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several new ships of the line, in the be state, which the rapid advance of the arm under gen. Junot placed in our hands. Th events in Spain have converted a declinin and badly conducted monarchy into a com

ment Spezzia. The incorporation of Tuseny is a necessary consequence of that grand plan. This union is also the interest of Tuscany, which, under the sway of its little princes, was governed without system, without vigour, and was perpetually infes-stitutional and energetic government, th

ted by the Barbary powers. Men can no longer be governed in a capricious and fantastic manner. There must be a certain rule, the government of the law, protected by a prince sufficiently great and elevated above the passions of men, and inflexible, as the law is necessary for this purpose. The time indeed is possed, in which it was believed that people were made for kings, not kings for people. -Lands, pastures, and forests may become property, but no person ean possess a 'kingdom as if it were a farm. ❘ and for rendering the navaladministration

dock yards at Cadiz, Ferrol, and Carthager have felt this already. Toulon, Spezzia, V nice, all the resources forthcoming fro Holland, Spain, and Italy, are in operation we must have ships, and these last nam countries have no deficiency either of iron, of timber and hemp, for building or rig ing them-A decree has then issued fro the emperor for the incorporation of Tusc py, on the principle of the necessity f completing the system of the great empit France barmonious throughout all the mer bers of the great confederacy. Without t incorporation of Tuscany, there can be immediate communication with Naples, a

These disastrous consequences can no longer take place in great states. It is in vain then that objections are made to the great extention of the empire; the communication by land, now that neither Alps nor Ap- ❘ our relations could not be maintained withhe deputies of the departments of the Arno, of the Mediterranean, and of the Ombrona, shall enter the legislative body before the session of 1809, &c.

penines oppose it, is as easy from Leghorn to Paris, as from Paris to Nice. It has been the policy of European states to subdue the most distant countries, in order to obtain new commercial and maritime resources; why then should we neglect those resources and acquisitions which are so valuable to us? The territory of the Medicis, the country of the sciences, and the arts, must form an immediate part of the French empire.The dukedom of Urbino, Camerino, and the Mark of Ancona, lying on the coast of the Adriatic fall under the influence of Venice and must necessarily be united with the kingdom of Italy. This is also accomplished, and the considerable works in the port of Ancona will afford the opportunity of fitting out their ten sail of the line, to secure the freedom of the Adriatic sea, of which Ancona shall be the harbour, and Venice the naval arsenal. Before the end of this year five sail of the line shall be lying in the roads of Ancona, in that dangerous sea, which to the English presents only hostile shores, and where they will be obliged to maintain six ships of the line, if they attempt to counterbalance our power. No, the war shall not be eternal, in spite of the blind fury which cherishes that inhuman and senseless principle in the cabinet of London. Every where French squadrons are forming, and our naval power in the Scheldt is already considerable. In a few days there will be in the roads of Flushing and Antwerp a fleet of thirty sail of the line, that on the coast of Britanny will be still stronger.-Besides that, we have the allied Russian squadron at Lisbon, where there are already a division of


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but through the medium of states subsisti under other governments, from which might be feared that the guidance and i fluence might be lost which must be ea cised towards such states, to place the coa and sailors in a state of opposition to t common enemy. -The following is the d cree of the senate, passed in consequence this exposition:--Art. 1. The dukedoms Parma and Placentia are united to the Fren empire, under the name of the departme of the Taro; they shall form an inseparat indivisible portion of the French territor from the period of the notification of t present senatus consultum.--2. The stal of Tuscany are united to the French emp under the name of the department of 1 Arno, the department of the Medit ranean, and the departinent Ombrona. They shall form an indivisil portion of the French empire, from the p riod of the notification of the present decre --3. The laws which govern the Frend empire shall, in the departments of the Arn the Mediterranean, and the Ombrona, b made public before Ist January, 1809, t period from which the constitutional gover ment for these departments shall take commencement.-4. The department the Taro, and that of the Arno, shall eac have six deputies in the legislative body, th department of the Mediterranean three, ar the department of the Ombronathree; whic will raise the number of the members of the body to 342.-5. The deputies of the depar ment of the Taro shall be chosen and name without delay and shall enter the legislativ body before the sitting of 1808.-6. Th

AUSTRIA-Proclamation for arming the People.-9th June, 1808.

We, Francis I. by the grace of God, Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, Bohemia, Galicia, and Lodomeria, &c. &c. Archduke of Austria, &c. &c. We have dovered to our beloved subjects, in our iedturs patent, of the 12th ult. our design attruding the organization of the reserves, mamely, the defence of the monarchy, which

be founded on such means as to afford the possibility of facilitating the finances of ate by a reduction of the regular army.In this design we have found it good to organze a national levy-en-masse, tending to delend the country - We do, for this end, choose a period when we are in friendly relaon with all the powers of the continent

FRANCIS. - ALOYS, count Von Sgarte, first chancellor.-JOSEPH, baron Vonasr Mark. - JOSEPH CHARLES, count of Diedrichtein. -JOSEPH, baron Von Kielmansegge.

AUSTRIA. - At Vienna the following Proclamation has been affixed in the public places by the order and in the name of his Majesty.

His majesty has not heard without the greatest displeasure, that the evil disposed have endeavoured, with all their might, to spread disquieting reports concerning the insecurity of the external peace and apprehension of a new war. These reports are merely the result of an insatiable spirit of gam bling. His majesty is in the most amicable relations with all the powers of Europe; but he will not suffer the public peace to be interrupted, without punishment, by the avarice of a few persons. and has, in consequence, ordered that search should be made for the authors and disseminators of such

only then, if such measures are ripely | false reports; having sufficient confidence in

ted, and cemented by time, can success leexpected from them, in case they should come needful. - To execute these meaes, we have appointed plenipotentaries, hose knowledge, zeal, and attachment to person and the state, have been repeatdly tried, viz.-For Austria, Carniola, Baristhia, Stiria, Triest, and Saltsburgh, aulic commissioner, count Von Sauray. Por Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia, our rene cousin, his royal highness the archduke Berdinand, with our upper burgrave, Von Wallis and governor count Lazansky.-For er Austria, and Austria on the Enis, our Bene cousin, his royal highness the arch

e Maximilian, with the president count Von Bissengen and baron Von Hackelberg. for Galicia, our general of cavalry, count Bellegarde, and the vice-president of ernment, count Von Wurmser. They are received definitive instruction as to the ner and time of execution, and will take other requisite measures accordingly.De expect our beloved subjects, who have ways shewa in a most laudable manner heir unshaken devotion and fidelity towards will acknowledge in that regulation the measure of our paternal designs, and last to carry them into effect with all their Ivght, as a measure inseparable from their Welfare. The activity and prudence display. in this business shall obtain our special pprobation, and recommend them who shall dably distinguish themselves in this parular.-Given in our capital and place of dence, Vienna, June 9th, in the year 5s, and of our reign, the eighth year.

the body of merchants, to trust that they will inform a special commission, which has been established for that special purpose. all they are acquainted with concerning the circulators of the current reports and the artifices they employ.-Commissioners were appointed by the government, who were to watch daily in the exchange, against the stock-jobbers, and the spreaders of false reports.

PORTUGUESE REVOLUTION. -Edict and Proclamation, issued at Oporto, 20th June,


In the name of the Prince acgent of Portugal, the junta of the supreme government of the city of Oporto makes known unto all the subjects of the said prince, that the French government is entirely exterminated from this country, and the royal authority of our legitimate sovereign is restored, which will be exercised fully and independently by the above-mentioned junta, until the governinent established in this kingdom, by his royal highness shall be restored; in consequence of which the said junta order that his royal highness shall be proclaimed, and his royal arms be displayed and respected as they always have been, and shall be; and that all constituted authorities shall act conformably, publishing all their orders in the name of his royal highness. - The BISHOP, President, and Generalissimo, given at Oporto, 19th June, 1808.


The provisional council of the government of Oporto, invites the veteran soldiers, to whatever regiment of the line they may

belong, to urte with the army of this producted by wiscon, in order to be con

vince, the is, to enter into the ranks with the two regiments of the garrison of this city, which are in the course of organiza tion: and to each man, by way of remuneration, are promised a month's pay, and a daily allowance of four vinteins, with clothing, &c. This same pay will be allotted to all the soldiers now on service, as well as those who will join the same regiments, as far as circumstances will permit this extraordinary pay. Likewise the militia will have the same advantages. -The BISHOP, President and Governor


Portuguese!-By Heaven, and by Jesus Christ! You have a governor who loves you, who is anxious for your happiness, and who will exert himself to obtain it. What avail your turbulence, your excesses, your want of that order and subordination to which he would conduct you, anxious to preserve your lives? What opportunities have you not lost, of which you ought to have availed yourselves against the enemy, since you have neglected your own resources? What signals do you not exhibit to the enemy, that he may entrap and surprise you!Portuguese! Listen to one who loves you. The French intend to strike a blow, fatal to you, and you are lost if you are guilty of insubordination, or disregard the councils of your governor. Your firing, your beat of drum, your bells, give to your enemies the knowledge of where you are, where your force, and where your weakness. From your enemy conceal your power, that you may strike the blow with the more success; and that you may encounter him when he least expects your approach. By these means you may conquer him. Subject yourselves to your superiors in all and through all, if you are desirous of victory; otherwise, be assured you will meet only disgrace. From necessity, after this manner, the mighty ball yields to vigilance, dexterity, and the little cloak. By whatever is sacred in heaven, or in earth, by the sacred name of Jesus Christ, the governor implores you, that you maintain subjection to your chiefs, conforming to the regulations of your respective companies. If you are ordered to a post, there you ought to remain until the moment of combat and glory shall arrive. To you who are in the van we first commit our cause, and by valour diminish the number of our enemies. You who are next in order, when your turn comes, fulfil your duty by dealing destruction around you: and you who form the rearguard, destroy the rest. Your energy must be guided by intelligence; you must be con

querors. Long live the Prince Regent long live Portugal; long live the Poringuese! -The BISHOP, Governor and President.

SPANISH REVOLUTION. (Continued from p. 90)-Preclamation of the Supreme Junta at Séville, 29th May, 1805.

Seville could not resist the ia puise of her heroic loyalty, of which she has set the example in all ages. The king, to whou we all swore allegiance with emotions e joy, unprecedented in history, has been decoyed from us. The fundamental laws O our monarchy are trampled under foot; ou property, our customs, our wives-all which the nation holds most dear, is threatene with imminent danger. Our boly religion our only hope, is doomed to perdition, o will be reduced to mere external appearance without support ant without protection And all this is done by a foreign power, no by dint of arms, but by deceit and treachery by taking advantage of our good nature, an by converting the very persons who call them seives the heads of our government, into ir struments of those atrocious acts; person who, either from the baseness of their sent ments, from shameful fear, or perhaps from other motives, which time or justice wi unfold, hesitate not to sacrifice their cout try. It therefore became necessary to brez the shackles, which prevented the Spanis people from displaying that generous ardoi which in all ages has covered them wa glory; that noble courage, with which the have always defended the honour of t nation, their laws, their monarchs, ar their religion. -The people of Seville joine accordingly the 27th May; and, throug the medium of all their magistrates, of a their constituted authorities, perfectly unite and of the most respectable individuals every rank and description. This suprem council of government was formed, investe with all necessary powers, and charged t defend the country, the religion, the law and the king. We accept the heroic trust we swear to discharge it, and reckon on th strength and energy of the whole nation We have again proclaimed Don Ferdinan VII. our king; again we swore allegianc to him, swore to die in his defence-an this was the signal of happiness and union and will prove so to all Spain -A council c government had scarce been formed, whe it violated the most sacred laws of the realm A president appointed without any autho rity whatever, and who, had he had an lawful title, hastened to forfeit it. In addi tion to his being a foreigner, which was

legal objection to his promotion, he acted with the utmost duplicity, and co-operated for the destruction of the very monarchy, from whom he received his appointment, and of the laws which alone could sanction his authority. Under these circumstances we could not restrain our loyalty, and much less could we violate the sacred engagements, wuich

terests, without having any occasion fo them, for the obvious purpose of weakening us, and despotting us of our strength. Her armies afterwards entered Spain, under continual professions of an anxious desire to promote our prosperity, and under the pretext of co-operating in expeditions against an enemy, of whom no farther mention is we had before contracted, as Spa-made The people, by a generous effort, nards, as subjects, as christians, as free men, independent from all foreign anthomy and power-Nor could the authority of the first tribunal of the nation, the council Castle, check or controul our exertions. The weakness of that council became obvies from the wavering and contrad ctory proceedings it adopted. The most moment

was and most critical situation in which the mation ever hath been placed, and in which the council should have displayed that heroic Ermness with which numberless motives and its own honour compelled it to act. The order tamely to submit to, and circulate, aad obey the act of abdication in favour of a foreign prince, was the consummation of its weakness, perhaps of its infamy, for hat act was evidently void and illegal from want of authority in him who made it, be{ause the monarchy was not his own, nor wis Spain composed of animals subject to the absolute controul of their rulers; his ccession to the throne was founded on his Toyal descent, according to his own confeswan, and on the fundamental laws of the raim, which invariably regulate the herediFury succession, and with regard to which the council is not invested with any other power, thin the sacred duty to enforce their observIt is void on account of the state of violence and oppression in which it was ande, and which is far more evident than Jae abdication itself; it is yoid, because the published Act of Abdication of King Ferdinand VII. and of his uncle and brother, was made in the same state of violence and compulsion, as it expressly declared, in the very Act of Abdication; it is void, because many royal personages, possessed of the right to claim the crown, have not relinquished that claim, but preserve it entire. Add to this the horrid treachery which has been employed to sacrifice and degrade the Spanish nation. It is to our alliance, and car sacrifices, that the French are indebted for what they call their triumphs: France withdrew our gallant troops from their native land, and sent them to the most distant countries; she made them fight for her in


prevented the departure of their king, a measure which the French should have hailed with shouts of joy, but tar from so doing, they kept a profound silence with regard to that departure, and what is still more, converted it into a motive to oppress us., France affected to perceive divisions in the nation which did not exist; the Spanish nation having never been more united in the love and defence of its king. The latter was decoyed into the French territory by deceitful insinuations and professions; with a degree of generosity, of which perhaps there does not exist a precedent, the king. with implicit reliance on those vain profes-. sions, threw himself into the arms of the: French, who with the basest treachery, unprecedented in the annals of civilized nations, made him their prisoner, treated him in a manner the most disrespectful, and forced him to the deeds of horror, which all Europe has witnessed with astonishment, and every Spaniard with indignation and the most poignant grief. In a manner equally deceitful they invited the royal parents to their country, and compelled them to unjust and illegal acts; acts which must hand down their memory to the latest posterity branded with disgrace; they also dragged away the rest of the royal personages, to whom their tender age would have proved an inviolable: shield, even among the most barborous nations - The French ruler summoned the Spanish nation before him; he chose such deputies as best suited his purpose; in a despotic manner of election of other deputies, appointed to deliberate in a foreign country on the most sacred interests of the nation, while he publicly declared a private and respectful letter, written to him by Ferdinand the seventh, at the time when he was prince of Asturias, a criminal performance, injurious to the rights of sovereignty, although the same foreigner, who affects to consider it as an offence, perhaps induced him to write it. It is indeed a heinous offence, it is rebellion, when an independent nation submits to the controul of a foreign prince, and discusses in his 龙

Supplement to No. 4, Vol. XIV.-Price 10d.


presence, and under his decision, its most sacred rights and public welfare; and neither Seville, nor any Spaniard, will lower himself to a degree of disloyalty and meanness, which could induce him to a rebellion so atrocious, that even slaves would scorn to disgrace theniselves by deeds of infamy like this. He has resorted to many other indecorous means to deceive us. He has distributed seditious libels to corrupt the public opinion, in which under the strongest professions of respect for the laws, and for religion, he insults both, leaves no means untried, however infamous they may be, to bend our necks under an iron yoke, and make us his slaves. He carries bis audacity and deceit the length of assuring the public, in one of his libellous publications, that the supreme pontiff and vicar of Jesus Christ, approves and sanctions his proceedings, while it is notorious, that in sight of all Europe he has despoiled him of his dominions, and forced him to dismiss his cardinals, in order to prevent him from directing and governing the whole church, in the manner sanctioned by our godly Saviour Jesus Christ.-Spaniards, every consideration calls on us to unite and frustrate views so atrocious. No revolution exists in Spain; or did we declare against any power; our sole object is, to defend what we hold most sacred, against him, who, under the cloak of alliance and friendship, intended to wrest it from us, and who, we have reason to fear, will despoil us, without fighting, of our laws, our monarchs, and our religion. Let us, therefore, sacrifice every thing to a cause so just, and if we are to lose our all, let us lose it fighting, and as generous men.-Join me, there fore, all; the people are ready to take up arms; let us commit to the wisest among us in all the provinces of Spain, the important trust to preserve the public opinion, and refute those insolent libels replete with the most atrocious falsehoods. Let every one combat in his way; and let even the church of Spain incessantly implore the assistance of the God of Hosts, whose protection is secared to us by the evident justice of our cause.--And what do you fear? There is not in Spain the number of the enemy's troops which they proclaim, in order to intimidate Those who occupy part of our country are composed of different nations, dragged into service, and who anxiously desire to break their chains. The positions they have taken are exactly those in which they can be conquered and defeated in the easiest manner. They are besides weak and dismayed, because the consciousness of guilt makes a coward of the bravest man-All Europe


will applaud our efforts, and hasten to ou assistance. Italy, Germany, and the whole north, which suffer under the despotism of the French nation, will eagerly avail then selves of the favourable opportunity held out to them by Spain, to shake off their yoke and recover their liberty, their laws, their monarchs, and all they have been robbed of by that nation France herself will hasten to erase the stain of infamy which must cover the tools and instruments of deeds most treacherous and heinous. She will not shed her blood in so vile a cause. She has already suffered too much under the idle pretext of a peace and happiness, which never came, and can never be attained but under the empire of reason, peace, religion, and laws, and in a s'ate where the rights of other nations are respected and observed. - Spaniards, your native country, your property, your laws, your liberty, your kings, your religion, nay, your hopes in a better world, which that religion can alone devise to you and your descendants, are at stake, exposed to great and imminent danger.-By command of the supreme council of government, -DON JUAN BAUTISTA ESTELLER, Secretary.-DON JUAN PARDO, Second Secretary.


Proclamation of Gen. MORLA, Cadiz, May 30, 1808.

People of Spain, loyal countrymen, whither does your blind enthusiasm, arising from your fervent love for our august and beloved sovereign Ferdinand VII. (for whom we are to die) hurry you along? Are ye not aware that the excesses you commit, hurl us to a precipice, and cause the ruin of the state. Would you be so much misled by prejudice as not to know, that disorganization is the principal cause of the downfal and destruction of the most powerful nation? And convinced of that truth. why do you not hasten to submit to the orders of a government, which has no more earnest wish than to die for our sovereign, who is torn from us by the usurpation of a tyrant? The advantages arising from such a line of conduct will be truly great, because, being organized as militia or veteran troops, the same number of men who pant for the welfare of the nation, will form a body of troops able to march in any direction, which cir cumstances shall require, and how great will be your satisfaction when you shall ses the tranquillity and peace of this town re stored.-Hitherto you have acted with in considerate precipitance, and done nothing. and under the cloak of your patriotism rogues and ruffians rob and destroy; a thing which cannot but deserve the detestation of

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