop of Santander, and Regent of the Province of the Montaignes, to the right hon. Lord Castlereagh, Principal Secretary of State to his Britannic Majesty. Lated Cumillias, near Santander, July 23, 1808. been able to gain ground, although he had at intervals broke our lines of defence with the courage peculiar to troops so accustomed to vanquish, and even arrived at our batteries, which were served on this day in a manner that astonished and terrified the enemy, and of which there are few parallel instances, as they not only instantaneously dismounted bis whole artillery, but annihilated every column in measure as they presented themselves, still protecting the points attached, and varying its positions according to the exigency of circumstances. - The last attack was made by Gen. Dupont, who, with the other generais, placed himself at the head of the colums, under the fire of the artillery, and was sustained with a firm---I feel the utmost satisfaction in having My Lord;-Having been appointed re gent of the province of Santander, and president of the general assembly thereof which, in the name of Ferdinand the seventh governs and defends it against the invasion of the French, or rather against that mon ster of all monsters, Napoleon Buonaparte: the honour in quality of regent, of matifesting to your excellency the high respect and sincere gratitude, which (in common ness truly admirable, but with no better success, for by the account on the enemy, he had fourteen guns dismounted, two thousand men killed, and a vast number | with all this province) I owe to the magnani wounded, among whom are Gen. Dupont himself, with two other generals - Under such circumstances Gen. Dupont begged to capitulate. Hostilities were accordingly suspended in both armies and it was stipulated that each should maintain its respective position. The fruits of the valour and perseverance of the generous troops that compose these two divisions, are the total rout of the enemy, the army of Dupont being made, prisoners, and that of Wedel being subjected to the same fate, without any other distinction than that of the latter receiving their arms at the time of their embarkation only, for having taken position against military law, during the suspension of arms conceded to him and to his coinmander-in-chief. The camp-marshal marquis de Compigny, chief of the second division, has not only, in concert with me in the direction of the movements of this day, contributed to their successful termipation, but having selected the corps of which I have made mention, he led them in person to the hottest points of the three general attacks, and secured by his judgment and gallant example the said happy result.-Brig. Gen. Don Francisco Benegas, chief of the van of my division, placed on my right wing, disposed with skill, and much presence of mind, the proper corps and artillery on all the points attacked by the enemy, and ably contributed to repel bim in all his partial successive attacks, as well as in the last general and obstinate ane, by which he attempted to turn the said wing, at the same time that he was attacking the centre. (The remainder of this document is merely recommendatory of the mous sovereign, of whom your excellency is deemed worthy to be minister, for the frank intercourse, and generous supplies, tendered by the British nation to this province, by major Roche, in his majesty's name. - Nothing can contribute more strong. ly to cement the harmony and amicable intercourse which happily now exists between both nations, than such generous conduct: or can contribute more effectually to shake off the oppression which Spain labours under, owing to the artful intrignes of that infamous chief of, robbers. assisted by our accient bad government. It will be a sourceof infinite gratification to me, and to every good Spaniard, to see a cordial and recipro cal good understanding established between Great Britain and this country. I beg leave to repeat, my lord, my best acknowledgements for what has already happily takem place, and to express my hopes that your excellency will encourage, by such mens as shall appear most expedient, a commercial intercourse between both nations, under the protection of a British flag; and here I owe it, in justice to the commander of his majesty's ships upon this station, to say, that they have the strongest claims to our esteeni, for having shewn every dispo sition to promote the intentions of the Br. tish government; but, more particularly, beg to have the honour of recommending: your excellency's notice major Roche, whos exertions in fulfilling his majesty's gracio and generous views towards this countr have been unremitting--and who, in th frequent intercourse I have had with hin has conducted himself entirely to my wisht - Accept, my lord, the assurances of m gratitude, respect, and consideration: and may the Almighty prosper ail your excellency's undertakings! - RAPHAEL THOMAS. Flight of King Joseph. From the Oviedo Gazette Extraordinary. Madrid, Aug. 2.- On the 29th ult. about four o'clock in the evening, it was reported that Joseph Napoleon was marching, and that all the troops in the city were following him. This report was confirmed by the ❘ movements made by the French millinersand all those of that nation who did not belong to the army. The same evening they with drew from the hospitals, and conducted to Retiro all the infirm soldiers, They put in requisition all the carriages and horses that could be found, and the troops prepared to march In fact, that very night and on the forning of the 30th, a greater part of the army, the sick, milliners, tradespeople, &c. of the French nation set out. On the whole day of the 30th, there followed preparations for the march of Joseph and the remainder of the army. He dined at half past four in the afternoon, in order to proceed, in the dusk, to sleep to Chamartin. The carriages were harnessed, and repaired to the court of the palace, but the coachman and mule-drivers, and most of the attendants of the royal carriages had disappeared! On which account Joseph could not depart that night, and was obliged to suspend his journey to the morning of the 31st, when he departed on horseback, as he was unable to put the carriages in motion. The same morning he took from the stables all the mules, horses, and 2000 barrels of powder thrown into a large pond. The inhabitants of Madrid, on seeing themselves delivered from this destructive apparatus, gave thanks to the Supreme Being, and immediately began to assume for their badge, the portrait of Ferdinand VII. Madrid, Aug. 6. - Yesterday the junta of council and alcaldes of the court, ordered that every one, from the age of 16 to 50, should immediately enlist and take up arms; but we are assured that this order will not be put in force, owing to the arrival of two aids-de-camp from General Castanos; and to-morrow a Te Deum is to be sung. It seems the French have taken the road to Navarre: and besides having put their mules and horses to feed on our corn, they have burned all the Indian corn, and sacked the towns. This is the manner in which these ungrateful wretches have repaid us for the reception they got from us; but this ought not to astonish us, as they do not regard the welfare of their own nation. A well known milliner, in this city, sought the protection of her own countrymen, and proceeded with the army, carrying with her many millions, the fruit of the ridiculous Spanish taste for French fashions; but on the road her protectors robbed her, violated her person, and afterwards murdered her! A party of Andalusian smugglers who left this place in pursuit of the French, were fortunate enough to overtake some suttlers that were with the army, and took from them 700,000 reals with other effects. Two close coaches harness, and shamefully sold all at the lowest ❘ entered here, and went immediately to the new palace, where they left the equipage that they were conducting. They went afterwards to the jail of this city, where they lodged the people that were in the carriages, without our being able to know to price. In the evening of the same day, buildings above fourteen millions. At two Madrid, Aug. 10.-The armies of Valencia and Arragon entered this city yesterday. They came with the intention of driving out the French, and have now followed them towards the frontiers. All the troops that were in the garrison have accompanied them, so that the police of this city is now carried on by the inhabitants, from which duty no one is exempt, not even the ecclesiastics. -An enlistment has been ordered, comprizing all males between the ages of 15 and 50, without any exception. -The 24th will be a grand day in this capital and its vicinity, for on that day Ferdinand the VIIth will be proclaimed here and at Toledo.. Madrid Gazette Extraordinary. It en tumults taking place after the departure of the French. We can only give the substance. It is signed by the governor Don Bartolome Monoz. It commences with an animated appeal to the Castilian character, and beseeches the people, at a moment when Fame is publishing the glorious victories of their brother Patriots over the invincibles of Marengo, Austerlitz, and Jena, not to stain the reputation of the country by disturbances. It then proceeds. The fate of the innocent victims of the 2d May, whose blood is still smoking on our ground, ought to warn us. The infamous perpetrator has escaped us (Murat), but the vengeance of Heaven will overtake him." The gazette concludes with orders for raising men in the different parishes, and regulations of much energy connected with this measure. acts that an alcalde shall, with a notary, go round each parish, and in a book enter the names of those who may voluntarily enlist, specifying their age and occupation, their wish either for the infantry or cavalry, what description of arms they may be in 'possession of, and whether they undertake to subsist themselves, or demand pay. Those who do not proffer personal service, are to specify whether they will undertake to supply arms, money, or clothing. It is, however, intimated, that if their country shall want their services, all from the age of 15 to 50 shall be enlisted without regard to their consent or refussl. Such persons as have already been in the army, are to specify whether they are incapable of further service, and the rank they formerly held. His Excellency Don Gregorio De La Cuesta To the Junta of Salamanca. Excellent Sirs! The general directory of the port of Madrid has under yesterday's 's date communicated to me by express, that on the 30th day of July, a considerable stir was observed among the French troops in the capital, amounting to 22,000 men, which announced a general retreat, which is attributed to the disturbances in their go vernment, and to the notice which they had ❘ received of the capitulation of their army in Andalusia under the command of general Dupont,... Within 64 hours of their having been apprised of such event, they have effected their departure from the capital, with all the sick that were able to follow together with all the French natives resident in Madrid, so that the capital has been completely freed of all Frenchmen, of whatever character or description: Even the last division passed, on the first, by the Inn de Pesadilla distant four leagues from the court. Their march will be, slow, on ac connt of the immensity of baggage and incumbrances, arising chiefly from the spoli ation of his majesty's palaces and the town, which they have plundered, as well as the general treasury and treasury of consolidation. - GREGORIO DE LA CUESTA.-Quarters general at Munoz, Aug. 5d 1808. Trait of Generosity of an Englishman. Letter addressed to Messrs. Don Channel Benito de Cannedo, and Don Felixe Gonzalez Pola, citizens at this royal consulate of Corunna: - Corunna, August 10.-Gentlemen, - You will be pleased to receive, and deliver in my name, the sum of reals Veillon 45,176:17 to the supreme Junta of this kingdom, in order to the same being employed as they, together with the existing authorities in Spain, which have formed a common cause against France, shall best direct. I have the honour to be, &c. FREDERIG GRELLOT, of London. It Circular Letter transmitted by the Council of Castile to the several provincial Govern. ments of the Country, dated Madrid, Aug 4. Excellent Signor; - Madrid, which has groaned during more than four menths under the heavy and irresistible yoke of the French army, begins. to breathe again, through an especial interference of Divine Providence; and the council which could not fail to be involved in a great degree in the consequences of this subjection, avails itself of the first moments of its liberty to state its sentiments to your excellency. It is certain, that these cannot but correspond with the immutable loyalty and the indelible love of justice and reason which always constituted its character, and have gained it in all times the confidence of the nation. is this which has supported them in the midst of the greatest dangers, and added firmness to the constancy with which they refused to recognise the king whom the most monstrous perfidy had designated from them, further, perhaps, than circumstances justified. The supreme tribunal does not doubt that your excellency will be convinced of this truth, as well as of the sincerity with which it has now the felicity to be able openly to avow, that firm resolution which it had always kept, to support with all its power its lawful sovereign and his rights, and those of the nation, as declared by the law. The sentiments and desires of "the most faithful city are the same, and the council submits them to the general judgment of the nation. At the same time that it carries into effect all the means which the present critical circumstances permit, it will adopt, in conjunction with you, thẻ phần and measures of defence which may be prac ticable-weak and insufficient, certainly, ❘ its tranquillity, and add to the calamities of as its own resources are without the prompt and efficacious aid which it promises itself from your excellency. - With respect to the measures of another kind whioh without doubt will be necessary for the salvation of the country, and its elevation to that rank to which it rose in the times of its prosperity, it belongs to the council merely to rouse and excite the authorities of the nation, with which it will co-operate by contributing for the general welfare, its influence, its counsel, and its knowledge. As it is not possible toadopt, under the present extraordinary circumstances, the expedients pointed out by the laws and customs of the nation, the council will not occasion delay by elaborately suggesting what might perhaps be the fit means of fixing the representation, and ascertaining the opinion of the nation; and confines itself for the present to the indication of a measure in which it would concur with the greatest satisfaction, viz-that your excellency would be pleased to send, with the greatest dispatch, deputies who enjoy your entire confidence, and who, acting in concert with the persons named by the Juntas of the other provinces and the council, might confer on this most important object, making such arrangements that all projects and expedients proceeding from this common-centre may be as expeditious its situation? Your noble conduct corresponds, as might be expected, with the valour and virtue which form your character. The council rejoices that you follow the advice it formerly gave you, and that you trust in its paternal solicitude. Continue, faithful Spaniards, to be calm, that the worthy chief, and the magistrates who preside over you, may meet all the dangers which can occur, and fulfil with exactness all their obligations. When fame admires and publishes the victories of our valiant countrymen over the invincibles of Marengo, Austerlitz, and Jena, it is not possible that you could commit the shameful act of warning yourselves by the conflagration of their houses and effects. Such actions, would fill with horror the virtuous armies which are surrounding us for our protection. They have left their properties to defend ours; they have abandoned their hearths, and been lavish of their lives, because they would not endure the slavery of our good king, and the death of the monarchy; and it is through their efforts only that we are free from a perfidious enemy who persecuted us. We are not so perfidious (you will answer), that while they are approaching, covered with glory and the blood of the enemy, we should forget our obligations, and occupy ourselves solely in judging arbitrarily of the as the end to be attained may require. { fidelity and conduct of our fellow country Your excellency has displayed such striking proofs of your constant attachment to the king, whom Providence has given us, and of your ardent zeal for the honour and fidelity of the nation, that the council cannot but expect with entire confidence, that your sentiments will concur with those of the other provincial Juntas, to whom it has this day transmitted the present manifesto and that you will continue to evince the same solicitude and zeal you have hitherto shewn, as well in dispatching to the council and capital the prompt aid of troops, which will shelter them from fresh oppression, as in uniting the aid of your authority and ability to that of his supreme council, in concerting measures for the defence of the whole nation. May God preserve your excellency many years! Proclamation of the Council of Castile, to the People of Maarid, on the Departure of the French-Aug. 5. Generous and worthy people of the car... pital of Spain! The council addresses you, and before it states its sentiments to you, it asks are you capable of availing yourselves of the misfortunes of your country in the critical state in which it now is, to perturb 1 men. This is the language of honour, which characterizes you: do not forget it. Yes! it is the malevolent, who cover their depredations, their confiagrations, and their homicides, on such mournful occasions, with the pretext of justice, without reflecting, that it is not lawful for any one to be, of his own authority, the administrator of justice. The supreme tribunal assures you, that if there have been among us any traitors to their sovereign and their country, it will avenge their crimes, and if they merit it, cast them away, as unworthy of the name of Spaniards. Judge no one, for that renders you liable to sacrifice many innocent. Adore Divine Providence, which has known how to humiliate in an instant the proud, and which will as little suffer to remain unpunished incendiaries and assassins. -Worrhy citizens! good men! and trie patriots! Arm yourselves against the im quity of those who purpose to grow rich with your property, the price of the sweat of your brows. The council watches fore your safety. Lend them id, and impeach those who assume the false title of neigh bours, but are mere vagabonds, who, flying from before their own magistrates, conceal " await you, to embrace you, and proclaim you our deliverers. O how happy that day!! their vices amid the confusion of the capital. Already your victorious countrymen are near, crowned with laurels, which will | how true that joy! Wipe away your tears, you disconsolate widows, and you wretched orphans, who have lost those whom you lov ved! Your fathers, and your faithful hus bands, died in the field of honour, in the defence of their country; they perished but their memory shall not perish. Here you will meet with generous and grateful souls, who will provide for your mainte nance, as your husbands and fathers provi ded for theirs. The Spanish nobility are distinguished for their generosity and great ness of soul, and will not deny a debt as not fade in the course of future ages. All Europe has been surprised at the progress of their rapid victories. Arragon, Catalonia, Valencia, Andalusia, La Mancha, Estramadura, Murcia, Carthagena, Castile, Leon, Asturias, Santandur, and Gallicia, have shed around them never fading glory. Already they have raised numerous armies; already they have defended the principal points of Spain; alreathey have secured the chief maritime ports, and captured ships and squadrons at Carthagena. We owe all to God, and our Lady, the Virgin, who have protected our cause. Let | flattering as it is just. God grant that no evil-minded persons may frustrate, by theit excesses and rapine, such laudable inten us, therefore, cast off our lethargy, and purify our manners, which were arrived almost at the pitch of complete corruption. ❘ tions, and fill this city with lamentation and mourning. Worthy neighbours! it is for you we act: live in confidence that the council and all the magistrates of this capi tal will protect you, and will deliver over the guilty to the severest punishment. God grant that there be no occasion to draw the sword of justice; let it be employed against the enemies of the nation against the op pressors of our liberty, and against those who, violating their promise, avail them Let us acknowledge the calamities which the kingdom and this great capital have endured, as a punishment necessary for our correction. The innocent victims, whose blood has streamed from their native soil, have implored forgiveness for us. The one immortal and omnipotent God of armies has heard their supplications, and is appeased. Will it be just that we should now commit new abominations, robberies, insurrections, and excesses? There cannot be a being of ❘ selves of our defenceless state to sacrifice us. May it please Heaven to grant, speedily, so great ingratitude as to think this. Unite, virtuous Spaniards, to receive, as soon as possible, the reward of your heroic fidelity. ❘ -The government, and the faithful provinces, will be filled with joy, when the | council exhibits before you and all Europe the constant firmness with which the men of honour, the most elevated nobility, the superior tribunals, and the chiefs of the nation, have sustained your cause, and the | land threatened with the odious yoke of the rights of the throne. Not a few individuals among them have been led by fraud and force far beyond the limits of Spain; and, though without liberty, and exposed to the severest insults, they have proved the inflexibility of their loyalty, and the religious purity of their opinions. Distrust even their signatures, which have been circulated among you, and wait with patience for the testimonies of their conduct. The principal author of these calamities is free, and beyond your jurisdiction; but heaven will not permit him to remain unpunishedAnd you, ye victorious armies of Spain! fly and protect this capital which longs for you. Till then it has no other defence, than in the heart of the kingdom, and the recent departure of the enemy. Let us together prostrate ourselves before the sacred altars of our God, and return him thanks for his wonderful mercy. Here your fathers, your mothers, your brothers, and your friends, Noble Biscayans! - The bitter grief which oppressed your hearts, at seeing your native most cruel slavery, has at length broken through the barriers which the irresistible force of circumstances had imposed upon you; yes, your sufferings are now at an end; and a generous youth, full of holy ardour, are flocking with eagerness to their standards. You called for chiefs to command you; and you now see placed at your head men celebrated for their talents and military knowledge, who will conduct you as it were by the hand to victory. The creation of a presiding junta, to direct your operations, has been one of the principal objects of your careful attention. Here you possess it, addressing you in the language of truth. - Inhabitants of Biscay! cast your eyes back on the ages which have passed, and you will see your ancestors at one time repulsing the Carthaginians; at another destaying the hosts of Rome; at one period granted to them the honourable distinction of serving in the van of the army, at |